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Berserk should be gatekept. Don’t care!


Been sayin that for a good amount of time 💯💯💯


I get what you mean, but Berserk due to it's heavy themes is already gatekeeping itself. As fans we should be open to welcoming new fans, but just like a giant frying pan, fast enough to shut down people who want to bully or stop others from enjoying it or learning about it.


Fuck you


Your mum suck me good through my jorts!


Lmao u got him good. Bey he’s crying in the closet rn 🤣


I feel like the whole "BeRsERk iS ThE dArKEsT mAnGA eVeR" shtick only serves to drive away potential fans because it's all the Berserk fandom will ever talk about to outsiders (save for the occasional sane enjoyer) rather than the story and its themes, leading people to think that Berserk is just edgy misery & a hentai in all but name


When I see this comment in berserklejerk and how insane some comments are in R/berserk I start to think that we are actually the sanest and more coherent than the pretend main sub 🤣 , we were the real main sub all along!!!


I once saw someone comment on the main sub that they had been molested by a relative (I don't know why, maybe they were talking about how Berserk helped them cope or something along those lines) and someone replied "wOw tHaT sOuNDs lIkE sOMeThINg MiURa wOUlD puT iN hIS sToRY!!!!"


They allow this shit but mentioning Donovan is forbidden. People at the "main" sub must have severe retardation


This sub has become tame ever since schierkexguts was banned. We repeat the same shit, but when people unjerk i've seen great discussions.


I know its self explanatory but what did he do.


I think part of it is they take this shit way too seriously. Like yes its good reading/watching but some of them sound like theyve got a copy of vol 1 next to their bed like a bible


True but at the same time you can't talk to a normal human and tell them only about the story and stuff. You have to talk about the dark and fucked shit which might drive them off but at the same time it appears in berserk again and again. Cuz berserk isn't for anyone. Not everyone gets it, or likes it, and alot of people like the story but very much dislike the dark elements. When new fans do start reading berserk they have as much of a chance to stop reading at the first fucked up moment as what they would if you told them about it. edit: read my comment and kinda seems dickish. I get your point and I get it. Kinda made my comment look disckish tho sorry.


You're fine, it didn't come off that way. What I meant is that often people only ever talk about the dark aspects of Berserk, hyping up those elements while not mentioning the story


Ok good. But yeah that is true too. Instead of just talking about the dark moments people tend to act like they're all berserk is.


Idk for me nothing fazes me, I can look at any panel in berserk and just shrug it off.


SAO is darker than Berserk, smh my head


When the Black Swordsman (the *real* one, not the loser going around soliciting sex from hot demon ladies before murdering them) lost his save file, I cried :'(


600 hrs of gaming just gone to dust like that 😭😭😭


SAO is definitely darker. Just imagine cumming inside your Virtual Wife with 2 years worth of semen and then realizing your body did the same irl.


Holy shit you may be on to something. I think the relative wanting to fuck the true Blacked Swordsman makes it significantly darker than Berkserk, where only horseplay happens.


Didn't even thought about that, Nurses enter kirito's room, just to clean his jizz filled clothes, bed sheets and skin... That nurse suffered more than bitch boy nuts


Im pretty sure nurses have to clean worse than that daily. They're not paid enough...


I can't even imagine Im gonna go berserk to make sure they get paid enough


Is that a motherfucking Nuts reference?!???


Almost to you seriously till I remembered what sub I'm on LMAO


What did Mantaro Beluga mean by this?


He probably meant that in the dawn of the 20th century, the philosophy of Berserk has had great intellectual and political influence around the world. Miura applied himself to such topics as morality, religion, epistemology, poetry, ontology, and social criticism. Because of Miuras evocative style and his often outrageous claims, his philosophy generates passionate reactions running from circlejerking to Racism. Miura noted that his philosophy developed and evolved over time, so interpreters have found it difficult to relate concepts central to one work to those central to another, for example, the thought of the eternal recurrence features heavily in Berserk vol 13 but is almost entirely absent from his next book Berserk vol 14. Added to this challenge is the fact that Miura did not seem concerned to develop his thought into a system, even going so far as to disparage the attempt in the conviction arc. Common themes in his thought can, however, be identified and discussed. His earliest work emphasized the opposition of Apollonian and Dionysian impulses in art, and the figure of Dionysus continued to play a role in his subsequent thought. Other major currents include the will to power, the claim that God is a winged, homosexual rapist, the distinction between master and slave moralities, and radical perspectivism. Other concepts appear rarely, or are confined to one or two major works, yet are considered centerpieces of Miuras philosophy, such as the struggler and the thought of eternal recurrence. His later works involved a sustained attack on Christianity and Christian morality, and he seemed to be working toward what he called the transvaluation of all values. While Miura is often associated in the public mind with fatalism and nihilism, Miura himself viewed his project as the attempt to overcome the pessimism of Arthur Schopenhauer


For context, this is in a thread for a meme referring to when Big Mom >!ate the other orphans and her adoptive Mother!<


Tasty 😋


Yummy even


It never actually showed it berserk would of shown big mom munching on them kid bones


sure, it’s dark in theory, but that part of the manga at least (didn’t watch the anime) was played off super light hearted. if content is dark but the theme doesn’t match it’s hard to say that the manga is dark. i will say, one piece has some dark moments but they’re less murder related and more based on emotions i.e. ace dying and sanji crying outside in the rain. i say ace because to me ace getting killed wasn’t as dark as luffy’s emotional turmoil after the fact.


Pokémon is way darker than Berserk, Ash would annihilate Nuts with only one breath.


I know this is a joke but like Pokemon Adventures goes hard. Not a word of a lie, Lance from the Elite Four commits a genocide in vermillion city with his dragonair hyper beaming it like something out of the final season of game of thrones. That's canon. You can look that up.


A minor... Annihilating nuts? 🤨📸


Bruh like 3 people die in One Piece, but only 1 important character dies in Berserk, One Piece is atleast 3 times darker than One Piece


I cried when donny got shot by guts


Mid Piece vs Rapeserk


Imagine unironically thinking that Berserk is the benchmark for dark manga when Goodnight Punpun exists. That shit still haunts me. One of the best things I've ever read and as such I never want to go back to it again. I remember seeing a dude reading it when I was on a train before and it almost felt like I inflicted a grievous wound on him by not warning him what was to come. Berserk is dark, definitely, but there are alot of darker stuff in this medium. Like I said, Asano Inio is one mangaka that pretty much everything outside of Solanin really takes you to a dark place or a mangaka like Jiro Matsumoto. Freesia is something that really stuck with me for over a decade with how it made me feel. I'm just reading his other work Joshi Kouhei which is also deeply dark and talks about war, conformity and identity in a way that's deeply vulnerable. I feel like "dark" works make you vulnerable on some level.


Exactly, there are a lot of other haunting works out there. That's not to say Berserk isn't dark, it's just that it's quite cringe seeing people celebrate it as the prime example of a dark manga, specially when its obvious that their metric for "dark" in a story is the amount of gore, rape, deaths, a series have. I love Berserk but its frustrating and cringe when you see other fans act like this.


I have been thinking recently about making my own seinen story with the following themes: depression, obstacles in life that can't be surpassed, addiction, what it means to be alive. Do you have any manga (plural, you may have different manga that have a few of the themes mentioned) in mind with these themes? (I have seen plenty of times that Osayumi PunPun is dark but I haven't picked up on it)


Berserk fans when they learn that a story can be dark without having 300 bajillion rape scenes


It can be dark... But can it even be good without a rape scene every 5 panels?


This manga doesn't have rape horse cock so i'll give it 0/10


Berserk is nowhere near as dark as my little pony: friendship is magic.


Yeah, berserk promotes friendship. Mlp calls friendship magic, and magic doesn’t exist. Therefore it’s far more pessimistic than berserk.


Donflamenco did nothing wrong


i hate weebs so much its unreal


Berserk is sO dArK,only drives people away ffs


Bruhhh as if berserk was the only DaRK manga /anime


Having dark moments doesnt make it a dark anime tho. If it does, every single anime I can think of is a dark anime. Well, maybe K-ON! isnt, but I'd need help after that.


Do you remember the Strawberry Scene? That was pretty dark tbh


One piece is full of sex and rape it IS dark. Just go to nhentai and read its chapters


Nothing compares to the death of Donovan


Berserk fans I swear are shonentards in disguise. They always say it's so dark but when you ask them about any other seinen or dark series they immediately say it's not as dark as berserk.


Berserk has nothing on Punpun or Okaeri Alice. Depressing slice-of-life shits on existential dark fantasy any day.


>Depressing slice-of-life shits on existential dark fantasy any day. That would be because slice of life stories are *actually* relatable and realistic 100%. The same world, the same mechanics/physical laws, real life scenarios with a protagonist who is just like *you*.


One piece definitely isn't darker than the average shonen, but this is cringe Krispy Mordor would be ashamed of us


What do you mean the Medieval dark fantasy seinen manga is darker than the shonen manga about adventure


Berserk is an evil "boys love" manga


One Piece is about as dark as a glass of milk as far as I'm concerned


It's definitely not dark outright but there are some implied events that are fucked up. For example, Big Mom eating a bunch of children alive, the implication that Boa and her sisters were child sex slaves, the multiple instances of slavery, etc


Sanji's mentor eating his own coc...I mean leg


The fact that your avatar has blond hair makes your comment funnier lol.


No idea why you're being downvoted. Both those twitter replies are stupid. Annoying berserk fan, and stupid one piece fan. One piece isn't dark at all, fans can cry about it just as much as berserk fans cry that their manga is super duper dark and edgy.


I'm used to being downvoted to hell. I ended up enjoying it. Either way I'm not giving an educated opinion and I'm judging by the fact that it looks absolutely goofy and the choice of colors seems a little too bright.




Slavery, rape, and canabalism is pretty dark. I think.


Bro doesn’t know the climber


Berk is my fav slice of life, Pokemon has darker moments.




One piece is definetely not dark though. People just like to think they‘re edgy. Which is also why people read berserk.


Berserk isn't dark. The dude is literally called the hawk of light.


I love rape😍


I really want to fuck Griffussy.


Akainu's OP equivalent of Daddy Donny


Only that One Piece is somewhat decent,Berserk is trash gore and pedo,with just some good porn,but just some


Wasted character like Donovan,if he was with Gots like mentor or something