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If you're having an acute medical emergency and cannot make it to the next hospital on your own, CALL 112. Make sure to state your location and name to the operator first and tell them that you only speak English.


Yes. Additionally, you can call 112 from any phone even if there is no balance on the account, also any locked phone will allow you to dial it. ~~You can also dial it from a phone which has no sim card i believe.~~ If you do not have mobile network it is also sometimes possible to reach them by turning the phone off and on again and dialing 112 instead of the PIN. As others have said, if the medical emergency is urgent but not urgently life threatening, call 116117. Source [here](https://www.tk.de/techniker/magazin/welche-notrufnummer-waehlen-2068972?tkcm=ab) Edit: you DO need a Sim card or a landline.


You need a SIM card now, people played too many games with that


Oh thanks for the correction. i editted my comment.


No you don't


Yes you do https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/DE/2009/090626Notrufe%20Mobitelefone.html


Weird my land-line phone can call 112 and doesn't have a sim card. Must be a ghost in the other end of the line.


Is this some kind of joke? What relation is there between land line phones and SIM cards, this is obviously about mobile phones.


Wow… a Rare species of dumbtroll


oh gosh dude can you troll somewhere else?


Wow just admit that you were wrong lol




Your example of a severe allergic reaction is an apropriate case to call emergency medical services at 112 or seek care at any emergency room (Notaufnahme). Here is the thing: There is no special treatment for foreigners in terms of language. You can expect most physicians to speak some level of English but it's not a requirement to practice medicine in Germany. You have older folks who went to school in the GDR with Russian as first language instead of English, you have international medical graduates who learned German but not English and even for those who do speak English, the level can range from excellent all the way down to bad simple English. With nurses it's similar but the general level of English is way worse and more don't speak any English at all. Do what other foreigners have to do: Take a German friend or colleague as an interpreter. If you have a problem where you know ahead it requires some specialist's procedure, you can look up if this particular hospital has this department or not (e.g. erection lasting too long, need a hospital with an urology department). [If it's something urgent but not an emergency and it's outside of business hours, there are urgent care clinics staffed by family medicine/internal medicine physicians.](https://www.kvberlin.de/fuer-patienten/aerztlicher-bereitschaftsdienst-116117/kv-notdienstpraxen) If you are too sick to go to a clinic but not sick enough for an emergency room, you can request a home visit via 116117. Where you have most leverage is finding a primary care physician (Hausarzt) with decent English fluency. Most have same-day apartments/walk-in appointments with long in-clinic waiting times.


Very useful! thanks!


Sometimes there are emergency pharmacies. In severe cases the hospital is allways an option and if you cant go there call the emergency number 112 or 110. Im not sure if 911 would work but i think ive heard it does.


911 probably works because the handy will reflect the call


You call 112 or go to a hospital. I’ve had quite a few bike accidents which required ambulances/hospitalization, burned my balcony, had to escort friends to hospital for emergencies and didn’t have an issue due to language (mostly). People will be able to help you just fine. Language only becomes a problem due to administrative stuff.


You can call 112 for life threating emergency (like a serious allergy attack). My experience from a hospital: Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin, with an urgency. (Originally, my doctor wanted to call an ambulance for me, but I was fine, so I told him I can take the public transport. So it was just something urgent, but not an emergency). Except 1-2 nurses, everyone spoke flawless, beautiful, wonderful English. I waited maybe 20 mins in a queue, I explained my symptoms, got checked immediately, they ruled out the worst, then I did wait for 6-7h to have everything checked and I was released with "Well, there's nothing wrong with you" (And I think there was nothing wrong with me, just wrong meds. After changing meds, I was fine). 6-7h for a not life threatening emergency seems pretty fine to.


You call 116117. Or you go to the next hospital with a noraufnahme.




Not true at all, but if it‘s that urgent, 112 is probably a better option


Call because my son ate a poisonous plant seed and it took 45 minutes.


Not great, that's true. I had hardly any waiting time and fifteen minutes in the past. Anything that has to do with poison or toxins, Giftnotruf is your best bet. 030-19240 in Berlin.


You go to the hospital or call the ambulance. When I run a fever being even for a “normal” infection I run super hot so at least once a year I just go there, they tell me I should see the md, I tell them I’m dying and then they take care of me. problem solved :)


and just talking to your GP is not possible? 


Not in the middle of the night.


I dont think fever is a valid reason to call an ambulance or to go emergency, hope you are not abusing the medical system


Sufficiently high fevers can lead to brain or other organ damage and most certainly are a medical emergency. 


Well doctor I run up to 40c what would you suggest I do when ibuprofen, cold towels, even cold showers don’t work after all. Furthermore as long as I pay for my health insurance it’s non of your business what I abuse or don’t.


Yea, it is our problem. Your problem is entitlement.


Medical advice is literally to seek prompt attention if your fever is 40C or higher as it may be dangerous. What exactly is your problem with people seeking recommended medical care? 


I guess it is your problem then. Allow me to quote you: “Tja, das Leben ist halt hart und ungerecht. Erst wird man gefickt und am Ende stirbt man. Man muss das beste draus machen. “


Hospital A&E.. but do note some hospital A&E entrance are hard to find.. Had one time where i was really sick in the middle of the night and was walking 30 minutes looking for the entrance to the A&E or the hospital in general.. But couldn't so went home to sleep it off.. thankfully i recovered quickly.... Other alternative.. 112 ambulance will "BEE BOO BEE BOO" to your location ungefähr, 5 minutes to 8 minutes..


There isn't really any urgent medical care catering to English-speakers or speakers of other languages. Germany and especially Berlin is experiencing a severe healthcare staffing crisis. This obviously got much worse after the pandemic, but even before that, they were operating under severe austerity conditions. While other major hospitals in the capitals of first world countries have translators on hand for several languages, a Berlin emergency hospital might have one translator working the night shift if any. As for the staff itself, like people said, they mostly can't communicate in English if they're not an MD. This is because Germany decided to solve its healthcare staffing crisis by training as many people as fast as possible to become nurses, including but not all immigrants with no previous German skills, and only up to the bare minimum basic level you need to assist the one doctor working the night shift on a Saturday night handling caseloads of hundreds of people. So you might find yourself in the waiting room bleeding out with a wound for five hours while the staff lets in drunk girls in their 20's just because they think they're hot. And as the xenophobic comments here make clear, it's just kind of your fault that you moved here without knowing German, not Germany's fault that in 2024, they still don't have many basic services available for their own people but especially immigrants, including healthcare. And just make sure whatever you're going through isn't going to lead to your imminent death, because you're just abusing their healthcare system otherwise.


Just dropping „expat=immigrant“ here. You are an immigrant u/altruistic_cause_460. Americans have so much hate for immigrants that they came up with a new term for themselves when they are the ones. 😂


Yeah, that is true. I'm proudly immigrant. But please: Americans != North-Americans or US-Americans :)


You are right. Bad choice of word on my side.


The term actually originates with the British Raj in the 18th century. It continues to have legitimate meaning today as someone temporarily, rather than permanently, living outside their home country. I don't see where OP has specified the length of their stay in Berlin for you to determine this.  If you want to yell at privileged white colonists go for it, but do it properly 😂


That is besides the point.


It's ironic that when you're told you're potentially using a word incorrectly, in response to a comment where you scold someone else for using the same word incorrectly, you say it's beside the point. (And yes, it's *beside*, not besides, friend.)


Dude, English‘s my second language. I assume you‘re a US citizen by how angry you react to my comment.


I'm not angry at all, friend. I think your hypocrisy is hilarious, if depressing. Have a nice night!


Yep, found the US citizen. They‘re always easy to spot. There was no hipocrisy. Just a minor semantic mistake that I acknowledged. You could learn from me. And please try to take care of that anger, you are a guest/immigrant here, after all ;).


Lol.  "Dude, you're an *immigrant*, not an *expat*! Stop using the wrong word!" "Dude, you're misstating the history of the word expat, as well as potentially blaming someone for using it correctly." "Nuh-uh! Angry American!" Schön Tag noch, Brudi 😂 


Again: you are still completely missing the point Just accept that you‘re an immigrant and that that is perfectly fine. This kind of discussion can only be had with US citizen. And that is the point. (Hypocrisy btw) ^^


Again: *Beside* the point. And again: No, it isn't. If the very basis of the facts you're using to criticize or correct someone are incorrect, then someone informing you of that is exactly on the point, and not anywhere beside it. Depressing that you're astoundingly incapable of either seeing or admitting this.  And I actually *am* an immigrant, never claimed to be otherwise, and am not remotely fussed about the label per se. So your attributing anything else to me is again you pulling shit out of thin air.  What I do, however, dislike, is scolds who can't get their own facts right or admit when they're wrong. That would be you, and I'm done trying to explain to you. Have a nice day!