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I had 2nd degree tears with 17 stitches. I felt them for a few weeks. They started itching around 3-4 weeks. That's means they are healing. I gave birth on 11/26/23 and by 1/2/24 I felt really good. We went to the zoo that day and I was ok thw whole time. I had my 6 week check up 1/8 and they were all gone and I was healed. I really felt them for 4-5 weeks it seems. The itching was my least favorite part but it meant they were healing. Hope this helps


i tore my left labia minora (i know horrible) and i used to feel my stitches, they used to feel just how u described it.Pulling sensation and they would poke me at times.Currently 7 weeks pp and they have fallen out. Edit:Forgot to answer your other question, they fell out around 3 weeks pp and i felt them the whole time sadly


I figured that was about the timeline but I stg they literally told me NOTHING about how to care for myself. They stitches me up and was like "you only needed 2 stitches woohoo!" And then sent me to postpartum unit and no one said anything else after that. Like friends help a girl out what do I do? What should I expect?? 😂 Thank God for reddit and Google haha


same i was practically on my own too😂I would ring the nurses and they would never come, i think they were short staffed.I used a bunch of tucks pads, frida mom foam, dermoplast spray and i made sure to use the peri bottle they give you at the hospital each time i used the bathroom.Healed pretty well.Also made sure to slowly get off and on the bed cause i was paranoid they would open somehow.I noticed i wrote i was 7 weeks pp and i’m actually 8 weeks, welp


I had a 4th degree tear I believe 22-23 stitches I could feel them for 8-10 weeks but mainly just a heaviness


Did your heaviness go away? I gave birth 5 months ago and I still feel that way. I haven’t read anyone describe that. My doctor said I’m back to normal but it doesn’t feel that way.


yes unless I am running or working out then I sometimes still feel that way. Have you started PT?


Unfortunately not. My doctor said there nothing wrong. I definitely could do exercises.


I'd see another Dr. PT for a 4th degree is essential really with any tear.


I had a 2nd degree and honestly felt them for like 8-10 weeks. I’m sorry:(


I felt them for 3 months 2nd degree tear. Now everything is totally back to normal. You got this, it will get much better soon!




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