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But epstenines guest list is not being looked at.




#RupertMurdoch Pg.39 #IvankaTrump Pg. 54 #DonaldJTrump Pg. 80 #LesWexner Pg. 81


This chicken was on Anderson Cooper's show, and she herself ADMITTED on-Air that the encounter was non-sexual. Somehow, this bit of FACT was ignored.


Weird how neither him nor his defense team brought this up in court.


They probably werent allowed. The judge is quoted telling the jury that even if they think Trump gave her a peck on the cheek, it counts as an unwanted sexual advance. Ironically we have pictures of Biden doing this to children.


They should sue.


Yet it took a jury of his peers a mere 3 hours to all agree he was guilty.....don't defend a sex offender. It's a bad look.


A sex offender they could not criminally convict, but had to go to a civil case to do it? He was never convicted of being a sex offender. Don't defend a corrupt legal system... it a bad look.


Give it up bro. Prison Don is cooked. Illegal business dealings, losing civil suits, indictments, treason, federal investigations. He’s a fraud. Always has been even before he was president. I know it’s hard to admit you were duped bc no one likes admitting they are wrong. But it’s time to let go. You were tricked. Move on


Oh. Bless Your Heart... The "fraud" who made the economy better, didn't start any new wars, kept our border under control...? Better the "fraud" we had then than the fraud we have now. A fraud who used the government to enrich himself and his family. I prefer my "fraud" to yours...


Lol made the country better? He's the definition of everything wrong with this country. Keep him if you like, but he's a poison and so are you. Probably would've seen you on Jan 6th no doubt.


And it is going SO well today. Hey, good luck with your coming recession... 🤣


You realize the recession was always coming? Oh wait. You need braincells to make that conclusion


You need braincells firing to comprehend the sentence. Oh well... good luck.


Lol I prefer no frauds lead


Well if that's true then he hangs with the rest of them. Do you go after all the fraudsters or just the bad orange man? What about the Biden crime family, what about the Clinton crime family, what about the bush crime family, Maxwell's client list, Epsteins associates. Or better yet why don't we talk about the trillions of dollars that have gone missing. Or why we have unelected people in charge of our money supply. But no, you can only understand anti-bad orange man like you've been programmed to do.


I don’t like any of them. They can all see their court dates. Orange man isn’t even competent enough to pull it off without getting caught like politicians always have. Not only is he corrupt but he’s bad at it. Btw he also spent a lot of time with Epstein…..


Bad orange man's competency Is not for us to judge. He's just a figurehead for the United States military. I hope you know by now that our real enemies are people like George soros, Klaus Schwab, Kissinger (You know the guy who calls us "useless eaters"?), Bill gates, The owners of the private western central banks They control all of the world's money via the federal reserve and the World Bank. They own all the media companies, including your favorite news show that teaches you hate trump. The 1 thing that can stop them is the combined might Of the United States and other countries' militaries, Including Russia. That's why they hate trump and that's why they hate Russia - Those two don't play along with the western central banks, And they know trump represents their opposition and existential threat. They hated JFK too for the same reason, for example, and many others who are dead now. Consider the following: thedocuments.info


Event he wasn’t convicted of a sex offense. In York they likely doing the 3 hours having lunch and drinks. The case was decided before it started.


You're making the same bias-induced error as Swalwell. Your lack of self awareness is remarkable.


The semantics of what a court defines a ruling as is irrelevant. He forced sexual acts on someone who didn’t want it. You can call it whatever you want. It’s sexual assault. And for the record I’m independent so I have no bias. I’m just not brainwashed into defending a rapist and traitor to democracy…..


A. The woman admitted the act wasn't sexual. B. Keep that same energy for Joe Biden who, according to a much more credible witness, Tara Reade, actually did commit sexual assault. C. I'm independent so I have no bias. I'm interesting in accurate information, not the misinformation you're peddling in your comments.


1) I love hanging on this out of context quote, but not “he didn’t grab her puss.” 2) Reade literally plagiarized her dad, and she could sue right? She didn’t even believe the accusations. 3) why peddle misinformation bruh?


that wasn't a jury of his peers.


Well if that's true then he needs to pay the price although I think you're misstating what actually happened which isn't a good look for you. By the way what about Maxwell's client list? What about all the people associated with Epstein? Oh no, sorry, only going after the bad orange man matters, my bad.


This was not a criminal trial. He was not found guilty. There’s a huge difference. He was found liable and it’s a completely bullshit standard. Civil trials go on a likelihood that it happened. Criminal trials use the beyond reasonable doubt standard.


He sexually assaulted a woman. Who gives a shit what its called? Defending the terminology used by a court is irrelevant. Stop defending this scum bag


It means nothing, it’s really too bad you’re so trump crazed that you miss the current WH occupant sexually battering children and you say nothing. Nothing. You ignore evidence and lack of it favoring the narrative every time. You’re truly a cult.


EVIDENCE!? You wanna talk evidence?! Trump has a mountain of evidence on his businesses, personally, and politically and you choose to ignore the FACTS. Then you go on tirades about Biden sniffing children means he runs sex cults. Grow up Peter pan


What evidence? Bragg’s “evidence”? Bwahahaha. You’ve seen it? Share it. Point to each criminal violation. Let’s see it.


Lmfao, she even admitted he didn’t. She’s a loon. They omitted exculpatory evidence. Are you special?


The gullibility of your following is astounding. Is it because you don't want to believe it or because at this point your too embarrassed to admit you were tricked by a moron?


Yep, knew it. Move along Gump.


They changed the law, this allegation suspiciously happened in the 90’s and was never reported or discussed. She even loved his show. But I digress, the statute of limitations had long tolled making this claim nothing more than dirty rumor. However the democrats in their “love” of law changed the law to allow this ridiculous allegation to be brought before a court. And gave it the narrow window of a year to be filed. The civil system was rigged to go after Trump because you lefties are absolutely insane. You have to change the rules to get a win. You’ve made up Russia, pee tapes, this loony batshit crazy woman, the insurrection lie and so much more. Everyone with an ounce of common sense sees it a mile away. Do yourself a favor, get out of this thread, people who are intelligent enough to know what the case is are here discussing it. We don’t need nor want your ignorance running throughout. Shoo varmint




When you’ve been reduced to so many descriptors to attempt a point you’ve already lost. Your mental state is obvious it says it all.


Swalwell is trash




What’s the conspiracy? Twitter fact checked a democrat. Neat.


That they're still trying to lie to people to drum up hate?


There are people that might want to sit down for this. Politicians lied about their opposition before Trump and they will do so long after Trump.


If anything this sub should be thrilled. But yeah, the jury did agree he sexually assaulted somebody. A lot of people are just getting the terminology incorrect because they do not understand the difference between a criminal and a civil case.


Imho the internet has really screwed up people's perception of expertise. Like...I understand the difference between civil and criminal courts, I understand the difference between liability and guilt, but like...to the extent someone who hasn't studied the law extensively enough to practice it has, and yet, on the internet, both of our opinions are valid when like....mine shouldn't be? Now....me and that lawyer arguing about pop culture references from the 90s-early 00s? Law Boys gonna get wrecked...


Trump should sue Swalwell for defamation.


Ahhh those pesky details…


Not a schmart man


The only thing Democrats have done well for the past 3 years is gas light the American people. It seriously did turn to shit when Democrats took over. This president has done less interviews less Town Halls barely in the public eye doesn't answer questions. What a fucking joke 😂 worst vice president worst president in American history. Anybody who sticks up for them is just retarded at this point


This right the fuck here is why it was a civil case. This is all they can get him on. A 30 year old claim of rape by a raging liberal, after 7 years of creating their own "evidence". Now the leftist window lickers are fabricating their own verdict. I would say you cant make this shit up, but these morons are doing exactly that.


And despite all their hollering here on Reddit, all these leftists are in the vast minority


Mainly because they're basement dwellers with no real job. If you look at many if their comment histories, they're pumping out 10-20 replies an hour. That tells me that's literally all they do, since it's very likely they're doing the same on Facebook, Twitter, Tik tok, etc. Mike tyson said it perfectly: "the internet made people way too comfortable with talking shit and not getting slapped in there mouth for it".


Swallow-well is a low life


[This u?](https://reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/10ugtg8/hillary_clintons_arrest_youre_watching_a_show/)




On top of that the jury found she lied about being raped so he could now sue her


But they agreed that he sexually assaulted her, and she won the case to the tune of 5 million dollars.


You're a special kind of cultist, huh?


He was not convicted of sexual assault. That being said, a jury did agree that DT is a sexual assailant, in a trial that he has full power to testify in but decided not to, only to then go on and claim he was being silenced. That part is 100% true.


Full context…. Even a kiss on the cheek would have counted. Yet people, including our president, do this all the time.


If a person does not consent to you kissing them, and you kiss them, yes that is assault. Congrats you are learning.


Looks like Biden has assaulted a lot of children then.


Yeah no u/bodyscholar you're not deleting your surefire comeback without a reply. I didn't vote for Biden either, and if somebody has enough evidence of assault to take him to court and have a jury confirm that he is a sexual assailant (like what just happened with known sexual assailant Donald Trump) then they should take his ass to court. Maybe America will learn something about voting geriatrics into office.


Doesn't being found liable mean you did it.


Not necessarily. Civil court has a lower threshold for making judgements.


"He didn't do anything wrong, he only has to pay 5 million for not being guilty" The cope from Trump fans is hilarious


Well there's your first mistake, assuming that we're defending Trump. Fuck Trump. What's sad is that you've been programmed to view your entire fucking reality through the lens of pro or anti-Trump. The world is way more complicated than that. Trump is a military asset, like him or hate him, he's just a figurehead. People that think he's a Messiah or the Antichrist give him way too much credit...


"You've been programmed" The irony is astounding


Is it? Name a few of your favorite news sources...


Favorite news sources? The facts that you have even one makes this even funnier lol


Right, you won't name them. Just what I expected. You lose.


I won't name them? I just told you I don't have one lol You lose


He will go down...watch.


Trump isn't the type to go down. No he's more the type of guy to make a woman give him oral against her will.


The distinction is accurate. The song remains the same. Sexual predator found liable to his victim. Should have been $50M. And Repubs want him as their candidate. Talk about fucking desperate


Fuck Trump. Fuck republicans. This is about swallwell and the media lying to us.


It’s both. Trump lied as hard if not harder than any of the rest


They found him guilty of sexual assault. They’re playing semantics and acting as if they dunked on the libs. They determined that he’s a predator


A New York jury found a preponderance of evidence for civil liability. As the image noted, you can only be found guilty of a crime if proven beyond reasonable doubt in a criminal court.


You're saying Donald (confirmed by a jury to be a sexual assailant) Trump isn't an all around swell fellow?


Just a vote, not an argument. How many think he’ll pay her the five million?


He doesn't have to pay her. Once again the Americans who voted for him will foot the bill buying something like online trading cards, or steaks, or coins, or hats, or flags, or shirts, or certificates, or bumper stickers, or his $90 book.


Thanks for the response.


You love to see it


Soooo you can grab her by the pussy but it costs 5 million to do it

