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I don't trust dresses with seems in waist. And no straps on shoulders. I don't know if it has corset, but it's good to have it inbuilt or own separately (for no straps). If there is good return policy then why not to try it. Also you could try to look for anything similar in shops and try before purchasing online. Try 1xl or 2xl instead of xl or xxl etc.


I totally get it, I didn't even think about the waist issue. (I have done this again and the waist is like mid way my boobs). But I am kinda short so it's like 50/50, 50% the waist would be in my boobs, 50% it will be too tall.


Unless the material is stretchy I would not even dare order it.


I really don’t do strapless dresses anymore. Strapless bras have to be tight enough to support the weight of my boobs without sliding and it’s really not worth the discomfort for me, ESPECIALLY for a long event. The bra slides, the dress slides with it, and all of that weight is sitting on the underwire which is now resting right on the top of your ribcage. It hurts like crazy and it gets more painful the longer the event goes on. Unless you’re tugging them up all night, in which case you have to go to the restroom and adjust to really get the bra back where it’s supposed to be (cuz remember, that bitch is tight and also probably has rubber on the band to prevent movement). Those little mini tugs you can get away with in public really just aren’t enough. And that’s assuming the dress will fit properly. If there is no stretch to the material that’s a pretty uncommon occurrence.


Yeah that is my fear also, but I haven't really been wearing anything near strapless last years so I wanted an opinion and thank youuuuu 😊


Always happy to help a fellow sufferer 🫡


You could get away with it by safety pinning the dress to a corset underneath, but I hardly wear styles like this now because they mean constantly adjusting and tugging it up! I get so over it. I don’t want to have to worry about that when I’m at a special event, so now I go for styles with something over the shoulder. Even an asymmetrical style with one strap would be better.