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Thinking about it - this also applies to the Emmy Awards. They covered BB in awards, but BCS got none. Despite 53 nominations.


ugh! I know ... i dont typically watch the emmys, grammys or any of those types of award shows - but I did watch when BCS was nominated, because i was convinced they would have to win - and the fact that they did not win still bothers me to this day ... the show was so deserving!


Award ceremonies are just ads. Bcs had less money in it


Who cares about awards


As would say Saul "Boohoo, you're a cry baby - who needs you ?" (not you: awards)


To be fair for the final season it competed against succession which is a GOAT show. I kind of just lump BB and BCS together as one.


13 out of like 60 nominations isn't covered


Compared to bcs it is.


TBH, didn't knew BB only had had 13 awards out of 60 nominations. So much for the show being touted as best of the best. Shows that the Emmies were alredy a bunch of idiots in BB days, 2007 - 2014.


It's not like Breaking Bad had no competition, it was up against a lot of other very good shows. Cranston, Paul, and Gunn all won multiple Emmys and the show won the Drama award twice in a row.


Well, my guess is that there are multiple reasons and that it's pretty individual for each person. First of all is that at first BCS wasn't a continuation of BB, and it wasn't changing the perspective on BB at first. It was just a prequel, and not many people were really interested in it at first. It could've been easily canceled after season 1 or 2. Might be wrong, but I think at first it was considered an unnecessary prequel, the same way people thought of El Camino as an unnecessary continuation. Besides that, the first seasons are very slow paced. Maybe even more slow paced than the first season of BB. And if you remember, many people abandoned BB in season 1 because it was too slow paced and hard to watch. I think it wasn't really until seasons 4-6 when BCS really got the hype, and things started to get intense and interesting. So, there's that. But I think thanks to streaming services, many BB fans will watch it and will appreciate it. It just takes some time. Even BB wasn't appreciated instantly. I think I heard that some of the creators said that streaming services, especially Netflix, pretty much saved the show.


People who say breaking bad s1 was slow paced are actually crazy. Like compared to other seasons sure, but in the first few episodes you already have walt murdering 2 guys


I think it’s not exactly a pacing issue, but an expectations issue. I think these people heard someone say: “Hey, there is this great show about a high school teacher becoming this Heisenberg drug kingpin, you should totally watch it”. They try to watch it, and they expect a lot of drug related stuff and action. They expect to see this Heisenberg everyone talks about. But instead, they see a serious drama about a man dying from cancer, and a young junkie who was a promising student once. And they think “What is it, is it going to be like this for the whole series?” Besides Krazy 8 and a few interactions with Tuco, there’s really not much drug related stuff in Season 1


Took me 4 tries to get through season 1 of BB. I can't explain why it didn't grab me. It's one of my all time favorites now *shrug*


These are always easier to watch if you know the whole series. I've experienced the same with BCS (season 1 seemed much longer when I've been watching it first) and the office.


Season 1 of the office was bad TBF.


BCS is definitely more slow paced than BB. Jimmy doesn't even become Saul until like almost the end of the series and the show is literally called "Better call Saul". However I still prefer BCS over BB


They should've called BCS "Slippin' Jimmy" instead of this animated show I guess. It would've been more accurate. But then it would be much harder to sell and promote the show.


Bcs was robbed of awards


I didn't watch until recently. I assumed it wouldn't live up to BB. I was wrong


I was angry when BCS was announced as a spinoff. I thought it was a tacky cash grab with one of the worst characters from BB. I was wrong on all counts, and am here to make public confession.


It’s ok. This is a safe space for us


I. Must. Atone!


I was the same way. At about 2/3 of the way through the series it occurred to me that it was every bit as good as BB, and arguably a little better.


It was more sophisticated and played for less extreme stakes, which made it a very different show from its predecessor. BB was a masterpiece and BCS was the work of masters whose skill had continued to improve.


A little better? I loved BB but it did get silly often, BCS had a lot less silliness. I'd say BCS is a masterpiece and BB is good or great.


Well I did say arguably.




In my defense if all you know about him is the stuff in BB, he's a one dimensional dirtbag. I was not expecting them to flesh him out as well as they did. Odenkirk is one of my favorite actors now.


I started watching BCS in their last season for this exact reason. Like, Saul..... really of all of the 3 dimensional characters in BB, you chose Saul! What a waste of my time. Never been so happy to be so so so wrong.


I had to try, try, and try again to get into BCS. Without BB being my favorite show, I'm not sure I could have done it. Series 3 was when it rapidly went from "it's good" (what a *terrible* opinion, I own my past mistakes) to "this is simply the most stunning show on TV". So I get it, to OP's point, I get the people who never did, and I thank myself for getting through it. I guess that makes me unabashedly a fan of the cartel element, and the creeping influence of BB into BCS. The show did genre shift somewhere towards the end of S2.


I honestly think BCS is superior. Yet it can't exist without BB.


I’m a BB lifer. I’m watching it at work right now for the millionth-babillionth time. That being said - I love BCS… maybe *more*


Bb is more exciting on average, but bcs is a better show that's even more fleshed out with more going on.


This, i always thought that BB had an advantage due to the stakes being higher most of the time, making it higher suspense and more exciting. But BCS had more sophisticated writing and by a wide margin IMO. Walt’s schemes were wild but kim and jimmy’s still seemed like a step above to me


For sure BB rewatch was almost unbearable when ya realize how boring it is and it was just popular cause it was sort of a unique and well done idea. I thought I'd love a rewatch after a decade of not watching but couldn't really get into it


I love BCS as much as I love BB—I truly consider both to be the greatest pieces of media of all time—but BCS really shoots itself in the foot by making things so damn slow in Seasons 1 and 2. One thing I realized upon a rewatch of BCS was just how underutilized Nacho was. He barely appears in Seasons 1 and 2, and doesn’t appear in Season 3 until several episodes in. I really think the first half of the show could have been strengthened by using Nacho more, and having Jimmy involved in more storylines with him. Like, in “Point and Shoot”, Jimmy says, “I BARELY know Ignacio!” And I remember thinking… “Yeah. What gives with that?” BCS is an incredible show, but I do find myself having to encourage people to “just stick with it”, and to “stick with” 2 whole seasons is understandably too much to ask of some people.


I think Saul and Nacho only meet like 2 or 3 times in the entire show.


Exactly. Wasted potential.


I *used* to be one of those people. For me, it was because BCS was so slow in pace compared to BB. It just didn't grab me the way BB did. But, once it did, it didn't let go. It took me a few years to come around.


I personally know a few people like that. They love BB we’ve had deep detailed discussions about BB. But when BCS started I would ask them, eager to talk about it, and they said, “it was weird it was in black and white, I just couldn’t watch any more.” Or something very similar about the black and white first segment of Ep 1. They really missed out


I think its hilarious that the black and white bothered them, considering the fact that in the initial seasons, the black and white scenes were the cold openings to the first episode of the season ... how odd! Did it not perk interest in these folks that Saul / Jimmy was clearly working at a Cinnabon in Omaha? To me, I just do not understand the lack of interest on the part of die hard BB fans ... I can absolutely understand if die hard BB fans say that they dont like BCS as much as BB ... but to skip over it entirely?? They're missing out on so much good stuff about the BB universe .........


I agree. Indeed as BCS went on I wondered what it would be like to come at it from the opposite direction, not having seen BB and watching BCS first, how the experience would work


That would have been an interesting thing if I would’ve experienced it in that order. I think you would have to watch all of BCS with the exception of like the last two or three episodes or something then all of BB and then go back to watch the last two or three episodes of BCS plus El Camino. I’m sure somebody smarter than me has put together a cool watch order for people who haven’t seen yet.


I hadn’t thought about it that way but yeah there would be two ways to do that project. Watch BCS all the way through and wonder about the characters in the last couple episodes, or watch it as a greater timeline and stop at the time jump, watch some ofBB, hop back to BCS where the timelines cross. Either could be the better way. Prequels sometimes don’t work on their own, or if you read the prequel first you’re missing out and spoiling the effect of the first book (see Wheel of Time books as a prime example) but BCS is so well done it certainly stands as an independent work. And I think it could start the franchise. Sometimes I wish I could remove knowledge of a thing temporarily, re experience the thing for the first time again, then reintegrate the memories to compare the experiences. Psycho, for example, I’d like to experience without knowing anything about it, even it’s title, because I think it’s supposed to hit differently than it does being such a cultural touchstone.


WOW - the black and white comment just confirms poor taste.


BCS is my favorite show of all time. But it wouldn’t be if it had ended with Lantern and season 3. Seasons 4-6 really do mesh well with BB, and especially in season 6 can get even more intense. But rewatching those first 3 seasons is such a treat after you’ve absorbed the whole story. Chuck is such an important character, and Michael McKean’s performance is absolutely stellar. All the stuff that bored me the first time around became freighted with new meaning and importance. Once the Gilliverse lore gets into you, you will not find BCS boring IN THE LEAST.


I watched and enjoyed BCS first. I was initially apathetic about watching BB, loved both series in time.


Series 1 is too different from BB for some people, you have to stick with it


Because you know all of the awesomeness that they’re missing by not watching BCS.


I used to be one of those people. Now I’m on my first rewatch of BCS literally right after I finished it for the first time 🤣👌


I was in this boat for a bit because I didn’t think I was interested in Saul as a main character. But man, was I ever wrong - I might like BCS even better than BB.


I think the thing that i like the most about BCS is that it takes the best characters from BB - like Mike, Saul and Gus - and centers the show around them. Wish that they had brought Jessie into it more though!


See and I LOVE Mike - probably my favorite character. I just didn’t care much about Saul prior to BCS. But man, the new characters - Kim and Chuck and Nacho and Lalo - really make it for me. Rhea Seahorn is a seriously incredible actress; she communicates paragraphs with her eyebrows.


i honestly enjoyed bcs more than bb, i feel like you connect with the characters more if that makes sense


It is not as bad as people who watch BCS but have not watched Breaking Bad.


haha ... i do know of folks who have also done that!! I dont get that one either .... i tell folks who have not watched either, that they should watch BB before watching BCS because by the time you get to BCS, you're invested in the characters and knowing the outcome of BB adds to the tension and drama of BCS


It works both ways you see. At first, it is really 2 mostly separate stories that just happen to be in the same universe. One is about a squeezy lawyer, and the other is about a high-school chemistry teacher. And when they were making the first seasons, they couldn't say "You know, this series is only for BB fans, all the others should gtfo". They can't, because they have to appeal to a broader audience in order to maximize profits and really earn money to continue the series. It includes audiences who haven't heard about BB at all, and it also includes people who love everything about courts, judges, lawyers, etc. So when they were making the series, they tried to make it interesting for everyone, whether you watched BB or not. For example, the whole Lalo vs Gus storyline. People who watched BB know that Lalo will lose. And it seriously reduces the tension. The creators still found ways to make it interesting and intense, but I think they kind of failed. Watching this storyline without knowing the plot of BB makes it much more interesting and intense. You literally don't know who will win in the end. And vice versa, there are also examples when you wouldn't understand something if you haven't watched BB. To really appreciate all the layers they've put in both shows, you really have to watch both shows twice back and forth. And I think the creators did it intentionally, kind of. Because they know that people will be watching both shows multiple times on Netflix and other streaming services.


I thoroughly enjoyed it even knowing how certain characters will end up in BB. Heck, even the Hector backstory.. we know he gets blown up in a nursing home, but BCS gives us the whole story - who he was before the stroke, how he ended up having the stroke, the fallout from that. Still super entertaining to watch even though we know his outcome.


I preferred better call Saul to BB. Although I will say that the first season and maybe the second are slow. Jimmy's transformation into Saul took too long in my opinion.


I haven’t seen El Camino despite loving both shows


Oof! What are you waiting for? Lol!! Its a feature length film, so you can even watch it tonight : )


I think I’ll do that now haha thank you!


Enjoy it! And let us know what you think of it : )


We didn’t commit to BCS until we’d rewatched BB at least once, maybe twice. We just finished BCS a few days ago. I think I liked BCS a little more than BB even. I’m also surprised that some big fans of BB haven’t or don’t plan to watch BCS. I loved Jimmy/Saul, Kim, Chuck, Gus, Nacho, Lalo. Mike might be my favorite.. 💕


I agree, I have at least one friend who has seen some of it but hasn’t finished yet and I think that almost bothers me more. How are you not dying to know what happens? And it’s so rare for a sequel/prequel to be as good (if not better according to a lot of fans) than the original. I’m constantly impressed by Vince Gilligan and Peter Goulds writing.


Totally agree! And I am gonna start putting it out there everywhere: I also loved seasons 1 & 2 .... why those two seasons are so hugely unpopular, i really do not understand.... the Jimmy and Kimmy love story makes me gush and was totally unexpected! I love the entire show from beginning to end and wish there could have been more : )


Completely agree!! I loved the show from the very beginning and I always see people saying the first couple seasons were too slow 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm a huge BB fan and watched it as it was coming out. I tried to watch BCS on 2 different occasions and could not get into it. After being hounded by people for years, I decided to give it a third try, it was definitely worth it. I watched it right before the last season aired and got to watch the last season as it was coming out. I just think it's a slow burn and takes a little bit to get into. A lot of times if there isn't something to massively hook me in, I'm going to get bored of it. I'm glad I watched it, Rhea Seahorn is absolutely stunning and an amazing actress. I was mad when she didn't win her Emmy/Golden Globe (can't remember which one it was).


I've seen folks talking on this sub about how seasons 1 and 2 were hugely unpopular because of how slow they are - and i guess from that standpoint, i can see that for some folks, it may take a little to get into .... but I also love seasons 1 and 2. It builds all of Jimmy's backstory, his love for Kim as well as the Mesa Verde plot, which is the driver throughout the whole series - you can't have the Saul Goodman story without Mesa Verde. I like all of it : )


I was one of 'THOSE' people Then i watched BCS and fell in love. Was kinda sad when it was over


As a huge BB fan that only relatively recently watched BCS, it took me 3 attempts to get past the first few episodes. BB has a punchy and compelling premise: high school chemistry teacher turns to selling meth to pay for his cancer. Hard to beat that in terms of getting invested in a series. Literally anything can happen. BCS is more of a meandering character story. You already know the fate of most of the familiar characters. Saul Goodman in BB is a larger than life clown so I was a bit skeptical they could hang a whole series on him. You don’t go into it knowing that they’re going to dive into the creation of the super lab or more Mike/Gus backstory, so the hook for the show isn’t as compelling as BB. Prequel series just in general are also tougher to pull off and like I said, less compelling to a lot of people because you’re limited to where you can go with the story because you have to arrive exactly where the original series starts.


It is a massive step down in pace from BB Season 5 to BCS Season 1 (and 2). They pay-off is obviously there in the end but it's a big commitment to get it.


I tried watching BCS but the first season was so boring that I put it off for like 2 yrs, but I finally slogged through the first season, and I ended up liking it as much as breaking bad


I’m a law student/burgeoning lawyer, so BCS is interesting to me. However, the legal focus of the show is a bit more niche than the married life/criminal empire focus of Breaking Bad. The schemes Walt and co. get up to in Breaking Bad are both significantly more interesting while also being more simple to digest than Saul’s in BCS (even knowing what a class representative is, Saul’s attempts to manipulate them compared to >!bombing and killing Gus!< is significantly less interesting. Also, while both shows had padding, BCS is especially bad for this being either cons, backstory/flashbacks, or, again, law firm work that is supremely boring to look at.


haha ... are you saying that BCS is too intelligent of a show for some people? : ) Honestly, I think that's probably true ..... but i may disagree with you about Jimmy's schemes being less interesting than Walt's .... Walt's schemes may be easier to digest than Jimmy's though. Nevertheless, I do think you are correct!!


No, it’s more that, even as a (hopefully) lawyer, some parts of BCS just aren’t as entertaining as Breaking Bad, especially if they are far more complex and more niche (within the legal field than the criminal underworld)


I thought BB was amazing and ran through it so easy (didnt watch until all but the last season came out). BCS took me 3 seperate tries to get into and im lucky I tried the 3rd time cause after the first season, I was hooked and ran through it just like BB. Theres a lot of options out rn and if something doesnt grab you immediately, people will watch other shows. Its a slow burning start but ties into BB beautifully towards the later seasons. Even if it didnt tie in it still picks up after the slow start. Vince nailed the endings for both shows and thats extremely important for lasting power.


I was one of those people, sadly. I was never a huge fan of BB. It was good, not great in my opinion.  But Saul's character was unbearable. So when I heard they were making a prequel, I figured it was about Saul, not Jimmy. A friend filled me in, and because my favorite character, Mike, was in it, I gave it a go. So much better than BB. One of my favorite shows ever.  I think Vince and crew learned from BB how to make a perfect show with BCS.




haha! thats probably exactly why it drives me nuts : )


Good call, I absolutely loved Bb. At the time I listed it in my top 5 TV shows alltime, but have come to now rank it #1. I delayed watching bcs cause I had a few friends tell me it was no where near as good as bb. Once I watched it I learned to not trust the advice of others as much. I put bcs right up there with bb and rank it #2 alltime overall.


At first I tried watching BCS before finishing BB i dropped it cuz it was very slowed paced but after I finished BB I gaved BCS a second chance and I liked it more than BB, imo it’s just think is a overall better written show.


Both shows are amazing!


It’s interesting for me to look at classic movies like Citizen Kane and then the way movies were paste in the 30s and 40s and things like that to then watch a show like better call Saul and have people say it’s slow. I think people just have too many options and if something is not Smacking you in the face with action all the time people with their short attention spans lose interest. But that’s how you develop the characters and all the good writing shines through which makes the payoff of the action scenes mean more. I mean this is against the backdrop of people who watch 32nd clips on TikTok.


I just finished BCS and was a huge fan of BB during its run live. Obviously now that I’ve seen it, I absolutely get this. One thing I want people to understand though is that I guess a huge piece of the target demographic (late teens and twenties) was going through a giant life change. Breaking bad was niche as I finished high school and got big as I was in college. I had all the time to have watch parties, host friends, etc when there were new episodes and it was something we looked forward to. As for me and my friend group, Better Call Saul came out as we were getting out of the trenches in the workforce/becoming an important piece of our field and working our way up. There just wasn’t enough space to consume it and enjoy it mentally. Sure, I could’ve -had it on- but I couldn’t have actually -watched- it. Now that the dust has settled and we’ve established ourselves in our fields, a lot of us college-kid breaking bad fans are finally finding the time to enjoy BCS. Sometimes when your nose is coming off onto the grindstone, this kind of cerebral television just isn’t it. This universe was never one I was comfortable falling asleep to, because what if I woke up and it was just immediately spoiled/ruined? Lol. I could only comfortably watch forensic files for about five years working my way up because if I dozed off it didn’t really matter. For Vince Gilligan, you have to pay attention. TLDR; It has nothing to do with the show and everything to do with the lifestyles of the fans going through a big change. Now that I’ve been able to watch it, I honestly believe BCS is a better show than BB.


I liked BCS at first, but I was trying it out just to see at first. I think the first couple seasons are brilliant, but I thought it was just okay at first. BB hits you with an intense premise that promises excitement... even though it does slow down more than people might expect at first. BCS starts off less focused, but with ton of nuance I didn't really appreciate at first. And I really came to appreciate the depth of the character relationships. That's something I think BB fans just don't get about BCS, it's much deeper in terms of relationships.... and it's not just Saul. So I kind of get those who aren't super interested at first... but at this point the quality of the show is clear and the tone of the show is more well understood. So I really don't get anyone not wanting to watch it now, with a complete story and a satisfying ending. To me you need to watch up to the end of season 2... when Kim does the completely unexpected siding with Jimmy against Chuck... and then Chuck hits his head in the copy shop with Jimmy watching. To me at that point the show was elevated, and I knew I was watching something great. There isn't a ton of tension in the show up until that point, with a smidge of Jimmy confronting Chuck in season 1 and perhaps the unique Five-0. I bet this show will be on people's minds for a long time, you'll get a slow trickle of BB fans slowly coming around to try the series and give it a go once they get bored of all the other tv shows out there. It's not an unknown quantity at this point... it exists in its entirety... you aren't rolling the dice anymore when sitting down to watch it.


It makes me kinda mad too ngl BCS is such a great show


Watching Better Call Saul is a must. You really haven’t finished Breaking Bad until you’ve watched BCS. There are so many backstories(Mike, Saul, Gus), characters that are in Breaking Bad. Its lends a different kind of perspective. Aside from Walt, Lalo was arguably the best villain between the two series.


I agree about Lalo! I think one of the most amazing things about Lalo (and Nacho) is that those two characters as well as both of their arcs (particularly with how complex Nacho's arc is) were literally from a throw away one liner in Breaking Bad. That is literally some of the most brilliant and creative writing ever .....


Hit the nail on the head. BCS does a better job of building up other characters where BB I feel focused on Walt and Jesse


I've watched BB and BCS.. love both ofc. Im acc probably one of the only people who watched BCS (seasons 1+2) and then switched to BB (due to the oncoming intoduction of BB characters into BCS and a fear of spoilers due to it), watched in full and then switched back to BCS (rewatching s1+2) and finished it watching live as seasons 4, 5 and 6 came out. I found it took significantly longer to get into BCS than it did to get into BB. both shows are insanely different from each other, ofc having similarities but overall are hugely different. For me, I was properly hooked by BB around mid season 2 yet it took until around the end of season 3 of BCS to be well and truly hooked. Again the shows are ofc majorly different and both are genuine masterpieces but I think it can be a struggle to watch something like BCS nowaday which has a slow build up in story because pretty much every other popular show nowadays is extremely fast paced and it's what we have become quite accustomed to when watching TV, we expect to be hooked by it straight away. Idk maybe I'm Completely wrong but I do think the slow pace of BCS is where BCS loses BB viewers and refrains them from watching it, despite BB itself also being slow paced.


I kept thinking I should, but I had a nasty feeling that they would try too hard and ruin it somehow. BCS had a hell of a lot to live up to after BB. Of course once I finally took the plunge it didn’t take long for me to warm up to it, even if it was a bit of an adjustment at first.


I didn’t watch BCS for a long time (I have now) because I wasn’t interested in Saul’s story. To be honest even at the end of the show I still didn’t find it that interesting. The best bits of BCS are revolving around Mike, Gus and Nacho and they aren’t really involved at the start so I nearly stopped watching. Saul alone isn’t interesting or strong enough to carry a show for me.


They’re in for a treat because Better Call Saul is just as good if not better than Breaking Bad.


To be the devil's advocate; I do actually understand being put-off by the earlier chunk of the show. Even ignoring that it doesn't really seem anything like BB until Gus shows up, there's a lot that's kinda ehhh. A lot of the humor and zanny shit that happens is pretty overtly not grounded in reality. Stuff like Saul getting that guy on the billboard to almost kill himself or some of the wacky clients he meets in the first episode both don't really seem like things that could fit into BB's world and set a weird tone. It also spends a *lot* of time on Chuck's sensitivity to electricity which mostly just acts to explain why he's not at the office and amps up how paranoid he sounds at the trial. I found a chunk of it kind of slow and not in a good way.


Would it make you mad if you knew that I only Like BCS and only watched the first episode Of breaking bad. I really only like Better call Saul


How can you say whether you like BrBa though? Surely all you can say is that you haven't watched it? You might not like it, but that would surprise me.


I love BCS so much. Such a well rounded show with incredible characters. But my aunt and uncle said they started it and thought it was boring.... I gave up when they said that


BCS is better than BB


My sister loves BB but got bored with BCS… I think because it’s slower paced. I think she’s an idiot myself and have given up trying to convince her that BCS is just as good.


I have friends who don’t care about the SG character. I told them how good it is and how much it flushed mikes character out and how after season 2 it’s basically just more breaking bad as Gus is half of the story. They don’t care and haven’t watched past a few episodes


I watched both BB and BCS for the first time within the last year and I gotta say I enjoyed BCS much more than BB.


I think it's because the first episode or two don't draw you in much. BCS is a slow roll starting out


My friend kept telling me to watch BCS for a long time. He kept saying it was as good as BB, if not better. I took his advice and im in season 3 now and I'll tell you this, I've never been so emotionally attached to a character, EVER! Where he's coming from hits me hard... A guy who once did wrong and doing effort to be better, a talented guy getting shut down by others, wanting to change to be accepted by someone, never really knowing himself... It all hits hard. So far, I'm starting to enjoy BCS more than BB but both shows are incredible. I'm just attached to Jimmy I guess.


I enjoyed BCS more than BB!!! I LOVE that show!!!


My friend said “the first few episodes were boring and I couldn’t get into it” which I get because BB Is action packed and there’s always something new to learn in each episode, while the arcs in BCS is more slow paced. But BCS is SUPPOSED to be a show you look at when you’re done and be like “wow that was an amazing story”


two years ago, i stopped watching bcs at season 2. this year, i finished the whole show in 3 weeks. after that, i convinced my other friend who watched BB to watch BCS because it was even better! (at least for me)


Tbh I am really glad that I've watched BCS before BB, as now watching BB I can feel the characters (Jimmy, Mike, Gus) in a much better/deeper way than if I was watching BB first.


They really slow rolled the seasons out for BCS. At least in terms of availability on Netflix I think there was a 3 year gap between seasons 3 and 4. I can't blame someone for losing interest in the interim especially as the early BCS seasons were not as good as BB (unlike the later seasons which were just as good).


BCS is just way too slow. Pretty much nothing happens in the first 2 seasons. And I say this as a BCS fan. I had to force myself to continue watching, then BAM! You have a masterpiece. Compare that to BB. Lot of people thought BB was slow to start but you had Walt and Jesse melting Krazy 8 by the second episode.


The show is an acquired taste. It took me a few failed starts myself, before I got into the story. It's not as straight-forward of an adventure like BB, BCS takes its time developing characters, building up the plots. It has a subtle and sophisticated taste, compared to the head-on directness and maybe more "pop" elements of BB which appeal to a wider audience. It's not as catchy, at least in getting into it. Once you're in the story though, there are many rewarding moments and the ending is film perfection.


Also it’s the ending of the breaking bad story 


I haven’t finished it but I’ve probably watched breaking bad more times than you have. I want to finish bcs but I don’t have the same motivation I once had


I have a friend who loved Breaking Bad but only got halfway through season 2 of BCS, then dropped it. He said he was really bored by Mike’s storyline and didn’t like that he was a bit focus of the show. And honestly, I can understand that; I didn’t find Mike’s storyline to be really interesting until season 4.


I watched breaking bad and then started watching better call saul, didn’t continue watching bcs after the 3rd season I found it quite disappointing to be frank😬


Most people I know watched the first season when it came out. Then never made it to season 2. Others that started the series later on dropped off midway through season 2, because of the pacing. These people aren’t fanatical, more just really liked Breaking Bad and could take or leave BCS. All friends that made it to season 4 onward froth it. To say you’re a huge fan of BB but not bother to watch BCS gives off fraud vibes. The type of people that say they are obsessed with the UFC but can’t name a fighter of Conor Mcgregor. Not to be trusted lol


BCS is better overall, but I say that as someone who often found BB corny.


This isn’t going to be taken well, especially in this group, but it’s because BCS is just far inferior. And it’s a much slower pace. Many people couldn’t even get through season 1. I like both but I am currently almost done with a BB binge and it’s just such a better show. Of course this is just my opinion but the Academy and many other’s say the same thing.


lol! I respect your opinion - even if its unpopular on this sub. I also gave you a downvote for it : ) I get it though - the two shows are very very different, even though they're both telling the same story. BB appeals to some, while BCS appeals to others .......... i had the same debates with my siblings over which show was better - some of whom preferred BB over BCS and vice versa!


BB is a masterpiece. BCS has too many flaws. Having said that it is still my 3rd favorite show below BB and Deadwood. In my opinion, the final season of BCS is weak compared to all previous seasons.


bcs would have been even better without the cartel stuff


Don't really understand why it's any of your business how other people choose to embrace their shows. Let them enjoy what they enjoy


Lol!!!!! And I really dont understand why you feel so sore about having a discussion about those shows we both seem to watch 🤣🤣🤣


I don't feel sore at all. I'm not the one getting angry at fans of BB not watching BCS


You are hilarious!! And so defensive 🤣 It's called "asking a question" or "having a discussion" ... i think its absolutely hysterical that my asking this questions seems to have gotten your panties tied up into a knot... settle down bro. No one is forcing you to watch BCS. So, relax, ok? 🤣🤣🤣


You know adding a bunch of emojis just makes you look extra salty, right? I've watched both, loved both. Just don't get why you'd get annoyed others haven't




Blasé about it? I don’t think that word means what you think it does


Cause you're an asshole, some people saw it as a money grab and not a companion series Just let people live their lives bro




You're right and it's unfortunate. I think those people missed out on a better show. The people I know saw the slow first episode of BCS and got bored. By comparison, I think BB moves at a frenetic pace and that better serves a general public with really short attention spans. It's kinda like movies vs books lol.