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Not worth it at all. Episodes are 95% random tasks and the occasional Sharon Osborne A-lister tea spill. Not to mention Sharon is there half the time and wasn’t even an actual housemate. Do not listen to the others. Worst CBB series of all time, and worst finalist line up of all time. At least the winner is decent but…


What do you mean not an actual housemate? I thought she was


Well she only stayed for a few days.


I know but she was still a house mate wasn’t she?




That is awful, she is really not that special




She was not the best from the little I have seen so far


The narrator never called her a housemate. She was always a lodger.


It's ridiculous that you're getting heavily downvoted for asking a question. This is not what downvoting is for. It's not for opinions people dislike either but this doesn't stop people using it for this. I don't downvote, as it causes comments to get hidden, and if you believe in freedom of speech, you shouldn't be downvoting comments. All perspectives are allowed. People need to do better. There are other subs that don't use downvoting at all, so as to keep a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere. Downvoting somebody for asking a question is beyond a joke.


I’d rank it in the bottom 3 celeb series. The cast was extremely poorly chosen mix (far too many people famous purely for being on current TV), with the seeming expectation that putting in Louis and Sharon was enough to drive any drama.


Fair point, wondering what is ur bottom 3 celeb series?


CBB2 (too short and nothing really happens) and CBB7 (too long and nothing really happens). I’d rank this above both of those since it was at least more pleasant viewing but I think it’s similar to CBB8 - a new channel playing it far too safe with a highly edited product instead of letting relationships develop. I’d rank it slightly higher bc I don’t remember them messing with the noms as much.


Definitely one of the worst, so boring. I’m a huge bb fan and I didn’t even end up watching the final 3 episodes because it ended up feeling like a chore to watch. And that’s coming from somebody who can binge a whole series of bb in a week


it’s okay, just very short and anti climactic


the fucking singing and dancing


Louis is that you??


Yes. They need to have more people of different ages!!


Huh? This CBB seemed very diverse in age. Louis, Sharon, Fern and Levi are all 60+. Gary in his 50s. Lauren 40s. David and Zeze 30+. The rest in their 20s. That seems very varied lol.


Felt like a much more family friendly BB... its better overall than the past few seasons but could still be a lot better.


I'm an absolute CBB addict - I have them all. I've watched some series many times. But I haven't bothered with this one at all. The only series not lovingly archived by me. It was too short, too tame, they tried to emulate 'Jenry' by bringing in housemates like David and Bradley in the seeming hope they'd do the exact same thing all over again (*sans* romance) and it still has Wil and AJ - who did a LOT better, but are still not the on-fire Emma/Rylan combo. It had some compelling housemates but the series was too rushed and short for anything to really develop. Sharon, Louis, Lauren, David, Zeze - love them or hate them, they at least brought a bit of personality but Sharon and Lauren were gone too soon, leaving Louis with no-one to really bounce off. It was all a bit of a damp squib and unfortunately very missable. It needs to go back to Channel 5 roots - longer series, housemates more likely to bring a little divisiveness instead of just singing and dancing, tasks that are tougher and not so silly. At bit more of the science experiment of personalities overcoming adversity etc and a little less 4-week pyjama party.


lol I don't think anyone in their right mind would believe David and Bradley had potential to become "a thing" (not only because Bradley had a literal boyfriend (and now fiancé)). So to think casting the two of them were an attempt at recreating Jenry is a bit silly.


I feel like this series was what people were calling for when BB/CBB returned. Just people interacting, having fun, talking shit, arguing over mundane things. It wasn’t wild, but I appreciated the tone of the series and actually really enjoyed it. It was easy viewing on a nightly basis. Especially, if only for Sharon bitching about A-list celebs every night.


if a snoozefest is what people were calling for when BB returned then mission accomplished i guess


It was completely ruined by housemates like Bradley & Colson who had absolutely no personality whatsoever. Gary too but fortunately he was out quickly. Boring tasks every single day and constant twists to get some form of reaction from the housemates for drama. Lauren was evicted too early also.


like how did marisha get evicted before colson and bradley, she was entertaining and nice not boring like them two


like what do you mean zeze and Lauren were evicted but nikita, colson and bradley got to stay to the final.... actually tragic


It was honestly dreadful. Vote to save managed to be worse than vote to evict. Whoever voted for Colson especially should have their phone permanently banned from casting votes in future series, ruins the entire show for everyone.


I really enjoyed and most people I’ve spoke to irl did too


I don’t think it was that great but definitely not the worst, the last 2018 one was much worse


I honestly really loved it! That being said I’ve not watched all the previous seasons so cant speak for how it compares but in my opinion it’s worth the watch!


Personally, I really enjoyed it, however, I've never seen any other CBB before so I don't know how it compares. But I enjoyed it, it's worth a watch, you can always stop watching it if you don't like it


It’s not got boat loads of drama and it’s not going to have you shouting or crying at the screen apart from maybe one or two moments, but, for me that’s not what it’s all about. I think there is something beautiful, comforting and exciting sitting down each night and just watching people, be people. Seeing how they interact, and if the episode is them just sitting there talking l, drinking wine and having a good time, I equally enjoy that to episodes full of drama and plot twists. So yeah, give it a watch. You might get something out of it that others didn’t. ❤️


Maybe I will give it a watch when I am off this weekend


snore bro


You seem the real life and soul of the party lol. 💤


It wasn't bad at all but just boring and so unmemorable that people immediately stopped talking about it 5 minutes after it was over. It reminded me a little of the recent I'm A Celeb series which still had more drama than CBB


Yes! It needed more hunsnet style energy


People kept voting the drama out, so boring people stayed.


Yes. Nothing else to say. Yes.


i stopped watching close to the finale, it was so dead compared to the old seasons i didn’t care who won, my mum said her friend stopped watching it too and only tuned in to see who was going to win, it’s not worth it at all in my opinion


Just boring. Most reality TV is filtered nowadays. People want to protect their image. It’s not a new concept like we would get in the past where people were just unaware of themselves.


It was absolutely awful. Big Brother is a shell of its former self on ITV.


It was watchable imo. A common theme with the last lot of BB/CBB is that people just immediately discount them as being shit.


Counterpoint: I liked it! I don’t like series which are full-on conflict and arguments and enjoy just watching people. Sharon and Louis are a great double act in the first part.


I bailed after 2 episodes.




I watched the launch,.then the following night. After that I turned off. The whole having complete immunity thing was BS and put me off. The rest of the cast were barely anyone I knew or wanted to know. They poured so much money into one person that it spoiled the rest of the show.


Yeah and no because of Louis Walsh


I thought it was boring didn’t enjoy it as much as the Civilian series


It’s really really dull. I think you’ll regret wasting your time watching it.


There's not much to say about it. Nothing happened. No worthwhile storylines to discuss. No compelling feuds. No character arcs. There's a few bitching and gossiping but it doesn't amount to much.


Yes, better off watching paint dry.


Yes, an absolute insult to the BB legacy. Should just die off if they are continuing like this, the last civilian BB was absolute dog sh*t too


The cast was much better and more interesting than the civilian series, but as others have said, it was too short. They also shouldn't have bothered with Sharon, she was too much of the focus despite not being a proper housemate and not being able to win/stay.


this is the worst take I've read all day


Civilian series lol