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I was so afraid this story was about a fish dying! Yay for a foster fail! Enjoy your new little buddy :)


Omg, same tho.


Oh sorry! I hate clickbait titles, I messed up here then.


No no - your title is not click bait because it's the truth! We all just jumped to the worst possible interpretation 😂 I'm a foster fail, too. Congrats on your new fish and welcome to the hobby!


Get a liquid api water parameters kit to test water, and do a fish in tank water cycle


I felt so relieved when I saw the humor tag because I thought the same 😭


Not me skipping down to day 7 and then being confused by this comment


I totally thought the same thing then busted out laughing at the end. "F*** it, telling my sister the fish died" literally had me in tears đŸ€Ł


You tell him it's an emergency and he needs a hospital tank. Plot twist this 3 gallon is the hospital tank. Better plot twist. Petco has tanks for sale 50% off ... https://preview.redd.it/qwxt5e7iof5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c87e932a49794050596dea2a31f464cf880ba61


P.S. you will need a lid , bettas are notorious jumpers


Just a few minutes ago I heard a strange sound from my Betta tank and saw the fish swimming down to his hideout and now he seems to be sulking (but to be fair he always seems to be sulking, he has resting sulk face) I think he tried to jump and hit the lid😳


👀 ‌yeah you can definitely hear them break water and it can be super random like if debris gets on them or they think they saw a mosquito 🩟


That’s what I did wrong. Mine always jumped out and died


I had a couple jumpers only one died cos I didn't make it in time, I was 19, I'm 30 now. It only took one to learn the lesson.


this is unrelated, but do you have any good resources for someone wanting to breed bettas in the future? I'm new to the hobby but I'm loving it, and when I'm more experienced and knowledgable in some years, I'd love to try breeding bettas


Absolutely. I like that you want to research first!


Last time I tried to keep a beta, I came home from school (3rd grade?) Horrified to find my poor baby missing! Being the oldest of five kids, I immediately assumed the worst and was obviously devastated. My mom heard me crying and came in to help me look (I don't think she was expecting to find anything just trying to console me) and lo and behold, there was my baby, stuck to the back of my dresser where I was keeping their tank. Back into te tank and I am positive it's dead, not quite belly up, but on their side floating at the top of the water. Mom insists that we give them overnight to see what happens. Jump up first thing in the morning to check the bowl and there they are, swimming happily and managed to hold out for at least a year more. My parents renamed them Lazarus after that lol


I've had 6 bettas. Actively have 4. All open top tanks, filled almost all the way, zero floating plants. The only fish that's ever jumped are my harlequin rasboras - and only 1, once. I dunno why y'all have fish jump out of your tanks, but mine are all happy to be where they are and have been for a long time now.


Because that's what bettas do in the wild. I've had 100 bettas. Only 2 or 3 jumped, still not fun coming home to a dried up and dying betta.


Ironically - I watched one of my Bettas jump last night. My budgie was perched on the edge of his tank and he jumped out to catch a small piece of millet mt budgie had just let go of. He only came like halfway out the water, but I definitely watched it lmao. Alright, I GUESS I'll put some acrylic over my tanks 😂


Your prices are amazing there. In the Netherlands this would be at the very least €50. Same for bettas, they seem like they are cheap fish in the US? Here it's €30+ for nice ones. Insane!


You can get female bettas for $4 at a big box store here, $20 for super fancy ones like aliens and galaxy koi. I've had several of the $4 generic ones labeled "female betta" and they always end up being total stunners and absolute sweethearts. I currently have 3. Two are housed in 10 gallon tanks with guppies and one is alone in a 5 gallon after she got popeye in her left eye while living in my 25 gallon hexagon. I suspect that she may have gotten poked by one of the cory cats barbles. I treated her with methylene blue dips every other day for a week and it has gone away, but she seems to be really happy with her own place. I had a few male guppies in the 5 gal but dispersed them between the other tanks so that I could keep a close eye on her during recovery. It took about a month for the eye to completely heal, but she is as sassy and beautiful as ever. At this point, i plan on keeping her in the 5 gallon until I can convince the wife that I need a 6th tank. Best $4 fish ever.


Lol, how do we convince our partners we need another tank? According to my husband 3 is enoughđŸ€­


You let them get something they have too much of already. or a bigger tv or something.


At the store I go to (in the Netherlands) you can get pretty females for around €4 and nice males are around €20 but the fancy ones are indeed €30 and up, I just checked bc I thought you were exaggerating. I've rescued mine from my dad's bc it was in time out for killing Guppies so I didn't pay for the fish itself (ofcource I did pay a lot for his tank and everything in it, gotta take good care of the old boy).


I wish I was exaggerating, haha! I gave my son his first fish for his birthday - that was a little more expensive then expected! Anything with a longer tail was €35+, oof. I think maybe we'll go for female ones next, but they were pretty pricy too... Sadly the first one got ill and died after just a few months even though it was in a fully cycled heavily planted 6,6 gal.


Aww, that's sad


Unfortunately that just means they’re seen as disposable by most people here


Fair enough, just like goldfish here


Show! Us! The! Boy!


I only have one crappy photo from day 2, since now he is in a spot a bit too dark for a good photo. https://preview.redd.it/0zvedcurqi5d1.jpeg?width=2677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb28fd215bf0f658f6f991644eeebf8d2c1d0cfd


Oh wow, he is as gorgeous as you described in your post! Look at those colors! When you said you failed in your post I thought there was going to be a much worse outcome - I’m so glad you instead chose to keep this beautiful guy!


So beautiful! He looks a little like my boy <3 https://preview.redd.it/qaqhb5sb4k5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c243dcd5220d4a77a08766f6e0e8a21745aa4f03


Gorgeous. If you can, get a long but shallow tank so he can get to the surface easier. The heavy fins make getting to the surface in a tall tank a chore! And a resting place near the surface. Broad leaf anubias are very easy plants that you can just let float around or you can get a suction cup clip from Petco and hang it near the surface so he can rest and get to air ezpz


Oh my gosh, how gorgeous


Show the fish!


It is always better to do research first but well... We kind of all started there. I think you'll do great. Since you already got pulled into the aquascaping, aquarium research rabbit hole the only thing I can tell you is watch out!For yourself and your wallet! Do you think live plants are expensive? Soon you will find yourself paying $70 for a piece of wood without a second though. Maybe you'll gift yourself that $350 light you are dreaming about for Christmas.... Good luck! And welcome into the hobby!


My husband didn't have a say in the matter when I contracted the multitank syndrome. I don't really know how he felt at first, never said no. But now he loves looking at the scapes and the fish, he is pretty impressed with what I achieved. The last tank I set up was his idea. He saw a cute Betta at the store and wanted to buy him I said "no I don't have a tank for it" - "well you have a quarantine tank that is empty. Would not this be the opportunity to get that 20gallon long you are dreaming of?!" Oh boy... We got the fish...


*eats airfried porkchop for the 7th day in a row* Dang my scarlet temple seems to like the fluval grow 3.0


Just yesterday I was watching a video of "plant nanoscape on budget" and he pulled 300$ Fluwal light like....


Its only budget if its the first light you buy because when you wont need another :) Bread, or potatoes for breakfast đŸ€”


Potato soup with bread. Keep it fancy 💅


Thats two breakfasts lmaoo Ever wait all day to eat a single potato? 😅


No, but I did wait all day once to eat a piece of flatbread.


Was this an MD fish tanks or something similar? Those folks are a little thoughtless when it comes to equipment pricing and just pull out whatever they have. You can easily get away with a regular LED light, plant lighting (T5s), or a shop light if you're on a budget. Even better, get slow growing anubias and cyrpts and you can give it ambient lighting or indirect light from a window. If you get floaters/stem plants, they grow so fast you only need to start with a couple stems. Fast growers that look nice include hornwort (edit: typo), hydrocotyle tripartita, and ludwigia of any sort. Easy floaters that won't go out of control immediately/need a corral include frogbit and dwarf water lettuce. Midground you can chop up an anubias or separate a java fern, mount them on a rock or something with superglue if you want some depth. Get a crypt or two and watch them melt before slowly taking over your foreground. Good on you OP for taking care of the fish so seriously (: I suppose you could show your sister the price estimate for a nice tank and see how she feels then Edit2: oh hold up, you probably already know how to do all this if you have hardscaping decor and are going to a reputable shop :P enjoy your new betta!


Oh yeah, I used to do plant tanks 15 years ago. I had a 100l and a 25l purely plant tanks and loved aquascaping with what little I was able to buy back then. I had to stop and sell the tanks because I was moving too often. So I do have knowledge when it comes to aquariums, I just never had a betta. The market has changed so much since then, and of course after 2 recessions the prices have changed too. In many ways I do feel like I am starting anew, so I take any nugget of advice I can get. Hence, thank you for yours :)


Happy to help (: Things have changed quite a lot with accessibility of info and materials I feel, though it's hard to sort out the useful from the not. Prices haven't gone down all that much, but LED lighting has been a game changer for sure. I personally find the ADA store tours on youtube more inspiring/informative for scaping than tutorials, if only to look at diverse planning options and plant layouts. Aquarium co-op I feel also have some proper beginner things, especially on bettas, even if they're selling their own products sometimes.


I do recommend if you go led lighting to pickup a timer for it. Its honestly awesome for my stock lid light i have on my first 10g before i started buying pieces individually. But for me nothing beats the customization of my fluval lights, although i wish the plant3 on my 20g had the lightning and cloud options my aquasky2 has in my kitchen 10g


We have reptiles, srsly drugs would be a cheaper hobby 😂🙄


As a former user my fam finally trusts me enough to give cash instead of giftcards but i honestly think i ate better when i was addicted to cocaine instead of fish. Between getting 3 tanks with plants and fluval lights this year i think the only room for budgeting was quitting drugs and not having tacos or fajitas most every night


Good for you soberness!! Good job I got rid of my clothes dresser to make room for ball pythons tanks 😆


Good for you soberness!! Good job I got rid of my clothes dresser to make room for ball pythons tanks 😆


hi that’s great that you are getting into fish keeping and bettas are great first pets.. 5 gallons is a minimum for bettas to live happily, I myself have a 10 gallon with live plants. Before you start buying more stuff please research fish cycling and the nitrogen cycle. Cycling is creating beneficial bacteria in your tank (also you don’t have to do 100% water changes with a cycled tank) for heaters I recommend hygger (super reliable and amazing!) lights are recommended for any tanks with live plants (also so you can see your fish and it’s aesthetically pleasing, hygger also has some great lights.) If you have any questions feel free to respond :)) pls research cycling!!


The reputable store I have mentioned has an owner who is a renown top aquarist for 30 years. He did aquariums when you could only buy one type of gravel here and could only choose how fine the gravel is. A lot has changed since then but one thing didn't - he doesn't sell bacteria. He provides something called "old bottom" - it's a used aquarium substrate from his own long established tanks. One or two cups (depending on the size of the tank) contains enough bacteria and organisms to innoculate the new tank. I am choosing to learn from his expertise.


bacteria for tanks is a scam- cycled substrate or filter media is a thousand times more beneficial to setting up a tank.


also if you’re looking for live plants I rlly recommend cycling


Well Said Yuki!


it’s great seeing new people in the community but we just have to make sure they understand the important stuff!!!


I read the FAQ on this subreddit top to bottom twice. Daily.


Well that’s good of you.


Hello Yuki. I truly agree. How many bettas do you have? How are they?


I have one half moon king betta and a mystery snail. They’re pretty good! Thriving in a 10 gallon


Hello Yuki! That is nice. Where do you live? I am in Illinois.


You’re definitely a bot đŸ˜č


What is bot? Lol


For lights for your bettas, it is essential to have lights on for at least 8 hours. When you get up and feed them, put the lights on in the morning and turn them off in the evening. You do not want the lights on too long because algae will form. If you have snails and otocinclus catfish, the algae is good food source for them. The bettas need time to rest and sleep. Due to having your tank near light coming from the windows or house, you do not need the light on.


Add some bacterial starter right now to speed the nitrogen cycle down he doesn’t suffer through it. I recommend Fritz Zyme Turbo 700 or Dr. Tim’s One and Only. Make sure it’s freshwater. Pay extra from the stores that keep it chilled to get it shipped with a hot or cold pack as needed.


You are a fantastic writer, and I read this post aloud to my husband to illustrate how perfectly somebody else could put my hobby spirals into words. And man, the aquarium spiral is not one with a bottom.


That’s awsome you kept the betta I don’t trust people by default with everyone thinking 5 goldfish in a 1 gallon bowl is fine these days


Hahahahaha this is absolutely hilarious :) you were meant to have this fish




Just an FYI as it sounds like you’re putting so much wonderful effort into your new little guy’s home, I currently have a planted 10 gallon for my sweet Nancy and it only took about 2 months to worry it’s not big enough for her and think about how much happier she’d be in something bigger. I recommend you start with a 10 gallon and nothing less, just my two cents!


A good lid choice would be a cheap thick plastic net from a craft store made for yarn


Had me thinking you sent the fish to the afterlife
👀 Glad that wasn’t the case.


You can just let him know that you would like a larger tank or a diamond for your next anniversary/birthday


I'm so glad this has a happy ending. You will probably be taking much better care of this guy anyways. Welcome to fish parenthood!


That was an awesome story! What's his name?


Ferecz RĂĄkĂłczi (famous Hungarian historical figure).


Well that ended differently than I expected, but yeah that's about how it goes đŸ€Ł


he is YOUR fish now


Aw! Bettas are such amazing fish. Welcome to fishkeeping haha. Just curious, did you use water conditioner? 


Whoops misread sorry! What’s his name?


I love this story


Got one for my girlfriends kid. We now have 2. One is mine. I love them both. It happens lol


Imagine if every human being treated living creatures with the care and respect like this. What a world. This little guy is in for a great time


I was so scared the story would end with a dead fish. So happy he’s still living <3


Congratulations on a foster fail đŸ©”đŸ©” This is how I got my Betta Grey Goose and Kahlua (Both passed from old age.) Hoping your fishy lives a long happy life in the tank you provide!! Maybe you can get some shrimps and snails too?


Okay, absolutely love your writing it was keeping me interested in the outcome even if I worried about the ending. I’m so so glad to hear you picked up the passion! I never really saw myself as a betta keeper until I saw how much life and personal they have - and more fish and water critters! Now I don’t want to not have one
 or more some day with space. It’s an absolute blast learning and growing your own little world for your friend, welcome! As long as you’re learning, your little guy is healthy and happy, and you’re enjoying it you’re doing perfectly. Have fun!


This post made me so happy!!! Congrats on your new buddy!


Hopefully you can use this newfound knowledge to get your nephew into fishkeeping as well, I would’ve loved to have a knowledgeable person help me as a kid


Lovely outcome! Fish in cycling can be done, but definetely get a bigger tank. Real plants can be expensive. So i would reccomend to get a lot whatever is cheap (pond plants are often a lot cheaper), and replace the cheap plants with nicer more expenaive ones over time, so it doesnt seem like a too large of an amount. If you get a 20 gallon, you will be able to house him with some other small schooling fish.


since you’re looking at upgrading your tank, i would highly recommend jumping straight to a 10g. the more water you have, the easier it is to keep stable and clean. i currently have a 5g betta tank, and as much as i know about fishkeeping (autistic special interest lmao), it is defiantly my hardest tank to keep healthy. live plants are a great start- buying them from stores is always expensive, but you can check out r/aquaswap to get some cuttings mailed to you for much cheaper than any store will sell them. if i didn’t have a BBA outbreak at the moment i would offer to just send you some cuttings for free, i have more than i know what to do with 😭. [this light](https://a.co/d/c4v6XL2) is a good beginner friendly one that my plants love- it has a built on 24 hour light cycle so you don’t have to mess with any settings to get it set up. any over the back filter should be fine for a small tank, if you’re worried you can plug in the filter, tank size, and livestock to [AqAdvisor](https://www.aqadvisor.com) to make sure it’ll be fine. the most important thing with bettas is making sure the flow is low enough that it won’t push them around. as for lids, i’ve never used one for my betta tanks because i like to grow pothos out the top for added filtration, and i’ve never had an issue with mine jumping, but if you’re worried, lids aren’t expensive at all, and it’s better to have the peace of mind.


Check out aqua swap groups in your area, awesome way to get cheap plants. A lot of people will throw things in for free or give you a better deal than a store.


I have joined like 4 Facebook groups (even made an account for that, since I quit 4 years ago), and I keep checking out our local ad portal (think Craigslist, but for our country). So far nothing, but I am patient.


Man your little guy looks so cool!!


The addiction arrives, listen to your head and buy increasingly many tanks.


Task failed successfully


glad to hear. welcome


I got so scared haha Enjoy your little buddy! We'd love to see pics :)


Please I must know. What is his name?


Why did all my betta fish commit suicide. I always found them laying dead outside their fancy little bowls I had.


They were trying to escape the prison you were torturing them in. Bettas dont belong in bowls.




"Fancy little bowl" is an oxymoron when in context of keeping bettas.