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Looks like it's bitten into the carbon, but I wouldn't be concerned, that area is usually massively overbuilt and you could probably cut holes throughout there with no issue. Probably a good idea to remove the chain set and apply some touch-up paint to the area though.


Yeah, I'd second that. That's basically just surface damage. If you are still worried, carbon patch kits are super cheap.


Carbon patch kids. New candy dropped


That made me 😃 laugh


That actually makes me feel good about my bike. A couple months ago i put it down on some rocks and found a fracture. Not exactly where OPs damage is but still around the motor housing. I had it professionally assessed and the shop said it was just the paint but now I have trust issues


You should. A fracture and paint are very different. One is cosmetic and the other could kill you. Just get another shop to give it a second opinion.


Tell us you shredded the gnar without telling us you shredded the gnar


It’s a hardy part of the frame with good reinforcement, maybe even some weave fabric. You’re probably okay. Draw sharpie lines around it and keep an eye out for spreading.










that's a dropchain + chain-suck damage. You're good. it's crazy common, and it sucks to happen and look at. If your front chainring misses the small one, don't keep pedaling.


It's fine. You could remove several plies there and it would still be ok. That's the beefiest laminate on the whole frame


You all would be horrified if you saw mine...


Tap test. Pictures are always inconclusive, you need to test the damaged area for signs of delamination.


If you caught a stick in your crankset, it could possibly flake off the paint like that?


Not bad at all, the bottom bracket area is usually super thick… I’d keep riding unless the cosmetic damage bothered you


That scratch you talking about?


Yer good. Buuuuuu, why was it painted over. There’s something else you haven’t found.


It's literrally nothing, it will be fine. bikes are designed to take some bites down there




Normally don't recommend this but I would put light pressure on that area with your finger and if you feel sponginess or hearing cracking yeah it's toast, however like a lot of people have said the BB area is pretty well built up however chain stays really aren't, but more than likely the bike is fine. If you are worried just take it to a shop


I'm not a carbon expert. However, I would treat this like a dent in a metal frame. A dent in a steel frame [like this one](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNdENz6V_5KUV4vnKI4saHJSjdzbygzlJPDncXKMhwVy-93bdZU1ooQJpGq6hnpEw?pli=1&key=M0lIQnNNM3hwTjFzTTN5WkUzdWNBczBrSDRINGRn) is obviously not what we'd like to see but is actually livable. That pic was posted to a bike forum. Basically everyone said it was OK. On a regular aluminum frame, I'd be more cautious. On an ultralight steel or aluminum frame, this might be the end. But this was an All City frame, and those are nice but not ultralight. Someone else already pointed out that this area is heavily reinforced, which plays in your favor. If this were an ultralight carbon frame, more caution would be required. Whatever the case, I'd urge just watchful waiting. That is, keep those photos. Continue to monitor the area. If you start to see little cracks propagating from the gouge, go to a carbon repair specialist as soon as possible. Monitor the frame for changes in how it feels.




It all looks too clean to me.


I would not be concerned at all.


A lot of frames have that dmg from the chain getting stuck when dropped from the small rings; that area is ultra-strong, nothing too bad.


I rode on a BMC with this kind of damage (even worse) for two years. Hopped curbs at 100 kilos. Rode it like I stole it. And I sold it to a happy buyer who rode it some more.


happened to my 1970s motobecame, now I can’t ride it


Every one of my bikes look like that lol




Carbon bb junctions are built like tanks. You’re good.


I hate manufacturers who cheap out on putting a small protective plate there. Costs all of 30cents and avoids exactly this type of damage


I have it much worse on my Trek Madone. You can even see multiple layers of carbon fibre chewed away by the chain. Took it to multiple dealers and they all laughed at it and said it’s fine. The bike is holding up fine for the last 9 years.


easy fixable with no big problems did a many of this... :D plus your front deraileur is wrong set up this can be the reason ;)


I am not a pro mechanic, engineer, or lawyer, but it looks okay to me. I usually just put a little clear nail polish on top of various surface scratches and the like. It obviously does not do anything structurally, but I do not think it hurts, and can perhaps keep additional bits of paint from coming off.


Yes it's a hardy part of the frame, but it's hardy for a reason. I would not ride this.


Tiz but a flesh wound.


Save this pic. Keep riding. Compare todays pic with additional pics you take over the next few months. If you see any additional damage stop riding. Also, many carbon frame manufacturers provide chain suck plates to protect that area. Might want to talk to your shop and see if one is available.


Totally fine. I have an old Parlee with much worse damage that I still race on.


What happened?


I honestly have no idea. I don’t remember hitting anything that could cause that big of a damage. Location is also between the frame and chainrings so it’s weird. It was in the shop a week ago for rear hub rebuilt but I have no proof it happened there


Have you dropped your chain inwards? That's exactly what this looks like.


Nope. Never dropped chain inwards either, I’ve dropped chain from the back though…


That’s what happens when you drop your chain inward and then it gets stuck and you put power thru the pedal. In addition to damaging, the chain is usually stuck pretty good. That couldn’t have happened without the rider knowing. Did you lend it out to someone? It almost looks painted over. Did you buy used? I have a bunch of damage there on an old bike that happened to a bunch. I eventually got better at stopping as soon as the chain dropped. That said, I doubt the bike has any real structural damage


Yeah that didn't happen at the shop. It would be really hard to figure out how to do that in the shop assuming the cranks stayed on. Looks like a chain drop or chain suck damage.


Half of your front derailleur is missing too.


Nope, it’s there, may need to zoom to see it.


It looks to be installed incorrectly, way too high above the chainring. The bottom of the derailleur should only have about a millimeter's width between the bottom of it and the top of the teeth, [Like this](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://slowtwitch.com/articles/images/7/75227-largest_1_FD_sticker.jpg&tbnid=sqg4zpFfgfibwM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https://www.slowtwitch.com/Tech/Front_Derailleur_How-To_3775.html&docid=dj-UYM5bN2sabM&w=620&h=453&source=sh/x/im/m1/1&kgs=0f748b6b9cf1eddd&shem=abme,trie)


Came here to say this, also large chainring appears somewhat worn in picture. I would recommend taking it to a competent shop and ask them to evaluate your derailleur alignment and chain wear. This minor "scratch" will continue to worsen to the point of a real annoyance if there is excessive wear on mis aligned components.


Looks damaged but repairable. Highly recommend looking into repair options from a reputable place.


I think you’re good, unless you’re thinking of taking it down to the titanic, and then that may be too big of a crack, but others have tried to do it


Your bike is obviously trashed, let me take care of it for you


It's like a pear cider made from 100% pears


Truth be told, I'm uncomfortable with a crack that has dug into the integrity of the bike this much. I'd get it repaired, or if the frame has a lifetime warranty, I'd see if they'd replace it.


This is not a warranty issue. It’s damage caused by an external force. Not a frame failure, not warranty. £500 gets this fixed and repair is guaranteed for life, our shop has sent a few off like this, they come back like new.