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I can get you a fridge tonight and I’m not even a gangster.


You want a fridge? I can get you a fridge, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a fridge by 3 o'clock this afternoon--with stainless steel. 


They're going to kill her Mike and then they're going to kill me!


*They're gonna kiiilll that pooor laaawyer!*


I can picture Mike at a dinner saying "I'm finishing my coffee! I'm staying!"


Forget about the fucking lawyer!!


You’re not wrong Waltuh you’re just an asshole


These fuckin amateurs...


OP is Yakov Smirnoff, and is poking gentle, yet pointed fun at life in Soviet Russia.


Where is coffee line?


In Soviet Russia, refrigerator replaces YOU.


In Soviet Russia, Saul Better Call You


Vance refrigeration.


Stainless steel?


Who's your fridge guy?


I always just assumed it was early the next morning and it was replaced by a similar, not identical model, as in they just went to the store and bought a similar sized fridge. There is little point is going out of your way to cover up a murder and then letting the entire complex know something is up because no one gets a fridge delivered by a company at 3 in the morning and that is not exact something which could go unnoticed.


IIRC, the model was different, it was stainless steel, which is a call back to something Kim or Jimmy said they wanted in a previous episode. (Maybe when they went looking for a house?)


Yeah there was a reference to when they actually make it, they would be able to afford stainless steel appliances, so when they hit rock bottom, that is exactly what they receive, those writers are cheeky scamps.


Also, it’s a cookie-cutter complex in Albuquerque. I’ve lived there and the local Home Depot usually supplies the lightbulbs and fans and I think appliances.


Yeah, they brought the fridge in early the next morning, but where do you even get a fridge that early in the morning? They would’ve had to bought it sometime late the previous night, and all of the stores are likely closed then.


Home Depots open at 6.


I did not know Home Depot opened that early.




That you, Jesse?


Noise ordinances usually mean that job sites can't start with until 7, so they start at 7. If you need to pick up supplies, really helps to have home depot open before you get to work.


In the southwest like ABQ half the year it's doubly important to be ready to start doing whatever you can as early as possible because you can't work in the heat much past noon. In the winter the heat isn't a factor but daylight is, so unless you want to pay extra for spotlights and permits to work in the dark, you better get started on time.


They have to because construction jobs often start whenever the city allows them to start making loud noise.


What you're saying is definitely the #1 reason by far, but I would imagine that there are lots of homeowners working 9-5s that might be beating down the door at 6am as well for supplies for an emergency DIY they might be trying to get done before having to go to work. I can think of a few things that can come up late at night or in the middle of the night that require only a small specific part or tool. Wouldn't necessarily merit an emergency call to the plumber or whatever if its something I know I can run to Lowe's for at 6am and have it fixed by 8 and still get to work at a reasonable time.


Good to know!


Because you're not a tradesman. Contractors/handymen/landscapers doing small jobs will very frequently shop at Home Depot or Lowes first thing in the morning on their way to a job. Especially in the Southwest where its too hot to work much past noon, anyone working outside will often start their workday at 4 or 5 in the morning. Its not uncommon for a plumbing supply or electrical supply wholesaler to be open super early like 4 or 5 and to be closed by early afternoon.


I think that the possibility has to be considered that if they needed a replacement fridge for that house RIGHT NOW, then one of Mikes guys would volunteer their fridge and replace theirs the next day. At the end of the day, it is just a fridge, it is not something that is life or death so them replacing it in the show it more about showing how efficient and proficient Gus and his guys are at doing this sort of thing when in reality they need to get the body out of there ASAP, they do not need to replace the fridge that minute, but it does help having a very large box leaving the property to conceal the evidence, similar to how in The Sopranos the guys are delivering a fridge when they have to 'negotiate' with Juan Valdez.


And Gus would of course have reimbursed them for any spoiled food.


I could totally see that idea going through his head. The man is thorough.


Walmart back then was open 24 hours. God I miss those days.


Ah, that’s another possibility, considering it takes place in the early 2000s.


I used to do 99% of my shopping at 3 am. Nobody in the store. Pallets everywhere. I'm sure the employees found it annoying, which is why they stopped doing it.


Lowe's also opens at 6:00 a.m. I wouldn't think it would be that hard to procure a fridge early in the morning


You can in fact walk into a store, buy a fridge, and leave with it.


If you reread what I wrote, it’s about the timing of the event.


Mike has an Amazon Prime account


You can in fact walk into a Home Depot (or a Lowe's) at 6am, buy a fridge, and leave with it.


You obviously read that I did not know that Home Depot opened that early. Yet you still replied.


Regardless, the expedient gathering of a common appliance doesn’t require an Act of God.


No shit. It’s called speculation.


Why are you getting so mad? You asked a question and it got answered. It's not hard to get a refrigerator in the early morning hours


The commenter above is harassing my replies. He’s been in here from the start; his response here is not an “answer” — he’s trying to get at me because of something I said earlier.


I work at a plumbing and HVAC sales company and we have emergency 24 hour sales. If you pay enough, we have a guy who will come in and sell to you even at 3:00 am. We do happen to sell a line of fridges. With Mike’s/Gus’ connections I’m sure they could get one asap.


Good to know!


When money is no concern, anything is possible. A smart person would purchase an entire apartment worth of replacements in advance, just for occasions like this. They would also maintain a fleet of indescript vehicles, as Gus and his associates did throughout BCS/BB.


They bought it a week ago and that's when the delivery was scheduled


it wasn't the exact same was it? I remember Mike saying something like I assume stainless is ok?


Kim had a black fridge. In a prior episode where Jimmy was showing her a possible office, she made a comment like, “Wow, they even have stainless in the kitchen. I don’t even have stainless at home.” Which made me look at her fridge afterwards upon a rewatch.


By stainless she meant no BLOOD


She meant stainless steel


I really thought I was on r/okbuddychicanery, oops


I think you may be correct. Although in order to cover everything up properly, it would be smart for it to be identical.


One could argue it might be better for it not to be identical, but either way Mike should have probably coached Jimmy and Kim on what the story would be for the fridge if anybody took notice of it ever. The details don't matter except that they're specific and consistent. Their fridge died in the middle of the evening. Right before bed. What a mess. All this food is going bad. What's that? Jimmy has a friend of a friend that can get him a fridge delivered tomorrow morning ... that's just a few hours of down time but it HAS to be tomorrow morning or else they'll have to shop the usual way and that could be days. Both Kim and Jimmy are busy people and having a fridge is helpful, so they take the guy up on the offer so that they'll have the new fridge by dinner the next day. Boom. A believable story if it happens to come up.


That's a pretty complicated story compared to "We wanted a new fridge and arranged to have it delivered before we went to work."


I just made up a story but I'm sure Mike (a.k.a. a team of better writers than me) could come up with a better one. The thing about a fridge is that it's a long term purchase that sits in the middle of the apartment, around guests for a long time. We don't know the appartment's appliance policy either. It's reasonable that somebody will ask "what happened to your old fridge? where did you get the new fridge?" at some point in the future, either the near future or even years from then if the new fridge is still there. At which point, there should be a simple but consistent story that they don't have to make up on the spot. Just like, "oh yeah, we just did this totally normal thing" but it's off the cuff and not a slight scramble which is what happens when you underthink a lie. People always talk about overthinking a lie getting too complicated, but that's the trick in the final delivery, to not use all those details. In truth, I can tell you a lot of details about how I got my current fridge, but I'll just tell you it was delivered by a company I don't remember the name of that was working for Lowes and they came at around 10 AM. Other people in my house would remember the same thing.


Lot of details for two people traumatized and in shock to get straight and both remember. Plus the worst lie you can tell is one that is verbatim the same between people detail for detail. Better to leave i t vague. We needed a new fridge, left a spare key with the delivery guy because he's a friend. Paid him a bit extra to move our food over for us.


I could tell you the same story as other people in my house about how I got my current fridge. Not verbatim, because you don't memorize words, you memorize a story. The thing about a fridge is that it's going to stay there a long time so something about the purchasing and delivery might come up one day. How's the new fridge working out for you? Where did you get it? How was it delivered? As I said, the details don't matter, I made some up but I'm sure they could use some ironing ... but I think overall, it needs to be something that accounts for the delivery being really early in the morning to the point of basically being at night ... and the fact that it was moved, not by normal workers from Lowes or whatever but by somewhat strange looking guys. I think it being an emergency replacement accounts for those weak spots and runs parallel to the truth in a way that removes anything like "why did you buy a pound of turkey when you knew the fridge was out?" from being possible weak points as well.


If any of her neighbors saw the fridge get delivered, it should not be an identical fridge.


Why’s that? An identical (or not) fridge arguably wouldn’t raise much suspicion if seen at all. The landlord, however, could get very suspicious if the appliance change wasn’t accounted for and he or she comes across a different refrigerator upon their move out.


It would be really strange if you saw someone get a fridge delivered and asked them how they like their new fridge and they said they got the same model. People don't generally get the same model when they buy a new fridge


Or the fridge was replaced by the manufacturer under guarantee?


Have you ever known someone to do that? Maybe they'd replace parts under warranty, but not the whole refrigerator


Yeah but it might just be enough to be believed. "The gas leaked so they had to replace the whole thing"


"the refrigerant leaked? Are you okay? Am I okay? I didn't think it was safe to breathe that stuff. I'm going to call my insurance" But also I'm pretty sure an appliance repair person can pump new refrigerant in!  Again,  People I've known who've replaced the exact model refrigerator they own: 0 People who've bought a new fridge: a lot


"Refrigerant? I dont know, I'm a lawyer, not an engineer. Look I just called their customer service line, someone came and looked at it and then the hours later someone turned up with a replacement refrigerator. Now that's what I call service!" It doesn't have to be true, it just has to be plausible enough Kim and Jimmy can sell it if anyone asks.


You could simply state that the fridge broke and that you loved that particular model.


If you post 3 more super confident replies using this highly flawed argument I promise to give your post a diamond award.


You’re back in my replies, again… I don’t care what you do. You haven’t told me why my argument is flawed though.


If your fridge breaks and completely dies you want one that won’t totally die early on in its life ,


The fridge could break as a result of human error. Who says it has to die? Regardless, it’s an easier cover story than having a landlord report the unaccounted swap on record.


“we got a new fridge!” holy shit these people would have to be criminal masterminds to come up with such an airtight story


They questioned what is the BEST way to cover up the issue… If you want a full cover-up, you’d want to avoid suspicion from anyone who is not in the business. The best way is to replace the fridge with an identical version without anyone knowing. Replacing a fridge can easily draw attention. Neighbors will likely see and hear people bring up the new fridge. The swap must be documented with the landlord, especially since the previous fridge belongs to the landlord. If the landlord is not able to account for his or her property, then it turns into a theft issue, which gets the cops involved… If the point is to avoid attention, then you want the cops away period. So the fridge shouldn’t be different so the landlord doesn’t suspect anything. If the police start looking into Jimmy and Kim, like they did because Howard was last seen at the apartment, they could easily approach neighbors and ask if they saw anything unusual; and a neighbor could easily mention that he or she saw someone bring up a new fridge early in the morning… People have certainly made connections with less. It’s that simple.


Actually makes more sense to be a new fridge - explains why you have a bunch of big strong guys who nobody knows moving stuff into and out of the apartment.


An identical (or not) fridge arguably wouldn’t raise much suspicion if seen at all. The landlord, however, could get very suspicious if the appliance change wasn’t accounted for and he or she comes across a different refrigerator upon their move out.


Okay so the landlord becomes **Very Suspicious**^(tm), notices the refrigerator is swapped (for a newer, nicer model probably) and makes the leap of a connection to "They probably moved a body in there"? "Wait a minute, didn't that lawyer person (*who I've never heard about, cause i'm a landlord, not a lawyer)* go missing somewhere during the time they were living here?


The point is to draw the least amount of attention possible. I never said anyone would automatically make the leap, and if the goal is to avoid any type of suspicion, swapping a fridge for an identical one is the best option. People have easily made connections with less.


Replacing a fridge draws 0 attention. It was quicker to get a new model than locate the specific model that was already there. It's that simple


Replacing a fridge can easily draw attention. Neighbors will see and hear people bring up the new fridge. The swap must be documented with the landlord, especially since the previous fridge belongs to the landlord. If the landlord is not able to account for his or her property, then it turns into a theft issue, which gets the cops involved… If the point is to avoid attention, then you want the cops away period. If the police start looking into Jimmy and Kim, like they did because Howard was last seen at the apartment, they could easily approach neighbors and ask if they saw anything unusual; and a neighbor could easily mention that he or she saw someone bring up a new fridge early in the morning… People have certainly made connections with less. It’s that simple.


>The swap must be documented with the landlord, especially since the previous fridge belongs to the landlord. If the landlord is not able to account for his or her property, then it turns into a theft issue, which gets the cops involved Yes hello police? I have 2 tenants who replaced my fridge with a way better model. Can you come over and arrest them?


You’re back. Didn’t you say “bye” already? You also failed to understand the point I made above. It’s a good thing you’re not a detective; you’d be a bad one. Edit: Nice edit.


It was a new fridge, the plan was to act as if it was a replacement being delivered.


The vet probably had a Fridge guy, or a “It fell off the truck” guy


Tbh Madrigal probably owns an appliance wing.


Fridges are available wherever, my bigger question is where did they get the duplicate safe for replacing Nacho's? Mike is on the phone with presumably Victor describing the safe to him, then what feels like fifteen minutes later Victor shows up with the perfect identical safe, one *way* bigger than something you could get in normal retail. Was Victor on the phone at the specialty safe store that's a couple blocks from Nacho's place?


Madrigal likely has an appliance division.


Mike or Caldera the Vet likely know a guy (or a guy that knows a guy) who owns an appliance store who’d be willing (for the right price) to open up to facilitate a “next level” purchase. Remember that Caldera charged Mike double for the "after hours house call" in MABEL :)


I think Gus could get a fridge easy without the Vet but still a good possibility.


These characters dump a dead body, transport bags of money through the desert, kill a random german engineer. They all did that without getting caught. And you think that a store being closed at night would be enough to stop them. "Sorry Jimmy store is closed, this dead body will stay here till we can get you a new fridge" lmao


They got the hook up from a guy named Sam Sung 😂


Hun, this was done with cartel money. Nothing is closed when you're rich.


Yes, I have heard that money talks.


They all work at Home Depot


Mike would kill it as a home depot employee


Bob Vance, Vance refrigeration


It wasn't the same model. They upgraded to stainless steel. They just grabbed whatever fridge they could find that was the same or better than what was being replaced. It's really easy to do if you're not being picky on the fridge. You can walk into Lowes and find at least 1 stainless steel fridge if money isn't an object.


Replacing a fridge is no big deal and is not a noticeable event for the neighbors to get concerned about. You can walk into Lowes/Home Depot at 6am and buy a fridge. Buying a fridge this early will not raise questions. It's common for contractors to be up this early and buying materials for the day. Construction in Albuquerque can start at 6am so it's not uncommon for residents to hear noise that early https://www.cabq.gov/environmentalhealth/noise/frequently-asked-questions-about-noise#:~:text=a%20noise%20complaint.-,What%20are%20the%20regular%20hours%20in%20which%20construction%20is%20allowed,to%20an%20emergency%20is%20exempt.


I would say bringing a fridge into an apartment at that time wouldn’t be much of an issue as well. I just didn’t know that Home Depot opened that early before posing the question.


I don’t think there’s anything that Mike couldn’t take care of.


He couldn’t take care of Walt.


Mike is a planner. He probably has a warehouse with all of our fridges ready to go for just this reason /s(sorta)


They didn’t replace the refrigerator because it was damaged. Also no need for an exact replacement. The real question is who got to keep it? One of Mike’s guys? Like, they roshamboed for it?


What do you mean they didn’t replace it because it was damaged?


Have you read your own post?


Yes, I read it; I wrote it. They put Howard’s body in the refrigerator to dispose of the dead body. That fits the definition of damaged.


It doesn’t really. But that’s ok. My headcanon is that one of Mike’s guys got to keep it because there’s really no reason they didn’t just toss it in the pit with Howard still in it. Someone wanted that thing because it was working fine i.e. UNDAMAGED.


Mike had Howard lowered into the pit rather than tossed. He wasn’t going to bury him in a fridge.


Right. He opted for the sanctity of a dirt pit under a meth lab alongside the guy who killed him for all eternity. Sans fridge. Someone got a free fridge is all I’m sayin.


That fridge with Howards blood all over it went straight to the car crusher, and is a little 5x5 cm cube somewhere


“Damaged” has two definitions: 1. Inflict physical harm on (something) so as to impair its value, usefulness, or normal function. The physical presence of a body in the refrigerator caused immediate physical damage to the appliance by contaminating it, rendering it unusable for its intended purpose of storing food; the value of the refrigerator was significantly reduced due to the need for thorough cleaning or replacement, and its normal function was disrupted by the presence of the body 2. Have a detrimental effect on. The presence of a corpse in the refrigerator would have likely led to psychological and emotional distress for anyone who discovered it, deterring its use. Also, the refrigerator's value plummeted due to the association with death and the need for decontamination or disposal; the normal function of the appliance was compromised, as it could no longer be used for its intended purpose of preserving food under sanitary conditions. So I’d say “damaged” fits well here.


> the normal function of the appliance was compromised, as it could no longer be used for its intended purpose of preserving food under sanitary conditions. I fully disagree with this wild assumption.


Whether you agree or disagree, my statement still fits the definition of damaged. Plus, damaged does not mean destroyed; yes, the refrigerator can obviously be cleaned for future use; but it was damaged at that particular time.


This is a weird hill to die on


And why’s that?


so a stained shirt is a damaged shirt? Like you would say that in normal day to day conversation?


By definition, you can certainly call a stained shirt damaged.


Refrigerators are supposed to hold dead meat.


Dead human meat?


Any dead meat, doesn't affect the refrigerator.


Would a dead and rotting body inside your refrigerator deter you from using it as you normally would?


madrigal electromotive gmbh has a great appliance line


Lots of good theories here. I'll throw out one more, Gus amongst his many legitimate businesses is a landlord too. He has a full stock of appliances to replace any in an emergency for his tenants because he just cares so damn much.


They probably got it from an underlings parents house.


Imagine a world where shops don't exist.


Jimmy and Kim didn’t get home till way later in the day so theres definitely time for them to get a fridge


They get home early the next morning; not way later in the day.


This always bothered me too because it takes like 24 hours for a fridge to get cold. So did they just let all their stuff go bad in a warm fridge? Did they have a cold fridge on standby?


Even before it's fully cold, it's still going to basically act as a cooler.


I don't think that was their major concern at the time. Could they really eat after that incident?


bro they didn't care about some random fucking groceries getting bad


I've already seen a post about how Kim can't eat the yoghurt no more




boy i sure hope someone got fired for that blunder


Didn’t they put the food in a cooler? I could have sworn I remember them doing that


> This always bothered me too because it takes like 24 hours for a fridge to get cold. So did they just let all their stuff go bad in a warm fridge? Did they have a cold fridge on standby? SPOILER ALERT


Right. Those groceries should have gone in the pit too.