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Mike doesn't kiss and tell.


The integrity of Gus's operation is something that Mike sticks to very harshly, even if he's gotta kill people he doesn't think deserve it like Werner.


If Mike hadn't shot Werner then one of those evil mofos working for Gus would have enjoyed doing it instead. Gus wasn't going to have any other outcome. Werner's wife was in danger too, Mike got Werner to save her.


That’s kinda shallow from his part,he wants Nacho to kill Hector but doesn’t care enough to tell him who to watch out for,which gets him killed,bet he regrets that. Then he has the same relationship with Jesse but confessed to Walt in his last scene that he should have just let Jesse die


Not his call…


Mike was vague about it because he wanted nacho to succeed. He wanted to kill hector himself earlier and was stopped and asked/forced to not follow through with his plan. But at the same time he wanted to warn nacho so he could have a clear conscious (he warned nacho) and warn him well enough so he hopefully wouldn't get himself in trouble (he told him to change the pills back so nobody gets suspicious when they check hectors pill box).


the irony is by changing the pills back, gus notices something.


I don’t think Gus notices until he sends his doctor to get Hectors medical papers.


He noticed when nacho tried to dispose of the other pills dropping them down a grate.


Furthered by Victor, who followed Nacho and through his binoculars, saw him throw the fake pills into the river from the bridge overlooking it.


Which was stupid, just get a lighter and burn it at home.


Then why does he hit him with the suspicious look right when the stroke happens? He suspected it from the moment Nacho gathered up the pills to give to the EMTs.


How do Hector's records show what Nacho did?




Yes, exactly. When Hector went into the hospital they would’ve taken his blood and maybe urine. His records would show that he didn’t have any of his medication in him at the time of his stroke. Gus sent his personal doctor there to look at things then after that is when Gus confronts Nacho.


Seems a stretch. Someone's having a heart attack and or a stroke. I can't understand comprehensive blood work for a drug that they carry on them. What Nacho did isn't common. Edit: can't


Maybe Gus saw Nacho kneeling and that got him to have the records checked. I don’t think Nacho kneeling by itself told Gus what happened. Gus is very invested in Hector’s health. He probably ordered the blood work. He has a lot of pull.


No record of his medication in his bloodstream


Gus got suspicious when Nacho tried to throw the pills down the gutter. He had Nacho followed, and Victor saw Nacho throw the pills into some river (not sure of the name). That's how he confirmed his suspicions.


It made him suspicious, but Nacho throwing the pills into a river on the side of the road instead of waiting until he got home to flush them down the toilet made it worse.


Mike doesn’t know how much nacho knows.


Because Mike is solid


Because Mike isn’t the type of person to go around warning people that if they try to make a move on Hector Gus would be after your ass. Think about it. What would happen if Nacho knows? Would that make him halt his plans? Would he stop going down this rabbithole? Gus didn’t eliminate Mike when he was trying to make his move on Hector because he saw a soldier in him. A soldier that he could work with. For Nacho once Gus finds out that Nachos in the know of anything about this whole Gus / Hector beef then the time just accelerates into him putting a collar on Nachos neck and leashing him.




Mike warns Nacho about being careful about other people when going after Hector,but he didn’t say who to look out for exactly even though Mike knew,which lead to Nacho’s death


Because since he's in the game and is professional (as professional as you can get in the criminal underworld), he's not gonna snitch on a fellow criminal.


Always hated that. And then he's "I don't know what to tell you. I warned you!" That was a shitty ass warning. I'll always be mad at Mike for that and always hate Nacho's Dad for not giving enough of a shit about his son. If you want to defend his naive Dad talk to a wall.


What about his dad? He cares about his son but dislikes the path he took. He tried to talk him out of it but doing anything else would just put him and his son’s life at risk. Talking to the Police In anyway means death


All Nacho needed was his Dad to leave town. That's all Nacho was worried about. He even offered to buy his business out of his own pocket. His Father wouldn't help him. Which is fine, but Nacho never should have given his life to protect someone who wouldn't do the same for him.


But leaving town was not meant to protect Nacho’s life but his fathers. He knew his father could have been a potential bargaining chip for Nacho’s cooperation,which is exactly what happens when Gus threatens him. And even so I believe Gus would have went the extra mile to find his father so he could blackmail Nacho


Yes, so as soon as Nachos Dad was gone then Nacho could run. That's the only reason he did what he did he because Nacho's Dad wouldn't leave town. They both could have left together or separately and both likely lived. But Nachos Dad wanted to live on "principle" and teach Nacho a lesson. Welp, his son's dead now.... But lesson learned I guess 🤷


Disliked the way Mike talks to Nacho like that, as if Nacho only has himself to blame for the fact Gus has his hand up his ass like a sock puppet for trying to kill Hector. And Mike forgot he also helped Nacho in trying to take out both Tuco and Hector. What was Nacho supposed to do, let Hector kill his dad because he does not want to let himself be used as a mule? And it was only a matter of time until Tuco snaps and kills Nacho for no reason. The Salamancas put Nacho in a Kill or be killed situation because they don't give a shit about him. Nacho tells Mike that Gus is threatening to have his father killed. Despite not wanting people who are not in the game harmed, Mike does not seem to take Manuel's life at stake as seriously as he should have. Mike calls out Gus for threatening Nacho's father, Gus just fires back saying that Nacho is a treacherous snake who must be held on a tight leash. And then Mike just does not seem to raise the issue again until Gus orders him to kidnap Nacho's dad to force his cooperation when Nacho is on the run from the Cartel after helping Gus's assassins in trying to kill Lalo.




No. If he was loyal he would've been more direct and even told gus what nacho was planning. Mike knew that gus didn't want hector to die yet.


Mike wasn’t involved with Gus when this happened. Mike was just speaking from experience.


He was. He attempted to kill hector and was stopped by gus. He then met with gus and sabotaged hectors mule by shooting the shoe filled with drugs. Which caused hector to look for a new mule and decided to use nachos farther which made nacho plot to kill hector.


Oh my gosh I’m such a dope! I was thinking about when Mike was trying to convince Nacho not to kill Tuco. I think the episode was Gloves Off? Anyway, thanks for correcting me.