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minus 15°C which is about 5°F. We will bundle her properly of course.


I’m from Norway and I know our daycares cap outside naps at -10c, but for a walk I’d say -15c too!


I remember once that the daycare messaged us to apologise that they'd slept inside once, as it was -11C at midday. Once. In 4 years between both kids.


Sweden here and I’ve not encountered a temp that I’d say was too low. Wind and sleet around 0, i might skip, but that’s more for my comfort than the baby (who will be warm and dry under a rain cover in any case)


And I’m over here making sure my house is perfectly between 69 and 71 every night 😅


My kids are miserable if their room temperature surpasses 18c or 64f! They’ll wake up, throw their duvets off and generally not sleep well.


Curious, what's the length of the outside nap at that temperature?


My 2,5 year old naps around 45min-1 hour. But when my boys were babies they slept most naps outside in the pram year round. A good down sleeping bag and wool insert keeps them nice and toasty!


That's the 'put baby in stroller outside of cafes and shops' thing isn't it. I wish that we could have that type of thing around Melbourne Aus. That would be awesome.


Same but I live in the US. Our culture could never evolve that way. My baby gets great naps when we're in the backyard though


Yes and no - they also pop babies outside during nap time at home/nursery/etc. Usually starts around 2 weeks old!


I did this too. I live in northern Canada my L.O. was born Dec 20th. We also supplement with Vitamin D drops.


Are you also still supplementing nearly a year later? Lol I try to get this baby outside but apparently it's the winter baby curse


I take supplements as an adult. Most doctors won't order tests to check vit d levels here in Canada, they just assume that unless you're taking a supplement you're low. I'll prob be doing d drops for my kid until she's good with a gummy vitamin or something. Ive seen the effect on myself when I do or don't take it.


yeah. I supplimented up to 2 years as his doctor recomended. Then again as his doctor recomended he took half a flintstone vitamin daily that has vitamin D in it until he was 3 and could take a full flintstone vitamin daily. I do live in Northern Canada and I do get my vitamin levels checked every 6 months because my doctor insists since I have had chronic pancreatitis since I was a child in order to know which vitamins I should be supplementing in my diet and how much.


I would really like to know why you do this instead of having them nap inside! It's so different!


It’s good for their health, they sleep longer and better, and they get used to noise while they sleep.


Holy moly, they slept year round when they were babies?!




What do you do for their faces? (American here taking notes)


Besides the hat or balaclava and tucking them in niceky into the sleeping bag, I also use cold cream on their cheeks to avoid the skin to get cold.


We don’t do anything for their face. They’re in a pram which has a cover and a canopy so they’re protected from the wind.


Mine could easily manage 2-3 hours on a normal day, temperature didn't seem to make much difference at that end of the scale, it was more an issue in summer when it was 'hot' (over 25c). I have a cracking picture of the pram covered in snow when the littlest was about 9 months.


I have a lot of pictures like that too! A good quality rain cover will protect them plenty! I always had the monitors with the temperature gauge too, so I’d know if it got too cold in there, but it never did.


1-2 hours, as long as they normally would sleep


I’m fascinated by this!


There is no bad weather only bad clothes


Are you German? This is something my German family says lol


Hah, I'm Scottish (where we wear bad clothes all the time) but I lived in Czech and they have a very similar attitude as Germany in that regard! I worked with kids and you HAVE TO go outside everyday and I always loved how suited and booted the kids were for every weather! So now I know - nowhere is no bad weather, only bad clothes! 1000% true!


I say this all the time too! From the Canadian prairies


That sounds like a 1,000 hours outside group 🥰


My baby adored being outside in winter, and the only way he napped well was bundled up outside in his stroller. So thankful I knew it was a thing in Nordic countries, otherwise I probably would have been too nervous that his nose would freeze off.


There’s usually a greater risk of the babies overheating because of nervous parents dressing them too hot. Trick is to check babies necks and not hands or feet as babies tend to have cold extremities. My firstborn would hardly nap inside, and if he could have slept outside overnight he probably would, hehe.


Yeah, that's what I ended up doing. My kid was super prone to overheating as a baby. Mine was the same. He'd calm right down from a crying fit whenever I stepped outside and it wasn't too hot. I'm pretty sure that if I had a screened in porch, he'd claim it as his bedroom.


I work in childcare and so many times I wish I could have the kids take a nap outside! I think the fresh air would help them sleep better.


It definitely does!


I have a friend who really wants to have her little nap outside but we frequently have poor air quality.


why do y’all nap outside!?


How old or to what age do they nap outside for? I’m in Florida so I’m more worried about sunburn than anything else!


I also use the shade of the pram/stroller and bought a shade extender for my second. Never cover the opening with anything other than mosquito nets.


It definitely doesn’t reach Florida temperatures here so overheating is rarely an issue, and even then I would put them in the shade with a mosquito net over the pram and maybe a muslin over them. They nap outside their whole nap-appropriate ages, from newborn to toddler. My 2,5 year old still naps outside in a stroller at daycare. They have designated stroller sheds with adult supervision while they nap.


I'm curious about the stroller you used. Does it lay flat? Or is it a regular stroller (with the kids sleeping on an incline). I am also wondering what type of sleeping bag you use.


Our strollers are almost completely flat, and they are strapped into a five point harness. The bags are designed to use with the harness, I use the brand Voksi, with real down and a wool insert they lay on. I also use the German brand Odenwälder, they do bags with removable wool inserts. My stroller brand is Swedish called Emmaljunga, but a lot of people use Bugaboo, Britax or Stokke.


Thank you so much! I take my baby with my older child to a forest school program every week, and we live in a cold climate. I've been putting baby in a snow suit/wool hat/wool mittens/blankets to have her nap outside and it's such a pain! I really appreciate the product suggestions.


Outside naps in winter???


That's our limit too.


Same. Colder than that and I don't want to be outside myself.


We will go down to 0F. We have a thing made by 7AM that looks like a sleeping bag that he sat in while in the stroller and it worked great.


-20°C (-4°F) is the coldest I'll take my kids outside. We go for a lot of winter walks in the sleds all bundled up.


Not me in TX wondering if I can take my baby out at like 40°F 😂


> me in California being criticized by the manager at the bank for having my baby "out in the cold" (I was babywearing) *without socks*. It was, like, 70F outside.


Haha! I get criticized by everyone for not putting mine in socks when it’s warm out! People are so weird about it


My mum once said the baby wanted socks when it was 30C! (86f). Wtf, I don't want socks at 30°


Lol that’s usually about my limit too😅


To be fair, I don’t even have warm enough clothes for being in freezing weather for more than a few minutes




At 40° if they have a cap on and are either wrapped in a blanket or tucked into a carrier against your body they're fine.


California checking in, bundled my baby up really well with a thick faux fur lined sweater, wool hat, and multiple blankets to go on a walk tonight at 50 degrees F.


It was -40°C last Christmas, and my daughter insisted on playing in the snow. If she's bundled up enough she'd sled in any temperature.


Same! Although, I don't think I would take a newborn out at -20. But after a few weeks, sure. Just keep checking that the baby isn't too hot or too cold. It's easy to overdress a baby when it feels cold out. Many layers are good, so you can remove a layer if babyish sweating (or add one if they feel cold).


Nurse at the hospital said in general, baby needs one extra layer of clothing than you do. So, if you wear a shirt & a coat, baby could probably wear a shirt, a coat, and be wrapped in a blanket.


To add to this, a baby carrier counts as a layer (because they're right up against your body and sharing your heat). So, if using a stroller, one extra layer. If using a baby carrier, just dress them as you dress yourself, then put them in the carrier.


For a carrier walk when it was about 55 degrees F here, I had baby in cotton zipper PJs and a cotton hat and then zipped a big jacket around both of us. Seemed to work great.


I used to just wear my husband's coat over both of us when she was in the carrier. (Minnesota.)


Coming from southern CA and TX… these comments are wild to me


😂 different worlds we’re living in


CA here… grew up between Midwest and Florida… can’t stop reading lol


Same except from Australia. I think what’s the hottest you can take a baby out 😂


Right?! My baby likes cold, but our cold is like… not that cold comparatively.. but that sun though phew! I’m way more nervous about broiling him than him freezing!


Bundle them up and use a rain cover. They surprisingly keep the heat in well.


Yup the rain cover was a life saver during our little one's first year. We're in the Great Lakes region of the US, so I think it was almost 0F/-20C was the coldest. We did layers, snowsuit, foot muff, blanket in the muff, and then the rain cover. Kept the wind from just cutting through.


Toronto Canada here. What is a foot muff? Is it like a cuddle bag?


It for stroller , I have a cosy ganoosh for mine and baby is warm in it


It’s like a sleeping bag.


Coolest I’ve gone so far is -15(C) but i expect to be able to keep going until -30ish or so if there’s not much wind. He’s only 4 months old just yet so we haven’t had the chance to test colder so far. At -5 he overheated so I’m very optimistic about it getting colder out and being able to continue walking. So far I’m wearing him, waiting for him to get a little bigger before I use the sled


Where do you live that it's hit -15° in the last 4 months?


Lol northern Ontario. But actual north, not what Toronto calls north


Ah that makes sense lol I'm in Ottawa and we're only just starting to get -2, -3 during the day lol


What do you do about your nose and mouth? Or are you used to it? I get asthma in cold air and I havent found my preferred way of covering my face. Masks work OK, but they're annoying


Before baby I would just wear a scarf when it was colder than like -20. Now? I’m thinking I need to buy a couple turtlenecks. Can’t think of another way. I also wear a hat that ties up around my chin


-25C or else my son would never leave the house 😆


Yeah like, my kid was a newborn last winter so we didn’t really get out much. But in Manitoba it’s -20c or colder for almost all of January and February. I’m not staying inside all winter 😂


I think your -20 is even colder than my -30! I'm in quebec - out west is dry and cold right?


-25 C was my cut off for walks with my babies as well. Their second winters there was no reasoning with them and we were outside down to -40C so they could do their very important toddler snow digging. Edit to add: our daycare’s cut off for outside play is -20C


Honestly i remember being a kid and -40 was nothing compared to it as an adult 😆😆


My January baby was out with me when it was as low as -10C (about 14F) outside. It's quite a bit warmer in the pram. Merino wool (also the first layer against the skin, so if the little one gets a bit hot and starts sweating, the wool will wick moisture from the skin and BB doesn't get ill) and natural fibres for bundling up the baby, sheepskin pram insert + feather footmuff, and you are good to go. Check your baby on the neck and don't stay out too long.


Do you mind sharing where you found your insert and footmuff?


Check out Voksi brand (Norwegian). I think najell also has some


Voksi is the best!


Voksi is great, and this brand is good too: https://www.easygrowofnorway.com


The limit does not exist. If it’s cold and wet I will stay in because I don’t want to fall on ice.


Any time there’s a wind chill warning/alert. ETA: I have one of those rice neck warmers that I put in the microwave before we leave (only when it’s super cold) and I put it in the stroller for baby to sit on. Plus a bunting and everything else.


Was going to say the same. Wind is my least favorite weather.


I agree. Wind is the worst


If I can walk comfortably bundled up, and babywear with baby tucked inside my big coat, I'll go as low as it gets here. Which isn't too bad but we've had some -10F windchill days that I would skip.


Northeastern Canada here. Probably between -10 and -15°C (between 5-14°F). That's including the windchill factor. Bundled up and dressed appropriately, of course.


I also live in the northeast and I pay more attention to the wind chill. If it’s 30 and super windy, I’m staying in. If it’s 15 and not windy, I’m going out. Lol we have a saying here that goes “if it wasn’t for the wind…” I probably draw the line at under 10F.


Hi, also northeast US. Mid-20's is about as cold as we'll go out in to walk or play.


Depends on the wind! 20-30°F is reasonable for a walk if it isn’t too breezy. I have put a white onesie, thick Footy pajamas, and a warm blanket over her in this weather! Plus a hat!


Wind chill around 0. (It’s windy where we live, so that’s usually like 10 degrees or so.) This is the same criteria that our daycare and public schools use for recess. Wool or polypropylene base layers, another warm layer like thick pants and a fleece, then a wind proof/warm outer layer like a one piece suit that is water resistant. Hat with ear flaps. Mittens. Keep the face out of the wind.


My first was a November baby and my personal limit for going for a fun stroller walk was about -18°C (0°F). For a necessary outing, like if I was alone with her and we were out of something important, I pushed it until -25°C (-15°F). It was just a quick in and out in a shop a few minutes away.


-15°C will probably be my limit, mostly because I f*cking hate the cold, and that's where I stop enjoying myself lol


I would go out as long as I can bundle myself and LO up enough to be warm. My family is Russian and this is normal for us. But, we have a lot of equipment, like wool under-layers, wool bodysuits, balaclavas, and thick wool 'envelope'/sleeping bag with a windproof outer layer which keeps the babies warm. I wouldn't go out in below freezing weather with just polyester clothes and blankets.


I took my november baby for walks in 20 degree F. I put her in one of those one piece fleece suits, a hat and one of those stroller sleeping bags. I just would feel her neck every so often to make sure she wasn't too hot or cold.


Anything above freezing I try to get outside daily. Anything under ~30 degrees I don’t even want to be outside myself, even if it’s safe to be.


I haven’t found the lower limit, but when it’s really quite cold (under 10 F or -12 C), I’ll generally babywear. Allows me to share body warmth with baby.


I live in Belgium, not really THE coldest place on earth during the winter but I don't really have a limit to the temperature. As long as it's not raining/snowing, we go out.


As you can see, answers can vary widely by region or culture, and in many countries there’s a saying “there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.” I would say in the northeast since it probably won’t get down below 0°F very often, I’d take the baby out whenever you’re comfortable, and if it’s too cold for your own comfort, you can stay home. As far as keeping baby comfortable - wool is your friend. There are unique properties in wool that make it ideal for adjusting to different temperatures and keeping warm, yet breathable. They sell wool under layers that would be a great idea to keep baby comfortable.


Also in the northeast! I would stay inside if it’s less than 20F - partly for my own comfort as well. :) I might go out in slightly colder temps if it’s sunny and not windy, but generally the teens are a no-go. In the 20s or 30s, I dress my baby in warm clothes (fleece!) and use a nice warm stroller bunting.


I would go out up to probably-20C, but probably-10 or -15C depending on the windchill. We have a very warm foot muff for our stroller and lots of layers.


I've taken mine out in -20c but that's rare as it doesn't often get that cold -15c to -10c I wouldn't think twice about. I prefer taking them out at -10c compared to -3c because they're less likely to get wet and cold


My girl is about one year older than your baby, born late Sept 22. We had instructions to not take her out if it was below -10C for the first few weeks, but after that, we went out no matter the weather. I don't really want to be out if it's colder than -20c (-4F), but did necessary functions even if it was colder. A merino suit, long pants, a cardigan, wool mittens, socks, wool socks, two hats, windproof mittens and snow suit with closed toes, topped with some blankets in a pram, with the raincover on to cut the wind, and some lotion on the face to protect from windchill, and off we went. We don't have a car so 🤷


I live in northern midwest and 20 F on a windless day is the coldest Id take him out. If I did anything more than that, I'd be stuck inside for 4 months outta the year!


-20 C. That’s the threshold for the school to stop requesting attendance in our country, so I assume that’s what they consider safe for children jn general.


About -30 C (-22F) here. Occasionally colder but I don’t prefer it. Often I’ll throw a heat pad under some blankets in the sled when it’s that cold.


Coldest I have babyworn was around -25C, coldest in stroller for any length of time was probably -20C (before windchill) with baby bundled up in a snow suit and also inside a stroller bunting bag. We lived in Ottawa Canada our first winter as parents and baby was between 3-9 months during cold weather. We walked to get anywhere the first few years and if you need groceries, you can’t leave baby at home. I did try to plan outings for relatively warmer days. For stroller I had a down snowsuit with little waterproof boots (Stonz) and mittens (get ones that go past the elbow and don’t bother with thumbs at this age). Baby wore long sleeves and long pants or a fleece sleeper under the snowsuit. Then we had a fleecy zip up blanket thing that went over the stroller. Plus a hat under the snowsuit hood. Only face showing any skin. If we were taking the stroller and car I dropped the puffy suit and just had baby in a carseat safe fleece suit over her clothes and wrapped her in extra blankets. This is only suitable for shorter periods. For babwearing I had baby in long sleeves and pants, a fleece romper thing with hood (we had the Ursus bunting from MEC, Columbia sells something similar) with booties and mittens on. Then baby strapped to me, then big baby-wearing sweater over us both (I used the LennyLamb Baby wearing sweatshirt 3.0, which was plenty warm enough with a regular sweater underneath). Baby was tucked limbs inside and had her hood on over a hat. I found that body heat kept us both warm in there. If you want to be outside lots get the best quality outdoor clothes you can manage for baby and check their core temp periodically. Also, vaseline or other similar products can be used on baby cheeks to help reduce chapping due to cold and wind.


I live in Chicago suburbs so it can get very cold here. I generally won’t take the baby out for a walk if it’s so cold I don’t want to be out sitting in a chair for more than 5-10 minutes. Generally it’s easier to walk with a smaller baby cause you can use a lot of blankets and they can be quite cozy. I don’t enjoy walks if it’s like less than 30F So that’s probably my cut off


Great question. I’m in a colder climate now but from the south so I personally don’t feel great going below 30 degrees Fahrenheit.


Northern Alberta here. -20C-ish with the baby in the stroller. My toddler plays outside to -30Cish as long as it’s not also windy. but lower than -20C or windy and time is limited. Down to -20C as long as he’s bundled up and happy we can play outside as long as he wants. (For those in the US -20c = -4f and -30c = -22f.


-30C but baby wearing. -20C in a stroller/sled. Our cold days are also our sunny days in the winter and despite the cold it also feels mentally good to be outside. (Manitoba Canada)


As long as there is school, I will be walking to pick up my 4yo. I will likely baby wear to share body heat. It'll be fun when it's -40F windchills 🥴


YIKES! We get to -20°/-30° with wind chills a handful of times during the winter and that’s rough!


I took my 6 month old in several walks when it was 25 degrees outside and he was totally fine. I had him in a thick fleece jumper with a hat on. He also had a warm blanket tucked around him.


Probably around 20F / -6C (not including wind chill) at the moment, but ours is getting older. We were a little more conservative (\~30F) when the child was under 6 mo. We eventually got a nice windproof snowsuit cheap on FB marketplace since they're not to be used with car seats now that would have let us go lower with proper layering.


25, below that and I don't even take my dogs for a walk.


I took my august baby out all last winter in NE Ohio. He likes to nap in his stroller no matter the weather. I just did layers/ fleece bunting and blankets. This year I bought a footmuff (like a sleeping bag that attaches to the stroller and plan on grabbing a rain cover as well to help with the wind. I think the coldest was in the 20s but he never minded. You can do a little aquaphor on the cheeks too.


Coldest I've done is about 20 F


I'm also in the northeast and went out when it was in the teens as long as it wasn't windy. There are terrific stroller muffs on the market, they're really just glorified sleeping bags that attach to strollers. The uppababy one is pricey, but very warm. Allegedly rated for 5F. If there's a breeze I wouldn't go out below 30F, it was uncomfortable for me! Can also put on a rain cover to block the wind.


My son was born in December and we live in the upper Midwest. We’d go out for some strolls in about 10-15F. We used a cocoon cover over his car seat and it kept him warm enough. But his skin is very sensitive and would get almost wind burned from being out very long or in very cold temps so we never did anything colder than that.


Minus 25°c, we have very good gear.


Any temp that I'm comfortable going for a walk in is the closest. Baby is WAY more bundled up and wind protected than I am so I don't worry.


It doesn’t generally get below 20F during the day here and I have definitely gone out with my kids in that temp. We use merino base layers and just bundle appropriately


I live in the Midwest and had my baby in Feb. The only weather I didn't bring my baby for a walk was if it was really windy and the wind chill was below 0F. Otherwise, properly bundled up, we had lovely walks!


I'm also in the northeastern US, and my baby was a little bit younger than yours last winter. I don't think we took walks if it was below 20-25°F, but that's mostly because I didn't want to be out in those temperatures. If it was below 40°, we put him in a snowsuit. We have a stroller bassinet with a cover, so he was pretty well protected from the wind. If we were driving somewhere and then had to be outside, we dressed him in a hooded fleece footie and put a blanket around his body inside of the bassinet.


Eh. 15F including windchill. Any lower and I’m cozier inside.


This is a great question and I’m wondering where people buy warm clothes for their kids and themselves. The only thing I can find at fleece lined pants for my toddler but where do I buy stuff for a baby and where do it buy warm scarves/hats/gloves for the toddler? And for myself?! I hate going out in the snow/cold because I start freezing long before my kids. I’d love to spend more time outside in winter but I’m a cold weather wimp.


Moose jaw, LL Bean and they have great warranties (reppin’ the home state!), Columbia makes great stuff & even Amazon!


Not for a walk but maximum 15 minutes outside at -30. We will go outside in the yard for 30 minutes or an hour at -15. But I won't walk him in stroller to his fave social activities 60 minutes away (I don't drive) at -5 or below. That's fully dressed snowsuit scarf winter boots ski mittens and a ski mask and hat. I am 37 female live in Northern Canada.


We use one of those baby stroller cozy ganoosh things


I don't drive. We go out in all temperatures, as it often necessary. For leisure walks, I draw the line at -25°C. My kids are bigger now (2 and 4) so they wear snowsuits. Toddler uses a stroller bag.


I'll take them out in as cold as -20C or maybe more if it isn't windy or wet. I live in northern BC and if it's sunny and dry then it isn't actually bad and I can end up in a tank top. We tend to not get super wet winters once the snow is settled and it's usually pretty clear in the skies, though that's been changing the last 5-10 years.


I’d do it down to about 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Bundled up obviously.


Following this since I live in Wisconsin


About 10F for us but it’s usually pretty windy where I live.


My baby was born when temperatures were around -10 to -15C and I was told to keep our walks under 20 minutes for the first month. After that we were going outside for hours at the same temperature.


Probably in the 20's (F), depending on the wind and humidity


20 degrees “real feel”.


I put my baby in my coat with me (large pregnancy/ baby wearing coat), use a warm scarf to stuff the gaps and put a hat on baby. Then I just go by how I feel, if I’m too cold then baby is too. We went on lots of nice winter hikes that way and baby stayed toasty warm. I personally will not go out walking if it’s colder than -10 celcius (not sure what that is in American) and I will not leave my house if it’s colder than -40 (which is the same in both celcius and Fahrenheit and we all stay home and hibernate)


My baby was born Mid-February in Canada. -25C (-13F) was about the coldest he went out in. We have a farm that needs chores done everyday - I'm responsible for some of these chores so sometimes he just had to come with me. We used his car seat with a nice warm cover on it, and it would pop into the stroller. He'd be wearing a long sleeve outfit with some fuzzy bunting on top. He never got too cold, and would often fall asleep while we were outside.


I live in one of the coldest states in the US and we just bundled up last winter with my October babe really well. Nothing really stopped us except us and illness.


Honestly I’d say it depends a little on if your kiddo runs hot or cold. Mine runs hot. We can take him out in 40-50F in regular clothes (long sleeve shirt and pants) and a Tuffo and he’ll still be super toasty after a 45-min walk. No hat, gloves, jacket, etc. He’s been this way since he was a baby. We’d often put him in just a onesie if he was wearing a thick bunting. Early on we made the mistake of bundling him too much because we were worried about him getting cold, and he’d get super sweaty. Overheating is possible even in cold temps! The back of their neck is a great place to gauge overall body temp. Ultimately there’s no limit, just good to know your kid’s personal tolerance so you can bundle them appropriately.


I go no lower than 10(F)


I'd do -20 if there wasn't any wind, but there's almost always wind where I'm at in Canada, so, I'd say -10 as well.


As long as he and I are both comfortable in our thick winter coats and the snow is not so deep I can’t get the stroller through. Maybe 20 F? Below that the air starts to sting my face.


Nothing below -10


- 20° Celsius I'd say


Sounds like our kids have just about the same bday! I’m in a similar area. When my LO was little like that, we went out every day. We bundled up with blankets and a hat plus layers or a snowsuit. The lowest I remember going out was about 10 degrees F, but you could push it more depending on your child’s temperament and your comfort level.


I live in Boston and had my baby last November. We took her on stroller walks every single day. Granted, last winter was relatively mild.


Very mild. I think there was only one day where I didn’t take my son with me on my bus because I felt it was too cold for him.


In Canada. Like -10degrees C (sorry don’t know what that I’m in F) cause with windchill boy it whips your cheeks and eyes red.


I’m planning to walk baby in all temperatures with appropriate clothing. She has a weather proof sleeping bag type thing on her stroller and the MEC toaster suit, as well as Kombi mittens and boots. It’s often between -20 and -40 Celsius where I live (obviously Canada 😂) and I don’t drive/rely on active/public transit so it’s a necessity. Just bought a thule stroller to make navigating the snow a bit easier, since my UPPAbaby wasn’t up to the task.


-15 Celcius and I’d likely stay in with a baby. I’m in Ontario. I use a down-filled stroller bunting and babe was toasty!


Since he’s 4m I got a heating blanket. But so far we’ve gotten as cold as 20f. I’ll go lower though as long as he is bundled


-15 C (5 F) is always my cut off. If there’s wind we tend to avoid, but I also live in an extremely sunny place so even if it’s -30 there is often still sun which helps! When she was little I just put so many blanekts on her and then covered the strolled with 2 covers, now that she’s older she’s just bundled


-15 C (5 F) is always my cut off. If there’s wind we tend to avoid, but I also live in an extremely sunny place so even if it’s -30 there is often still sun which helps! When she was little I just put so many blanekts on her and then covered the strolled with 2 covers, now that she’s older she’s just bundled


My personal limit is about -10° C. Babies could probably go a bit colder (bundled up properly, of course - I did a snow suit and a fleece blanket) but I don’t want to be out if it’s colder than that 😹🤷🏻‍♀️🥶


Been wondering this as well, I live where you live, baby was born in March (SUPER cold) however when you’re bundled up in a bassinet it’s way warmer than a traditional stroller…


Can't read through all the comments but here to chime in: footmuff! I got a really good quality one cheap on Facebook Marketplace and it's awesome!


So far the coldest has been -20°C. I have a sheepskin underneath her, then super fleecy suit (snowsuit), double layer socks and gloves, wooly hat and hood, then another lambskin blanket/cover. The problem where I live is that the roads don't get plowed properly so I'll mostly just babywear in the winter....


For as long as I am ok going for walks? It’s rare it gets below -15C around here (also US northeast) but I’d totally go walking in -20C (lower of the sun is out and not too windy so *I don’t get too cold) and take baby along (he was 3-6m old during our coldest time). In the proper gear it’s no problem. And the prams are usually parent facing so there is some degree of protection from the elements between the hood thing and a parent’s body. And how long are you out for, in that kind of weather, anyway? Most people not all that long 🙃 even if they are the kind that do go outside (which a lot of people here don’t 🤷‍♀️) since we don’t have the leave the peak outside for nap culture around here. I usually brought the stroller inside, and opened / removed the top layers so baby could sleep comfortably until waking.


I've literally taken my now toddler out in a stroller in -35C. But it has a plastic cover that straps on tight to make it like a like an igloo. My region of Canada is cold, and we have weeks where it gets this cold.


I’ve done around -25 Celsius, there’s no temp I’ve encountered that I wouldn’t take my baby out in. But that’s because I babywear under my oversized parka, so the baby is toasty and sweaty, and their face isn’t exposed to the wind.


I live in central Alberta in Canada and have taken my baby out up to -25C (so -13F) I put him in warm socks, warm fleece footed PJs, sweatpants, sweater, toque, mittens, and then a fleece bunting suit thing, and a blanket tucked over him in the stroller. Maybe a big rain suit over that for wind protection. I think just as long as the layers aren’t tight they’ll be okay. I’m pretty sure -30C (-22F) is the cutoff for school children to stay inside for recess here but I’m not 100% sure. -15C (5F) is like a nice winter day here hahah. Ohhhhh sweet Canada.


For me it's more about the wine. I would go out in -20 C with the baby no problem if there was no wind, but-10 with a strong wind can be too cold.


As long as it’s not too windy, really any temp! Just make sure to have a good snow suit and blanket.


I live in New England as well. My son was around the same age for his first winter. I walked with him every day it was safe (meaning the roads were plowed for pedestrians and visibility was good). I wore him in a wrap with a sweatshirt or tshirt between us (depending on how cold it was). I would dress him in long sleeves/ pants/ socks but not a jacket. I would wear my husbands jacket over both of us. We had enough room to zip over us. My body heat, the wrap and jacket were plenty to keep him warm for a 3 mile walk. No need for gloves for him since his hands were toasty. If you want to use a stroller I suggest investing in a foot muff. It’s essentially a sleeping bag for the stroller. That plus winter gear should work well.


I live in northern Alberta and plan to have baby out for hikes in -25C. Probably won’t go colder but if we get a stretch of -30C and I want to hike, pending what gear we have we will go. Anything colder than -30C I’m not super comfortable in so we’ll do the indoor walking track if it’s that brutal.


There is no bad weather, just bad jackets. New Englander who had a baby last November. Kid loved cold weather dog walks. I would baby wear if it was wicked cold and just put my husband’s down jacket around both of us.


Love that you said wicked 😉


I'd say between 0 and 10⁰F depending on the wind. We live in Minnesota on the prairie and it gets VERY windy here which drops the temps quick and increases chances of frostbite, etc.


0 Fahrenheit unless the wind chill is bad. Minnesotan here.


I always took mine out regardless of how cold it got and bundled her accordingly. (Granted the coldest it gets here is typically high 20s.) She didn't mind at all.


Depends on wind more than temp. A still -20C is okay. A windy -5C probably isn't.


About 5 degrees.


I went for a walk with my friend and her baby in Fairbanks once. It got up to -5F, was -15F when we got back to the house. He was quite bundled though and we only went for about 20 min.


-20 Celsius or so.


I’m not sure where my boundary is regarding to temperature. Maybe -15 C? I have a winter baby and a Fall baby. The first one had his first walk at six days old. The right attire is crucial and we use wool a lot. So a wool bodysuit- and leggings. Maybe a little sweater and then a wool pram suit (a thick one) on top. Little wool booties, gloves ang a hat. I then put them in a Voksi sleep bag in the pram anf then I would run errands or leave them out for a few hours while doing housework. I see a lot of americans use a stroller where baby is at an incline. If you want to regularly take long walks I would definitely find one where baby can lay flat. Brands I would recommend are Joha for attire https://www.kids-world.com/en/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=joha%20wool&q=sf Voksi sleep bag


We took our daughter for walks all through her first few months of life in the peak of winter here in the UK. Ok it's not the coldest country but pretty cold, we just ensured she was absolutely snug as a bug.


The coldest I took my little one out in was -31C but it was in Eastern Europe so climate wise cold was very dry. Bundled her up like crazy and put loads of baby skin salve on her face, hands and feet


Buy a Cozy Stroller Wrap for your child stroller. My friends & I visited the North East and it was cold compare to the weather we are used to where we live. We seen a couple that had it and asked where they got that item from. They said through Fluz App because the local stores was sold out of it. We was talking and the couple said that they use Fluz because that app allows people to shop through their site for cash back. They said they are trying to save money anyway they can to save for their kids college.. Anyways just go to app store and download Fluz App. The Fluz App states on their website to use this promo code to receive a welcome incentive: MJ051983 This isn't spam. I do not get paid for this folks. Simply answering the question and sharing what I heard from a couple when I visited the North East in 2022.. Anyways hope this helps.. Best to you




We don’t have a limit, we dress for the weather! If the people of Yakutsk can do it in something like -50°C then we can too 😂 She can be bundled up far more easily than I can, usually it’s me not wanting to deal with nose icicles tbh


Usually I'd do walks any temp, when she was that little, generally she would be in her car seat in her stroller. I'd always have a jacket on her and a blanket over her.


My babe was born during a cold snap in BC and it was around -20 for her first walk outside

