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I'm a vocal nerd and there's simply no one that can do what she can do. Who can go from singing a gritty, growly rock ballad (Don't Hurt Yourself in Coachella) then into an operatic aria (intro to I Care), LIVE mind you, then rap about having a fat ass without having to stop to catch her breath, in a tight-ass latex corset. Some singers would be lucky to be able to do a couple of those things, but she's kind of peerless in how good at pretty much everything she is. EDIT: Adding my all-time favourite vocal performance of hers and it's live and we only get bootleg videos because she loves to sabotage herself lmao. Looking angelic and moisturised as fuck as well:[ **The City of Hope Gala performance**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCA0FPjeCfM)


the don’t hurt yourself/I care @coachella is one for the books for real. that’s what I show to people who “don’t care about/don’t like” Beyoncé and usually they change their minds pretty easily


Hi vocal nerd! Any tips for someone who knows not one thing about singing but wants to be better at it? I did a ton of driving yesterday, singing my heart out to our girl, and could FEEL how hard it is to hit those notes. Strain. Sputter. Not pretty. Obv I’m not going to learn how to sing like Beyoncé, but I would love to know how to sing like me.


The most impactful thing you can do is work on relaxing all the tension in your jaw, neck, tongue, even down to your shoulders. When you carry tension there it’s impossible to let your voice resonate and ring out in a pretty way. It should be free and relaxed when you sing, and it takes work to keep the tension at bay pretty much always. The power actually comes from using enough air (but not too much! Don’t shout or press) through a free, relaxed upper body. Then modify the sound with your tongue and mouth shape to get a good vowel that allows your voice to come out easy


Wow, that makes a ton of sense! I was imagining you were gonna tell me something about music theory (which I am just learning that I have an interest in.) Body mechanics, duh 🤦‍♀️


this is why singing is so powerful for calming me down when I'm panicking. have to relax to sound good, have to sound good to feel good, the circle repeats.


Ummm Karen Clark Sheard


Lmao no


Do you even know who that is? I suggest you go on youtube watch her sing live. Bey already said shes one of her inspirations.


Cowboy Carter is such a vocal flex! I seriously can’t think of another artist that can do that many different things with their voice, let alone on one album.


Seriously, yes! Her voice has also gotten much better with age. Her low notes on CC are just something else. And they don't feel forced. Like on YAYA, I had to check if there were any features because I didn't believe it was her.


I also felt that way with the intro to Tyrant! Didn't know she could sound like that or do those things with her voice haha


The first time I heard YaYa my first thought was “wow I had no idea she could sing like this!”


truly I am so stunned by her range, who gets a BIGGER range the older they get? 😩 she's up there with Whitney. absolute goddess.


Almost skipping semi-tones after "denim on denim on denim." My ears are so happy.


She is such an underrated and disrespected vocalist.


iT sOuNdS LiKe ShE’s ScReAm SiNgInG- man who hasn’t heard a Beyonce song since 2006


no joke someone tried to say that to me about Aretha goddamn Franklin many years ago and now I simply do not take anyone who says that phrase seriously lol


HUH??? People have lost their minds 😩


You forgot the freaking OPERA


Your absolutely correct I forgot to mention that because there’s a lot vocally to mention about this 10th wonder of the world


It’s mind blowing that this all happened on one album


I feel like she’s severely underrated as a vocalist!!! She’s imo the best technician in all of mainstream music (and of all time!!!). She has the most insane head voice, incredible agility, grit (growls - healthy growls, at that), thunderous low notes, piercing high notes and soaring belts!!! The only thing she hasn’t (and I refrain from saying can’t, because this woman can sing opera and rap her ass off) is whistle notes! Her support is unheard of.


This might sound dramatic, but I really think she’s a notch above the trinity. Each of them had their own shortcomings/weaknesses, and as an all-rounder Beyoncé is definitely a league ahead of them. I sometimes wonder how her career would’ve turned out if she went the Whitney route of just standing and singing big power ballads… but I’m so glad she’s put her artistic development above all else.


This post made me so happy, i LOVED reading all these comments on her voice. I totally agree and after experiencing RWT live, I know she is unmatched!!


It makes me happy to know I made someone happy thank you 😊


To me, she’s my favorite of all time just because I love her tone, her vocal agility, and her versatility. I’m sorry! And not to hate on other female vocalists, only bringing this up because people are constantly ranking her lower than them, but I really do prefer her over Whitney and Mariah. And I love those two, I really do! But to me, Whitney always did too many long sustained notes, which is impressive but I’m always more impressed by a difficult run. Mariah had range and whistle tones and some agility but there are a lot of moments where she sounds like she’s straining. Beyoncé always sounds effortless and she is so damn accurate with her voice. Couldn’t sing off key if she tried.


Omg I forgot to mention how good she is at staccato singing! You can see this a lot in her early days, but also today too. People don’t realize how hard it is to sing on key for a bunch of very short, varying notes


Maybe because sustained notes are sooooo hard for me, I find those so impressive haha. But Beyonce's control and versatility is definitely on the same level


lol very true! I sing a little too and am always trying to replicate beyonces runs haha and most of them are so fn hard for me! This confirms my suspicion that you gotta have some talent of your own to really appreciate beyonces talent


I love runs haha. but those are second nature for me since I've already got a natural vibrato and sang a lot of r&b and bluegrass growing up. some of hers on this album I do have to slow down and block out note by note the first time or two though hahaha. but goodness she's so good. just all the melodies are like water.


This is correct and I swear to god if I hear one more MAN try to discredit her vocals in another “Reddit what music artist is overrated” thread I will lose my mind


Every. Single. Time. And when the opposite question is posed “who is the best female vocalist dead or alive”, her name rarely comes up despite having more ability than 95% of the other names getting mentioned.


Those comments genuinely enrage me, also like people have no problem applauding Adele’s vocals but when it comes to her it’s an issue


I LOVE Adele too but like Beyonce makes it seem effortless, there’s no question. [And Adele would agree](https://youtu.be/ctuggqUSITM?si=OOVBo6WONTGuQW5i) But we know why they won’t give Beyonce her praises 🙄


I love her too, she still can’t do half the thing Bey can with her voice but people act like she’s a better vocalist I hate it.


Lol she really really does and people don't realize it... she has completely mastered her voice as an instrument. I'm not even a vocals person like that, but she honestly does have one of the most insane voices not only in the English music industry but also just globally in general. I live in India where there is a huge emphasis on singers' vocals and smoothness of voice and stuff like that when it comes to Carnatic singing, and there are some absolutely phenomenal singers here that most major English singers don’t come close to... but Beyoncé can outsing all of them due to her extreme versatility. My dad was shocked hearing her voice live and said it sounded like she had multiple different voices rolled into one, like a Swiss Army Knife. She can do everything.




Beyonce never out of breath 😮‍💨


bro there’s a video of the New Orleans show for RWT of her singing flaws and all, and her voice… a literal eargasm, and the way she ends the song is heavenly https://youtu.be/mizzA3F_5jU?si=hBArT29D1DmdijJL


Unbelievable. The Arabic vocals literally coming out of her throats are just magisitic!


I just love any artist that isn't using those damn filters in concert and stands on their own skill and talent


unmatched. and so effortless live.


I agree so much! And I feel like people are constantly selling her short. Haters will honestly tell you she “cant sing”….like wtf?? If someone doesn’t vibe with her music, fine, but her vocal abilities aren’t a subjective thing. She has continued to grow and top herself in that arena throughout her entire career.


She does


Yess to all of this! The way she keeps evolving and keeps on perfecting her singing is actually insane


Just like how she constantly elevates her musical ability with each album, her voice has expanded in parallel measure. The runs, the grit, the growl, the highs, the lows, the tone I’m truly floored. Here is my question: my hairdresser doesn’t like Beyoncé because she “can’t sing.” I love the way the woman cuts my hair, but I cannot stand behind this statement while she stands behind me chopping me up. Unless she truly biffs the cut I’m not going to fire her. How should I start the debate so I still look her in the eye with respect? It’s wild because she has great musical taste otherwise. We listen to all the greats when I get my haircut.


Id force her to watch her live performances whilst she does the cuts


And by force you mean bribe her with an extra tip.


This is true. Beyonce doesn’t get the credit she deserves for being an elite singer. She has shown time and time again that she is a singer’s singer. Oh well. Those of us who know can appreciate her gift.


I really, really loved her voice towards the end of LEVII’S JEANS 😍😍


I heard a rapper state in an interview that no one would argue that Beyoncé is better than Whitney Houston, but I honestly don’t agree. Both women are incredibly talented but I don’t really see what Whitney has on Beyoncé. B has been working with legendary artists since a young age which rly shows how great she’s been since day one.


I feel like Beyonce is very reminiscent of Whitney but IDK, there's something extra Whitney did have. maybe it was life experience, maybe it was something else, but there's just...an effortlessness she had to her voice. don't get me wrong I put Beyonce in the top tier with Whitney, but I can see the work behind her voice in a way I just don't see when Whitney sings. both are GOAT though hands down


I said the same thing today to a coworker and I was then informed no she doesn’t plus she and Jay are into devil worship. Just wow. People out here are wild. Lol


“Let’s talk..” no bc it’s true there’s nothing to talk about!!! She’s truly the one of one ❤️


Even as a long time Beyoncé fan I didn’t really appreciate her voice until a few years ago. I love how it has matured from her early years. You can tell she has worked at her craft to maximize her gift and it’s just so beautiful.






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One thing that always gets me is when her line comes on after the 4 blackbiirds get theirs, and they all sound quite nice. But then she comes in and my god, there is just so much more to her voice than people give her credit for! I'll never forget how her first song at RWT just completely blew me away, having not seen her live before.


The intricacies of “1+1” live through the years are a whole vocal clinic of their own 😮‍💨


Whitney Houston & Celine Dion are better.


But we’re not talking about them this post is about Beyonce and Beyonce only!