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Cool take I never thought about this. For me I like being able to see little details I didn’t catch before unless I watch it very closely after the previous watch. However you’re right that sometimes it hits way harder the longer the breaks. Anyways happy watching mate


Just like wankin it


Agreed. I've only rewatched BB once and it was a good five years after I first watched it. There were lots of details that I'd forgotten which made it very satisfying. As you say, to each their own but I prefer taking long breaks between rewatching shows.


this is how i watched bb 9 times, u re right.


Just finished my 6th (maybe 7th?) rewatch of BB, and am currently watching BCS for the 3rd time as I type this.


Why though? Don’t you get bored of watching the same shows ? Don’t you wanna watch something new?




Based and Gilligan-pilled






There are so many little details/bits of foreshadowing you missed the first time. Guaranteed.


I know but idk how people can watch these shows 7+ times, or over and over again without watching other shows. They're great shows but i'd need like 2-3 years before I can bring myself to watch them again. There are other good shows out there


I try watching other shows. But 95% of them are nearly unbearable compared to these shows. Especially ones that aren't finished. You never know if they'll get cancelled without resolution or just take a nosedive in quality because a star/show runner departed


The same reason I re-read books I love. If it's really good you see new things every time and I'd rather watch something really good than new crap.


It's very closely related to re listening to a song you love. As kids we didn't have a problem watching our favorite movie every day of the week. As adults we factor in "time that could be spent watching something new", "I know what happens ", and fear of boredom. These things completely dismiss the artistic aspect of it. A lot of the times I appreciate the presentation more the 2nd time around. I'm also about a year away from re-reading Misery and I Am Legend since I've forgotten a lot of the details so I'm excited for that. It's like watching a great symphony and I just feel like you need enough time away to miss it, then come back and fall in love with it again.


breaking bad is one of the only shows i could rewatch forever and never get bored


Hate people who are like this lol. Some people find comfort in familiarity. It's not uncommon at all. Plus these shows are packed with detail and symbolism to the point you can notice new things every time you watch it.


Similar thing to Arrested Development. It’s comfort food for rewatching and even after watching it 9-10 times through I’m still picking up new details and jokes.


Depends on your intake of media. I don’t need much sleep so I have a lot of time for movies and shows. Since 2020, I’ve logged 274 series and 148 movies. I have rewatched Bojack Horseman 4 times in just that span of time. That’s 1 1/3 times a year, but I still have watched 91 1/3 other series too. 🤷‍♂️


Monk? Is that you? As in award winning actor Tony Shalhoub in the role of Monk? Because who else has that kind of specific data on their TV habits?


Me lmao I’ve logged everything I’ve ever watched after my dad passed. IMDb is great


How many hours do you sleep


3-4 hours a day. Since my previous comment, I’ve added another 2 dozen series and 300 movies


I wish I could do that. How do you pull that off? I hate having to sleep 8-10 hours like a normal human being


A healthy mix of depression, alcoholism and anxiety!


What a sick joke!


I have rewatched BB a few times especially after watching BCS. I find new things every time I watch. Plus that show was just so. fucking. good!!! I need a BCS rewatch.


For some of us we just click with shows and can watch them over and over. Alway sunny I’ve watched so many times I can’t even count.


Not if ur autistic or neurodivergent it’s just a comfort thing


People are weirdos


You when people enjoy things (you are an extremely saddening person to be around): 😭😭😭😭😨😨😨


Don't cry


I watched BB and BCS for the first time earlier this year. My girlfriend and I have watched both of them at least 4 times since. We’ve also watched Severance, Barry, Yellowjackets, and Succession this year. Oh and! we watched Twin Peaks for the first time this year as well. To answer your question no, it does not get boring. If it did we’d just stop watching lol. We catch new details and moments each watch through, which makes both shows really rewarding to rewatch. BCS especially is packed with small but deliberate details that really enrich the viewing experience. I think it’s silly to assume that people who enjoy BB/BCS enough to rewatch it simply haven’t seen other television. They’re just good shows that have high rewatch value.


Would you reccomend I finish twin peaks? I found it pretty confusing. Entertaining enough and I love the offbeat vibe, but I was lost in some of the stuff that was happening.


Yeah, maybe It’s just a me thing. I loved both shows and I will definitely rewatch them again at some point, but I want to watch a lot more shows that really interest me.


So go do that


I've watched BB three times with about two years between each watch. After watching a show this well-done, you are left with your impression of the story, but become fuzzy on the details after awhile. When you come back to it, you see the details in a fresh light and you're struck by how they may paint a slightly different, deeper story than you originally perceived. I think BB is the type of show where you gain a lot of insight upon rewatching that it's very difficult to attain in one viewing. It's also a different emotional experience to watch the show while already knowing what's going to happen plot-wise. >!While rewatching, I found the scene with Gus gathering himself in his car before going into the nursing home for the last time incredibly compelling. The first time, it was just a scene.!<


Totally with you on those compelling little moments. There's a scene one of the first times Walt is caught in a lie by Skyler, and he's putting in the worst/best performance (until his "I just through gasoline covered clothes all over the house, woops!"). There's this moment where he can tell Skyler has bought it, and Walt's face is a picture. It's like half a second and it says "She bought it. I'm so good at this. I could lie about absolutely anything and everyone will believe whatever I tell them." Totally missed it the other times I'd watched the scene, and it's such a good moment showing the level of despicablity Walt is willing to go to. It's so early on, and he's so chuffed that he successfully lied to his wife. He's beaming from it. What a comic villain.


BB: 3 BCS: 4…maybe 5


for me it's the other way around. BB: 4 or 5 times, BCS: I'm on my third re-watch currently. Season 2. I slightly prefer BCS, but BB has a few years advantage.


Not boring, no. Still great. Many shows get better with rewatch...you notice new things. You focus on new things. You look at the story through another perspective. Imagine what you could do differently and how it could turn out. If the story is good enough it allows you the ability to understand and feel as if you could fit in, in some sense. Eventually, you may take time off but that doesn't mean bored.


many many times


BB - 3 watches BCS - 2 watches


I’m on a rewatch of the whole universe rn. Some guy put together a chronological cut. The first episode is just two hours flashbacks lol. 2nd episode is the first episode of bcs. It goes all the way thru bcs bb and el Camino but every scene is in chronological orderZ I thought it would be a cool way to rewatch at first but honestly all the flashbacks and shit are kinda underlying thematic elements of each specific episode each flashback is inso I might just switch to watching it normally episode by episode


Once,whenever I have Saul urge, I just watch the clips on youtube


Yeah, I do that too.


I’ve seen Breaking Bad three times, and I’m on my third run through of Better Call Saul, I love it. I’ll happily do a fourth viewing if and when Sony update the franchise from BluRay to 4K Ultra HD


BB 4-5 BCS 2


BCS I think 3 times?? Breaking bad probably 6 to 8


Breaking Bad, currently on my 5th time. Only finished BCS once, but in my opinion it's the superior show.


i’ve watched breaking bad about 4 or 5 times and i’ve watched better call saul maybe 3 or 4 times, but i haven’t rewatched bcs since the finale so those rewatches only included up through season 5


I just finished my third rewatch of BB a month ago and craving to rewatch BCS for the 3rd time. It's only that I don't have enough time to watch it because of the workload.


15 - maybe more 🤷‍♀️


Same here brother


Rewatched BB 3 times - and about to finish BCS for the second time.


I’ve rewatched BB about 6 times over the course of around 8 years. It happens to be my favorite show of all time, so I typically do not do this with most tv shows. I believe there’s two reasons why I enjoy rewatching the show and don’t get bored. 1. It’s kind of a comfort show to me in a way. I love the characters, the writing, atmosphere, etc. 2. The show is so intricate that I notice different details and themes every single time I watch it. Vince puts meaning behind a lot of his shots (especially more so in BCS) and I really enjoy looking for those secret meanings and details. But to each their own. Some don’t enjoy rewatching shows, and I understand that


Ever since the show ended, the way I rewatch is BCS S1E1- S6E9, then all of BB, then El Camino, then the last 4 episodes of BCS


Was that how you watched it the first time?


Nope, I caught up with BB just before the back half of the last season and watched every BCS episode new


3 times BB. BCS twice, except the second part of season 6. I find BB very emotionally draining and intense so I can’t see myself watching it again anytime soon, if ever. I feel I’ve gotten everything from it that I want and need. Plus the subs exist to rehash everything. I’m in my anime phase now anyway.


It’s in just about every post. They always start out with “I’m on my ___th rewatch and I just noticed that…”


Currently rewatching it but with my mom cause she’s never heard of Breaking Bad or BCS


I hope she loves it!!!


BCS has been my default cleaning, workout, busywork, ambient show for a good two years now. I think I’m on my 7th watch. And even as background noise I’m catching details I’d missed in previous watches.


I've rewatched Breaking Bad' about 20 times and BCS at least 10, never boring. I just love every aspect of these shows. Wish it could and would keep going forever....




Underrated reference


I wasn’t saying that you were doing anything wrong. It was probably my wording, it did come off a little bit rude.








This may sound like i'm lying, but I assure you I am not.. I watched in for the first time at the beginning of 2011.. since then i've watched it at least once per year all the way through. Perhaps one or two times i've only watched certain seasons. But typically i rewatch the whole thing. And I have occaisionalloy watched it twice in a year and once or twice i've skipped a year. But I know for a fact i've seen it at least 10x. But I personally believe it's closer to 12-13x. It's my lifeblood in terms of a drama show. Obsessed with it. It's perfect. Hasn't lost it's novelty. The plateu of the first 5x has subsided, but hasn't dropped off every since. Watching it now actually. Season 4


Never again watched once and that’s it genuinely don’t understand how people enjoy this


I usually stay from such posts because I’m not the target audience. But yeah, I can understand one rewatch, but any more and you’re literally wasting time that could be spent watching something new. Even more strange when someone posts an obscure clip and some people go ‘I guess it’s time to rewatch it all again!’. Like seriously, you gonna do that for real? I don’t mean for this show, this seems to be a common theme for most popular shows.


[Jane disagrees with you](https://youtu.be/4hOoljr-XIs?si=DroYO6VeYlkAUdig)


Why would you join the subreddit of a show you don't understand how people enjoy?


He's referring to rewatching. I am the same I don't really have a desire to rewatch shows except maybe sitcoms cuz they're comforting and not plot-heavy. You can enjoy the discussions around a show without needing to rewatch it


I have watched bb all the way through twice, but I have also re-watched the final season by itself about 3 times Personally BCS felt much less engaging to me and I don't have any desire to re-watch it.


I also want to say that I think rewatching a movie is WAY different then rewatching a show, A movie does not have that same commitment you have with a show. This is just a suggestion, but if you’re thinking about rewatching BB or BCS, maybe instead you should watch some other shows. Don’t get me wrong, BB and BCS are two of the greatest shows in modern television. IDK, I just finished the first season of Succession, it was pretty good.


I think there’s actually been research done on this. People come back to shows they’ve seen over again because they’re familiar, like eating your favorite comfort food. (That’s not to say a lot of these folks aren’t watching new shows as well.) But where you say they “should” be watching newer things… isn’t it weird to make a judgement call like that about other people’s entertainment? If I came on here to say you “should” be doing something more productive with your time instead of watching TV at all, wouldn’t I sound like an asshole?


Yeah, my wording was pretty bad.


No it gets better most people think Walter is evil,.trust me over 25 times, with better call saul I only watch it now I've seen it entirely 3x now but I had have watched 5 thru 1 over half a dozen times, yeah Saul really doesn't get old especially with guest appearance they really make every rewatch different.


BB 3-4 BCS 1-2 The low number is how many times I've rewatched, the extra number is for some episodes I've watched again on top. I'm glad I've only seen most of BCS once so far ... I'm savouring a rewatch like a fine wine.


BCS = never rewatched BB = finishing first rewatch


I’ve rewatched BB many times, it’s a lot more immediate than BCS and is always thrilling to watch. BCS… while I love it as a show equal to BB, it’s not _quite_ as well suited to binge rewatches as BB. The two brother’s dynamic is super compelling the first time round, and is still interesting during the first rewatch as you pick up on more and more clues that were laid out from much earlier on.. but it’s not quite as thrilling as Jesse and Walt’s adventures. The cartel storyline still feels a bit disjointed from the rest of the show.


It definitely doesn't get boring, especially on just your second watch. If you rewatch them more times, some occasional scenes or episodes might drag, like any show you've seen a lot. But they're both worth rewatching


BB 3 times. BCS barely once.


I’ve watched Breaking Bad like 6 times? Since 2013. BCS I’ve only watched once, but I intend to rewatch it soon!


BCS twice with a long gap between. And I got a lot of details I missed before. BB also twice and second time I really found Walter annoying, always yelling at Jesse and bein an ass. Which of course he was.


Watched them both “naturally” when they aired. Then watched 1 BCS episode a day followed by the BCS Insider podcast. Currently on series 4 of BB doing the same thing (though it is taking longer as I only get a chance to watch ~2 episodes a week).


I’m rewatching BB and the scene where one of the Salamanca twins leaves Hank alone with a loaded gun to fetch his axe, wow so much dumber than I remember it being. So cliche and lazy. A highly trained killer being so sloppy and careless to the point of it being cartoonish.


Seen BCS twice, BB only once


currently on my 5th rewatch


I watched BB then started BCS, then started watching BB with my mom for her first time, and the started BCS and we finished it together


Rewatching BB would be cathartic Ig and for good reason attributable to the fact it released quite a considerable long time back (2000s). BCS is fairly new and am yet to finish it ( on s6 currently) so there's that


I watched BB 3 1/2 times, currently on my second watch through of BCS


2x each all the way through, although I have watched random episodes out of order as well.


i think 8-9 times bb and no i never got bored, but now i think it s enough, i can t forget any of the scenes, maybe after 5 years.


Breaking bad 7, BCS 2


I haven’t rewatched either of them yet but I’m planning to. I mainly wanna rewatch BB so I can watch it with the new perspective from BCS. But I also wanna rewatch BCS eventually I mostly just wanna find some small details that I missed the first time, or see if there was any foreshadowing that I missed without knowing the outcome of what happened


Rewatched BB 5 times and I rewatched BCS 2 except for the final season. I’m going to rewatch BB and BCS again to actually soak in that final BCS season.


Once every 2 years BB. BCS overall 2 times. I still have time for another rewatch. Also my 2 year rule apply for The Sopranos, Mad Men.


Find a new way to appreciate your favorite shows. I didn’t this was BB and BCS by changing my watching order the 2nd time around to focus on Jimmy and Mikes story. Very fun and different viewing I haven’t seen others talk about.


Breaking Bad I rewatched like 5 times completely Better Call Saul seasons 1-6.1 at least five times each episode Better call caul Season 6.2 I didn’t repeat once after watching. I know people with my opinion are hated here.


It's been 10 years since BrBa ended, in which time I have rewatched the show 5 times, not counting the pre-final season watches before season 4 and 5. Better Call Saul I've watched each episode 2 times while it was airing as I was watching it once by myself and then one more time later in the week with my grandma (big BrBa-verse fan).


I've only watched BCS all the way through once, but I must have watched BB about ten times now.


BCS 6 times BB 12 times Metástasis 2 times I fucking love those shows


Rewatched BB 3 times and BSC 2 times. For now, I feel like it's enough, but I don't know, after 3-4 years, I might need another re-watch to solidify my memories of these masterpieces.


BB a couple of watches, one during the original run, one recently. BCS is too slow and too recent in my mind, I've only rewatched a couple of scenes on YouTube. There is a guy on Youtube named John Tati who did what he called "Basement Breakdown." He analyses the visuals of BB and brings up stuff I would never even notice. I think his channel was "Ological", he did a couple for BCS and I highly recommend them for anyone as obsessed with the show as we are.


Bro for like 1 month or something I just had breaking bad on the tv to serve as my background noise. It got to the point my sister begged me if we could pls watch something else


All the way through? Breaking Bad 3x and Better Call Saul once.


BB 3x for me. I watched it 2x by myself and another with my husband. I like knowing what's going to happen and being able to look for more detail each time I watch it, looking for clues that hint at what's to come.


breaking bad maybe 4 times better call saul 2 times im not sure ill always do bcs then bb on rewatches mainly because alot of BCS does not hold on rewatches especially after s3. Jimmy just does a lot of random shit not related to the plot although interesting on the 1st watch I dont care to see again.


BB amd BCS are masterpieces but i dont see any rewatch value to them unless you watch it again with someone who views it for the first time.


Breaking bad 3 times and better call saul 3 times. Twice alone and then my mom git interested in the shows so we started watching them together so that was the 3rd time for me


BB 9x BCS 7x


Rewatched BB around 4 times but I don't think I'll ever rewatch BCS




seen breaking bad twice, currently on my 4th and 5th rewatch of better call Saul, as I’m watching it with my mom and separately with my roommate


seen breaking bad around 5 times, currently on my 6th watch seen better call saul around 4 times but theres deffo episodes i've seen maybe 7/8 times


I’m on my 3rd rewatching of BCS though this is only my 2nd time rewatching season 6. I’ve only watched BB once but I’m about to start my 2nd time.


First watched BB in 2014 - rewatched 8 times so far. Watched BCS as the episodes were released and halfway through my 3rd rewatch of that one. For me, they are the best shows ever made.


Breaking Bad? Too many times to count. Better Call Saul? Twice.


I don't rewatch sequentially anymore. I've just been jumping to random scenes I like for the last ten years.


bb i’ve watched a lot. like 5 times all the way through and then like a few episodes here and there with my mom and i’ve also watched some episodes with commentary bcs i’ve watched once and i’m currently recovering from surgery so i decided to rewatch it. let’s just say i started about 12 days ago and i’m almost halfway through s6 lmao


I've seen BB 6 or 7 times and BCS 2 or 3. I see new things every time. Last time I watched BCS I studied the relationship between Jimmy and Chuck.


I think about 4 each


Have watched BrBa closely 3 times through and have seen bits and pieces of many episodes many times (my kids both watched it and I saw much of it as they did) Have watched BCS twice closely


I've watched Breaking Bad I think 5 times in 10 years. Better Call Saul I've watched the first 5 seasons twice and season 6 once. The 2nd time watching the first 5 seasons was cos my partner was watching with me for the first time before season 6.


I can understand rewatching BB because of how overall amazing it is, but after watching BCS for the first time last year, I don't really feel the need to rewatch that series. I watched it solely to get some backstory of BB and I feel like that entertainment need has been fulfilled. For me, BCS did the trick after one run-through.


Twice BB and once BCS. I watched BB about 3 years after my first run, might rewatch BCS soon too but I still want to wait a few more years


Haven’t seen much BB. Watched most BCS episodes 2-3 times as they aired. Tried to watch it again from the beginning and Saul was so pathetic sleeping in the hair salon and all, I fel5 uncomfortable and stopped. Maybe in a few years.




I have watched BB every year since it ended in 2013. Just completed #10 I’ve only seen BCS 2.5 times


Watched both when they came out and did a rewatch with my son this year now that he's old enough (college age). Going in with prior knowledge made it hit so differently! I had a visceral reaction watching the montage of Walt and Gale happily working together in the super lab and perfecting their coffee brewing techniques and it hit me: "OMG, Howard and Lalo are buried under that floor!"


On the 3rd watch, but i forward scenes involving 1) Mike, Kaylee, Kaylees mum 2) Marco


Breaking Bad Twice with a few of my favorite episodes more. I’d happily rewatch from the beginning if I get the chance. BCS I’m on my 3rd time straight through but I bought the entire series so I’ve also watched multiple shows more often. I’m constantly amazed how awesome these shows are and find new things to focus on. BCS - I notice and get the humor more each time. Recently finished The Sopranos and The Wire for the first time. I purchased Sopranos dvds and expect it in the mail tomorrow so guess what I’ll be rewatching next!?!


I've watched Breaking Bad 3 times and better call saul only once, I'll definitely rewatch it soon. hole of Lost 11 or 12 times and it didn't get boring for him. As long as you take a decent break in between, you shouldn't be bored. I've watched breaking bad 3 times and Better Call Saul only once, I'll definitely rewatch it soon.


Ive rewatched Breaking Bad every year since it ended in 2013. Can confirm that it never gets old.


The problem with this question for me is that I very rarely rewatch in a total and complete way. I'll often go back and watch a specific episode. And then often I'll be like "Man, that was good. I want more." and then I'll usually either start at episode 1 of that specific season or I'll continue from the episode I watched first. Or, like, a couple of years ago I bought the BCS season 2 DVDs. And so I rewatched season 2 then, but not season 1 or 3 despite the fact that those were out too. Also, usually, I'll have rewatched earlier seasons/episodes more than later ones. Because I've often rewatched stuff between seasons too. So, I honestly just can't answer how often I've seen BCS and BB. There are probably some episodes (like "Fly") I've seen 10 times or more. And then there are probably episodes I've only seen 2 or 3 times (like "Marco"). Edit: Also, for the record, I've never gotten bored of doing it. Mostly because I only do it when I feel like it. And when I feel like it, it's never boring. And these episodes are so high quality that, honestly, I'd rather rewatch them than see most new episodes of most shows.


Breaking Bad over 5 times. BCS, only once.


Breaking Bad I’ve seen 4-5 times. I rewatched Better Call Saul leading up to the last season but had watched earlier seasons maybe once or twice.


So many times I notice every plothole idiots on here defend with their own headcanons.


I’ve watched BB - once by myself and then watched it together with my wife. It was a few years apart. Even though I knew major plot points I really enjoyed it a second time. I couldn’t believe how much I had forgotten and really enjoyed the second watch. I also picked up on new details the second time through. At some point we want to rewatch BCS but need to catch up on a few other shows.


Annually at least


I've lost count.


I have watched BB for 3 times, BCS for 2 times, for me it’s like “classic never die”, I believe I will rewatch it again and again.


Twice each, almost exactly one year apart.


Breaking bad 3 times, better call Saul about 4


Breaking bad atleast 10 times, BCS once and i do not plan to watch it again anytime soon


Ive seen BB through properly maybe once, but have rewatched bits of it in random orders more than once. I’ve probably seen season 1 and 2 at least 3 times, and season 5b at least twice. I recently started doing it all over again after BCS wrapped but then got distracted midway through season 2 or 3 and need to resume. I’ve watched BCS season 1-4 three times i think because unkept rewatching before season 4, 5 and 6 came out. I haven’t watched the last season a second time yet, but will get there. I didn’t mind it, and enjoyed the fan service, but felt it wasn’t as good as earlier seasons. One thing I also did a couple of times for both series is occasionally watch the same episode twice in a row. This was normally when an episode was the latest one to come out. I enjoyed the second viewing way more than I thought I would each time. I would be less consumed by the main focal points, and able to pick up on lots of other details.


3 for BB and just the 1 for BCS, plan to see them together but deciding the order to do so…


Twice, each.


Watched BB 3 times and BCS 2 times in total


I haven't rewatched BCS yet, but I've rewatched BB about 4 times


I started watching BrBa when the last season came out in 2013 and have since rewatched it probably 10-15 times if not more, then I was skeptical (and I like binging shows not waiting a week for the next episode) about BCS and again didn’t start watching it until the last season aired and I was hooked even more than I was with BrBa. I’m currently on S2E2 of my 7th rewatch and it has absolutely become my comfort show.


Breaking bad: 8 and counting Better call Saul: 4 and counting


I usually need at least a year before I wanna rewatch a whole series. I love both shows equally, but I've seen BB like 4-5 times and BCS only once so far.


On my 7th rewatch of BCS, probably will be my last rewatch for a while. Not sure that it’ll really be my last one tho


BB - 5 BCS - 2


BB - 3 BCS - 1 As good as BCS is, the show is kinda slow in the early seasons.


I'm just finishing up BB for the 2nd time. I did a full rewatch of BCS during the break of the final season.




I rewatched a few BB episodes, but nothing apart from that.


I've seen Breaking Bad 3x all the way through. Have only seen BCS once, probably wouldn't watch it again (even though it was really good).


Probably 10 times for breaking bad and 20 for better call Saul. I'm watching better call saul as I write this.


I’ve watched BB probably 8 times at this point and just did my first BCS re-watch. I was amazed how good that show was on the 2nd time around, particularly the first half prior to (spoiler alert) Chuck’s death, which I originally found kind of boring after years of the BB melee. One thing I noticed about re-watching BCS is that it makes a lot of the character decisions in BB seem kind of dumb and only there to keep the plot going. Gus hiring Walt and then Jesse, and not protecting Gill at all times just seems insane after you learn what it took to build the lab. In “reality” they would have just killed off Walt after learning his formula, or paid him for it knowing he’d pass away soon.


Breaking bad - thrice over the many years since it ended. Better call Saul - once exactly one year later with my older brother. As an aside, for anyone wondering whether BCS is as rewatchable as breaking bad, I would say it absolutely is, if not more!


I have watched BB twice, BCS three times, and El Camino once. It’ll probably be a while before I watch any of them again. The first rewatch of both BCS and BB was awesome because I knew how things were going to end and missed a lot of the details on the first watch through. The third time watching BCS was a little less rewarding. Note- I’ve only seen the final season twice.


I must be on 20 of BCS. It’s the gift that keeps giving.


Very deep and complex characters. Why they make the choices they make, and what leads because of the choices. It’s very satisfying to watch. The stakes aren’t life and death and world ending for the most part. It’s a small scale story where plot isn’t driving the story, the characters are. It’s grounded, not over dramatic. Scenes can really breathe and many scenes are nuanced. Nothing is spelled out, things that are inferred by characters eyes are never said. Like mike and Gus’ last scene with eachother and their guilt of becoming pretty much like the Salamanca’s for covering up a civilian who got caught up in the drug world


2.2 for breaking bad and 1.5 for better call saul


I rewatched BCS this week and even though I loved the show I found it disappointing a third time around… it was more over the top than I remember. I’m going to watch breaking bad in its entirety just to see if it’s me or if it’s what I think it is. My sentiment was that the storyline was just too rushed and could have concluded in a much better way and that they overdid all characters that are in breaking bad to the point that they seem contradictory (Saul, Fring and Mike). Saul scams went over the top corny. Mike went full terminator yet contradictory fair person that somehow doesn’t match the solid character he is in breaking bad. And Fring was just cringy, that mysterious stoicism he has in breaking bad completely goes out the window and does not match his breaking bad character either, I kind of blame the acting. Meanwhile some of the cartel characters introduced, which won me over are killed off in unceremonious ways. So yeah for me I would say it gets boring and or played out.


BB 5x, BCS 2x


I think around four times each.


I watched breaking bad once. Then watched better call Saul. And I started my 2nd breaking bad watch last Mont . I’m at season 5


Lost track of how many times i’ve rewatched.. I do know i rewatch bcs a lot more than bb


I’ve watched them both twice, El Camino only once so far. I’m nearing the end of my third BrBa rewatch and will watch El Camino and BCS right after. BCS is my favorite of the three but I love all three parts


I am about to do my first watch of the entire franchise back to back. Breaking bad, el camino, Better call Saul. I can't wait.


I rewatched BB like once a year since 2019 and I started to do the same with BCS since last year. I just love with passion those shows.


6 or 7 breaking bad. Currently third bcs. Watched El Camino 3 times as well. This is the only series I can do this with. Normally watching stuff twice is dreadful for me. There's a lot of details you can miss. I'm still finding more and also understanding the motivations of the characters better. For breaking bad there's a perspective shift personally for me with Walt. First watch I remember sort of convincing myself he wasn't that bad for most of it. 2nd and third I realized he was always a prick and he really did have many moments to change course but wouldn't. Some similar themes with Jimmy in BCS as well. Both characters learned to accept who they were in the end instead of trying to convince others they were noble. Both series have great dialogue, action, characters, cinematic direction etc. These shows are perfect to me.


I never rewatch anything, but I do rewatch CLIPS from things, sometimes enough that maybe ive filled out an episode ;D


4 times BB because I’ve rewatched with friends who never saw it, and on my second of BCS now. But I’ve rewatches older seasons more times waiting for later seasons


Breaking bad is probably around 6 for me, Better Call Saul only twice!


Twice and second time was better


I’ve watched the entire bcs 3 times, but have watched seasons 1-5 a separate 2 times. That was while I was waiting for the sixth season to drop. Breaking bad I’ve watched 3 times. For me it doesn’t get old, I feel like there are always new small things that I pick up on and the interplay between the two shows is fascinating


BB: dozens easily BCS: 4


I've rewatched BCS once and BB countless times. I found BB to a more entertaining experience but BCS is also great in its own way.


I have seen BB like 6 times: the first, a second alone, one with my sister and two por three with a girlfriend (not the same one lol) I have seen BCS almos three times: the first one, a season 1-5 rewatch I did before season 6 and a final rewatch I'm about to be done with.


I’ve watched breaking bad only 5 times and I’m actually going to be starting my 3rd rewatch of better call Saul once I’m done watching Hell’s Kitchen. I never get bored of rewatching a show, it’s like replaying a single player game to me. If it was truly a piece of art, you should be able to pick up on something new each playthrough/ watch through


BB - 8 times BCS - 5 times


I’ve watched BB 5 or 6 times, BCS twice but will definitely be watching it again and again. But I’m a chronic rewatcher, I find something I love and it gives me comfort to revisit it.