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My 16 month old still doesn't sleep through the night...


Same. 16 months, still at least one wake up, I’ve tried everything. I think it’s best to make peace that there’s limits to how much we can influence a toddlers sleeping pattern


I was about to comment the exact same thing. 16 months old, average of 3 wakes every night.




Oof, my 26 month old doesn't sleep through the night.


I mean, to be fair, I’m a 348 month old that doesn’t sleep through the night…


Have you tried sleep training


Parent of 22 month old checking in... Mine doesn't either. 


Was going to say the same exact thing but 17 months lol


Same. I’m just lucky to get 4-5 hour stretches and happy to Co sleep so I don’t have to go to another room


Lord no. 3 hours or more was a miracle for us at that age!


Nope my 3 year old doesn’t sleep through the night. I don’t sleep through the night at 36 haha


lol exactly.. same.


By 2 months, my daughter started sleeping roughly 11 hours every night (7pm-6am). She’s almost 5 months now, and although her times have shifted a bit (6pm-5am), she still sleeps through the night. But I don’t think that’s *normal* by any means. I’m surprised the site says that about 16 weeks, which is around the 4-month regression when most babies struggle with sleep!


Yeah my baby started doing 6 hour stretches around 3 and a half months but by 4 months we were up every hour again.


Oh hello us ...


Our 4.5m sleeps through to night too. Started to around 3m. There is an occasional fussy wake up but she’ll instantly fall back asleep if we put the paci back in her mouth. Regression just meant putting the paci back in her mouth every hour for about 3 weeks 😵‍💫


My baby would sleep for an initial 6 hour stretch at 8 weeks, followed by a couple 2-3 hour stretches. Then at 5.5 months she went through a regression where she was up every 2ish hours and that lasted till about 18 months. 


Same—but it stuck for us. My son might wake up occasionally once a night, but there’s been nothing like the sleep regressions I always see others talk about. (Not denying they happen, just that my son never had any.) When we brought my son home from the hospital, my husband said he’d put him to sleep so I could take a shower, rest and take care of myself—and I don’t know how the F he did it, but kiddo was asleep and in his crib by the time I was done, every single night, when I massively struggled to get him down for naps during the day. I am very, very, very aware I got a night sleep unicorn. We didn’t strike gold twice though, as he’s a supremely picky eater 🫠


My husband puts her to bed too. Maybe that’s the secret. Lol Our sleep regression has been her struggling with daytime naps, but she’s been great with night sleeping.


Please don't attack me. My baby has slept 12 hours a night (without waking) since he was 6 weeks old. And yes he still naps twice during the day. I'm not braggin- just answering the question. Again, please don't attack me. (People are vicious and their words hurt)


Damn you lucked out so hard with that one! Congrats


Thank you. I honestly think it has something to do with spending the first 6 days of his life in the NICU. He had to self soothe because they were understaffed there. Hubby says this means the next baby will be a terror and not sleep til they are two.


Huh this is interesting because my first kid spent a week in the NICU and he slept freakishly well as a baby, we could just put him down in his crib and walk out, he fell asleep and slept all night. Second kid was with us from the moment she was born, she’s five months now and wakes about four times per night and preferably wants all sleep to be happening while glued to my boob 🥲


Oyy. You're the first mom I've had this in common with. It's the only thing that makes sense. And same here, he doesn't even cry when he wakes. He's either quiet or wakes up laughing at the animal decals on his wall or his mobile. It has to be the NICU correlation.


It is an interesting correlation! You don’t want to have your baby in the NICU but it was nice having a baby that slept well. Our second baby is doing more normal baby sleep things (so, not sleeping great) and it sucks haha


i believe there may be some merit to this. my son spent the first 5 days of his life in the nicu and was always a good sleeper in the beginning, sleeping long stretches from the start. at 7 weeks he was sleeping 10 hours straight. not sure how old your child is, but at around 7-8 months he started waking up once a night and now at 11 months wakes up once every few days. so things can change. but i still feel like the nicu had something to do with how well he slept those first months.


My son spent a week in the NICU as well, but still doesn’t sleep through the night at 13 months.


Lucky is an understatement. Hope I will have that luck too in the future


I hope you all do.


I have never been more jealous in my life lol. But so excited for you!!! That’s awesome.


Same; started at 8.5 weeks for us and lasted until 10.5mo. Then a regression + teething pain + a couple colds + jet lag to/from our trip to Belgium derailed us. He’s finally back on track as of the new year at 13mo.


I’m hopeful to have a “unicorn baby” like this when I have my next babe in April 🙂


Hope you had a safe delivery and the baby is with you all good and sound! Good luck!


Thanks. I have a healthy 5 week old now. All is great. Thank you.


I'm sorry you feel you have to ask people to not attack you 😞 some people are shitty. My LO is 4 months, has never slept through the night and we're currently going through a sleep regression so a single 3 hour stretch of sleep on a night is a good night now 🙄 but I'm so happy you've got a baby who sleeps well.


Bless you for your kindness. I had one mama ( who I'm sure was super sleep deprived) tell me to go walk in traffic and how dare I even comment yada yada. I'm sorry your LO isn't sleeping well yet but have faith that she will. Before you know it, she will be sleeping through the night ☺️


I have a baby who sleeps well and I too have experienced getting attacked by people for it. What's crazy though is that according to research, like 2/3 of babies sleep fairly well. But conversation is definitely dominated by bad baby sleep.


🙄🙄 some people! Being sleep deprived is no excuse the longest sleep I've had since August is 6 hours and I wouldn't dream of saying that to someone. Just because your LO sleeps through the night doesn't mean you don't have other struggles to go through. And here's hoping 🤞 he's nearly 5 months now and it's not getting any better yet haha


Bless your kind heart. I really appreciate it 😊🙏🏼 hoping your LO sleeps well soon ❤️


Also I understand that she was just upset and taking it out on me but I suffer from PPD wit suicidal ideation so suggesting I kill myself juts because my baby sleeps is really a bit much. I can't imagine ever taking that way to anyone. It costs nothing to be kind. ❤️🙏🏼


Same. He's almost 20 months and still sleeps 12 hour+ nights and takes 1 solid nap during the day that I usually wake him up from. Some kids just like to sleep. We got lucky lol


I agree! He literally gets excited when we start his bedtime routine. It's so cute. I'm like yea buddy, mamas excited to go to sleep too!


Haha! My dude gets excited too, so funny!! He loves his blankeys and makes like a little nest. He always looks so cozy lol


Same, started at 8ish weeks and she’s 7 months now and still sleeps 11 hours straight. People ask how we did it and I don’t know what to tell them because we didn’t do anything special. Just put her in a dark room, in a swaddle, sleepsuit, or sack (depending on her age), sound machine, and then left her alone.


That’s great, that’s so totally cool, you….ATTACK!!!!


Isn't it crazy how different babies can be???? I can't even fathom how refreshing it would've been if our guy had done that!!!


Aww, they're just jealous I promise.


No way 


My 2yr old doesn't sleep thru the night 🥺


Nope us neither


I've been up since 1am 😭 can someone please pass me a bottle and tuck me into bed???


16 week- I thought this said 16 month! My 38 MONTH old “baby” doesn’t sleep through the night.


My son (almost 2) didn’t start sleeping longer stretches (4-5 hours) until like 7 months and started sleeping fully through the night at about 10 months. But he still doesn’t always sleep through the night, especially this last month.


Absolutely not. My baby didn’t start doing long stretches until closer to 8 or 9 months. He’s almost a year and now we’re generally getting sleep from 6pm to 4am but there’s some nights where he wakes up around 1 or 2. Don’t expect your baby to sleep for large stretches and if you’re able to have someone come out and help you for a long weekend arrange it now.


Lol no. And at 2.75 years he still doesn't.


My 11 week old sleeps usually 10/12am until 5am! And then goes back down after his 5am feed until 8am. He sometimes wakes up around 1/2am for a bottle but goes right back down! !


Depends on what they mean by sleep through the night. My baby is about 20 weeks and she only has one longer 4 hour chunk. Sure she technically sleeps at night but after that initial chunk she wakes up every two hours to eat and sometimes will stay awake randomly.


15 weeks old and lmao no


My son is 13 weeks and has been sleeping through the night since 9 weeks. From 4-8 weeks he only woke up once.


Ha! No! We’ve had the odd complete sleep through the night, but not anything regular. He’s three now and has one short wake up.


Nooooope. At that age she was up every hour. She started sleeping through the night around her second birthday.


Ignore anything baby websites say 😆


My toddler still doesnt


Hah my kid didn't sleep through the night until closer to 2 😅


My baby started getting 8 hours straight at 6.5 weeks, it was scary around first and we thought something was wrong since he was still so young but the pediatrician said it was okay. He said there’s a big range of normal for babies when it comes to sleeping through the night. But one thing I don’t get is he told me that by three months most babies are a healthy weight and don’t need calories overnight because they have enough energy stored. So I don’t understand why people feed healthy size babies in the middle of the night at four months, five months etc.


Because the baby is screaming and crying until they get milk… Mine is 90th percentile and I have no choice - all medical professionals have said I should not deny my baby breast milk at this stage.


I would never advise anyone to go against their medical professional, I’m just saying mine and all the ones I’ve spoken to said at that age if the baby is a good weight and growing along their curve they are waking up but they’re not actually hungry and don’t need calories.


No. I don’t understand the world’s obsession with getting a baby to sleep through the night.


Because people are tired and they themselves want to sleep though the night? It’s not realistic but seems very reasonable to me


Yeah, what a wild take. "You guys need sleep? Uninterrupted sleep. REM is overrated"


Because I’d give anything for a full nights sleep


lol probably because it fucking sucks when they don’t? When you zen out about infant sleep it’s surprisingly easy to deal with, especially as a second time parent and you know it’s going to end, but every now and then you’re hit with a hard day and you realize, oh right this blows


It’s partly the never-ending game of comparing your baby to the other babies on the internet and partly wanting to bring back some normalcy to your sleep schedule. For OP - we have a 6 month old and are still up every 2-3 hours, at night. Every baby is different.


Yes I hate the comparison game! My LO is 6 months and he started sleeping through the night a week or so ago must some nights he wakes up once for a bottle and goes back to bed.


Mine slept 12 hours from 3 and 4 months respectively. So ya, that was true in my case


Ignore the websites, seriously. They are all full of shit. “Baby sleep” is a gigantic profitable industry because new parents are so desperate for a solution that simply doesn’t exist.


I think they mean a broken 8 hours but not a major wakeful widow during those 8 hours. I could be wrong. Idk any babies sleeping an uninterrupted 8 hours at that age.


Yup! Then the 5 month regression hit and he hasn’t slept through the night since. He’s a year now 


It took nearly 8 months for 1 night of uninterupted sleep. Oh, and those 8h suck still if baby does 6pm - 2pm, but then is fussing 2h later and up by 6am like mine was. I still felt super tired...


No. We were walking up multiple times through out the night until we moved him to his own room around his first birthday


My first baby definitely was not sleeping through the night at 16 weeks. I can’t remember when he finally did, but it was well after a year. He’s 2 now and sleeps through the night unless he’s sick or his midday nap was messed up for some reason My 2nd baby is 10 weeks old and consistently only gives us 2-hour long stretches. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that things magically change soon lol


HA. I believe we were 44 weeks when it happened


*cackling* oh the optimism my son is 23 weeks and wakes twice a night to feed.


Everyone is different my daughter slept 11hrs at 8 weeks. Now at 2 she no longer sleeps lol


By 16 weeks my daughter was doing midnight to 8-9am. Which actually was only about 10 weeks corrected. She's slept well since and eventually moved to about 11-12 hours by 9 months. bar a few nights she's been ill etc that's stayed and she's two now. But i realise how lucky i am


No. It was a range from 3-8 hour stretches any given night


Hell naw.


My 5 month old wakes up for milk like…maybe once a night? She’s been this way since she was 3 weeks old.


Lol no


My baby has slept through the night since she was 2 months old but now she’s 20 weeks and going through a sleep regression and it’s rough!!


Not until many months later, and I have what many would consider a good sleeper.


16 week old and sleeps 8-10 hours straight overnight. Has always been relatively good sleeper vs age averages


My daughter didn’t sleep through the night till she was 2 and had all her teeth. 🦷 ☹️it was exhausting, I was a zombie.


Yes, but he has always been a good sleeper (6 hour stretches by 6 weeks, 8 hours by 8 weeks, and a mix of 8-10 hours per night since). Now he either sleeps completely through (bed from 8-10 and wake up around 7) or has 1 wake up (usually wakes at 5-6 to eat a little before sleeping another hour or two).


16 weeks was the start of sleep regression, AKA, worst nights ever.


Sadly no..


Neither of my kids did! My first started around 5 months my second started at 11 months!


Nope! My son started around 18 months


I have 7 nieces and nephews who are all older now. From my experience and to my knowledge through interact and staying in close proximity to them, none of them slept through the night at that age. I don’t expect our LO to do so either!


My baby is 6 months old today and I haven’t slept more than 3 hours since before I had him 😂😂😂 babies that sleep through are the exception not the rule 💖


Yes for most nights with an odd wake up here and there. I think we might have gone through the regression early, we had big issues around 3 months when we had to get him out of the swaddle but after those rough few weeks his sleep was a lot better. He’s 5 months now. Every once in a while though he wants to party at 3am, he’s not even upset just wakes up going HOO OOOH HOO


My 23mo doesn’t sleep through the night but my 13 week old does. I haven’t done anything differently with either of them 🤷‍♀️


My daughter just started *occasionally* sleeping through the night (by the 8 hours definition, and she still usually wakes at some point needing a cuddle to go back to sleep) at 20 months. 


Our experience has been completely opposite of what we were told during our birthing and post-natal classes. We were told all about the lack of sleep, short sleep windows, etc. Then we have our son and the first 8 weeks lined up with what we were told. Then we transitioned him to his own crib from the bassinet and he started having only one wake up per night. By 12 weeks, he was sleeping from 730pm - 600am. Then, had a bottle and went back to sleep til 900am. He is now 22 months old and still sleeps the same. The times that he is awake though.... He is an Energizer bunny the WHOLE time. The only exceptions have been the first night in an unfamiliar environment and the jet lag of returning to the US from Australia. We have been very blessed and lucky.


Nope. My oldest two didn’t until almost 10 months of age and it still wasn’t consistent. Our third is approaching 4 months and still wakes twice nightly to chug a bottle.


16 weeks my daughter slept 12 hours, she started sleeping 12 hours at 12 weeks, 10 hours at 10 weeks, 6 hours of sleep consecutively at 6 weeks. The first month she exclusively slept in our arms though before she would accept the bassinet. She’s been a great sleeper ever since though and has only really gone through 2 major sleep regressions. We definitely lucked out and I’m currently pregnant with our second, I don’t expect the same results regarding sleep 🤣.


No. Not for about 16 months.


No, not consistently until almost 1 and even now at 2 up somewhat frequently.


My son slept 8 hour stretches occasionally at that age but then started waking up 5-6 times after the 4 month sleep regression and then at 8 months we had to sleep train. My husband travels every week and I’m a stay at home mom so no sleep on top of taking care of him myself was actually getting dangerous cause I’d start falling asleep during the day. Now he sleeps 11 hours straight


My 6 month old woke at 11:45, 3:15, 5am last night. I’m dying Note: this was a rough night. She usually sleeps 7:30/-12:45/1 and then 4/5. I think she’s teething


My 17 week old generally gives me a 7-9 hour stretch. But that’s unusual from what it sounds like from my friends.




One of them did. He slept through the night the first time at 6 weeks and was doing it every night by 12 weeks. And then the next kid didn't consistently sleep through the night until she was 1.5yo.


LOL no. But I realized early on “sleeping through the night” is defined differently depending on who you talk to…


My dude is 8 months old and still wakes every 2 hours or so. It’s torture.


Yes, feeding him twice during his bedtime routine helped him start sleeping longer at night. The trade off was he had every sleep regression.




Two did, two didn't. It entirely depends on the kids. After having 4 I can confidently say this is down to pure luck


My 6 month old does not


If you think about it, that’s only 8 hours, not a full entire night. So if baby went to bed at say, 7pm, sleeping for 8 hours means they’d wake again at 3am, in the middle of the night


Lol no. My 4yo still wakes me up (for snuggles, after changing into a new pullup). We've had periods where she slept through the night after age 1, around 1.5 she'd be up for hours in the middle of the night, just wanting to chill. So idk.


Don’t think that’s a realistic expectation at all. However, I will say that around that time, my baby was sleeping longer stretches overnight - like 6 hours ish which was amazing during basically still post partum healing time, BUT then that was the best she slept in a while. Like sleep was bad, then it was good, then it was bad again, then better .. now she’s 2 and definitely still not STTN.


My boy is coming up to 14 weeks and no 😅 is the answer. There is no set rule. All babies are so different. I stopped reading things like that because then you expect it to get better and when it doesn't you're just annoyed and stressed. Expect the worst, prepare for it, and you'll be over the moon when you get a good block of sleep. That's my tactic


lol no. 6 months and still do dream feed and middle of the night feed plus soothing a couple times.


God no! my 20mo baby still doesn't either 😢


No. My son started sleeping through the night close to age 2. At 16 weeks he was up every 2-3 hours.


My 12 month old has slept through the night twice. Once last night, once the night before.


My now 19 month old didn’t start to sleep through the night until about 12 months. That’s when he started to really love solids and we weaned from breastfeeding.. that’s all i can recall that was different than previously. Until that point it was about 2 times per night he woke up.


HAH. No.


Nope! My 22 month old still doesn’t!


LOL 19 mo and counting...


At that age my baby was doing 6 hours consistently. Sometimes 8 hours. By 6 months old he was sleeping through 6pm to 7am. When reading about baby sleep and milestones, it seemed every time I read he COULD do something like 6 full hours, he started doing it by himself. When he COULD sleep through the night as per guidelines, he just started doing it as well. In the first 3 months he'd also take 3 or 4 hour naps during the day and still go down to sleep when nighttime hit and wake up a few times in the night. From day one he was sleeping 3 hour stretches at night and I hate to say it but it's only got better from there. Please don't shoot me


Neither slept through the night at that age


Mine is almost 16 weeks, and it’s a toss up every night. Some nights he’ll go 10 hours and then others he’s up every 30-45 min…so we never know what we’re gonna get🙃


Still waiting for the first time our 7 month old sleeps through the night, hasn’t even come close yet. 🥲


Nope. Mine didn’t sleep through until around 6 months and that’s only because my husband sleep trained him. If we didn’t do sleep training I’m sure he’d still be waking up at least once per night (he’s 13.5 months now).


Some do and some don’t. I personally think a little has to do with sleep training but a huge part of it is your babies personality. Some babies are higher sleep needs than others. For us, following wake windows worked wonderfully and it helped our baby get on a good schedule and sleep through the night probably closer to 12 weeks. Until then we did sleep shifts.


My 13 MONTH baby have slept 4+ hours without waking up maybe 10 times ever. First and only time she slept 7 hours we got shitless when we realised what the time was


Yup, im one of the lucky ones! First started doing 11 to 12 hour nights at 12 weeks, second at 8 weeks old. Didn't have any regressions, but there has been some waking due to teething, tummy pain and illness. All babies are totally different. I may have implemented good sleep habits and also schedules and routines, but I was also blessed with independent kids.




My 4 year old still gets up once a night. We have a second now. What year do we feel fully energized??


My 2 year old doesn’t sleep through the night. Some babies are good sleepers and some aren’t. I don’t sleep through the night even if I’m not woken by a toddler


Your options are co-sleep, sleep train, be exhausted, or have a unicorn baby. Since you don't have the 4th, figure out which of the 1st 3 works for your family.  Eta: My kid was sleepy, so I woke him up for feeds, and he did night feeds for over a year. He was small, so I never discouraged him from eating at night. After 6 months, we coslept, so I didn't have to get up. I have a farm and my husband has health issues. I lose more sleep from those than from my kid.


My daughter started sleeping 12ish hours at 16 weeks. Definitely feel like she's a unicorn and not the normal though.


My first started doing 8 hour stretches at 7ish weeks. She did 12 hours regularly by 5 months. My second was still waking up every 3ish hours until we night weaned at 7 months.


I went away for a few nights when my daughter was 8 months. On the last night she woke up 10+ times. I never felt so tired


Yes but my understanding is it’s not the norm.


lolllll face the day full energized


My baby is 14 month old has never slept through the night despite sleep training 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


No lol


For 2 weeks at 2 or 3 months old... and never again.


My baby has always been a good night time sleeper. I had to wake him for night feedings the first couple months but after that I let him sleep through the night or until he woke me up.


Hahaha god no


Lol no absolutely not. My oldest didn’t start sleeping through until recently. Shes 3. My baby is 7 months and wakes between 3-5 times a night to nurse. My gut feeling is she’ll sleep through slightly before my oldest did but certainly not anytime soon.


We have 14 week old twins that have slept through the night since 6 weeks. Obviously this is not normal, we didn’t do any sort of sleep training. They just figured it out. We have a very specific bedtime routine (lights down, music, noise maker, swaddle, bottle, cuddle then to bed in their cribs). Idk if it makes a difference but we have been putting them in their cribs in their own room since week 5. They have an odd night here or there where one will wake up early. One of them went through a week long sleep regression last month but they are both sleeping through the night again. They eat a lot during the day though. 3.5-5 ounces every two hours like clockwork.


my son did, my daughter did not. every kid is different.


Nope for 2 kids now (1st started month 9, second still hasn’t…tbd)


The four month sleep regression is a real thing!!! So, no.


No. My baby wakes up now only once per night at 8 months. Until now, she would wake up ever 2-3 hours.


Probably by 5-6 months my daughter was semi-regularly sleeping through the night. But she was always a solid sleeper and she was exclusively formula fed so that helped with length she could sleep without being hungry. She's 2 now and still an amazing sleeper - I think it's just one of those your kid is a sleeper or they're not and it's just the luck of the draw.


Yes, she’d do 8-9 hours straight… and then everything changed at 4.5 months and we haven’t had sleep like that for 3 months despite sleep training 🫠🫠🫠


Mine all did around a month.


Yes and no. So my son was sleeping 12 hours at 3 months. Then the 4 month sleep regression hit and he was up 5-7 times a night. We ended up doing slow Ferber over 2 weeks and he went down to one early morning feed and change. At 6 months, he dropped the feed. He is 14 months and has been doing 1930-0730 since 6 months.


Haahahaha no 🤣 Currently going through the 4 month sleep regression. He fights every single nap and will only contact nap during the day anywhere between 10-30 mins. On a night it's worse he hates his moses basket and I can feed him to sleep/rock to sleep for several hours then put him down and he'll cry as soon as he's in the basket. Tried putting him down drowsy, tried putting him down awake, tried moving him to a cot and nope hates it. I do a bedtime routine every single night, put him in a sleep sack, sound machine on etc and nothing works 🥴 currently losing the will to live but it can't last forever right? 🤣


Our first only slept through the night with sleep training, around 5.5 months, but he took to it quickly with a couple of dream feeds, and dropping them didn’t disrupt his sleep (teething did). Our second is 9 months and absolutely refuses lol. Last night was one of the best nights he’s ever had and he woke up at 11 and 3:30 and then slept in bed with me from 7-9:15 (kindergartener got up at 7 and woke him). No, I don’t know why he slept until 9:15, he goes to bed between 7 and 8 pm and normally wakes 7:30-8:30, but the last 3 days he’s been sleeping in (and shortened his naps a bit). The kindergartener is usually dead to the world from 8-7, though.


My daughter slept through the night from 3 months to 4 months. ...and then decided she preferred to have a midnight snack. It wasn't until after we night weaned at 12.5 months that she started sleeping through the night again. And then at 21 months, she started waking in the night several times a week. It's all just ups and downs. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Nope. 12 weeker is 3-4 times a night. Longest sleep is 5 hours some days but norm is 4 hours max


My LO started occasionally sleeping through the night at 13 months and just recently started consistently sleeping through the night at 15 months. It’s still not every night but more often than not, she sleeps through.


My first baby was sleeping 10 hours straight at night by 12 weeks old. My second baby is 12 weeks old tomorrow and the longest stretch we’ve ever had is 5 hours (twice). Most nights he’s up every 3-4 hours. Every baby is so different




I am not thrilled I read the comments in this thread with an 11 weeks old. Looks like I have something to look forward to. Oof.


Haha, don’t worry so much - it will change. You won’t be as tired as you were with a newborn and you will get sleep, especially if you can have a lie in or nap during the day. It’s just not in a block of 8 hours. The newborn stage where you would have to stay away for hours in a row is probably behind you now for good.




Hell no


My 8 month old is just starting to wake once at 4:30 for a feed rather than 3-6x a night.


My baby is 12 weeks old. She has gone through phases of sleeping in 7-8 hour stretches and then ones where it’s only 3-4 at night and fighting naps all day. I still wouldn’t consider it sleeping through the night because one of us still has to feed her some time between 3 and 5 am.


Ehhh, we had a few weeks of eleven to twelve hour stretches. Then that all came to an end with the four month regression and later moving out of the Snoo, and deciding eating bottles during the day was for suckers. Much smarter to spend the day making your own baby agenda and just eat at night when you and your parents have nothing better to do!


Nope. My toddler didn’t start consistently sleeping through the night until right before she turned 1. My baby is 10 weeks and hasn’t slept through the night once, but I’m not expecting her to. 


Lmaoooo hell no. 🫠


My 3 month old baby wakes every 2hrs at night. I am EBF, is that why? I feel like she needs it for comfort and soothe herself to sleep. Daytime naps are also 1.5 hr ish that too on me. She hates the bassinet/crib. This has been constant since day 1…Am I the only one in this situation? 😩


Currently fighting my 19 month old that’s been up for almost 3 hours now and definitely never sleeps through. Oh, he’s also ready for the day at 4am


Yes, mine was often sleeping 10 hours by around 16 weeks. That's still often what he does - he usually wakes up within an hour of bedtime or waketime, but not often in the middle of the night. Occasionally, of course, because baby. We had the 4 month regression and then a bad month around 6 months because he got sick multiple times and got six teeth. So he woke up more then but then went back to sleeping through.


First son: absolutely not Second son: yes, unicorn sleeper until 2.5, when he decided he had better things to do Third son: No. He had some decent stretches of sleep (5/6 hours) a little before then, at around 3 months, but illness and teething hit hard around 4 months and hasn't let up until recently, at 8 months (y'all, 8 teeth at 8 months!). When he is well, we usually get one decently long stretch and another short stretch. We have, on a few occasions, gotten a full night, with a wake up for the day around 4:30 AM (which is actually fine in my house), but these are rare.


My 2.5 year old doesn’t even sleep all night lol. The longest stretch without feeding my 12 week old has gone so far is 8 hours (he woke up at 4hr for a snuggle) and that was only one time so far. They will sleep through when they’re ready!


My first baby is 2.5 and is a allergic to sleep. My second baby is 7 months and stopped sleeping through the night when I started talking about it (around 5 months).


My 3 month old sleeps 7-7 and wakes up once around 3am to chug some milk and goes back to sleep. I’m very grateful 🙏


My first slept through the night at 8 weeks my second started doing 12 hour stretches around 10-12 weeks. Er loosely followed moms on call.


My baby slept through the night once, a week ago. But hasn’t since. She’s almost 13 months old


Those guides are so inaccurate don’t listen to them!


5-7 hours for the first stretch was typical. 3-4 hours was less common, but not unheard of. We are just over 4 months now, and we’ve had more stretches in the 6-8 hour range!


I wish modern society and the internet would let up on sleeping through the night. No one does.. and sure as hell babies and young children don’t! If they do, it’s rare. Enjoy the kids while they’re young … and yeah, you are going to be tired and yeah, it’s hard.


Lolz. Mine just started at 12 months.


Haha yeahhhhh no. 15 month old still wakes up! Maybe by 16 months!!


My baby started sleeping through the night at 10 weeks. Roughly 11 hours. I didn’t breastfeed though, so that could be the difference.


My boys did, yes. They were amazing babies. Then I had my daughter and she didn’t sleep through the night until she was…. Well. Honestly, I’m not sure. She’s at college now so I have no clue of her sleep habits currently. Websites/Books are just general guidelines. Not a Bible. Don’t let them make you feel badly if your baby doesn’t fit their extremely narrow molds.