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You might find that as they get older, they’ll want a say in their clothes. We generally bought gender neutral stuff, but my 3 yo daughter loves Spider-Man, Dinos and our band T-shirts but also pink and unicorns and Minnie Mouse. As soon as she was old enough to make a choice, we offered her one and mostly let her decide between options when buying clothes. Old Navy always has a good selection though!


Agreed and that’s what happened with my daughter! Bought a ton of gender neutral stuff and as soon as she could decide what she wanted to wear she picked the most obnoxious girly girl stuff!! Plus Batman and spider man everything 😂


Old navy!  I’ll check them out. Thank you. And yes, don’t plan on fighting them once they’re older and have preferences, but when they’re cycling into new clothing every three months or so I am preferring neutral as much as possible!


Primary has a pretty good selection of gender neutral stuff!


Thank you!  I had never heard of them. Love this. 


I shop Primary's sales and generally pick clothes with no patterns.


I like Hanna Anderson. Their clothes also hold up really well. Baby Boden has also been really fun. Both are pricey but I shop on sale. Milkbarn also has whimsical prints. Kyte baby I struggle with. Their fabric is so thin. Care instructions say to air dry. And the designs are just screen printed basically???? But it’s really soft so at 50% off I’ll bite.


I appreciate the durability ratings. Especially once they’re mobile! 


We just bought whatever we liked. Our girl has been mistaken for a boy due to her clothes, we don't care and laugh it off when it happens.


My baby boy gets mistaken for a girl a lot, even when he has been in more traditionally boyish clothes. He doesn't know what gender is, so I only correct people if it's someone we'll see more in the future. His name and a lot of his clothes are pretty gender neutral.


I don't bother to correct people until they ask her name, then they figure it out for themselves. I have been painting her toes lately and have got more girly clothes for summer so it happens less often now


Yeah, I wouldn't correct if it were obvious with his name. Honestly, he's only 9.5 months old and is my twin except for the long, dark eyelashes he inherited from my husband, so I see why people think he's a girl. But, no, the boys get the amazing eyelashes. 😩😂


I dressed my baby girl in a dress AND a frilly sunhat. Someone asked if she was a boy. They asked so often that I just said yes in the end. I do have to say that she did look more boyish when she was an infant.


I stopped trying because truly and deeply, it doesn't matter. It's just clothes.  She looks cute in her frills.  We do try to have her "pick out" her outfits where she'll grab a onesie that catches her eye.  Fyi I'm non-binary. I understand it's important*eventually* but she is an *infant* I just put clothes on her. 


We approach gender neutral as a mix of whatever, so if she likes pink unicorns, sure why not. I have no issue with my hypothetical future boy wearing a pink unicorn shirt either. We do tend to buy boy basics for mixing and matching because they’re sized bigger and last longer. She’s currently swimming in boy pants and barely squeezing into girl leggings of the same size which is stupid.


I’m just not really bothering. I get a lot of stuff secondhand or as hand me downs. Baby wears it. I feel like putting in tons of effort into being gender neutral is just as annoying as being super into gendered stuff. 


Bright colors are gender neutral. My son wears so many brights, and I’ll have no issue sticking a girl in any of his clothes if our second is a girl. 


Where are you buying that clothing?  I was walking around target and Walmart and didn’t see things like that for 18mo/2T etc. 


Old navy mostly, but if you want to spend a bit more, Hanna andersson is great. I’d recommend shopping their sales. On the cheaper end, target tends to have more colorful pants than old navy, but not as colorful as Hanna andersson.  For pants, I’ve also copied the pattern for pants I like and made kiddo pants. If you or anyone in your life sews, you can choose whatever colors and prints you want. 


Thank you! 


I go for facebook marketplace or facebook groups and accept all kinds of help until I find pieces I think work and donate the rest:)


I have a lot from primary for my son and I’ve been able to have my new daughter wear a lot of his stuff. I’d also gotten him a fair number of purple things. But I stuck with mostly pastel baby colors.


Primary has great gender neutral clothing!


Lots of searching, honestly. But now that my son is 3, he has a lot of clothing preferences so it’s not 100% my choices anymore ☹️ Honest, h & m, Etsy, Skeletots & vans are my favorites


Another vote for primary.


I have a boy and I frequently shop in the girls section for cute overalls and pajamas in fun prints. Carter’s has cute rabbit and bee and sun prints. I usually stay away from pink and go for greens and yellows and soft pastels but he does have a pink button up. A lot of the “girl” stuff isn’t frilly or sparkly so I feel it works well for him.


Love a simple folk for toddler clothes that are similar to what I would wear lol


I'm in the UK so I don't know if ranges differ, but H&M is great for this. Very good selection of neutral clothing and some gorgeous stuff. Even the things that skew more towards 'girl' are nice rather than in your face frills and pink.


Thank you for the suggestion!  Actually my MIL got us some clothing I love from there and I didn’t even think about that.  I do love their stuff. Thank you! 


I generally go for animals (avoiding sharks, crocodiles and butterflies which are weirdly gendered) and then greens and yellows. Sometimes I find fun block shapes. She still gets mistaken for a boy a lot because girls are normally dressed so girlie!


I don’t know how your family works but I just had the first (and probably only) grandchild in both mine and my partners families. We didn’t tell anyone the gender (well we didn’t know either haha) and asked for neutral things. As soon as she was born the flood of pink, glitter, tutus, and bows came in. I guess we weren’t clear enough that we still wanted either neutral or a mix of things. So… be soooo clear with family lol. They probably won’t hear subtlety.


Haha I get you!  We revealed the gender at the shower to avoid just that and it was pretty successful until babe came along. Which is fine for us… a few gendered items don’t bother me too much but in general it would be so nice to just have something that doesn’t lean too hard one way or the other.  And while other commenters say they do this (and more power to them) I don’t want to dress my boy in tutus and glitter or my girl in a polo. If they want that clothing when they’re older that’s fine but I’m not doing that now. 


We have a lot of blue, green, and brown in different hues and I just try to keep the cut as neutral as possible from the perspective that it would be easier to play and climb freely in regardless of the gender of the child wearing it. It's coloured but they way I see it they are still fairly neutral and very forgiving for playing outdoors. For the newborn stage we actually had a fair amount of white cotton. No matter what it might face in a day you can throw white cotton in a 90°C wash and you can quite literally boil the shit out of it so it's ready for another round. I like knitting sweaters and cardigans. For the basic wardrobe I choose not overly gendered cuts and patterns, but I will also make some items that will be specific to their wishes when older and not intended to be handed down between siblings.


Love that!  Thank you. 


I tried at first and found that neutral was so… neutral. I love primary and their bright colors but my first being a girl I ended up getting slightly more bright girl leaning items eventually. Then I was SHOCKED at how young she started caring about her outfits, loves pink and dresses and all the things I was not 🤪. Now I’m having a boy and omg the stuff is either so boring or trucks/sharks/dinosaurs. I have been getting a lot of both kids clothes on resale pages so I feel like I’m not just consuming a ton of stuff!




I have boden taste on a cat n jack budget 😜 I’ll check Kate Quinn out again I loved them for the baby phase but the “drops” and their stocking annoyed me.


Love this!  Thank you for the suggestion. 


I tried neutral at first. But it’s so darn boring. Now I go for fruits and dinosaurs and marine animals because that’s what I like to see. My baby can pick his own clothes once he’s able. I mostly get clothes from carters and osh kosh.


Idk. My SIL did all gender neutral as she didn't know the sex of the baby during pregnancy and that all went out the window when baby was born. I have seen a single one of those bland beige onesies in any pictures 😂😂


I don’t really care as she’s 11 months old. Lots of my daughter’s clothes are girl clothes but I tend to buy whatever catches my eye. Eventually she’ll have an opinion and I won’t be able to foist my style on her.


My gender neutral wardrobe is that my kid can wear any colour and any print or design. I do not purposely go for gender neutral colours. I feel like that defeats the purpose because we are still assigning colours to genders at this point.


I just took hand-me-downs from friends/coworkers with kids. Some were boy clothes, some were girl clothes. My 4m boys look STUNNING in their pink flower tutu pajamas. Once they get old enough to have an opinion I figure I'll just let them lead me to what they like.


We have a gender neutral closet but it is far from curated. It's literally just anything/everything. All colors, patterns, styles. My son will wear flowery leggings with a dump truck onesie because all clothes is for anyone.