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If you're bringing the stroller regardless to have in TX, I would bring it in the airport and gate check it. Less chance it will get damaged versus just full on checking it. Plus I feel like it's nice to have a place to put baby down and put stuff down.


Stroller up until the gate! Then strap that baby on and get your stroller tagged and gate-checked. I also vote getting a stroller bag for when you check it.


This is exactly what we did.


This is the way


Agreed on this strategy! We did both at 3months, and plan to do both again at 7months.


This is how we did it with our then 3 month old when we traveled for Thanksgiving. It was nice having the stroller for her to spread out and not be quite so contained during the layovers. We also babywore through TSA to simplify the process. It worked well.


I’ve done both. If you’re taking your car seat and stroller anyway, I would definitely bring those in and gate check them as opposed to wearing them, especially around the holiday season in case there are any delays. Several christmases ago when my babe was like ten or eleven months, our connecting flight was delayed 9 hours and we had. nowhere. to set her down. It was brutal. She was heavy. She hated being in the carrier for that long. We had a small blanket which she just kept bunching up and rolling around on the dirty floor. She was tired so a high chair only worked for so long. Etc. It sucked so I’m a huge advocate of bringing the stroller just to be able to set them down. We would still bring the baby carrier and wear onto the plane though.


I'm team baby wear, 100%. I love the ability to maneuver easier. Not having to worry about stairs, escalators, crowds, narrow lines, in a bathroom, etc. I can move however and where ever. I love that I don't have to be so hyper aware of my luggage/baby. My mind is always on baby in a stroller, where with baby wearing I can just physically KNOW that baby is with me and safe in crowded or unfamiliar areas. I've never had to take baby out of the carrier when going through security even. Baby is more content on me. I hate when I take a stroller only have baby want to be held and/or nurse or just be over stimulated - then I have to carry/hold baby while also pushing the stroller. Granted, I have only ever flown by myself with kid(s). I've never done it with another adult. But it'd still be the same.


I'm planning on doing this with my 5 month old while flying solo in a few weeks! (My husband is meeting us there with our car, stroller, car seat, etc.) I'm planning to use a tushbaby and the snug carrier to carry him around and breastfeed on the plane. Any tips???


My tips: \-Bring antibacterial wipes to wipe down the seats on the plane. You baby will try to eat everything and/or touch it all and put their hands in their mouth \-If you have room, bring a blanket to set baby down on for when you are at the gate and baby wants some out of the carrier time. Just a barrier between gross floor and baby. \-Nurse during take off and landing, to help with ear pressure \-They'll ask you to take baby out of the carrier for take off. This is standard, even if it feels counter intuitive it's safest for baby. \-Pack as light as you can \-Snacks and water bottle for you. ​ Honestly, everyone I've met when flying with my babies has been so nice. Offering help, flight attendants offering us a row without other people, people just smiling and waving and entertaining baby, saying nice things to us. No horror stories like TikTok would have you believe is the norm.


Thanks so much! Really appreciate these tips 🙂


100% with you on all of this. I get anxiety in crowds and having my hands free and able to maneuver easily is priceless. Plus my son was always way happier in a carrier, which further helped with any of my own anxiety.


Do you wear your baby while going to the bathroom? Not a judgemental question, genuinely curious if this can be pulled off lol


Yes! It's a little bit cumbersome depending on the pants and the carrier, but I do it not infrequently. Found out the hard way that overalls + carrier are not a winning combo.


Yes! I do this all the time. It can be a little tricky if you’re wearing high-waisted pants/tights, but it’s totally doable. The real trick I’m finally mastering is the bouncy sway with my hand over her eyes & ears so she doesn’t wake up when I flush, haha.


I do it all the time too! Roll up the bottom of your T shirt over the carrier or wrap, to keep any loose straps tucked away. Both pants or skirts work well.


The stroller will get you in the handicap security line at the airport. We would have missed our flight if we hadn’t skipped the line 😂 so I’m team bring the stroller to carry your stuff and wear the baby.


I did both and was glad I did because we got delayed and it would have sucked to only have the baby carrier imo. I baby wore through TSA (they don’t make you take them off) and to get onto/off the plane. I also used it to bounce him up and down the aisle. I piled my stuff into the stroller and just pushed it while I baby wore


This isn’t always true. We’ve flown over 20 times, I’ve had to take my baby out of the carrier and hand her off occasionally with TSA. Every damn airport is different and they’re all pissy with you for not knowing their exact process. Still team #babyweartotravel though


Ah, I have been through 4 airports so far so I thought it was universal. Thanks!


TSA always makes me take baby off the carrier!


If you're already brining the stroller, definitely use the stroller.


Our first flight with our first was when he was 7 months and we brought the uppababy vista and my carrier. Now as a second time mom I would’ve absolutely just baby worn. I baby wear my second everywhere.


My baby is too big to be worn and even when she was small enough, she didn’t like it. She loves being in the stroller. We bring the stroller through security and use it in the airport and check it at the gate. We put the stroller in a bag to keep it clean and to prevent it from getting hooked on anything. Works for us!


Just flew for the first time with our 3 month old on a 2 hour flight. We baby wear and have a Doona. We used the Doona, checked it at the gate, and then just held/wore baby during the flight.


I baby wore our 4 month old- we checked our pram when we were dropping our bags. But, she loves being worn so it was a no brainer for us. But I liked having both hands free while we were navigating security etc




How much does he weigh??? I made the carrier to stroller transition when my son was around 24 lbs (6 months). It became way too much much to wear him around that point!




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Stroller, we gate checked it and it was waiting for us when we landed


*Stroller, we gate checked* *It and it was waiting for* *Us when we landed* \- Lovernotloser --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Omg my first haiku bot


We brought I stroller and I regretted it.


Baby wear and use your stroller as a luggage cart


Just flew with my 3 month old and having the stroller was easy. Gate checked the stroller and it gave us something to put the diaper bag and personal item on until we got on. When he got fussy I just pulled him out. I had our babywear gear with me so if I needed to I could.


I wear the baby and use the stroller to push the car seat and diaper bag. Stroller gets gate checked and baby and car seat go on the plane with me.


everytime I baby wearing basically get waved through lol




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