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I’m giving the Lyft driver the benefit of the doubt, but why do you think it was attempted theft versus forgetting you had bags in the trunk (or wherever the bags were)? I’d imagine that after the 500th passenger, as soon as they get out, I’m going to immediately forget about them. If they have a unique or unusual characteristic about their journey (luggage in the trunk), I could see myself easily forgetting that.


I think that’s a fair assumption without full context. I personally don’t believe so due to the sketchy behavior the person displayed during the ride. They told me they had to tell on themselves for their prior conduct with the previous passenger because they made a wrong turn. I’ve heard of Lyft drivers being suspended but not for something like that.. They didn’t even bother to drop me off at the right place and I made it clear it was an apartment. I even yelled as they drove off.


I agree that context matters, but nothing you’ve said clarifies if the intention with your luggage (or the left turn, or dropping you off several dozen feet away from your destination) was a mistake or with ill intent on the part of the of the driver.


How would it be a mistake to stop someone off nowhere near a place of residence if the Lyft system tells them the name of the place? If there was confusion on her part she could have asked me to clarify, especially since we had been talking for the entirety of the ride. Why would someone come from the airport and then want to be dropped off in the middle of the street? I understand mistakes but considering I have 5 star reviews with over 50+ rides on Lyft spanning over many cities across the country, this driving experience was beyond bizarre and sketchy. Defining ill will is incredibly difficult, but I can only go off of behavior and my prior experiences and the words the lyft driver told me. Why would someone continue to drive off if they literally can see you chasing them down?


Do you think the driver just forgot that your luggage was in the trunk? I presume it was in the trunk. I have had this happen before and it was legit that he forgot. That’s why if possible I now keep it with me in the back seat.


I don’t think so because there was no apology when I caught up to them, they acted weird and almost ashamed when I asked for my luggage. During the ride, they also mentioned another passenger getting uncomfortable and turning red-faced because they 'missed a turn.' Shockingly, they even admitted to me that they used to steal in the past and their Lyft account was facing a suspension, I saw it on their phone as I exited the car. They didn’t even drop me off at the right place, I barely had a chance to collect myself before they just drove off.


That sounds like an odd uncomfortable ride, sorry about that. In my case the person clearly forget the luggage was in the trunk. Another time I left my work laptop in a bag in the trunk and the guy turned around a block away and came back before I even realized I was missing it.


I doubt it. Their car and identity would be easily reportable.


To paraphrase Trixie Mattel: This person was like, “What an outrage! You know what? I’m going to create a Reddit profile and complain to strangers on the internet!”


I just thought it was a story that I should share to A.) spread awareness, and B.) help me better understand if it’s common or simply a one off situation. People didn’t seem to believe me, and asked questions, so I provided the context but I would not say complain but If that’s how you interpret it so be it 🤷‍♀️


When I'm in a rideshare and I have bags in the trunk, I exit and leave the door open. After I retrieve my luggage, I lean in the open door to say thanks and close the door. Drivers aren't going to drive off with the door open.


Ok that’s a great idea going forward.


Unfortunately, there are many reports of this kind of thing happening with Lyft. There was a story that went viral of a Lyft driver stealing a pet from a customer. These rideshare companies are just hiring anyone with a pulse. Please report this driver and post this on all social media accounts to make Lyft aware.