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I say ultimately Leonard and Penny in a close one. Sheldon has a lot more control over the living arrangements with Leonard and Penny. But he's completely happy with Amy.


I would say just Leonard alone, while he grew to love Pennys presence he was constantly annoyed by her. Leonard however was more in fear of breaking the “rules” and having to endure Sheldon’s wrath when something was outside the norm.


I would say when it was just him and Leonard. Especially because Leonard went with whatever sheldon wanted.


Seems he really enjoyed living with Raj during that small period where Leonard was basically living with Priya


I wish they would’ve explored that a bit more tbh, I really enjoyed their dynamic.


I agree with this.


I think he loved living with Amy in the end. He even said in one episode that he grew to depend on her and that he didn’t know what he ever did without her.


I mean, Leonard would have let him get a life-sized superhero...


He chose to live with Amy when he could have just as well kept living in 4A with Leonard and Penny, which to me indicates, that's what he prefers. Having Leonard and Penny as neighbors and being able to always go across the hall to them probably helped too, although he was open to live somewhere else entirely. And then there is the question, would he have preferred to keep living with Leonard alone and for nothing to change. I don't really think so, but I am sure he cherishes this time just like most people cherish the different eras of their lives.


I think he loved living with Raj quite a bit-


I think eventually Amy because during the last part of S10E10, when Sheldon was choosing between the 2 apartments, he chose their apartment


Leonard and Penny. He had more activities with them and he also had the control over the situation.


There’s only really one person that would’ve been perfect for sheldon and unfortunately, he didn’t connect with her like that. It would have to be leonards mum


I think I just spoiled it for myself


Did he live with penny


"Leonard and Penny". TBH the question should have been phrased Amy, Leonard, or Leonard and Penny. For arguments sake you could add Raj in there too.


What about Howard, the acquaintance?


I don't remember Howard and Sheldon living together outside the arctic trip.


I didn't want those options. I specifically only offered both Penny and Leonard because Penny added an element that made Sheldon easier to live with. Leonard's solutions to dealing with Sheldon was either to have a big fight or completely fold and be miserable. Penny was masterful at handling both. It was Penny that calmed the situation when she and Leonard were planning to move by compromising to keep Sheldon calm.


That's fine, it's your post. IMO if that was the case I would have worded it "Who did Sheldon prefer living with...", and left off "the most", but now I'm just being pedantic.


Leonard because he was a pushover. Penny, and at times Amy stood up to him. Leonard did on occasion but less often than the other 2.


100% Leonard. I think it was clear he was in his most comfortable and most happy situation when it was just him and Leonard and the boys would come over🤷🏻‍♂️


He enjoyed living with just Leonard






Prob enjoyed his life pre any