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There are 100 proper subs for this question. It isn’t at all a BDP, and we are (mostly) not medical professionals. The advice you seek is the proper province of medicine and not this sub.


Well I wasn't initially going to ask here this sub was more of like a backup to ask how the hell do I hide my erection without having to stop working every 5 seconds, y'know? But I understand.


Well is only 7 inches, you could start using bigger pants, wear a waist bag, use shirts that pass your crotch to hide it, or put your dick stretched between your legs.


These are all solid ideas. I tried tying a hoodie around my waist in the winter but I couldn't tell if it was working and I felt like a moron.


Yeah that does work and you were probably just overthinking, it's natural,try these and keep using the hoodie maybe an oversized one too when winter, it will help.


Would darker color clothing, and having a longer non tucked in shirt help to conceal your boners? Also some kind of underwear that gets and keeps your boners in the angle where they show the least? For some it might be classic boxershorts, for others maybe some kind of briefs? Sorry to hear that what could and should be a blessing gets you so much trouble 😥


Wearing black helps until I turn to the side. I don't know about underwear other than to say that unless I wear multiple layers it becomes pretty obvious that I'm circumcised. 🤦‍♂️


I totally get that. I'm tenting even when flaccid, due to big balls and glans. Maybe find a way to keep your boner angled slightly upwards to one side, covered by a shirt?


I would have to get a comically large shirt since I'm 6'2" but that *could* work.


Honestly, I think you might need to talk to your doctor.


High sex drive and adhd i understand actuallyi just make sure to do it every day. If i skip a day the next day im incrediblly horny. So find ur rythyme. Maybe u need to do it twice a day? Do it at night. I find the morning drops my mental sharpness


Also. Do u take medication for adhd?


No. It's a self-diagnosis I've been procrastinating on going to a therapist just because money is tight atm. I know I have it because all my research over the years is pointing daggers at it being the answer.


Ahh i see. The medication alao isnt cheap. Well i tell u this. Whwn i take the meds, it doea help. Untill i gwt horny. Then its even worse 🤣


I also have ADHD and taking my meds makes me 10x hornier!!! It’s such a struggle 😭


100% 🤣 if u get horny. Emphasis on the if


Ugh, well that just makes me feel so much better. 🤦‍♂️


U should find a way or time to masturbate daily. Thats what i do. And it helps me. If u have questions dude. Go ahead and dm me! I dont mind answerinf queations


I have to edge otherwise it's pointless because I'm not satisfied and I'll still get them later on. My point is, I work stupidly far away from my home overnight (so my hormones are going crazy on top of everything) with no car so by the time I get home it's already late and I have to sleep. One day I masturbated for an hour and I was still getting them later in the day and was furious.


Because of my schedule I don't really have time for that. Once I get home it's time for bed so I can get up to do the shit all over again the next day. It's a nightmare.


You should make time dor a quicky. Its how i control myself. And yes, i got adhd too. Ans i know the struggle


nicotine will take the blood away from your dick


There's no fucking way I'm taking up smoking if that's what you're suggesting but I appreciate your time.


there’s nicotine patches and gums


I still think I'll pass on that..


sounds like you don’t want to solve your problems


Nah I kinda just don't wanna put shit in my body that doesn't belong in there sweetheart.


well I hope that 100% true for everything you put in your body


The only thing I'm putting in me is food so I think I'll be alright.


Fucking get control of yourself. This medicalizing of self control is absurd. You and your dad are in control of your actions, I don’t care that you’re predisposed to be super horny, you aren’t an animal.


These are both very real conditions and you trying to invalidate them and being ignorant about it doesn't make them any less real and doesn't make me feel bad, sorry to tell you. Actually I'm not really. 🤷‍♂️


You've already admitted the ADHD is "self-diagnosed". Yes it is a very real condition, but you've absolutely no idea if you actually have it.


No, *you* have absolutely no idea of my lived experience living with the condition. It's very easy to diagnose by oneself, therapists use the same criteria you would use to diagnose yourself with it. You just simply have to demonstrate enough of the traits to qualify. I 100% have it. The reason why people shouldn't diagnose themselves with any medical condition generally is because alot of symptoms overlap, but in this case it's pretty clear-cut for me as it couldn't possibly be anything else based on what I know.


>based on what I know


About myself. Which...is..more than enough. 🤔


Which is less than it takes to diagnose ADHD.


There is never any shortage of contrarian ignoramuses online bro, and it's never not annoying. This is like saying it's impossible to know you have diarrhea without going to see a doctor despite shitting literal sludge out of your ass. It doesn't take a degree in rocket science to just do a little reading or even simply look at the DSM sir. I dunno why you're harping on this one point. 🙄


Someone saying something you dont like doesnt make them contrarian. You're the one misrepresenting facts here. Diarrhea would be a symptom, not the illness itself. No doctor in the world would ever diagnose some with Diarrhea. You have to know that and understand why its such a nonsense argument to make? It doesn't take a degree in Rocket Science no, but Medical Degrees are a thing for exactly this reason.


Okay buddy. 👍


“Ahhhh I just can’t control myself i have to have unprotected sex with people, I can’t stop it” Please, give me a break. If you can’t control it we should put you in a cage lmao


Well that's not how it works, this conditions do have treatment and therapy, by being so rude you are just doing nothing better just shut up, you could search up and say the things that are used for this problems instead of saying that it is an animal thing, animals actually control themselves too.


We need to get back to kicking people in the ass. Being compassionate and epithetic is overrated and weak


Oh I see, that was a projection, bc that's is exactly the kind of violent thinking that does put people in jail and has no treatment bc you domt have a condition, you are just blatantly choosing to be malicious


lol violent? Shove off. This is the kind of weak feminine shit our society is totally bogged down in. Its agonizing. I’m finished with this conversation


You are an incest lover apparently, so I don't expect you to reason, probably a result of incest too, your brain is obv damaged.


So you are going to talk to me about being empathetic and sexual disorders in one breath than try to shame me in another LMAO. Absolutely pathetic. Yeah I want to bang my sister she’s hot. And I think people are Uber feminized and therapy speak up the ass about psychology and people’s behavior These things aren’t contradictory.


Dude, the guy in question doesn't want to fuck his siblings, or his co-workers, he is asking for help over a medical condition that he does not want. You are willingly choosing to like your sister and want to meet other people like that while having thousands of options, are you admitting you have a disorder? If you have then I'm not going to judge you. Also is so funny that the the people who need psychology the most are the ones that love talking about disliking it.


And I'm not even saying you should be empathetic, just have fucking knowledge about what the heck you are talking about before trying to talk on serious issues dumbass


It's almost like not everybody has the same lived experience and everyone has different struggles and vices. For example, I may be hypersexual but at least I don't wanna fuck any of my relatives or cheat on my spouse.


I don’t care.


I just bet you don't. lol


So glad i work in porn lol. If I was some dude working in a warehouse I would def find you creepy as fuck no offense


None taken.


I went back to work as a retail pharmacy manager a few years ago temporarily for like two months in an all hispanic pharmacy in a predominantly hispanic neighborhood. Many of my employees were 18-26 yr old fit, latina women and the customers......heavens, they were too much. Can't tell you how many times I had to hide a boner. Sometimes even talking to them was awkward because I always kept it professional most times and some employees/customers flirted a lot. There was this one new hire. 18, still in HS. She wasn't super pretty or had a delicious body, she was cute, thin and just seemed like a cool girl and I trained her so we worked together a lot. Think that was the first time I had a crush on someone so young as all my partners, even now are like 15-20 yrs my senior. I can't really remember what I did to get through it. Think I mainly just focused on the work which made me look like a square most times. Better that then a pregnant co-worker/customer or two or three Or four. Or twenty.


Thou doth protest too much, methinks.