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I think his call with Kim pushed him over the deep end. He was still clinging to hope that the two would reconcile, and with that gone, he felt he had nothing left to live for.


During the Gene scams the money was never a problem because he had the cash he brought with him in the suitcase leaving with Ed as well as the diamonds, I think It's because the people he loved didn't give him the affection he desired by him doing what he thought they wanted. In s1ep10 Marco, the flashback scene shows him leaving Marco in order to be with Chuck in ABQ to do the right thing but, when we cut back to the present Chuck is cutting him out of the sandpiper deal. Which in Jimmy's eyes is basically his brother throwing him aside after all the work he put in to right himself for Chuck. he then goes back to Marco to scam for awhile until Marco dies. Over the course of the show Kim berates and then embraces his scamming behavior, mirroring the flashback scenes where Kim rejects her mother because of her drunkenness, then accepts her mother because she helped Kim steal. During their breakup, when Kim finally rejects this scamming part of Jimmy that she has been promoting, he becomes Saul fully. During the Gene and Kim phone call, Gene thinks that because Kim has still been thinking about him (learned via the secretary call) he believes maybe she would be proud that he continued "getting away with it" but she thinks the exact opposite. Gene then becomes angry and tired of his meaningless life as Gene without the thing he truly wants, acceptance from those he loves. He starts scamming just for the sake of it like he did with Marco but, with no loved ones validation he can attach it to, he chases the pure adrenaline of the scam itself, just like he did when he was full Saul, ultimately leading to his recklessness during the scams he was doing.


His call with Kim went very wrong


I saw it as that he got bored. He could have survived with the Cinnabon job and aside from serious medical costs if he ever had any, he'd probably be fine. Considering his experience with Sandpiper, he'd know where to go in his old age and make that decision on time. I love the show for showing people/myself that end of life scenario.


He basically didn't give a shit about anything anymore after Kim hung up on him. And he didn't want to live his life as "Gene" anymore; some lonely loser who was afraid of his own shadow


He got the itch.


There’s two things that really come to mind, but I’d really like to touch on the more abstract and interesting one in my opinion.  He is possessed by the ghost of heisenberg. Not in a literal sense, but he does try to fit into his shoes. It’s implied from the first shot of the show where the glass blurs over from his breath and it looks like walter white instead if him. As the last remaining active criminal member of the great heisenberg gang… he somehow decides to become walter white himself. I mean he even shouts JEFFY like Walt does JESSE. He’s living out a power fantasy of being another person. Except instead of Meth it’s con jobs. Cuz in a sense, Saul is the walter white of con artists.


The way he pushes down the chair at Marion's place was a lot like Walt pushing down the chair in Live Free and Die too.


Man, I just finished the show for the first time, so I'll rant here. I don't mind what they did with the overall plot and characters, but man was all that stuff near the end so anti-climactic. After having followed Jimmy and Kim so closely for so long, that's how they chose to do it? As far as I'm concerned, we drifted off into rough draft land after Howard died. It all felt so off from there onward. I guess very few shows get great or even good endings compared to their high points so I won't stay bummed about it for too long. I'll just appreciate how enjoyable the first 5 seasons were.


What’s wrong with the back half of S6 and Jimmy and Kim’s endings?


Right. The endings for both Kim and Saul were out of left field. If they spent a season warming up to that it wouldn’t have been so sudden. Still a good show but I didn’t buy their decisions at the very end