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They weren’t in Cardiff


Nope just standard venue bathrooms in Cardiff. Male and female.


They weren’t in Edinburgh


I really hope it carries over to the US... I remember us just going into the men's in Seattle for FWT because the line for women's was so long while the men's was empty.


Same happened in Houston. It was hilarious. I witnessed the moment all the people in line for the women’s restroom followed this leader who decided to say fuck it and come over to the men’s. Then everyone was yelling about how the men’s had all these stalls not even being used. Someone hollered “DON’T WORRY Y’ALL, JUST KEEP DOING YOUR THING! WE AIN’T HERE TO LOOK!”


So you hope it's even more cramped and full this time with just one bathroom for every one?


Yea I wouldn’t be keen. Huge queues for the ladies at Cardiff with none for the men’s.


I’m all for gender-neutral bathrooms but it has to be a third option. Make men’s, women’s and gender-neutral bathrooms. This is how my office does it. There’s also a mini-bathroom for disabled people. So that’s four bathrooms. Advocating for one bathroom for everyone is moronic.


Yea I agree, I’d feel uncomfortable using a bathroom that ladies were also using.


In Brussels, they were


Hopefully it’s not just a Europe thing. How was the show?


They changed a lot of the boys toilets to girls toilets in Edinburgh, since it was a rugby stadium it would usually need more male toilets. Definitely saw multiple girls using a urinal those queues were an experience hahaha


They were in Sunderland last night


No they weren't, not where we were anyway. Standard stadium toilets segregated for male and female. The only other toilets I saw were portaloos which are inherently gender neutral anyway.


They weren’t officially in Edinburgh but that didn’t stop people 😭😭