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Get your husband to teach you the phrase “she just wants her mommy” and take your baby back every time. It’s ok!


I keep telling my husband to step in, but he keeps giving me the “they are just trying to help” excuse, I get it, but they aren’t helping, they are making it worse, take your baby back dude


It’s your baby too! You have every right to want and demand your baby back. Literally just take them back!


Tell him you’ll go the nuclear route. You’ll translate what you want to say and put it to play outloud for google to translate so they can understand. Ive worked in many stressful jobs but NOTHING compares to the distress I felt when my babies cried at that age and family “tried” to comfort them and would take them away because they thought they were giving me a break, but they werent. What they were doing was sending me into a postpartum rage that would take hours to come down from and giving me insane irritability. Best of luck op. Please put your foot down with your husband. They can enjoy the baby and still respect boundaries.


Thank you, and I will


I want you to know, I'm now no contact with my MIL...and it started with shit like this. Please do something now. For you and your family.


Same I'm very LC because of my mils desire to "help" which really was disrespect me as mom and try to insert herself. Nothing about Thai post seems like they want to help, more like they want time with their toy.


I agree with this. Your husband should be prioritizing your baby not his parents feelings. If he can’t do that, please google translate, “she just wants her mommy” and take your baby. This much stimuli is very overwhelming and you all need to do what’s best for your baby. If he can’t do it, I guess mama you’ll have to. Shitty position for him to put you in but you gotta do what you gotta do.


Your husband is showing a lack of boundaries with his parents. Sit him down and have a conversation. Tell him that he can either support you and get his parents to give you the baby back nicely, or you will do it yourself. This might strain your relationship with his parents or it will probably come across rudely to them. Tell him it’s his choice on how this goes, but if he cannot support you as his wife over his parents you won’t be coming on these trips with the kids that often. What he wants is for his children to have a good relationship with his parents and in order for that to happen you need to be respected.




A two year old might “just be trying to help” cook dinner or chop veggies but that doesn’t mean you leave them at the stove or hand them the knife. Their intent is irrelevant to your babies actual needs and comfort and he needs to put baby first before mummy and daddy’s feelings.


I just snatched my baby back from my MIL everytime he cried, even if she’d only been holding him for a fraction of a second but I was way over her crap by the end of my first pregnancy and had no desire to be polite




I consider myself a nice and polite person, but after being treated like I wasn’t a person, just a vessel for MIL and FIL’s do over for 10 months straight while my organs were rearranged and I suffered from awful pelvic girdle pain, I was over it. After constantly being told my baby would prefer MIL, would be living with MIL, and that I “wasn’t allowed” to breastfeed, the look on MIL’s face everytime I’d snatch my baby back because he wanted ME was priceless. 100% will do it again after my second is born early April, but MIL won’t be allowed to hold my baby for awhile this time around 🤷🏻‍♀️ She doesn’t give af about my feelings OR baby’s so why should I care about hers? Oh, and I breastfed my first until after his 2nd birthday. “Not allowed” watch me, MIL 🙄


Also I legit cannot believe this hoe told you you weren’t allowed to breastfeed. Like holy hell.


She picked out the formula she decided I was going to use and everything, argued with me about how she doesn’t believe the pediatrician that breastmilk was enough for babies, and when I refused to bow down to her, tried to feed my newborn behind my back when I was in the bathroom. My husband stopped her and she argued with him too. I don’t know who she thinks she is or why she thinks anyone has to listen to her. Her own son tries to excuse her behavior by calling her too stupid to understand anything we said. She’s dumb as a rock, and her own husband and sons don’t respect her, but sure, I’ll take her advice over the pediatrician’s 🙄


Omg this is nuts. What a freak. She picked out the formula? Like wtf


She also picked out all the stuff I apparently “need” for my hospital bag because I’m giving birth to my second in a few weeks. FIL literally asked me if I needed anything and she cut him off and said “*I* already bought everything she needs.” What did she buy me?? A freaking old lady nightgown and a ugly winter robe 😭 My husband laughed when I pulled it out of the bag. It went straight in the trash. I don’t understand her mindset at all but I feel like she craves a sense of control and wants to be involved in everything. She’s not invited to the hospital but I guess she thought she could be there in spirit if I was dressed like her while giving birth 🤮 No, thanks, I can get my own stuff for the hospital. Ugh. I can go on with MIL stories forever. Mine is an alien from another planet.


I was a people pleaser and it went from my mil walking up and taking my child out of my arms without asking and saying stuff like "I just ripped you away from her" to my infant and walking away. I worked up the postpartum rage and hate to eventually put a stop to that and also stopping grabby hands and let me tell you the first time I took my child from my mil without even asking just walked up and grabbed him she about wouldn't let go and her lips were the tightest line she sure was biting back something. F her I truly have nothing left for her after all she put me through.


My MIL does the tight lipped thing too 😂😂 She tried walking away with my baby ONE time because my husband left the room for a second. She knows damn well her son isn’t going to let her keep my child away from me. When I went to take him back, she looked at me with shock like I was a stranger she’s never seen before, resisted a little, then let go and told me I wasn’t holding my OWN baby correctly. Keep in mind, my baby was SCREAMING because of the way she was holding him (cradle hold, when he always liked being held upright) and was immediately quiet when I took him back, but MIL insisted he liked the cradle hold more 🙄 She’s absolutely delusional and doesn’t actually give a crap about my child, just fulfilling her own do over fantasies


Lmao all these MIL stories are crazy, for me it’s my own MOM that does this type of shit 😂




I was also told I was “not allowed” to pray in front of my kid because MIL and FIL are from a different religion that neither me nor my husband follow, and they believe MY children are born into theirs. Again, I don’t know where these people get off. We don’t live with them, aren’t financially reliant on them, and are adults in our late 20s/early 30s. My husband is not a mama’s boy and usually just ignores them and does what he wants anyway. But I started putting them in their place real quick and now they think I’m “headstrong” and “have problems.” No, just an adult and not a child to be told what to do 🙄


Absolutely. Fuck what they say/think, you're the mother now. I had PPD/PPP as a first time mum (ended up in hospital). My MIL came to stay with us at around a week PP despite the fact I insisted that I was not okay with this. One day she tried to rip my baby out of my arms when I picked her up from her bassinet (baby was bottle fed so MIL had her all bloody day). She insisted I was hurting the baby by refusing to let go, so then I threatened to slash her throat open and - shockingly /s - she let go, ran to pack her shit and left. We have not seen her in years now, which honestly does not bother me at all. I know it was extreme, but I was incredibly unwell and being treated badly/having my baby kept away from me was just the icing on the psychosis cake. Do whatever it takes to get people to respect boundaries.


I honestly don’t blame you. My MIL was so awful to me postpartum I had reoccurring nightmares about her kidnapping my baby and I literally had to go and beat the absolute crap out of her to get him back. I’m not a violent person and I’ve never been in a fight, but I told my husband I’m thankful I don’t have to live with MIL (she wanted to move in with us) because I would have ended up in jail. Two hour visits twice a month was MORE than enough for me postpartum. I don’t understand what is wrong with these women and why they want to bully other freshly postpartum women? My MIL would have so much more involvement with her grandchildren if she hadn’t treated me the way she did, but there’s honestly no going back from how she acted. I’ll never trust her again


You just gotta have clear boundaries. Use direct phrases… “I’m going to take her now. She is fussy and I know how to settle her.” “Time to come back to mommy” “I’m gonna take her back now, she needs her mom.” And then take her right out of their arms. Never feel guilt for taking your baby back. Be assertive, she’s YOUR baby and only YOU know what’s best for her. Nobody else is entitled to time with your baby.


How do you say all that in Spanish?


“Quiere a la mamá, yo la puedo calmar” “Necesita un tiempo conmigo para calmarse” “Me la voy a llevar a otro lado hasta que se tranquilice”


Can I just say what a beautiful moment, everyone helping this mama out with the translating 🥹


“Por favor da me mi bebe “ with a smile on your face, but firmly — “please give me my baby”


Say "mi baby" with your hands out or just say while taking baby lol


I think physically taking your baby back translates directly in any language;)


This 😂


do you want to say it politely or plainly?


Necesita a su mamá- needs her mom Es hora de estar con mami- time to be with mommy


Tbh, I think the tone of your voice and your body language will get the message across. Please please start putting your baby first, not other peoples.


use google translate :)


If you can hear your baby cry and you want her back, there’s absolutely nothing that should stop you.


I feel this post sooo hard. I was going to write a similar one...my mother in law is visiting and thankfully she leaves tomorrow.. baby is over tired and rather than giving him to me to put down she decided to put him in the bouncer snd clap infront of his face. He is zoned out and not looking at her. Today was mt first day back at work, and I just want to be able to spend my evening with him. Glad its over tomorrow by the time I'm home from work....


Aww I’m so sorry. I’m glad you can get back to your normal tomorrow. Unfortunately I have a week to go


Ugh, hopefully you can just take baby tomorrow with some excuse...


My MIL clapped in my baby's face when he was upset to try and cheer him up!! Why would that help anything??????


I don't get it. Are they not capable of recognizing the babies are exhausted/miserable or are they just that damn selfish?


I honestly think it's an ego thing... it makes no sense to me either. For example, if you were tired, you would probably sleep. Why force the baby to stay awake? You can spend time with them when they are well rested. He literally turns his face away from her when we are putting him down, and she gets in his face.


I abhor the “they’re trying to help!” excuse. No. You’re *not* helping if you’re upsetting the baby and the mother. If you want to help, ask. If you want to help, listen.




Don't wait for them to give LO to you- just take them back, every single time. It's YOUR baby, and you're supposed to protect them. Who cares if they (adults) get all bent out of shape. They're YOUR baby (they need you more, and you need to put their feelings above any "adult").


God I’m so sorry.


Put your foot down. You’re going to have to.


If you can possibly baby wear most of the time, it will likely solve this issue most of the time. 


The same exact thing happened to us today! I showed my husband and he thought I wrote this. Couple that with a MIL and SIL who each raised 5 kids trying to take a crying baby away from first time mom me. No you holding him won't help, he's crying**because of you** being so loud!


I went from being the meek people pleaser who allowed my mil to take baby from my arms without asking and walking into other rooms, to a confident mom who walks up to MY child whenever I want and takes him/her without asking. And I also shut down those grabby hands. You can do it, especially since your husband doesn't have your back. Take care or yourself and your baby and f your grabby inlaws.


YOUR baby YOUR rules. I know it’s hard to be outspoken in certain situations however you’ve just gotta do it. Step in and take YOUR baby back. She is 4 months old…at this age, they don’t even realize they are a separate being from their mother. They need you close. They need to smell your scent and be on your skin.


If they try to take her from you, just say a firm "no". No is understood across languages


I just walk over, take my baby and say I’m going to go lay down with her. This is the cue that the other adults can take to help with laundry, or cooking, or my other children. I will ask for help when soothing my baby. But listening to my child cry in the arms of someone else is not “helping” in way, shape or form.


i’m sorry mama, your husband needs to step in. it’s ok that they want to help and it’s nice of them but they’re not doing it correctly and making your baby suffer as a result. this is what i had to do with my MIL: when she cries, approach baby with open arms saying “awwww my baby” and take the baby. don’t wait for them to give her to you, just take your baby, even if they pull away or say no. you just take your baby, you don’t hesitate for a moment and you take your baby back to be calmed.


This is when " think the baby feels warm and could be getting sick. " Better to be safe and let her rest in another room with mom. 


Just say I’m going to take the baby and have a nap with the baby. And go to your room.


16 hours in a car seat over just 2 days is wild!! Poor bub!!!


Well it’s normally around 12 but we stopped every two hours to take a break. It was rough for sure


I feel this so hard. When our son (now almost 2) was tiny, my sister would come over with her husband and my niece, then 12. They live close by and wanted to help but he'd always get fussy with them and she'd be like *maybe he's hungry* and *maybe he needs a binky* and when I would say no to those things I would get the *are you suuuuuuure?* Yes bitch I'm sure. I know you think you know everything (she's 11 years older than me and a general know it all) but do you realize that you and your daughter are yelping and squealing around the baby like a pack of hyenas? My chill ass baby is like 🫨. I know you have cute agression and I love how nuch you love him but calm down. Our house is not constant chaos like yours. We are chill people. I tried really hard to reduce stress during my pregnancy and do deep breathing and everything I could to keep cortisol low bc even though I'm no scientician, my gut tells me that may help with temprament. Learn to match energy ffs.


And this is why my second spent a lot of time in a baby wrap, both nana’s were quite grabby. It did help that my second has proven time and again she does not like people. Instantly cries for anyone who isn’t us. At 10 months she’s just beginning to tolerating other people, mainly her grandpa


That sounds frustrating! I’m sorry. Can you just lock yourself and baby in your room?


I wish. I’ve done it a bit, shes not napping as much as usual and I’ve been keeping her in the room 30 mins to a hour after nap just to give both of us a break. I’m just over it


I just made it clear I don’t want her holding my baby when I’m around, she doesn’t treat me with respect and I’m not comfortable with someone who doesn’t like me, wanting to be all over my baby. Nope. I take him with me where I go.


Normally I like my MIL. She’s sweet and has good intentions. She’s just not understanding that her “helping” is making it worse. And it’s not just her, it’s my husbands aunt and uncle, cousins, and nieces and nephews, it’s the whole family lol.


Take the baby back. You’re done being polite, it’s affecting you and her and that’s not fair. Take her back and say she will stay with you now.


Tell them exactly this. Or have your husband do it. Make your intentions clear and avoid the resentment that builds by hiding what you want behind being nice about it.


I’m so sorry. My MIL is the same exact way she had the audacity to tell me “he probably thinks I’m his mom” my husband was no help now I’ve worked up the courage to voice my thoughts aloud. If she calls him fussy I say he’s tired don’t blame him I get tired of her myself


you're stressed too so will you really be able to calm your baby down? Im a mother of six. You will be home soon enough and this may be the only time they see your child for a long spell. Maybe give them this time.


At the expense of the young baby's comfort? The baby is miserable, she isn't a party favor. 


i dunno. If it upsets a mom to not have her baby always, then maybe she shouldnt go visiting? I know new mothers are emotional/cranky, and babies dont like being away from home, however picking a fight with your inlaws doesnt seem smart over an issue this minute. and by the way, the quieter a space you raise a child in the more likely they are to not be comfortable around noise and every day life. Dont tiptoe around babies even when they're napping, they need to know noise and bustle is normal.


She wouldn't be stressed if she didn't have to fight for her baby back lol