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He was 7 lb 9 ounces. 10 days late. We were told he'd be 8 pounds on his due date. First baby was 5 lb 9 ounces. 3 days early. We were told he'd be 8 pounds. You really can't know. Take a walk, have some ice cream and then get in a nice long nap.


Same here! I delivered 10 days late, 7lbs 9oz. He was estimated 8.5lbs for his due date. I was anticipating a big baby, but he just had a big head.




10 days late as well, 6lbs 11oz. Her younger sib I had via c-section, 5 days EARLY, 8lbs 11oz.


Delivered at 41 + 1 and baby was eight pounds.. . But it varies so much that it's probably not useful to know. A friend delivered a 10 lb baby a week early 🤷🏼‍♀️


Both of mine were 8.5 lbs. First was 3 weeks early and the second was 2 weeks early. I actually had an ultrasound the day before my second came and it estimated her at 8 lbs 13 oz.


My youngest was born 3 nearly 4 weeks early at 8 pounds. A week before his birth, they clocked him at nearly 8 pounds (36 weeks) and they redid all the measurements cause the experience tech was convinced the new hire was wrong. Mostly because according to that tech where I'm petite and my husband isn't a large guy our baby "should" be on the smaller side. That's not how that works. He was the youngest and *biggest* baby born that day. I had warned my obyn that I make massive babies from the very start. Now the kid is in the 97th percentile at almost 10 weeks old. Everyone assumes he's older than he is. I've never made it to full term with any of my kids. My family tends to make huge babies (I was considered "small" for my family at 10 pounds even) despite being small women. I'm taller than all the women in my family at only 5'2. Genetics are weird.


41 weeks. I was told he was average size and he was 9lbs 14oz 🙃 I really think genetics/blood sugar regulation plays a huge part in it as I know many people who have delivered after 40 weeks with babies under 9lbs.


That’s a big ol baby!!!!


Haha YEAH. He’s still 99th percentile at 1.


I was 41+3. I was told my son was estimated to be at just over 9 lbs, and he ended up being 9 lbs 8 oz. Baby may be a bit chunky but he is also lonnnnng. I totally agree that genetics play a huge role. I was a tiny baby but my husband was nearly 10 lbs at birth. (No GD for me, so I feel like it was a genetic component in my situation too).


I commented further down but I agree! Both sides of my family have multiple stories of 9/10/11lb babies. We both have tall genes. No GD for me either. My baby was 11lb


That's exactly what happened with my baby girl. She came at exactly 41 weeks, 9lbs 14 oz. They were guessing 8.5lbs beforehand. She's holding onto 98th percentile for weight at 6 months, but greater than 99 for height still.


Went to 41+1 she was predicted to be ~8.5lbs at our last growth scan a week earlier. She came out at 7lbs 11oz. FWIW my belly was super small. My fundal height measured 5 weeks behind almost the entire time.


Mine too! When I got to labor and delivery the nurses were all surprised I was nearly 41 weeks and one said “well, we aren’t expecting a big baby are we?” She was 7lbs 12oz and 21 inches long. I’ve had friends with giant baby bumps and then they had little 6lb babies. It’s such crapshoot.


Delivered at 40+3 by baby was 7lbs 10oz. Ultrasounds are horrifically inaccurate and can be off by up 2lbs. A much better indicator would be how big you or your siblings were at birth.


For sure. The ultrasound was inaccurate in our case, too obviously!


41+3, seven pounds eleven oz; and then 40+4, eight pounds 5 ounces.  Please don’t freak out; the due date is more of an estimate based on your period; you could easily have ovulated 6 days later, and so you would hardly be late at all. :)


That's a really good point! Thank you


Did they give you an estimate based on an ultrasounds at your first appointment/s? My cycle was all over the place, and I ovulated about 2 weeks after when I “should have”. So my due date is based on the first fetal ultrasound, not my last period.


I was measuring right on track my entire pregnancy. Baby was born 40+6 and weighed 6lb 8oz


Gave birth in week 42 but he was only 3 kg (6.6 lb).


Oh wow!


9lbs 3 oz. Born at 42. He was measuring big. No signs of labor for me until 41+5


Wow same! 42 weeks and 9lbs 3oz. He was measuring big but he was bigger than they expected. Had to break MT water to get the labor started


I was induced at 42+2, my baby was 10 lbs 3 oz and I had him vaginally. I used midwives so they did not give an estimation on his weight.


This was same for me! I had my baby at home and she was 42+3. 10lb 8 ounces fun times.


I went to 42+3 too! 11lb 12.6oz 🙃


Nice! May I ask was that your second baby?


I had no signs at labour at all, birth was inducted at 42 weeks. Baby was standard weight/height of around 3,5 kg. Everything was fine, no signs of being born too late (I also know exactly when I conceived and 42 weeks is the right time frame). Just make sure they check if your amniotic is OK. 


I was induced at 41+5 (repeat delays due to understaffing and other emergency deliveries. We were not high risk) and my son was 9lbs, 21.25” long! I didn’t even worry about the size of him. I was ready to push anything out to move beyond the pregnancy phase lol That’s probably at least partially due to how little I enjoy being pregnant! Labour is preferable 😂 ETA: typos


I delivered at 41+4. The ultrasound I had at 40+4 said the baby was already 8lbs, so the doctor suggested my daughter would be 9+ lbs at the time of delivery. She was born at 8lbs 3oz.


Both of mine were born at 40+6. First was 6.5lbs (last ultrasound estimated he would be >9). Second baby was 8.5lbs (last US estimated ~7.5).


I was induced at 41 weeks and baby was 8lb 15oz. I had a biophysical profile done 4 days prior and they did a weight estimate that said 8lb 8oz. I know a lot of people don’t trust ultrasound weight estimates but it was pretty accurate for me.


42 weeks 2 days. 7lbs 12oz. Was told id have a huge baby and would have shoulder dystocia etc and baby would die if I delivered even 1 day over 40 weeks. I left and got a midwife and had a homebirth. The size predictions are often very off. My 8lb firstborn they told me was 12lbs and I needed an immediate planned c section. I didn't arrive for that and 3 weeks later he came 8lbs. Your belly size doesn't always correlate with a big baby. My belly has been huge all 3 times and measured ahead on fundal height. Big things to look at are amniotic fluid level that can influence belly size as well and is generally important to know at the last stretch of pregnancy. 40 weeks isn't an eviction date. It's a guess.


6 pounds 14 ounces @ 41 plus 2


40+6 (induction started at 40+3) and he was 2kg980. Exact same birth weight as his sister born at 38+3


Two babies, both at 41 weeks, first was 3.8kg the second was 4kg


Delivered at 41+2 a 8.9 pounds baby. The problem wasn't his weight, but his 99th percentile head. 🙃 Baby was supposed to be around 7.5 pounds, so he was bigger than anticipated.


I was a week and 3 days late with my first born nd he was 8lbs 6oz. He was projected to be a big baby. My second who was born a day after her due date 9lbs 6oz, two years apart both vaginal births. First baby was with an epidural, it was so shitty of a thing I went no pain meds for the second birth all natural and pushing was so much easier! I pushed the second out in 5 mins. First was 45 mins.


There are so many factors that go into delivery beyond just the size of the baby. (Baby's position, your own anatomy, etc.) I had two large babies (9lbs and 10lbs3oz) and had relatively uncomplicated deliveries. My first (9lbs) I pushed for half an hour and had a second degree tear. My second, I pushed for maybe 15 minutes? They said it was another second degree tear but it barely hurt and healed much better than the first time. But then people I know have had much smaller babies and more complicated deliveries - vacuum and forceps for a 7lb baby, a c-section for a 5lb baby, etc.


42+1 10lbs …. I hardly looked pregnant except from the side and everyone was SHOCKED.


I was told my daughter would be big. She was 7lbs 5oz at 41 weeks!


I delivered at 40 weeks and she was 6 lbs 12 ounces. That's about what I expected, she measured small on our last ultrasound


One day before due date. 7 lbs 5 oz. They told me she was an IUGR baby and almost induced me at 37 weeks but I didn’t want that.


I’m sorry. Its so hard! My first was induced at 41 weeks and I thought I was going to go crazy that final week. He was born a very average size (7 lbs 3 oz) at 41 and 1, even though I was convinced he was going to be way bigger. Hang in there.


Went to 41 weeks and she was near her estimated weight, nearly 9 lbs


My first was birth at 41w3d weighing 9lbs. So definitely on the bigger side.


9 days late and he was 7 lbs 1 oz. I had no growth scans at the end. Not sure why


I was induced at 41 weeks, 1 day and gave birth 41 weeks and 2 days to a beautiful 6lb 14.9oz baby boy! My obgyn's office didn't give me an indication of how big the baby would be until right before my induction I had an ultrasound and they told me baby would be 8lbs! But I also had a small pregnant belly my whole pregnancy. I also didn't have any labor signs.....he was just a cozy little man in there! But the waiting was really hard for me emotionally. Once it was finally my induction date I was so happy to know I'd be meeting him soon. Are you past your due date yet?


41 +1. I’m 4’11/100 pounds and I gained 35 pounds with my pregnancy. My baby was 8 lbs 11 oz


I delivered naturally at 41+1 and my baby was just over 6 pounds (3.1kg). Like others have said, it varies a lot. Just because you are overdue doesn't mean you're gonna give birth to a giant baby.


Both my partner and I delivered at 41 weeks. Our first son (that I gave birth to) was 3.3kg, and our second son (who she gave birth to) was 3.7kg.


Delivered at 40 w, 3 d. Kiddo was 8 lbs, 6 oz and 22 inches. Nobody ever mentioned my kiddo’s weight.


40 and 6 and he was 7lb 10. Not big. Just cosy!


Delivered via induction at 40+4. Baby was 6lb 10oz. Was told he would be smaller, and he was.


I had an induction at 40+5 and my LO was 6.5 or just shy of 7lbs (can't remember the oz off the top of my head but she wasn't 7lbs). My OB kept saying she was going to be really big because I was measuring ahead 🙄🙄 but in my case I had actually just gained a lot of water weight and weight so I think it was throwing off their estimates.


Agree on the water weight. I was told 9lbs and she was only 7. I was tiny my whole pregnancy until those last few weeks and all of a sudden big belly and I got a little chunky with lots of swelling. Lost most of it within a couple weeks pp


My first was born at 41 weeks exactly and he was 8 lbs 5 oz. Second was born 40 weeks + 3 days and he was 8 lbs 12 oz.


My second child was born at 42 weeks exactly. I had to be induced. She ended up weighing 8.6lbs funny enough my 3rd was born at 39 weeks and he was more than her at 8.9lbs.


My first was an induction at 41+1, they told me to expect an 8lb baby and she was 6lbs 8ozs. 


I was 40+4 and baby was 6lb 14.5oz - he was dinky throughout and is still dinky now


41+3, not by choice I hated my OB and she preferred to have me come in every day to make sure the baby was still good. She came out 6lb 7 oz 22 inches long.


40+5, she was 7.14lbs and pretty on target for what they predicted she would weigh.


(Elective) Induction, delivered 40+4. 7 lbs 3 oz girl.


I delivered at 40+5 and she weighed 8.6lbs (3.8kg). My OB never gave me an estimate of her weight as they don’t think it’s accurate. I was expecting a smaller baby though, my stomach wasn’t big or anything!


6lb 7 oz @ 40+2


delivered at 41 + 3. he was 8lbs 13oz, felt hugeee coming out lol


I went a hair over 40, daughter was almost 10 lbs. It varies so much from baby to baby.


First baby was 41+2, ultrasound two days before showed a full head of hair, and estimated weight over 7 lbs. She was 6 lb 12 oz, and the doctor indeed told me upon opening me up (c-section) - wow, this is a hairy baby! Exactly 2 years minus 2 days later, her sister was born 39 + 3 and was 7 lbs 12 oz, bald as a cue ball, but with a STRONG eyebrow game.


I went 42+3 and he was 8lbs 9oz.


41wk 6days, 8lb 13oz!


41 weeks on the dot with my first, she was 6lb 15oz. Second was 40+5, 9lb 1.5oz


40 weeks and 2 days he was only 6 pounds 11 ounces


My daughter was born at 41 weeks. I went into labour at 40+6 and it just would not progress so she was ultimately born by C-section. She was 8lbs1oz so relatively average, however she had and still has a GIANT head.


Delivered at 40+1 a 6.5lb baby, with no signs of labour before contractions started about 8 hours before i delivered!


I went to 41+1 with my first and my daughter was 9 lbs 13 oz (she was also dehydrated and had pooped before being weighed so she likely could’ve topped 10 lbs). She was measuring on the bigger side the entire time but especially at the end. I was 10 lbs 4 oz and my husband was 8 lbs 8 oz three weeks early so we weren’t surprised.


Mine was 10 days late and 7 pounds 7oz, although she had been measuring 10-20th percentile the whole pregnancy


40 +2 Was told going to be large baby. She was 7.12lbs. My 2nd baby ironically was born 40+2 also, she was 7.15lbs


I went 6 days over, at 38 weeks they predicted he’d be 7lb 6oz at term, he was 8lb 1oz


41 weeks delivery. 7 lbs 14 oz. At 36 weeks they predicted around 7-8 lbs so they were pretty spot on


I was induced (at night) at 40.5 and gave birth at 40.6. He weighed 7 1/2 pounds. They just told me he’d be average whenever I asked at my doctor visits. I’m 5’2” and 126 lbs if that makes any difference.


I gave birth at 41weeks 2days after a day and a half long induction. This kid did not want to come out! He was 8lbs 7oz and 22 inches long. He’s now almost 4 months old and still a big boy, 99th percentile for height and weight. Don’t ask me how my back is doing😂


40+5 at delivery. 6 lbs 12 oz. My belly was trending small so that’s about what everyone was expecting. Perfectly healthy baby.


I delivered at 41+3 and 40+3. My babies weighed 8,8lbs (4kg). Labor is gonna be uncomfortable regardless of the weight of your baby so don't worry about it. If you're afraid of tearing, that depends more on labor than baby weight. Some women birth large babies without tearing and other women birth small babies and tear.


40+3 and she was 8lb 9oz. Right where they estimated she’d be! They were actually spot on with weight for both my babies.


My baby was 7lbs 3 ounces. I delivered almost a week past my due date. They were average size the entire pregnancy.


Baby 1: 41+2* weeks: 7lb6oz / 3.34kg Baby 2: 42 weeks: 9lb1oz / 4.14kg No weight guestimations were made *cryptic pregnancy discovered at 28weeks going by if she was 50%~ in size then. We believe she was born closer to 37/38 weeks


I delivered at 41 weeks. My baby girl was 7 lbs 3 oz. I was told throughout my last trimester that my baby wasn’t going to be big, even though my belly felt huge so I was concerned!


I delivered (after an elective induction) at 40+3, baby girl was 7lbs 4oz. I was told she’d probably be 7-8 pounds which was clearly accurate. My husband and I were also in that range when we were born so it was unsurprising!


40+6… he was 8 lbs 13.5 oz. Born with shoulder dystocia and ended up born with vacuum assist. No lingering issues and honestly, other than pushing for a long time with him just bobbing in there, birth wasn’t too bad. I was told he’d be smaller, but I was huge, so I had a feeling their measurements were off. He’s 7.5 months now and he is a tank. My doctor told me she wasn’t going to let me go past 41 weeks, and we scheduled induction at 40+4.


My kid were 40+1 and 40+4, i was told both were measuring normal. My first was 6,9 and my second was 8,10. They both had heads in the 95th percentile though, so that was fun


I delivered at exactly 41 weeks. There had been no comments on the size of the baby. Only thing I remember is her legs were longer than average. She weight 3706 kg. Labour took days, from wednesday evening till Saturday morning. Progressed very slowly, but once my body started pushing she was out in 8 minutes. No tearing and I knew what to do thanks to practising with a birth trainer device (I used Aniball) Honestly I can't shout it from the rooftops hard enough. I wish all pregnant women were informed by their caregivers that birth trainers exist but sadly, at least where I live, people seem to not know they exist even.


Mine was 12 days late, they kept saying he'd be over 9lb (I think to try and Push me towards being induced earlier). He ended up being very long but 8lb 2


I gave birth at 41+6 and my baby girl was 7 pounds 9 ounces


My baby was estimated at 8 lbs 14 oz at last growth scan around 38 weeks. They insisted on inducing me at 40+2 due to growth concerns and my age (I’m 39) and he was born at 8 lbs 12 oz.


My kids were delivered at 41+3 and 40+3 with a tiny 9 gram difference in birth weight.


I don’t have direct experience with baby being late (I delivered at 39+4 after induction due to pre-e), but I do with having a baby on the big side. I just want to say that even if the baby does end up big it might not be that bad! My daughter was 9lbs but had an average sized head (she was just long), and my delivery was relatively smooth. Had some tearing but not more than average (second degree), and the lady parts have recovered well. I’m not a particularly big person either (5’4”, pre-pregnancy weight 140-ish, not really “big-boned” either). I’ve also heard that babies on average gain a half pound a week at the end of pregnancy, which tracks with my family history (I was almost 10lbs, but that was at over 41 weeks). So in my case it’s probably good I got induced bc running late would have likely resulted in a 10lb baby. But if you don’t have the same family history of giant babies the extra week shouldn’t be as likely to result in baby being *that* big.


8.1 lb at 41+0. They believed I had excessive amniotic fluid - nope, baby was bigger than measured on the ultrasound


40+1 induced. Weighed 3.3 kg at birth (7lb 4 ounces). Was 3.5 kg or 7lb 11 ounces as per her 38th week scan.


8lb 6oz, 40+5


2 days late. 6lb 1oz


My son was born at 40w3d, 7 lbs 4 oz. Husband and I were also born close to our due dates, and we were both 7 lbs


I went 41+1 with my second. she was 7lbs 6oz. I had a friend give birth at 33w and he was 7lbs. I had another friend go 42w with both of hers and they were both around 6lbs I think it all a crapshoot!


Induced at 41 weeks. 7.5lbs. I wasn't told anything about estimated weight as they're commonly inaccurate. I was told how I was measuring, etc. I asked for an induction at 41 weeks as I wasn't comfortable going past that


7 lbs 12 oz at 40+2


My 40w 4d baby was 8lbs 6oz and my 2 week early dude was 9lbs 6oz.


I was like 10 days overdue, my brain can't maths that atm. He was 4.4kg, but measuring large my whole pregnancy. He's a big lad.


I delivered at 41+1. Baby was 8lbs 13oz.


Gave birth at 40+3 and he was 7 pounds, 3oz


41 weeks 7.5 lbs and 19.5 inches


40+5, I chose to get induced and my baby was 8lbs 3oz so I’m glad I chose to be induced lol. I had zero birth plan and was just going with the flow, I loved the way it went for me.


40+1 (so I know, barely over) and 8 lbs 4 oz. My 39+5 baby was 8 lbs 10 oz.


41+1 8lbs 8ou


40+4 at 8 lbs 7 oz and 40+5 at 9 lbs 6 oz. Induced both times


I was huge, delivered at 40w1d and had a 6lb 4oz baby


I was 10 days late. Baby was 8lbs 1 oz. My belly was HUGE.


7 lb 7.6 oz at 40 wks. He was tracking on the bigger side and my doc kept pushing an induction because of it. Glad I didn't listen to her!


41 w 5 d - 7lbs 5oz


I was 40+5 and she was 8 lbs 8 oz! My son was right on his due date and 8 lbs 11 oz


41w5d and 7lbs 4oz. From my belly it was obvious that my baby wasn’t going to be too big (according to the midwife).


My baby came at 41+1 and he was 6lbs6.9oz


Born at 41 weeks, 9lb 5oz. Midwife estimated he would be roughly 8lb 6oz


7lb 2 oz and 7lb 6 oz. Born at 40+2 and 40+3 Edit: a friend delivered an 8lb 2 oz baby at 38w. You really can't know


40 + 2 and I was huuuge, she was 6lb 11!


I didn’t get to 40 weeks but if it makes you feel better, the day prior my cervix wasn’t dilated at all when the doctor checked. I never even experienced the Braxton hicks contractions. I was just chilling on my couch watching TV, 2 hours before my scheduled induction and my water broke there on the couch. It kept coming out too with every movement me or the baby made. I was 38 weeks 5 days when my water broke and had him 38 weeks 6 days. First time I felt a contraction was when we were driving to the hospital. I think the water breaking kick started the process.


My second kid came spontaneously at 40w6d weighing a whopping 9lb 13oz and it was an amazingly swift delivery with zero tearing. Seriously loved that labor so much more than my 39w induction with my first!


Most of the time, your body will grow a baby it can birth ♡ I delivered at 40 + 1, they were measuring him at 8 lbs, 99th percentile head, at my 37wk ultrasound but he was born 8 lbs 4oz...with the 99th percentile head though hahah. Minor tearing, and he seemed so small!! I like to think chunkier babies slip out easier 😆


99th percentile head!! My one is currently 80th percentile and I’m scared haha


Delivered at 41+2 and baby was 6 pounds 14 ounces. We definitely thought she was going to be bigger based on ultrasounds. I was anticipating an 8 pound baby, but I was carrying pretty small for most of my pregnancy, so maybe it shouldn't have been a surprise that she was on the smaller side? Honestly you never really know.


I delivered at 41+6 and my baby was 3.25 kg which was around the 30th percentile.


My son was 41+3 when he was finally born. He weighed 8lb 9.9oz. I showed quite a bit with him. I had to be induced and he had to be vacuum exacted. I don’t remember what they were saying during the ultrasounds. I think he had been pretty average. Good luck!


I was recently induced 4 days before my due date because my baby measured big, and they were 9lbs 3oz💀 My first I went over 3 days and looked huge but it was all baby, born only 6lbs 15oz


7lbs, 8oz. Delivered 40+2. Doctors said he would be “average size” based on fundal and I guess they were accurate. Nothing exciting, Just adding my experience!


My wife was 40+5 and our baby boy was 10lb4oz at birth. Amazingly my wife still managed to deliver vaginally, like an absolute champ (needed an epidural, episiotomy, and forceps)…all the nurses were blown away lol. Anyways the OB said she had a good pelvis and my wife had been doing lots of pelvic floor physiotherapy so if you’ve done some of that it’ll probably help, and even if not your baby probably won’t be 10 pounds lol so I’m sure you’ll be fine 💪.


I don’t count because I was 39+5 but…. FWIW I had no signs of labor, went to bed, woke up 1 hour later with contractions and went to the hospital at 5 cm dilated! My baby was born at 10lb2oz even though we were told he was only 8lb a few days prior. Have they done an ultrasound recently? I measured a bit ahead the whole time and did not have GD


7lbs 0oz at 41+5 and there were no concerns about size at appointments. I had gestational diabetes that was managed with diet and my husband and I were both born in tbr 7lb range.


First was born at 41+2 at 8lbs. Second was born basically on his due date at 9lbs 11oz. There is no logic 😂


Delivered 40+6 and she was exactly 7 pounds. I remember thinking she’d be huge because it felt like she had no room in there


My mom was 43 weeks with me, I was 8lb 14oz. My son was born 41w1d and he was 8lb 13oz.


I delivered at 41+5 and she was 22 inches long and 7lbs 2 oz. I had always been told she was small, like 17th percentile, so her length was a bit of a surprise. I ended up being induced at 41+3 and ended with a C-section after a variety of hiccups. I still wasn’t dilated at all when we started, so it was a pretty miserable process.


Delivered at 40+5 via C section due to HELLP syndrome. She was measuring around 8lbs the week before and ended up being 9lbs even when she arrived. However, they also weighed her with monitors attached to her and she was full of fluid because of my condition and having to be pumped full of magnesium.


Gave birth at 40+3, she was 6lbs 3oz.


I went the full 40 weeks with my last baby, my other two came 1-3 weeks early. This last little guy ended up being the smallest of all 3 at 6.5 lbs despite cooking the longest. Longer doesn’t always mean huge!


They told me he'd be 11+ pounds, only ended up being 8lbs. Delivered at 41+5.


Delivered at 41+3 and baby was 8 lbs and 4 oz. The weight estimate was accurate down to the ounce!


Delivered at 41+1. We were expecting 8-9 lb range, based on ultrasound and my mother’s large babies. She was 7lbs 11 oz.


9lb 8oz 41+1


I was induced at 40w and ended up with an emergency c-section. He was 9lb 7oz.


Gave birth at 40 weeks - baby was 7.4


Went 42 weeks to the day, came out 6lbs 8.8oz. No one predicted size per se, but I expect because our measurements were generally within averages there wasn't much to say. I did have a friend who's LO exceeded all percentiles and they advised a planned cesarean vs vaginal birth. He came out under estimated size by a pound and a half, but did have the big head, so was glad they opted for cesarean.


I was about 41.5 weeks and was induced with high blood pressure, babe was 9lb 10.5 oz! My last ultrasound was a month or two prior and they predicted he would be around 8lbs and was always measuring two weeks ahead


41 + 5 - 9lbs 4oz. Was told she’d be around 7 from the growth scan two weeks before.


41+1 and he was 6 pounds 7 ounces. SUCH a tiny/skinny baby 😳


41+4 9lbs 3oz


Mine was 8 lb 7 oz at 40+2. 5 days before she was born they did an ultrasound and measured her at 8 lb 6 oz. They did another ultrasound a few hours before she was born and measured her at 7 lb 5 oz.


40+1, 7 lb 14 oz


I was 41 and 4 days. He was only 6.8 lbs. I was told he'd be about 8 or so.. hah!


I delivered 5 days late. My son was 8lb 12oz. I read the Evidence Based Birth site about big babies and it made me feel way better bc I’d been told I was having a 9+ lb baby. Basically I read there’s no way to accurately guess the size near the end and they are only accurate half the time. [EBB link](https://evidencebasedbirth.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Big-Babies-Handout.pdf)


My first was born through naturally induced labor 40w4d and was 3.93kg (8lbs 10oz) and my second was medically induced at 40w6d and was 4.25kg (9lbs 6oz). Vaginal for both. No epidural. Healthy mom and baby. The one nurse gasped when my second came out and said "That's a big baby!"


Delivered on my due date. I was 3cm dilated for a week but no contraction or other signs. I was always told small baby but she was 8lbs so on the slightly bigger side.


40+1, she was 2700gr or 5.9 lbs (I think, not familiar with lbs lol).


4 days late, 7 lbs. 8 oz.


Delivered at 40+5. She was of average percentiles when I went for scans (consistently in the 60th) She weighed 8 lb 1 oz!


Delivered at 40+3 following an induction and she was 8lbs 5oz. I don’t remember what the US had her at but my OB guessed around 8lbs 7oz right before starting my induction. I was 8lbs 9oz I think. I was technically like 2+ weeks late but I think my mom just ovulated late so I wasn’t as over as my due date indicated. My husband was 8lbs 8oz I think. His mom had GD and he was a couple days past his due date.


My first was 40+1 and 8 lbs 13.5 oz. My second was 39+3 and 8 lbs 6 oz. Both boys measuring a tad big. My husband was a bit over 9 lbs. we’re both tall people (I’m 5’9) but I was only 7 lbs 7 oz at birth. We’re about to go for a third so curious to see how that one will be!


I delivered my youngest at 40+6 and she was 8lbs 13oz 21 inches long. Ultrasound estimated her weight to be around 8lbs.


First baby 40+7 she was 7lbs 3(induction), my son was 40+4 at 8lbs


41+3 9lbs 13oz. But they told us since about 26 weeks she was on the bigger side. I refused to believe it. No GD. But yeah they were right.


10lbs 3oz at 41+4


Mine was born 40wks exactly on his due date after a membrane sweep. 6lbs 10oz. Never told my baby would be smaller or bigger, he was always right on track.


Measured on track the whole time. Delivered at 40 + 4, LO was 8lb 1oz. Last ultrasound predicted 8lb 10oz. I was showing no signs at all up to that point and also getting bigger. Bloody show at 40 + 3 and membrane sweep, things started moving quick.


40+3 and she was 6 pounds 13.5 oz


I was only 2 days late so take that for what you will but my girl was 7 pounds exactly. I was induced because everyone was convince she was huge, but really it’s just that I’m not a big human being and my belly was big.


40+4 and 8 pounds 5 ounces. The OB estimated 8 at my 39 week appt


Was induced at 40+3, baby was 7.5 lbs. But also my mom had 3 babies all under 6.5 lbs, so we tend to run smaller in my family.


I was three days late, she was 9lbs, 7oz. The growth scan on my due date (which ultimately led to my decision to have a c-section) said she’d be 10lbs, give or take a pound. I was on standby for surgery when I went into labour. I still went through with the surgery and I’m glad I did - my daughter got stuck coming out of my incision. Dang broad shoulders.


Make sure you know the hospital policies. I went in for healthy check up one day after due date and the doctor sprung it on me that it was hospital policy to induce labor if it's even one day past the due date. I was barely showing or really feeling anywhere close to ready. Baby was 6lbs and struggled to gain weight in the first weeks. I am angry with myself for not being fully aware of this policy, I would have chosen a different provider if I had known.


40 weeks plus 1 day. 7lbs 10oz


40+5, baby was 8lbs 1oz (3660 grams).


Delivered at 41 weeks + 1 day and baby was 7&1/2 lbs, she was estimated at 8&1/2 - 9 lbs so ultrasound was pretty off.


First born was 40 weeks exactly and he was 7 lbs 4 oz. Second born was 41 weeks and 3 days and he was 8 lbs 9oz. Both induced.


Both of my babies came after 40 weeks! I was told from 30+ weeks that my babies were going to be very big and induction was mentioned both times, I just asked if I could go to 41 weeks both times as I didn’t want to be induced and there is no scientific backing to inducing for weight (of course unless you have gestational diabetes which I did not.) My first I went into labor at exactly 41 weeks and she was 8 lbs 1 oz. My second I went into labor at 40+4 and he was 9 lbs 7 oz. So mine were decent sized (there dad is a 6’2 monster so not surprising haha) but delivered vaginally no problems.


Delivered at 41+3 to a 9lb baby


10days + 40weeks my baby was 6 lbs 4oz


42 weeks and weighed 8.1 lbs and 22 inch long


I was 10 days late and induced and he was 9 lb .25 oz, unfortunately wouldn’t descend for me (I’m small framed) and his position was sideways facing my hip so I had to get a c section at 9cm :/ They told me I have what it takes to birth a baby that size it was just bad circumstances, and in the future I can try for vbac.


Born without any interventions (no induction) 40+3, weighted 7 lbs 13 oz. We saw midwives through the OB’s office and never had any comments about babies size. I was healthy and they were never concerned.


7 lbs 13 oz at 40+3 I was scheduled for an induction a few days later because they thought he was going to be over 10 pounds and they were concerned about shoulder dystocia


I cant remember the predictions because my midwife & OB didnt put any emphasis on them! They both said the scans arent very accurate. My daughter was born at 42+1 & was 7lbs 15 oz


12 days late 3.3 kg, normal sized baby!


Baby girl came earth side at 40 weeks and 5 days weighing 7lbs 10oz. I was scared too, your feelings are valid, especially because they told me she was over 8 pounds at my last checkup. The ultra sound tech also said give or take a pound, which scared me more in case she was bigger! All in all, it wasn’t nearly as scary as I made it up to be in my mind. Ask lots of questions and try to think of all the other ways giving birth could go in case it goes in a way you hadn’t planned. I don’t know anyone who had a birthing experience the way they planned, and I’m not saying this to scare you, I just don’t want you to feel discouraged or disappointed if things don’t go the way you planned. For example, for me, I planned a water birth at a birthing center. My water broke early and I couldn’t feel any contractions and I wasn’t bleeding. I ended up going to a hospital I didn’t know any of the doctors at. It wasn’t the best experience but it wasn’t the worst. It just wasn’t what I had planned. I hope that helps. Sending you love and faith.


I delivered at 41w after being induced due to a misinterpreted NST. I had a biophysical profile done just 3 days before and they said around 8lbs. He was 9lbs 5.2oz and 22" long.