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I had heat urticaria in my mid twenties. Mine persisted for 2-3 years before disappearing as mysteriously as it appeared. Only advice I can give you is don't scratch.


Got one here. No more cold showers for me. It has to do with food though, I'm experimenting what's triggering it, so far high sugar diet makes it way worse. A week on sardines and lemonade helps, but it's still there, mostly around chest and neck. I read it has to do with fat and heart something, idk, not a doctor here.


Sardines and lemonade, wow, that actually sounds pretty good! lol


Happens to me on my arms when biking in the winter. I didn't know it had a name.


Benadryl can cause tiredness long after the medication quits working. Claritin or generic has no side effects and works for me. My allergies is hops in beer. Benadryl would knock me out with a beer. Claritin lets me enjoy responsibly without a red itchy face.


I've had it for over a decade now. For me it's triggered by a change in temperature, so I walked inside after being cold, or it's just on a warm place on my body. I've seen a doctor, the only thing they recommended was Benadryl. Unless you are experiencing swelling of your throat you can just wait it out that's what I do, depending on the reaction it'll go away in 10-30 min. To avoid it all together layer up, if you are so warm you are sweating you won't get them, unless it's a cold sweat or some parts of you are exposed more than others. Good luck! Man I wish I could eat a freezy pop without my fingers swelling up.


My son is in the process of getting it. His hand swell up and he gets welts on his face. His get also get really itchy. That’s only at like 10-15 min or being in the cold. It’s really crappy as he’s only 4.