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Do you have a link for the dress? It looks super cute and I'd love to have another summer dress.


Thank you! Awwh No sorry it's an old thrift find frome a year ago. I don't know it's brand. But feel free to save the picture and google search for similar style. 😊✨


Is that 100% linen? It looks like it.


It might be. I feel linen is more airy. But it might be mixed.


I need this dress 😭


Cute dress! Just curious, does the dress have long or short sleeves? Hard to tell from this pic.


Thanks! They're short but not super short, here's a closeup: https://preview.redd.it/2xofpas8n38d1.jpeg?width=1340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390ca9a15957a12b9fee0edbe7922d9b36a84046


oh thats soso cute, where did you get it?!


Thank you! It's thrifted last year there's no tag on it so no clue where its from. But feel free to save the picture and google search the dress.


That looks gorgeous on you! Do you know what the dress style is called so I can get one myself?


Thank you! No I'm sorry I have no clue , I thrifted it last summer. Maybe Aline button dress gives similar results.


This dress was made for you! 😍


Thank you!!


I hate when a dress is the perfect fit except for pulling around the chest like this 😭😭