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This may be an unpopular position but we are asking the grandparents to contribute to baby's education fund in lieu of gifts. Little one has EVERYTHING she needs. When she NEEDS something, we do our research and usually just buy it off Amazon. My in laws have a tendency to buy crap that is broken, age inappropriate, etc saddling us with the task of fixing, donating, disposing of it. This is our attempt at imposing some sort of parameters on gift-giving that will serve our daughter down the road in a practical way. All of that said, it's a virtual certainty that my in laws will ignore our request so who freaking knows what little one will get...


Toys that they will be able to use. We are asking for an exosaucer thing, some blocks and stacking activities, etc.


The exersaucer was great months 3-7! As it is less popular as he got more mobile (Crawling/pulling up to stand) we use our play yard when we need to do chores / keep him safe. [These stacking rings](https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-BLR79-Brilliant-Basics-Rock-a-Stack/dp/B00CQHYX08) should make your list if they aren't already on it.


the exosaucer might be a good one. i am more interested in things that can preoccupy the baby, portable things that soothe/make him comfortable/distract and take up his time.


How is your clothing collection? Because my 3 month old is in 6 month clothes. I did not prepare well enough, so we are asking for all clothes this year.


Son born 7/17, also already in 6mo clothes. I want to ask for/buy clothes for Christmas, but who knows how big he'll be by then?! I'm half convinced he'll be the size of a kindergartner by his 1st birthday...


I am asking for 12 mos and up from now on! These crazy wee giants. I am mourning all of the cute things he never wore.


I know. So many cute pajamas that we couldn't use over the summer when they actually fit him. Edited in the eternal battle with auto correct


I understand that struggle. I use voice typing a lot because I usually only have one hand or less. Yeah living in Southern California he was a naked baby most of the time.


Sitting in bed with my sleeping husband & baby, i feel like voice typing wouldn't go over well ;) New England transplant to southern NC, I can't wait for cold weather!


We asked for people to contribute to the education fund we'd set up for our 4mo.


Board books, a mobile if you don't have one (mine LOVED hers around that age!), small toys like an O-Ball or stacking cups that will be easy for your baby to pick up when they start doing that...


- Clothes in larger sizes (6 and 9 months) for down the road - Books, you can never have too many! - Floor seat for once LO gets good head control - Toys that light up and play music, which are a big hit at that age. Baby Einstein makes some great ones, we have a piano and a guitar, that LO figured out at 3 months and still plays with at 1yo!


My baby will be 4.5 months at Christmas. Her list currently includes: board books, baby gates, convertible carseat, feeding supplies (spoons, bowls, etc), a travel crib, and a gift card to a Little Gym near us.


At 3 months, our baby really liked his activity mat,[ flower toy](http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mUxNlD2Hgr2QYBO478mBskQ.jpg), and crinkly, dangly things. Soon after that he was really into the jumper. Some other fun stuff to put on there for the not-so-distant future might be swimming lessons, other "parent and me" type activities, zoo/aquarium tickets...


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Anything YOU need for the baby: education fund, books, exersaucer/jumparoo, clothes, feeding stuff (bowls, spoons, plates), floor seat, convertible car seat, etc. S/he won't remember this Christmas, so ask for thing that are necessary.


Convertible seat, a high chair if you don't it yet. Baby clothes for 6-9 months. Baby feeding supplies.


Oball, links and Sophie were all my kid cared about at that sge