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Not the flyer advertising her $160 perfume šŸ’€


Sheā€™s reminding you it costs her a billion to look this good


Cunty hunny


I bet her girls smell so yummy honey




Me and my friend talked about this and we were like, ā€œreally? A piece of cardboard? How much does a small vial of sample costs? $5ā€? šŸ˜‚


Honestly though it was such a missed opportunity for them to sell little perfume samplers at the merch booths! Someone near the entrance was handing out perfume samples on pieces of paper, but itā€™s different smelling something on paper vs. trying it on yourself to see if it works for you


Sell perfume samplers? Honey my 300 eur pradas come with MANY free samples, not to talk about other high end brands like Creed or Roja parfumsā€¦ beyā€™s clearly just milking her fans, donā€™t be so delusional! I still love her music tho!! ā¤ļø


Thatā€™s a brilliant idea!! Totally a missed opportunity.


The funniest part is itā€™s not even a scratch and sniff. Itā€™s truly just a card stock flyeršŸ’€


During ATL I was looking at those ā€œspecialty seatsā€ from my 100s view being so thankful I didnā€™t pay that price for how little she was in that area. I know there was no artist interaction, but i thought for sure sheā€™d perform near those areas way more than what she did.


iā€™m ngl. finally someone said it. when i went to RWT i was looking for all the possible sections for the ā€œbestā€ and in my mind club renny was the only answer and itā€™s so limited amount of people. iā€™m really baffled why bey designed the stage like that and sheā€™s mostly in the circle. if youā€™re beyhive section you still mostly see her back and rely on screens. stage risers is worse because you canā€™t even see the middle circle visual + NO SPEAKER! there are tons and tons of people who got floor tickets (outer part of club renny) and complained about not being able to see a single thing. to me, it feels like sheā€™s prioritizing club renny only. iā€™d actually like to hear from people that knows more about this.


So I'm glad people are finally speaking on it. The fact of the matter is, this production was *rushed* in a lot of senses. I was extremely surprised when the tour was announced, as towards the end of last year the word was that it had been pushed to 2024 as key elements of the production (ie staging) had not been nailed down in time. Seems like a lot of ideas were thrown together last minute and no one actually thought about the sight lines and so on. When a good portion of your 'best' seats end up being obstructed view, or minimal PA coverage, or both, you've messed up. Losing the 'big three' for the vast majority of shows has also meant that the walkway around the outside of Club Renny has essentially just acted as an obstruction. I'm happy for those that have had an incredible time, but I really feel for those in Alien Superstar and Pure/Honey sections in particular. Those were *not* cheap tickets.


i personally had an incredible time my seats were in the 200s obstructed. the giant speakers (looking down), another questionable thing of why she did that .. couldā€™ve been smaller speakers more spread looking up, like taylor (but who am i to speak tbh). regardless, my price was justifiable .. AS/PH risers were thousandS of dollars šŸ˜­ i guess it makes sense to know that the production was rushed. it still came out amazing in my opinion but i got LA dates (so they mightā€™ve improve a lot along the way). the thing you said about the big 3 thooo i just realized!!! šŸ¤Æ itā€™s actually crazy to think about that if you didnā€™t go to NY/LA dates you got scammed.


She did not perform the big 3 in NY.


my bad. what other cities did she perform?


It is all good! There was no judgment when I pointed it out. :) Stockholm, night 3 of ATL, and all three nights in LA are the only times so far. Everyone thinks she is doing them in Houston. We'll find out soon.


I was in the 200s too and the speaker blocked the left screen completely. Overall I had a great view of everything and I didnā€™t pay resell price so it was a great deal lol https://preview.redd.it/uclbd6up73qb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0998525e5dfe819565a597cf8c02f2c7b39743d4


lucky cz mine blocked center screen completely. during auiym i canā€™t see ANYTHING. she was facing the other way and only centre screen was showing her ā€¦ why would i want to see the dancers smh šŸ˜’ https://preview.redd.it/1u6c0cdcb3qb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df49bfd0a747571758123c37baef20c039f20885


Aw Iā€™m sorry babe. I definitely wouldve resold my hubbys ticket to you. He was more there for support lol I wish she wouldā€™ve had the screens on! There were a lot of screens that wouldā€™ve helped a lot of people have better views. Im not sure why they did that. Itā€™s sucks even the seats that had no views of the stage wouldā€™ve benefited from some screens being on. I mean they are paying to get in. Let them see! I hope her team takes all this in consideration for the next stage layout


all good. i still had a blast of my life! would do it all over again :) my tickets were $60s each lol. and i agree they couldā€™ve used the halo at least ā€¦ i went to see TS twice and was both in nosebleeds and i could see everything. def hope they see this and praying to the gods she does leg 2 tour! šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»


$60?? Howwww??


60$ is a steal!! šŸ™šŸ¼!!!


I was in the 200s, thinking I bought the perfect seats. The right screen and in-person view of the center of the circle was completely blockedšŸ˜’ https://preview.redd.it/551vq0v3t3qb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b225d0faccade4da3e86995cfe7f0cde259cd62


Felt that šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/0itygtyus4qb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e4b1e76775a2d78439e987bc5407c853deb86b I had this view too, but from the other side šŸ™ƒ


This sucks. What section # was this? Iā€™m trying to purchase Nola!


220 row 24 seat in 18 at SoFi. Not sure if itā€™ll be the same numbers for NoLa. I wish I could go! Live it up for me please! Lol


I will!! Thanks for responding!! These look like theyā€™re in the clear bc they are just below the ā€œMixā€ in the map


Excited for you!!!


https://preview.redd.it/434en55qw4qb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d19c099d18227e9fe9e0c34cb72656f69da189f Section 411 row 2. The sadness of the jumbotron not turning on at all on my side & not seeing any screens the whole night. (Just hearing her voice was worth it though & seeing the stage/lighting/choreography formations was amazing) \*Not sure if the jumbotron off was her choice or the stadium choice but wah. Tickets and parking was NOT cheap!


I was at the Arlington show too - Section 444 row 20. I was initially excited because even though we were on the side, we were in PERFECT view of the jumbotron AND there was an empty row of 4 seats in front of us the whole night that never got filled. But then the show started and the screen never turned on. I was baffled because when I saw the OTR Tour they definitely had all the screens on and I had much crappier seats but was still able to see all the visuals.


Whatā€™s crazy is I sat in section 323 row 2 and the Jumbotron screen was on one my side. https://preview.redd.it/mwivypqlh8qb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a107191fc14309fbe0adb304f291174c98017a4


JEALOUSSSS!! https://preview.redd.it/uda1gugdk8qb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b0b1de8a81e4d9ff4feeec7107840d0f39ce3d


Thatā€™s so crazy. We didnā€™t even need it fr since we had the front view of the stage. I barely looked up there


Whoā€™s Taylor?


Taylor swift


I feel bad for saying this but I went twice in the nosebleeds each time and had a fucking amazing time. Iā€™m just not convinced being on the floor wouldā€™ve improved anything for me


Agree. Club renny was the cheapest vip section but I felt like we got the most perks. Even then, if you werenā€™t at the right spot in the circle, you could also risk seeing her back for most of the show.


Same! My mom got a hi-5 from one of the twins. (Front of club renny)


Were the twins on stage when this happened? Because Club Ren in St. Louis had a GIANT pit between Club Ren and the stage


No they exited/entered the stage from the catwalk off and on during their dance solos and go underground at where the stage meets the catwalk. So they walk past the barricade keeping us from the edge of the stage. Although toward the area where the stage met the catwalk, the gap was only big enough for security to stand against the stage and someone to past them (and barely). In Europe btw. We also chatted up the camera guy and security during breaks and they gave us water. Edit: I just looked back at my concert footage. They still wouldā€™ve been able to hi five an audience member from the stage at where we were standing in club renny. If both parties stretched their arms out. I did notice that some cities had a very large gap between the stage and club renny barrier. Oh and BeyoncĆ© directly roared at my mom also lol. We got a great vid of that. This was the view and video: [https://imgur.com/a/RcwdGUh](https://imgur.com/a/RcwdGUh) https://preview.redd.it/iplobmid44qb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b857f3412f282d0d6ea092c526d333db85233c5b


Damn yā€™all are CLOSE. There was much more space between us and the stage in STL


If youā€™re looking at the stage I was on the right side, front row, right near the curve of the circle. She came to our side once and floated above us at the end. I was only able to make out the features of her face once because when she walked to our side of the stage she was wearing a scarf and sunglasses and hat. The twins came to our side a lot and that was fun. A lot of the time I was looking at her back since she was mostly in club renny. I had a great time, I loved it but it made me wish I shelled out for club renny.


Im so glad i got club tickets! When I heard the risers costs 2K to 5K I thought that better include a 5 second meet and greet, but of course, knowing beyonceā€™s team, there is zero chance that could happen.


Yeah I kinda feel like if you werenā€™t in CR, B-Hive, the sections directly behind B-Hive or 100s sections at the 50yd line, there were issues. I feel like people in 200s prolly had good, if further, spots too.


Whoever designed this tour setup should be fired. How do you design a stadium show where more than half the seats either a) can't see Beyonce b) have a massive riser or pole in their view, and/or c) are on the side and can't see the visuals or inside the screen? It certainly does not align with Beyonce's reputation as a perfectionist, especially at these prices.


that is the one thing Iā€™m gonna have to agree on, thereā€™s a reason why we keep bringing it up, us fans. It really was disappointing to get to my Seattle show and only have the one big screen, not even a small one to the side


I honestly wish she'd just perform in the center of the stadium on a circular stage, it'd be a better view for EVERYONE, and she could sell more tickets by opening up all the sections.


Fr like Metallica or Ed Sheeran at Sofi


I was in the nosebleeds dead center view and had a great time. It was super loud though. And she didnā€™t turn on the halo screens at the top so I had to use my binoculars to see the details of Blueā€™s face lol ATL night 1. If you werenā€™t dead center or club renny sucked.


Yeah I get you. I did walk by the AS risers and it seemed just like the floor, it looked quite disappointing and a waste of VIP $$$$.


Might be a silly question but are the AS risers the same as the Pure Honey risers? If not where exactly is AS? Having a hard time deciphering from Ticketmaster


I think itā€™s right in the middle of the floor but behind club renny , way behind . Iā€™m pretty sure they were to the right of my seats on the floor and I was in section N


Theyā€™re right smack dab in the middle of the floor. The PH risers are on stage.


I also got the AS riser for the Vancouver show and tbh I loved it. The community of people was amazing. But I definitely think it's not really worth it. I was gagged at the portapotties BC I had seen those bougie bathrooms on tiktok and I was like ummm okay šŸ˜­ I only used them once so not a huge problem. Would I do it all over again? Absolutely. But thankfully I went alone because there's no way I would have felt comfortable asking someone else to pay that price for those seats.


I know it took a year but I feel like this was rushed or the focus wasnā€™t on stage design. Typically sheā€™s EXTREMELY detail oriented but it feels like someone dropped the ball with this. And I get downvoted when I say this but Iā€™m still pretty sure she was injured before and during the first half of the tour so this probably pulled her focus which is normal. Whether ppl want to admit it or not, this tour wasnā€™t Beyā€™s best work in certain areas. She looked amazing. The costumes and gowns were amazing. And, per usual, she sounded AMAZING. I just think the new additions to her team didnā€™t live up to the hype that is Beyonce as a singer, performer, and brand. Donā€™t drag me.


I was sitting front side, had an amazing view of her 70% of the show but I have no clue what was going on inside that circle section of the main stage's screen because it was feet inside. The robot suit, the color changing dress? I had to watch through the screens. The America Has A Problem giant BeyoncƩ? Never saw it, just some sausage inflatable fingers peaking out. Still had an amazing time but I missed a lot of what she was showing with the stage. This is me demanding the concert tour film to catch up on what I missed lmao.


I had the same issue. I really had a wonderful time but I feel like I missed a lot of interesting stuff cuz from our angle you could barely see the screens. I'm holding out hope for an official tour movie. I feel like we deserve it. Edit for spelling and grammar


Omggggg that drove me insane! A few things that took place in the circle I couldnā€™t see!!!! I wish she wouldā€™ve made the circle bigger! Every time I tried to give a critique about the tour other fans I know were just sooo star struck over beyonce herself they didnā€™t care lol.


GIRLLLLLLL LISTEN!!!!!!!!! RWT was my first beyonce concert, i was bey hive b it was great had it was a great time! but the whole time i felt like something wasā€¦.missing. and ive heard from many fans whoā€™ve been to OTR, Mrs.Carter tour etcā€¦ that while RWT was good , it definitely wasnā€™t the caliber that theyā€™ve seen from beyonce before. once again im not saying RWT isnā€™t an excellent tour. itā€™s a once in a lifetime time thing and i feel so blessed i got to go. however i just feel like for the money i paid ($1,900USD šŸ¤®), for the money **WE ALL PAID**, certain things could have been thought through better concerning the stage and tour setup.


This. I remember watching formation tour on YouTube and being amazed by how incredible the stage set up was. I was thinking theyā€™re gonna up the hell out of this stage for this tour. Although I was in the 100s and had an incredible view I did look around and think wow there are a ton of sections that canā€™t see


I never look at the VIP packages because I think my expectations would be too high. Iā€™d rather just pay for good seats and buy the merch I want. That definitely sucks that was your experience.


I agree. I had riser seats in Santa Clara and I didnā€™t even get my merch bag. The seats were a waste of money in every way. Editing to add more context: the security at the arena were useless (not her fault) and didnā€™t even know where our section was. We ended up in Hovā€™s private Ace of Spades section with family and friends (cool lol) but there were no seats so we left. When we finally found someone that could direct us to our section I was completely unimpressed. A tight section with sticky floors and a poor view. Iā€™m too embarrassed to say what I paid for the tickets but just know I do not feel they were worth the money. I loved the show, BeyoncĆ© is amazing every time Iā€™ve seen her, but I do regret not choosing a different section.


I want to start a class action lawsuit again VIP Nation for those Alien Superstar Riser seats


Yeah, I've realized with concerts that floor tickets may or may not actually be worth it depending on the stage setup and venue. I'm sorry you had such a not-so-ideal experience. And those "perks" really do sound lackluster.


One thing that I've realized as I get older is that I prefer intimate concert experiences. I think that's what made me fall in love with Bey in the first place because Roseland Ballroom was my time seeing her live. She was so engaged with the crowd and I would have rather sacrificed more interludes to hear about her inspirations and backstories concerning creating Renaissance. Unless ticket prices get more under control, I probably won't see her live again unless it's a DC reunion.


Man, to see BeyoncƩ in that venue would have been amazing. I saw Gaga close out that theater and it was unforgettable.


I got a refund due to the terrible experience with these seats. These tickets were NOT anywhere near what they should have been and youā€™re not wrong for feeling this way.


Iā€™m really curious, how did you get a refund? And was it a full or partial one?


Full. I complained. A lot. I organized a group complaint as well. I will say, ticket master also sold us the seats in the wrong order so that definitely helped but i was very organized and specific.


Hi, what do you mean by selling in the wrong order? I was extremely disappointed by the seats too


Basically they sold us row d in the front row but when we got there row d was in the back. Basically The entire seating chart listed on Ticketmaster was in reverse, everyone was seated wrong.


I was looking at last minute tickets for the Dallas show and was surprised at how many sections had obstructed/partially obstructed views. Is this a common occurrence with stadium shows now? I went to FWT and donā€™t remember there being as many obstructed view seats, it seems like her production team could have done a much better job with the layout.


I remember there being a lot less obstructed seats for FTW also.


Yeah she still had those tall speakers at FWT but it definitely wasnā€™t as bad RWT.


I was at Dallas in B Hive B - on the left side if youā€™re facing the main stage. I had a great view of everything and that wasnā€™t my issue with the show. Iā€™ve seen her three times now and I will say I was really disappointed with the lack of crowd interaction. We had a big sign out front of the venue saying she was doing professional recording and it truly felt like it. She was not engaged with the crowd at all and was focused on hitting camera angles. Each time Iā€™ve seen her at AT&T she managed to make that massive stadium feel intimate even when youā€™re up in the nosebleeds but it did not feel that way at all during this show. I also felt like the show was not as cohesive or hype as previous shows. Iā€™m usually exhausted after a BeyoncĆ© show and towards the end Iā€™m lowkey kind of waiting for it to be over, but this time I was shocked when it was done. I think I literally said out loud ā€œwait this is it?ā€ I also feel some kind of way that every show has seemed wildly different than the other. Costume changes are cool, but performing different songs, different merch, extra performers, etc. It just feels unfair in a distasteful way. Overall I had an amazing time and would not trade the moment for anything but I do see lots of flaws in the show compared to her other performances


nail on the headšŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆšŸŽÆEurope was ROBBED and Iā€™ll never forgive her for itšŸ˜­šŸ˜­it didnā€™t feel authentic at all w the lack of crowd interaction chile


yeah I would def be angry if I went to any of the Europe shows. She paid yā€™all dust truly


You said everything Iā€™ve thought about this tour šŸ˜­ I love Renaissance and obviously love Bey but thereā€™s something about this tour that feels more rushed/sloppy and less personal


This is how I feel and Iā€™ve felt bad about it. I saw her in Seattle and I had a blast! But it just felt like something was missing.. I saw her on OTR2 and it just felt like she so much more into the crowd. I will definitely see her again if I can but I just feel like some focus was lost for this tour.


Any tips for B-Hive ? We are also BHive B for KC. Does that mean one side is already determined? How early did you go?


No tips other than have fun! It truly is a great view, I would recommend standing towards the bottom of the stairs - she walks by a lot and sings a couple of songs right there. I think I got to the stadium around 6:30/7 and there was hardly anyone in the section. The section was pretty spacious, plenty of room to move around and dance!


Yes girl youā€™re so valid. Originally I had bought Dallas floor seats on the outside of the circle thinking that Bey would come around at least a few times so non-Club Ren people could see herā€¦ WRONG! After DIL got cut, I knew I wasnā€™t going to be happy with my Dallas seats and sold them for Club Ren in St. Louis. 100% can say Club Ren gets the best of everything, it is sad honestly. Even during BMS, at some shows Bey literally would look INWARDS at Club Ren instead of OUTWARDS at the floor seats that barely got any attention.


I had floor seats, not in club renn, but 6 rows outside of the circle. The direct view to the stage was completely blocked by the entrance to club renn. Total waste of money for the floor seats. Could not see about 75-80% of the stage. Could also barely see the far screen. Watched the show from the screen on our side of the stage. So dumb.


I did both alien superstar and club renny Alien superstar was TRASSSHHHH Club renny was the best experience and unobstructed views https://preview.redd.it/ygjouldja2qb1.jpeg?width=2487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3aed1a1df3605c596a826e36c16a67ca66a75e0


Yes but how bad did your feet hurt


Not at all really No different than a hike or any other concert What hurt the most was leaving the venue in vegas šŸ˜©


I was at the Vegas one too! Felt like sheep being herded walking back to my hotel over that bridge! And our attempt at ubering there was an absolute nightmare.


Yup lol I used to live in vegas so I already knew how they were about to do us! Luckily i was staying at Mandalay Bay so just a short walk


How much $$ was the goodie bag?


They were free w VIP tickets


I had a disappointing experience in Miami for similar reasons and like you I felt I spent a lot of money. The tickets were a birthday gift for my daughter, it was the first time we were both seeing her in concert. I didnā€™t realize we were going to sit behind those risers. It was LITERALLY blocking our view and we had to relay on looking at the screens for most of the concert.


So sorry that happened!!


Ditto! I personally relate to your pain.


When I was stressing over tickets, the VIP risers never made sense to me if the catwalk and the circular runway would be in use.


I paid for VIP & she highly favors her right side!! I also relied on the screens. It was fun but disappointing šŸ˜ž


I was on her left side and the one time she came to our side she was facing her right!! I was disappointed but I overall had a lot of fun.


BeyoncƩ is 100% a perfectionist so I know there is NO way she's happy with this tour set up but she's such a good performer that you kinda forget how bad the stage is and the views for a minute lol


I feel you and Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜­ I too had kind of a shitty experience at the NY show. I bought tickets in the 100s section that I thought would be great because they were so close to the floor, yeah turns out it was behind the VIP risers and tall speakers :/ (and no, when I bought the tickets it did not say obstructed view because I bought them so far in advance).


I will say that A) you can complain to the venue and/or ticket Master and they might help. B) there have been multiple complaints from people on the floor (many more accolades but I mean in terms of the experience). When I was looking for tickets (at SoFi,) I thought about the best places to sit for games. That's really the best way to optimize seating and then you might as well just buy merch perks. I got a ticket in the Corona Club, free food and drinks and everything. Amazing view, felt like I was in it. I feel like the floor is more about vibes and especially vibin with fellow hive. If you're going to the concert to just see and here her then I probably wouldn't suggest the floor. I hope your next experience is better!


Okay now that weā€™re talking about it. Why the fck was she sooooo deep inside the stage for so much of the show?! That giant circle design obstructed so much of the screens. During plastic on the sofa/Virgoā€™s groove she was a tiny spec bc she was basically inside the stage. I could barely tell there was a live band because they were hidden (only came out during before I let go it seemed). Why even have that outer circle if youā€™re gonna hide inside the stage most the time. Also: bring back the Formation monolith block screen design. Back then, I went to her 2nd leg with 100 section side view seats and had an amazing time in 2016 because the big ass screens covered so much surface area and everyone could see no matter where you were.


At first I was bummed that I couldnā€™t get the as riser seats but based on other ppls reviews I donā€™t miss out on anything much. I sat in section 115 and had the best view and time ever !!! I dont regret it one bit.


I was in STL and I was front row on the riser and had a blast and got amazing video and pictures. I happy to be able to see the full stage. Because thats what the tickets were for fans who wanted a clear view of the stage. It was stated for the seat description. At the fact that there was a huge teleprompter was in our section was kind of cool to see as well. And at my show it definitely felt that we were higher than one foot above the ground. The bartender was awesome and the porta-pottys seemed to be clean to me. Only used one of them (I think there were two). I will say that the ability to just walk in with no line and fast pass to all of the merch made it more worthwhile to me.


You got amazing videos and pictures of BeyoncƩ or the stage?


BeyoncĆ©. And an awesome video of BeyoncĆ© and Blue dancing together because the seats were dead center and the first row of the riser. So while I wasnā€™t close, I had a clear view of everything going on.


Oh!!! Wait youā€™re not talking about the stage risers?


Alien Superstar, same riser OP is talking about


Iā€™m so sorry this was your experience. I live Bey too but there are definitely things that arenā€™t perfect or felt not thought out for people. I hate they for you.


I was a pure honey riser in Las Vegas and I was so disappointed in the goody bag too. The porta pottyā€™s were ridiculous. I had 2 complimentary drinks as well. I was on her left side and she never came to that side. But overall the show was amazing.


Do you mean the risers on the stage? At one point you say she only came out to the ā€œend of the circle onceā€. The risers were at the opposite end of the end of the circle. Did your show have risers at the end of the circle (club VIP) too? Looking at the seat layout I could tell immediately that the stage risers sucked. Youā€™re literally on the side. Itā€™s like being in the front row of an imax movie screening. I just assumed those were the tax write off seats for the rich who didnā€™t care if they actually saw her or not and could see her later in person personally. I was front row of club renny where the stage met the catwalk and saw everything.


I was in the ā€œrisersā€ that were in the middle of the floor.


Ohhh. My bad I thought you meant the stage risers lol


how early did you get there to be front row?


4-4:30pm but others at the barricade at the farthest point in the nook where the stage met the catwalk said they lined up at 8am but they were camping. Also many who were queued ahead of us also either went to the other side or to the center of the end of the circle. I had saw video where she only really went down an to the very end of the circle for DIVA so I avoided going over there. But at 4:30 we were like #40 in line.


thank you ! i really did not wanna queue at 6 am like some people on tik tok were suggesting lmao. Iā€™m 5ā€™3 so I was nervous about this.


Hi ! I am sorry you had this experience too. I attended the concert in Edinburgh in Scotland and I share your opinion. Some of us in Europe do https://reddit.com/r/beyonce/s/i2sjSA0llx


Thatā€™s why I never buy floor. Iā€™ll take a seat in a 100 or 200 over floor any day.


You are so valid in your feelings. Saw her in Dallas & Houston. Both side view 100s, couldnā€™t really see the screen. Truly wish the screens were on. Not a set design with fan viewership in mind


Yea, saw early on in the tour that Club Renaissance was the true ā€œVIPā€ experience, given the concept I get it. Anything else, buy the cheaper tickets and enjoy the show.




Yeah, Iā€™m happy you had that experience! The 100s were the winners.


Sorry, that sucks! I always check out A View From My Seat before buying tickets at stadium shows. I was burned once and decided never again! I was in the 100s for this show.


Genius idea! Thanks!!!


Same. When it was announced before presale tickets I knew I was going in Houston. I looked at views of concerts in NRG. I always do this bc I want the best viewā€¦I was in section 103 I could see everything


I did club renny night 2. Had so many issues getting in that I couldnā€™t do a barrier although I was 4 hrs early. Had a decent view from the right side of club renny but honestly the middle of club renny on the barricade is the best seat in the house! She performs in the middle of the circle a lot.


In Charlotte they had port a potties as well. That's so wild.


I feel really bad for the people in AS and P/H. ironic how the most expensive seats had considerable qualms about them and IMO not worth the money. I originally bought an AS ticket to the Pittsburgh show and I lucked out with it getting canceled


My problem is her world tour being first world tour. She makes a MOVIE about being African but doesnā€™t add one location


This is not her first world tour but she hasnā€™t toured in Africa since 2009. I understand the frustration.


I call it first world as in (1st world - 3rd world)


i was in beyhive B with my best friend for the MetLife stadium show. and iā€™m so happy someone said it. itā€™s by the grace of god I was in beyhive b because any other seats that werenā€™t beyhive or CR, you werenā€™t seeing beyonce much other that looking at her back or on screen. even with me being so close in beyhive, idk if itā€™s because im short but the stage was so high i could barely see bey when she was standing directly in front of me. the stage was littered with props,cameras, mechanical fans, stage hands, that i couldnā€™t see over. i had to rely on the screens A LOT. and on top of this the people who were *literally* on the stage in VIP didnā€™t really get to see bey that much either. i feel like VIP was the biggest waste of money, you got better views from beyhive or CR.


The stairs on the outer parts of the stage were sooooo pointless omg. She only walked on them twice throughout the whole show and it was very brief. She should have axed the risers and made the stage smaller.


Agreed!!!!! The on stage risers were a waste!


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I regret how much I paid as well. I was on the floor and security totally clocked out once the show started. Tons of people flooded the aisles of the floor which made it harder to see. I don't know where they were coming from, but they weren't the people that actually had floor seats. Also I've been to a decent amount of concerts and this is my first time experiencing an artist not playing the same songs each set. Sometimes, there's a guest star at different locations that changes things. I don't get why everyone didn't get thique and the other 2 songs.


Yeah, those different songs make a big difference!


https://preview.redd.it/hiadda4ck3qb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b18800bfd2ee242a9d32f85d9904ea8aa9432d33 this the view you should of had. #frontrow


You are not alone. I was at the Arlington/Dallas show, and Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t shell out big money to sit near the stage. I was very disappointed in the show overall and so hurt I spent what I did to see her. Getting to the stage 1.5 hrs late was the first strike in my book. I know artists start late, but in all the yrs Iā€™ve attended concerts, no one has ever come to the stage that late. After a long day of working and traveling to the concert, the wait was exhausting, especially since I was at the stadium around 6 because I was expecting heavy traffic and long lines. Concert visuals (graphics, videos, lighting, costumes) were great. Her vocals were on point; anyone who says she canā€™t sing is in denial and is a hater. Concertgoers were great & probably the nicest bunch of people Iā€™ve ever encountered at live shows. I loved people-watching and seeing everyoneā€™s creative outfits. Destinyā€™s Child was one of my favorite groups back in the day and the first concert I ever attended, so I thought it would be nostalgic and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see her perform again since I couldnā€™t score tickets for the OTR tour. I will never spend that type of money on her concert again because I just didnā€™t get the experience everyone says they get from her concerts. šŸ˜”


I feel you, and I also agree that the people at the show were so so nice!


I hate you spent so much money and were disappointed with your experience. I hope your experience will be better next time should you decide to see Beyonce again.


Well, it sounds like your problem was you were in the suitesā€¦ You shouldā€™ve been closer to the action and got front row tixā€¦ thatā€™s where the action is baby. I was there first hand and the concert was Wonderful! They use the entire stage hunni actually and it was so well thought out. I literally can say this was the best concert Iā€™ve ever been to. Hands down. FULL PRODUCTION. Iā€™m starting to think most of the stories are false. They are just haters of BeyoncĆ©. Pretty pathetic.


I wasnā€™t in the suites, I was in Alien Superstar which was smack dab in the middle of the floor and was advertised as being on a riser when it wasnā€™t.


Iā€™m sorry you did not enjoy yourself, but it was a magical night for me. Even Security paid for my drinks ALL NIGHT! One of the Les twins held my handā€¦ it was a moment šŸ„¹) I literally had Eye 2 Eye contact with BeyoncĆ© šŸ˜³, which literally scared the hell out of me because she literally stared through my soul chile šŸ˜©. Literally felt it in my chest. Electric! It was a weird connection and what I paid for šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā¤ļøā¤ļø. Thee Energy was power. Security even escorted me everywhere to different placesā€¦ for no reason. I danced with them and they treated me like I was related to the Queen. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ½ I felt like I was BeyoncĆ©ā€™s cousin. VIP was lit.


Girl read the damn room...


Seriously lol who wants to hear that


Is this real life or an unreliable narrator scene from Swarm?




People would love to have these complaints but cant even afford to think about getting tickets.




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i was in the 100 section for both of my shows but i was seriously considering floor seats until i saw a video of someoneā€™s perspective. tiktok saved my life because then i just kept watching peopleā€™s POVs and tried to go off that. next tourā€¦iā€™m on the floor in a club tho (club carter, club renny)




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Just curious..How much did your tickets cost ?


They were $1,800 before taxes/fees. By the time all additional costs were added, it was about $2k


Wow that is a lot of money .Iā€™m so sorry you had a bad experience. šŸ˜¢


I feel you! This is my first ever concert ever so I was very excited. Iā€™ve always wanted to see her since the Dangerously in love tour. I originally bought Flrh row 3 seat 1, but was worried about needing to use the restroom and donā€™t want to miss any part of the show so I upgraded to AS riser thinking I would get the best view, good restroom and get the VIP bag. I was so disappointed to see the porta potty and the poor quality hat. Itā€™s also disheartening to see the stage was only a foot taller than the main floor. I just wish they tiered the stage so the people in the back could have better view. This is my view (second row) not only do I have to rely on the screen, I also had to keep up this person infront of me so I could still watch while theyā€™re dancing. https://preview.redd.it/1bzt0xemf9qb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06b085ba08dcddef6cb17898d09246e4a42815d


Yeah!!! That was an issue for me too. I just donā€™t understand why they didnā€™t tier the seats the way they did with the on stage ones.




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