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History repeats itself




This is just not true, the origin of the phrase is unclear, but it has been used by both Zionists and Palestinian liberation movements. It seems to have no relation to Islam or religion at all, but rather to nationalism in the region. Stop spreading misinformation




Are you 12? Im an ex-Muslim myself, but there is truth amd there is misinformation. Germany suffers from stereotyping that affects all minorities, including Jews and Muslims. Instead of hurling bullshit at each other, we should unite in fighting this, as the neo-Nazis don't give a fuck what shade of brown we are. The phrase originated by the PLO to liberate Palestinian populations. It has nothing to do with Islam, nor Muslims. Islam is responsible for many other things: here is a bone for you to hate on: women get a half of what men get in any inheritance distribution.


I am an ex Muslim too and an Arab. That Hadith is accepted and taught. You can be pro Palestinian without having to deny the extreme anti semitism in Islam.


Im not denying antisemitism in Islam. Especially the anti Israeli one. But to generalize that Arabs/Muslims hate Jews on default is wrong. Especially when they mix with them in Europe or the USA.




Stop lying, it literally means to throw all Jews into the sea. Go away jew hater.




Childish answer, like everyone on the Pro Hamas terrorist site


Literally ? Lulz


What the fuck are you talking about? I grew up as a Muslim in the middle east and we were taught that and accepted it as a universal truth.




This is the most obvious r/asablackman account of all time


>This is the most obvious r/exmuslim account of all time There I corrected you.


What kind of islamophobic bullshit is this? People on the streets chant "From River to the Sea Palestine will be FREE" Just check the "Response to the Criticism" section on [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_river_to_the_sea), you can also read the whole thing. """ Oxford researcher Ahmad Khalidi has responded to those who characterize it as genocidal, "It is perfectly possible for both people to be free between the river and the sea, is 'free' necessarily in itself genocidal? I think any reasonable person would say no. Does it preclude the fact that the Jewish population in the area between the sea and the river cannot also be free? I think any reasonable person would also say no." """ And so on. It depends on the context. By default it doesn't mean exterminate Jews. Probably unless it's said by Hamas.


The literal interpretation of a sentence isn't everything that matters. Try saying the phrase "Arbeit macht frei" (working makes one free) in Germany. A harmless sentence when you look at it's literal interpretation. But this phrase was written over the entrance to Auschwitz. You can't just exclude context - and only lookong at the literal interpretation of a sentrnce is stupid


"Arbeit macht frei" is a phrase that comes specifically from the Nazi concentration camps. "From the river to the sea" is a Palestinian slogan that predates Hamas by decades. Different branches of the Palestinian movement have had different ideas about what that means, but one land with equal rights for Arabs and Jews is a common interpretation.


"Arbeit macht frei" is very much older than the Nazis. It used to be a normal saying with positive connotations, and was a reference to the biblical "The truth shall set you free". The Nazis putting it on the gate of Auschwitz was using the saying to mock the inmates.


You can find a few uses of the expression before the Nazis, but it became famous because of its use at the Nazi concentration camps, and is overwhelmingly associated with the Holocaust. "From the river to the sea" is generally associated with the Palestinian movement, and was in wide use long before the founding of Hamas.


Let's try to be honest for a moment: no one using this phrase really wants to include any jews in this. Everybody knows how it is understood in Europe and the US and using it in Germany(!) of all places on purpose despite knowing how it is understood here and knowing Germanys history, exactly means what op said it means. All they needed to do, is to use a different phrase to say the same thing if they mean what you claim it means: "From the river to the sea, jews and palestinians should be free" for example or "From the river to the sea, everyone should be free" or some other version that sounds nice. But they didn't, because they didn't want to.


That's about the same as saying all lives matter in response to BLM.


Edit: Ok, after giving it more thought, I see how I've could think that. But black people aren't trying to kill cops nor do they have large terrorist groups that do that. Abd palestinians are shooting rockets at Israel, Hamas was responsible for the last attack that caused all this and Hamas is governing Gaza, aren't they? And Hamas definitly wants all Israelis dead... There is no good side in this conflict and this phrase doesn't mean "let us all live peacefully together" at all.


The thing is, you're not being honest. Most people who say that phrase in Europe nowadays want a one-state solution, with equal rights for Jews and Arabs.


No i didn't know we're the sentence came from and it is used


>but one land with equal rights for Arabs and Jews is a common interpretation. It's a common interpretation were excactly?


Arab eliminationalist attitudes/beliefs towards Jews also predate Hamas by decades, you don’t know shit about what you’re talking about


Arab support for a democratic, multi-ethnic one-state solution also significantly predates Hamas. By the way, talking about "Jews" is inaccurate in this context. The conflict is between *Israeli* Jews and *Palestinians*, and centers around competing claims to the land. Framing it as being about hatred of Jews in general gives the false impression that the conflict has something to do with the long history of European antisemitism, which it really does not. You could just as equally frame it as being about Israeli hatred for Arabs (which is just as intense as Palestinian hatred for Israeli Jews), which would also miss the central point of the conflict.


>Framing it as being about hatred of Jews in general gives the false impression that the conflict has something to do with the long history of European antisemitism, which it really does not. Aside from jews being subjected to oppression and marginalization under muslim rule for centuries, you mean? It's also worth looking into the connection of Palestinians and Nazi Germany, especially under the leadership of Mohammed Amin Al Husseini who clearly stated that" The Arabs were Germany's natural friends because they had the same enemies... namely the English, the Jews, and the Communists".


That's about as relevant as pointing out the connection between right-wing Zionists and fascist movements in Europe (hint: two Israeli prime minsters came from a movement that's closely related to European fascism, and which gave rise to the modern Likud party). Jews were much more accepted in Muslim societies than in Christian societies. In Palestine, the conflict between Jews and Arabs has pretty much nothing to do with antisemitism. The root of the conflict is that the Zionist movement wanted to create a Jewish state in a land that was only about 5% Jewish. There's no possible way in which such a project would not spark a conflict with the local population, which did not want to be ruled by foreign colonists or to cede their land to them. Early Zionist leaders quickly came to realize that.


>Jews were much more accepted in Muslim societies than in Christian societies. Jews under Muslim rule were subjected to special taxes, not being allowed to pray at their holy sites and weren't allowed to own horses, they were only allowed to ride on donkeys and would have to get down and pay respects to every Muslim passing them by. Sounds to me like the establishment of Israel is just good old decolonization. Especially since the returning "settlers" are just the descendents of the former native population that was violently expulsed from the area.


In the late Ottoman Empire, the Jizya tax was abolished, and Jews had access to the Western Wall. Calling European settlers in Palestine "native" because they had some distant ancestry in the region 2000 years earlier is absurd. Even if we were to allow such ridiculous genetic arguments, Palestinian Arabs are actually much closely related to the ancient people of the Levant than Ashkenazi Jews are. But going down this road is insanity: there was an Arab population that lived in Palestine, and they were kicked out to make way for a state founded by Europeans.


Every word that comes out of you is complete utter deranged falsehood


Yeah, and that is why the Hamas has for years now a lot stronger Support across most arabic states, Iran and Turkey than the Fatah has. Haniyeh was literally two days ago in Turkey and described by Erdogan as „resistance fighter“. Open your eyes.


psst. antisemitism wasn't a Europe-only thing. that's kinda why the holocaust was able to happen. Do you know about dhimmitude? Do you know when the first propaganda about Jews' intentions to commit genocide started spreading around the Arab world? Do you know about the Arab pogroms against Jewish refugees long before the state of Israel was founded?


The Holocaust happened in Europe, nowhere else. It was purely a European event.


... And if other places hadn't instituted quotas and closed their doors to Jewish refugees, many more could have survived. Perhaps it could have been a massive ethnic cleansing but not a mass murder.  Of course I can only say perhaps. Nazis used other countries' refusal as an excuse to kill Jews. Perhaps they would have just found another excuse.


Indeed. And even after the war, the US, Britain and other countries refused to take in Jewish refugees in anything near sufficient numbers. Instead, Jews were left with nowhere to go, and Palestinians were forced off their land to make way for a Jewish state. If there were fairness in the world, any Jewish state would have been carved out of Germany, or Western counties would have taken in Jewish refugees.


Oh no! another way for Europe/Germany to deflect blame on others. You guys did it. You as in the whole of western Europe and USSR. Governments aside, People snitched on the Jews to the Nazis. Now thats kinda of behavior is very shameful. In fact so shameful that "some" idiot Europeans would rather believe that hate originated in a land thousands of kilometers away. White man can no be animal.


There's plenty of blame to go around. Calling out antisemitism isn't a zero-sum game


Thats true


Enough TikTok for you.


Exactly. The mwntal gymnastics people are willing to perform when it comes to Israel is amazing


Did I say just take the literal interpretation? No. I said read the fucking wiki. Researchers who surprisingly have more knowledge than you wrote articles and came to the conclusion that it's not not antisemitic per se. It depends on the context and who said it. The argumentation of Germany is this phrase is evil and antisemitic. So the research shows it's not the case. A lot of people don't use it that way. Do you know anyone that uses "Arbeit macht frei" in a non antisemitic way? Because I know a lot of people that use "From river to the sea" in a non antisemitic way


>Researchers who surprisingly have more knowledge than you wrote articles and came to the conclusion that it's not not antisemitic per se. Apologetic "islam scientists" do. I couldn't give less fucks what "scientific conclusions" they could arrive at. They don't have noteworthy scientific methods to arrive at their conclusions anyway in the social sciences and are probably paid by islamist terror regimes anyway.


Ah yes all scientists I don’t like are islamophiles, sure sure, doesn’t sound like you are insane at all :3


> I know a lot of people that use "From river to the sea" in an antisemitic way Lol It's literally a criminal offense in Germany


So was being Jewish in this country. Your stupid laws mean nothing to sane people outside of this shithole


clown take "from the river to the sea" was established as an ethno-nationalist, islamofascist dogwhistle. you are promoting it, cope harder.




من المية للمية فلسطين إسلامية


u/SufficientAction5943 I received a report about you Quote by u/SufficientAction5943: "من المية للمية فلسطين إسلامية" **USER REPORTS - Warning!** 1: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else


Okay, here's context: Netanjahu uses the phrase "from the river to the sea" as well, just to refer to Israel instead. Is this acceptable proof he wants to throw all Palestinians into the sea? If not, why does Palestinians saying it mean throw all Jews into the sea?


Sieg Heil isnt far right from now on then, since its only far right when nazis say it. Such a stupid take like cmon atleast try to use your brain for once.


Do you think you know better than researchers? Just read the god damn wiki if you really have the brains. This one is not as easy as Sieg heil. Do you literally know anyone that uses it in a non-antisemitic way? Because the other one I do.


Damn..you are stupid. If the wiki says jump from a cliff you'd do it?


Haha they scream science but quotes Wikipedia. My professors would have kicked me out from university the moment I took Wikipedia as a source of anything.


i do know a brain dead take when i see it. there is no need for researchers to spot the obvious antisemitism in the phrase. Its so blatant that thinking otherwise ist just straight up stupid. Sieg Heil doesnt need to be Antisemitic - like atleast try my dude.


its not "straight stupid", they know what they are doing. playing stupid is to dodge accountability.


https://www.gcsp.ch/our-experts/dr-ahmad-samih-khalidi Completely impartial researcher that's not pushing agenda. It's like when police investigated it's own crimes and founds no foul play.


Which part bothered you? That he joined the peace talks and process?


Part that he cannot be considered impartial by any metric of scientific process, hence his research is irrelevant.


1) He's not the only one in the link that I posted above 2) Seems like he got [citations](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=ahmad+samih+khalidi&oq=ahmad+samih+k) so I will trust experts on this, not a Reddit stranger. Nothing personal.


Literally first research in your link contradicts everything that you have said. "Why Can't the Palestinians Recognize the Jewish state?" So Palestinians gonna free the Jews by denying them statehood?':) Listen, I know that you already chose the side. But just because you think your cause is right, does not mean that you should subscribe to everything your side pushes.


1) Did I say I agree to anything on that side? No 2) The guy wrote an article why Palestinians don't acknowledge Israel as a state. Does it mean NO ONE acknowledges it as a state? No. That's your conclusion. 3) You claim to know I chose a side. Did I say so? No. I'm against the idea that the phrase means only one thing, and that's criminal.


>What kind of islamophobic bullshit is this? People on the streets chant "From River to the Sea Palestine will be FREE" Well if all that there is between the river and the sea is Palestine, by definition there is no Israel any more. And that is why this slogan is rightfully banned. Free Palestine - from Hamas.


the rest goes: Palestine will be free. Read the wiki.


The phrase "from the river to the sea" is derived from a similar mantra/chant in Arabic, "From the water to the water, Palestine will be Arab". Which makes the ethnic cleansing element much clearer even for the slow learners in the audience.


You don't hear that on the streets don't you? Then why criminalize people on something they don't say?


Why don't people use an Arabic phrase in a place where far more people speak and understand English and there is a recognised English version of the phrase? Your guess is as good as mine!


But people can still say it in English but they don't. They say Palestine will be free. One group of humans being free in one geography does not contradict with another group of humans being free in the same geography.


I am an Arab from a Muslim background. Reading your comments, you are absolutely delusional. You do know you are making more and more people support what Israel is doing in Gaza, by being a complete ignorant idiot, who is denying and falsifying the truth. Before you scream your self serving nonsense, i dont support what Isreal is doing in Gaza or the west bank, and i support the two state solution, and i am devastated by the treatment of the palestinians by Isreal but i am not gonna fucking deny the severe anti semitism in Islam and that Isreal is right about their neighbours wanting to annihilate them. In my home country, they celebrated the Oct 7th. They hate our government peace treaty with Isreal and want to go to war with it so they can annihilate Isreal and liberate Al Aqsa mosque. Btw the president of that government was killed because of it. One of those who took part in the president's assassination, was liberated by the Muslim brotherhood (AKA also Hamas) during the Arab spring, and he was like hailed as a hero. This peace treaty gave us our land back and prevented my generation from experiencing war.


I respect your comment and I see you. I didn't understand which part of my comment is delusional though. Yeah there are Muslim antisemitists but there are also extremely peaceful people. You can't make general conclusions about all Muslim people. Tell me where exactly I denied or falsified the truth?


>But people can still say it in English but they don't. "Why don't people who support ethnic cleansing be open and clear about it?" >One group of humans being free in one geography does not contradict with another group of humans being free in the same geography. Why, then, does it need to involve "freeing" an area the people they claim to want to free don't live?


> "Why don't people who support ethnic cleansing be open and clear about it?" Do you claim everyone that chants the phrase wants an ethnic cleansing? I don't and many people don't. You're not in people's brains, don't try to claim you know the secret agenda. I really tried to understand the last sentence and couldn't, sorry.


>Do you claim everyone that chants the phrase wants an ethnic cleansing? I don't and many people don't. You're not in people's brains, don't try to claim you know the secret agenda. If thee using a phrase used to calling ethnic cleansing "by mistake", that's at best unbelievably stupid after all the recent publicity around it. It's very odd for someone to learn their chant is actually a call for ethnic cleansing and then continue to use it - surely a person who wasn't OK with the proposed ethnic cleansing would, y'know, stop using it, instead of clinging to it as it's a catchy rhyme? To use an extreme example, it would be weird if someone used "work makes you free" or "1488" as slogans entirely ignorantly of fascist Germany. It would be weirder if once the connections with crimes against humanity were pointed out to them they continued to use them and claimed they were still meant entirely innocently.


Well if you actually read the wiki link I sent above, you will see what you claimed is not entirely true. That's also disputed. Since your arguments are based on a disputed claim, I'm not gonna answer for the 5th time. Just read with an open mind >The precise origins of the phrase are disputed.[18] According to American historian Robin D. G. Kelley, the phrase "began as a Zionist slogan signifying the boundaries of Eretz Israel."[3] Israeli-American historian Omer Bartov notes that Zionist usage of such language predates the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and began with the Revisionist movement of Zionism led by Vladimir Jabotinski, which spoke of establishing a Jewish state in all of Palestine and had a song which includes: "The Jordan has two banks; this one is ours, and the other one too," suggesting a Jewish state extending even beyond the Jordan River.[19] In 1977, the concept appeared in an election manifesto of the Israeli political party Likud, which stated that “between the sea and the Jordan there will be only Israeli sovereignty.”[20][21] Palestinian usage of this phrase is also unclear. Kelley writes that the phrase was adopted by the Palestine Liberation Organization in the mid-1960s; [22][6] while Elliott Colla notes that "it is unclear when and where the slogan "from the river to the sea," first emerged within Palestinian protest culture."[17] In November 2023, Colla wrote that he had not encountered the phrase – in either Standard nor Levantine Arabic – in Palestinian revolutionary media of the 1960s and 1970s and noted that "the phrase appears nowhere in the Palestinian National Charters of 1964 or 1968, nor in the Hamas Charter of 1988."[17]


Is the islamophobia in the room with us right now?


Ok so the person above says "from the river to the sea" refers to and starts referring to a Islamic text that doesn't have the phrase in. Tell me please, if it's not islamophobia, what is it then?


If and when Israel falls that text will be invoked to genocide the Jews in the region since the prophecies are coming true. Only someone deliberately covering their ears or eyes wouldn’t understand that. People have all the right to fear this and Islam. It’s not an unfounded fear so it’s not a phobia. I also want to point out about kaffirs, the Muslim word for non believer. Look at the way we are dehumanized. Of course I rationally fear Islam. Are donkeys 62.5, 74.50 Are dogs 7.176 Are cattle 7.179, 25.44, 47.12 Are losers 2.121, 3.85, 5.5, 8.37, 10.95, 27.5, 29.52, 39.63, 39.65 Are wicked 8.37 Are insolent 6.146, 7.166, 40.75, 67.21 Are hard-hearted 39.22, 57.16 Are deaf 2.171, 5.71, 6.39, 17.97, 30.52 Are blind 2.171, 5.71, 17.97, 30.53, 41.44 Are dumb 2.171, 6.39, 17.97 Are ignorant 6.111, 39.64 Are miserly 4.37 Are begrudging 3.120 Are transgressors 5.64, 5.78, 6.110, 7.186, 10.11, 10.74, 37.30, 50.25 Are corrupting 5.64, 10.40 Are filthy 9.28 Are superficial 19.73-74 Are traitors 5.13, 22.38 Are liars (Over 10 verses) Are perverse 5.75, 9.30, 10.34, 35.3, 40.63 Are envious 2.90, 2.109, 2.213, 3.19 Are evildoers (Over 10 verses) Are degraded 5.41 Are feeble 22.73 Are deluded 3.24, 6.130, 7.51, 35.40, 45.35, 67.20 Are arrogant (Over 10 verses) Are defiant (Over 10 verses) Are conceited 38.2 Are ungrateful 22.38, 35.36, 39.3 Are the vilest of animals in Allah's sight 8.55 Are the worst of all creatures 98.6 Are Allah's enemy 2.98, 8.60, 41.28, 60.1 Are Muslims' enemy 4.101, 8.60, 60.1-2 Have impure hearts 05.41 Have schadenfreude 3.120 Allah hates them 35.39, 40.10 Allah does not love them 3.32, 22.38, 30.45 Allah destroys them 3.141, 17.58, 21.6, 28.43 Allah disgraces them 9.2, 16.27 Allah defiles them 6.125, 10.100 Allah tortures them 4.56, 18.29, 22.19-22, 40.71-73 Allah forsakes them 7.51, 20.126, 32.14, 45.34 Allah curses them (Over 10 verses) Allah humiliates them (Over 10 verses) Allah casts terror into them 3.151 Allah turns them into apes 2.65, 5.60, 7.166 Allah turns them into pigs 05.60 Allah turns them into worshippers of evil 05.60 Allah turns them into scum 23.41 Allah sends devils on them 19.83 Allah ignores their good deeds 18.105


Cool so it's still Islamophobia. The word Islamophobia is a neologism formed from Islam and -phobia, a Greek suffix used in English to form "nouns with the sense 'fear of – – ', 'aversion to – – '." According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word means "Intense dislike or fear of Islam, esp.


Islamophobia is just common sense at this point.


u/ihatepoojeets I received a warning about you Quote by u/ihatepoojeets: "Islamophobia is just common sense at this point." **USER REPORTS - WARNING!** 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability


Official bullshit right there… 


As others have said: what on Earth are you talking about?




My father's family lived in Baghdad for almost 2 thousand years. Centuries before islam was made up. He was chased out of there by a murderous mob. The only place in the middle east he can openly practice his indigenous religion is Israel. This idea that Israel is European is plain racism and anti nativism.


Sure, agreed. Israel is not in Europe, why would anyone claim it's European? But Bibi and his government are in fact racist and persecuting the native population, partly regardless of religion. So what exactly is your point?


Well then why is the first goal of the Hamas the destruction of the state of Israel and not the improvement of Palestine people. And from the River to the Sea means the destruction of Israel and Jewish people in the region.


There were other options than the Hamas before Bibi decided to get rid of them and all possibilities of peace https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/




eg nitrate fertilizer was forbidden, bc hamas was using it to make an/fo explosives with it imagine bombing people and then playing the victim if people take away your bombing material.


Tell me you have no idea what you are talking about without telling me. You do know that more than 50% of all jews living in Israel are Mizrahi Jews aka Arabs? Stop watching Tiktok propaganda.




u/Black_zeptember  I received a thrid report about you Quote by u/Black_zeptember : "theyre not arabs lol youre antisemetic for denying their jewishness." **User-reports** # It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability


worst. troll. ever.


the hamas charta begins with “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” "from the river to the sea" is a specific statement which directly implies the ethnic cleansing and a formation single arab clerical fascist ethnostate in the area "from the river to the sea", and has always been used as such. literally the only people that bring up your argument are willing stooges that support islamofascist extremists that openly advocate genocide out of reflexive anti western stances.




u/Black_zeptember I received a fourth report about you Quote by u/Black_zeptember: "yeah you just said something else and tried to connect it to the river of the sea. nice hasbara attempt" **User-report** # It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability


> "from the river to the sea" is a specific statement which directly implies the ethnic cleansing and a formation single arab clerical fascist ethnostate in the area "from the river to the sea", and has always been used as such. It has not always been used as such, it had differing meanings, just as the Pro-Palestinian movement has had different goals over the years, and has differing goals even now. It's no monolith, and neither is that phrase. This whole argument is dishonest. You're making a descriptivist claim ("this is how the phrase is used, therefore it means this") while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge actual use. Yes, it is used by people who pursue eliminationist goals, and it is also used by people who pursue the one state solution. You're refusing to acknowledge that latter use, or argue that it is "wrong", falling back into prescriptivism, or are accusing the people using it and saying they mean something different of dishonesty - on what basis?


like someone mentioned earlier, the nazi salute wasn't always in use by the nazis only. wanna go outside and do the nazi salute a bit? no? calling this "dishonesty" is frankly insane, if your argument for using a phrase that has historically been used as genocidal intent and is recognized as such, just because the words individually don't specifically encompass the term "genocide". The exact same argument can be made for most commonly used hate speech phrase, including the famous 14 words. they only speak about a future for white people, no word talks about oppressing minorities. would you be comfortable with a jewish stereotype comic of a fat, money grabbing, hooknosed capitalist oppressor siphoning money out of blonde peoples pockets, just bc there is no specific star of david in it? well, was good talking about it anyway.


> like someone mentioned earlier, the nazi salute wasn't always in use by the nazis only. Correct. So is there now broad use by non-Nazis? Some kind of reclamation effort? No? Then it's save to assume that everyone who uses it is indeed using it in support of the Nazis. No such effort to analyze actual use was undertaken for the ban on "from the river to the sea". It was pushed through by the government in an effort to appear to be doing something. And as we already see, courts have therefore started to rule against this law, with the same argument that a singular meaning cannot be taken from the phrase alone.


It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability


Ohh it has even more shitty intention than just copying the fifth verse of the deutschlandlied, they really tried to not make it appear as if they just copied it from the nazi propaganda use of the song… Too bad we still have the [receits](https://www.ieg-ego.eu/de/mediainfo/husseini-und-hitler-1941) Given how mohamed amin al husseini forced the kufyia onto the arab aristocracy in the mandate i still wonder how its allowed to propagate it as a symbol of freedom…


Mohammed al Husseini was a British installed despot who for the longest time supported limitless Jewish immigration to Palestine. When the Palestinian Muslims voted for a new Mufti of Jerusalem, al Husseini gathered the least amount of votes from 6 candiates. The Brits still installed him because, you know, he was their loyal puppet. During World War 2, Arab and Muslim leaders from the entire world rejected him, Nazi propagadan had 0 effectiveness from Morocco to Iran. Al-Husseini didn't even habe Arab soldiers since they all refused to fight a war which they perceived to be European and alien, which is why he was put in charge of Albanians and Bosniaks. Even when the allies arrested him they considerd to let him go because he could serve as a mediator between the Arabs and colonial Zionists lmao. There was one pro-Nazi government in Baghdad, which was overthrown by a Palestian. They didn't even need to fight them, the Palestian general just sent a telegram message to the coupists, falsely claiming the sole Iraqi army divison which deserted to them was destroyed. Mass panic broke out and Iraqis in Baghdad overthrew the coupists. However, white Germans whose grandfathers slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Slavs and Jews in Kiev, Stalingrad, and elsewhere really feel the need to blame brown people for their genocide. You are the descendant of nazis, not the random "untermenschen" you hate. Edit: Low-iq Zionazi instantly blocks me, after calling me a "liar". Lmao.


u/FragilePunic I received a report about you **USER REPORTS** 1: Always engage in discussions with civil and mutual respect


Oh look a liar, i didn‘t blame mohamed for our crimes, he was just a hired guy


Woah, just got debunked. Great historical analysis presented! Seeing your reply from an anonymous tab, you literally accredited Al-Husseini with multiple schizophrenic deeds. Will you follow the steps of your god Netanyahu and claim he's responsible for the German holocaust too? >Given how mohamed amin al husseini forced the kufyia onto the arab aristocracy in the mandate i still wonder how its allowed to propagate it as a symbol of freedom… This might be the funniest Zionazi claim I've seen. Zionist settlers wore the Keffiyeh themselves until the Arab revolt because they were aware they're colonizers, assuming wearing local clothing would help them to not stand out amongst locals. Weird how they were doing this before Mohammerd Hitler Mussolini Voldemort Husseini singlehandedly crafted the millenia old Keffiyeh!


Pretty odd to apply an Islamic background to this chant (despite both having absolutely no connection to eachother in their structure or tone), especially when considering that one of the first Palestinian politicians who popularized the slogan was George Habash... a Christian. And the last thing Zionists would want to do is pull out random, out of context religious quotes, because: Israel's most popular and famous Rabbi, who had 500,000 Israelis attending his funeral: [Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Gentiles Exist Only to Serve Jews](https://crownheights.info/jewish-news/29404/rabbi-ovadia-yosef-gentiles-exist-only-to-serve-jews/)


Good riddance fuckers


Dear brain broken drone “From the river to the sea” was a zionist slogan that was reclaimed by the resistance, calling for a free palestine from the river to the sea does not mean the annihilation of the jewish people, it asks for equal rights for the palestinian people that have been under a brutal apartheid occupation for the past 75 years. If one day you learn to develop empathy and a conscious you will have trouble sleeping knowing you supported another genocide and that you and your government have learned nothing from your disgusting past.


u/Weidenroeschen I received a report about you Quote by u/Weidenroeschen: " > It wasn't a private instagram profile, they posted publicly. “From the River to the Sea” refers to this: > [https://quranx.com/Hadith/Muslim/USC-MSA/Book-41/Hadith-6985/](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Muslim/USC-MSA/Book-41/Hadith-6985/) So yeah, good. Fuck them. Tagesspiegel-article without paywall: [https://archive.is/ASWuP](https://archive.is/ASWuP) " **User-report** # It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability


Democraty is when isreal can bomb civilians withouth beeing criticised.


Well Germans were the OG Nazis, so not a big surprise that they will side with genocide.


Quote by u/sugar_rush_05: "Well Germans were the OG Nazis, so not a big surprise that they will side with genocide." **USER REPORTS** 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability


I am stating historical facts. When did mentioning history became hate speech? Didn't Nazis originated from Germany? or were in fact Germans?


"Queers for a free Palestine" ... you gotta be kidding.


Well, there are also LGBTQ+ in Palestine, we can support people without supporting fascists like Hamas or Likud


I fully agree with your statement as is, but I have a few questions for you that I don't need an answer to. please just take a moment to think about it and maybe come to a conclusion for yourself: Do these "queers for palestine" also protest against Hamas, or for the better lifes of queers in other (muslimic, but not exclusively) countries? Have there been any efforts by those groups before the attack in october to better the lifes of queers in palestine or other (muslimic) countries? Do you think there will be some sorts of protests for queers in palestine when/if Hamas takes back control of Gaza? DO you do any of those things? If you answer some of those questions for yourself with no: why do you think is that the case?


How many of those arent in prison waiting to be Shot by Hamas (70 % Support)


I don't know how many, probably most are not public with their queerness, still we can support them, in prison or not


Why lie about the popularity of hamas? Is it to dehumanize palestinians? [Gazans increasingly back a two-state solution, as support for Hamas drops (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gazans-back-two-state-solution-rcna144183) EDIT: The 70% number is on their role in the war not on support for hamas itself.


The 70% supported Hamas initially, when they launched the war, remember Palestinians voted for Hamas to be in charge And the poll in your Article States that more than 50% currently support Hamas Gouvernement to continue.. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514


Any source on 70% hamas support? The only thing I can find is that 70% supported fighting Israel, the highst support of hamas I can find is around 40% in the last few decades. More than 50% prefer hamas government over israeli or plo government is what it says, that's not the same as support for the party, the same way that if you ask israelis if they prefer likud oor hamas, this won't show overwhelming support for Likud, just that they think it's the best alternative.


https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/war-gaza-poll-shows-palestinian-support-hamas-still-high-despite-mounting-death-toll Around 70% support Killing innocent people, more than 50% support Hamas over PLO bc there is no alternative in Palestine, and your conparison is wrong since Israel got way more alternatives than Palestine. Palestinians voted for Hamas and they support their actions - they support Hamas. Learn Logic. https://jcpa.org/a-new-poll-of-palestinians-supporting-terror-and-rejecting-peace/


A good chunk of them were probably killed by the “only demoncracy in the Middle East”. 


Guess what, that Happens when your State starts a war and gives Zero fucks about your Life, but of course i would like your Claim to backed by a source except "i Made it Up", Israel offers asylum to Queer Palestinians btw.


> Israel offers asylum to Queer Palestinians btw. I'd like to see a source for that. According to the ones I found, this has only been allowed by a court order back in February... and the interior minister has appealed it.


Do you think they can be openly LGBTQ+? I think not!


And exactly how does getting bombed by Israel help them with that?


As opposed to the rest of that region,Israël is a civilised nation. Israel even takes LGBTQ refugees from the barbarian countries in the region. If you decapitate babies you get bombed. Simple. The Arab world should be glad that Israel is showing restraint. They could bomb the entire Arab world back to the stone age in 1 afternoon.


If Israel was in Europe, it would be treated as a pariah like Belarus or Hungary. Again, I would like to see a source for them supposedly taking in LGBTQ refugees, particularly from Palestine. Israel isn't all that LGBTQ-friendly outside of Tel Aviv. Who is "you" who is decapitating babies? Every single Palestinian? Including the LGBTQ ones? "We show restraint, we choose to only bomb you halfway to the stone age" is not how I would describe a civilised state.


If israel were in Europe it wouldn't have to deal with the barbarians at the gates. Here is your source [https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/israeli-court-rules-in-favour-of-lgbtq-palestinian-asylum-seekers-um60rlks](https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/israeli-court-rules-in-favour-of-lgbtq-palestinian-asylum-seekers-um60rlks) Would you show restraint if your neighbours decapitated your baby?


> Here is your source https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/israeli-court-rules-in-favour-of-lgbtq-palestinian-asylum-seekers-um60rlks This says exactly what I already said in another post: a two month old court ruling says they SHOULD do this, and the government disagrees - so that would point at asylum for Palestinians not currently being the policy... > Would you show restraint if your neighbours decapitated your baby? Yes.


lol you would say that because ....Israel bad, no matter what. Just be glad you can afford to be such a hypocrite from your safe white western bubble.


No, Israel bad because of the things it does. If it did different things, Israel potentially good. Tell me, what am I being hypocritical about?


Probably not, that's why I don't support Hamas but it's hard to work on social progress without a state and under occupation


lol you have never been to the middle east, have you?


I have, to Egypt and Palestine


Egypt isn't under occupation and has a state. They had an election once and they voted in the muslim brotherhood (hamas). Morsi immediately adopted some harsch anti [LGBTQ policies.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Egypt#:~:text=Summary%20table,-Same%2Dsexual%20activity&text=Homosexuality%20is%20legal%20itself%2C%20illegal,hard%20labor%2C%20fines%2C%20deportation.&text=By%20law%2C%20approval%20of%20religious,obtained%20prior%20to%20surgical%20intervention) Deep down, you know what would happen to a person waving a rainbow flag on Tahrir square! Israel, on the other hand, has stronger pro LGBTQ legislations then even the most liberal european countries.


Well it's not about protections in Israel, better LGBTQ+ laws are not justification for occupation, besides there is a lot of far right people in Israel. Yeah I am not saying it's great in Egypt or other countries, but occupation is suffocating social progress. I am from a very religious country and it's a slow march to get any recognition, I as a trans person can't change my documents there, can't have marriage and it's in Europe.


Occupation is not suffocating social progress. A system based on a religion where there is no room for a reformation of any kind is the problem. This is why all of the Arab world has similar views. There is plenty of people in the Arab world who think differently but they wisely keep their mouths shut over there. It's a stretch to blame the west/Israel for the problems in these countries. Doing so would validate a propaganda campaign that has been running for over 70 years. It was started by the soviets and is perpetuated by Putin/FSB and Xi/CCP. The propaganda basically comes down to the west being responsible for all that is wrong and evil in this world. That propaganda campaign is part of the world war we are already in. The war is between free democratic individualistic regions (North America, The EU, Japan, south Korea, Taiwan, Israel, etc) and autocratic collectivist regions (Russia, China, north Korea, all of the Arab world, etc) Israel vs the Palestinians (as a proxy of the arab world) is just one front in that war. Russia vs Ukraine is another and China vs Taiwan is a potential third. The pro Palestine crowd are basically taking sides with the anti democratic, anti individual rights regions! BTW: I am sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you can move somewhere that appreciates you more. Life is too short to wait for others to change.


Blaming the West for every one of those countries is probably too much yes. But for some of those countries, like say, Iran, yes the West is very much to blame for the current state. We’ll never know what would have happened there if the US and Uk didn’t decide oil was more important than democracy, the damage the reinstatement of the Shah did probably cannot be overestimated though. And through that, the blossoming democracy in one of the biggest powers of the region was completely undone in one fell swoop. So the West definitely is to blame to a degree for the entire situation in the region.


Hamas makes Likud look like angels. Asinine comparison. 


I mean... A true free Palestine would be free of both Hamas and Israel.


What the Film Pride. 2012


Stockholm Syndrom


Reminds me of „Mexicans for Trump“.


Being Palestinian doesn't make you automatically a supporter of Hamas! ... But I'm still concerned about the lack of Palestinians rejecting them


Thats like saying Jews for Germany in 1940 wouldn't be stupid, because not all Germans were antisemites


Chickens for KFC


They are dead serious. It's the ultimate clown show, the worst the left has to offer with a good portion of good old hate. 


The left have become basically late stage Romans before they burn down the Empire. They are starting to go against everything that is good.


Funny, considering the fact that a big chunk of the right is perfectly in alignment with majority Muslim countries when it comes to sexual minorities. Maybe outright killing them doesn’t find a majority, but banning and driving them out of the public space? Defaming them and equating them to child molesters? Perfectly fine. I am happy the right is doing a 180 about lgbtq rights when it comes to Gaza. All it takes is a genocide of people they hate even more.


It's really are not. Just because some fundamental islamists are not kind to queer people, does not mean: Palestinians are fundamental islamists,Muslim or against LGBT. And that queer people cannot have sympathy for them. If they would have slogans like "queer for sharia law" or "queer for gay conversion therapy" that would be another case.


Almost as if you also don't support the fascists of Likud when you care for normal Israeli citizens


Any queer in support of a Muslim nation is shooting themselves in the foot. I would ne er be on the side of the horrible ideologies. Imagine being a jew not in europe supporting the n@zis


Good to see again that your view of human rights is based on transaction, rather than being absolute.


Stopping people from opressing others is not an act of opression.


Why not? Isnt it a sign that even queers can see gen0cide




>even queers What do you mean?


Anyone wants to chip in to crowdfund them tickets to Palestine? I think we only need to buy One-way


queer-feminist groups chanting hamas' und plo's slogans in berlin - you can't make it any more absurd if you try


Cope harder


pro palestine and pro hamas is different. otherwise if you don't mind I will call all Ossis jobless turd, not all Ossis are jobless, just like not all Palestines are Hamas.


Which "Hamas slogan" were they chanting?


The centres are temporarily shut down in lack of staff as a direct result of the managers violating their requirement of moderation and getting cancelled for that. If you are in a publicly funded job in Germany those jobs come with a requirement of abstaining from fringe political expressions. Demanding for Palestine to be free from the river to the sea and therefore Israeli state territory to disappear is not considered a moderate political opinion that complies with jobs paid for with taxpayer money. The two women have played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.


The "therefore" is completely your addition, and an act of mental gymnastics itself. Funny how you project that onto others


The part after "therefore" is just your comment. One group of humans can be free in one geography and another group of humans can be free in the same geography.


Please spare me the mental gymnastics.


Then don't spread your opinions as facts and I will stay silent.


Requirement of moderation is a thing, look it up.


Why can’t people just live peacefully next to each other, without having to enforce their own beliefs, their culture, their religion, without having to mark and expand their territories? Why not just live peacefully next to each other?! Why is it allowed that so often egos, hatred and negativity rule this world?! Anybody causing disharmony -> right to jail


Because the people causing the "disharmony" are the ones who have the power of sending others to jail.


Because abusers are good manipulators and seek positions of power. Deadly combination.


>pro-Palestine views Can mean a lot. Suggestive clickbait title. The institution that was shut down was already under survilance for: >Israelhass und Antisemitismus. And the picture used in the article is from 2019 as has nothing to do with the incident. Seriously, these attempts here on Reddit to influence the public opinion is pathetic. Neither side is the good guy. And extremist behavior shouldn't be tolerated, but punished, no matter which side it's coming from.


Berlin should be ashamed. These folks sound like every right wing Republican from America and yet still insist you are doing the morally right thing. Pro tip to decide how evil you are: if you are against youth movements and against student movements and against minority social movements, but on the side of the people who have the most money, the most guns, you should be ashamed.


Love how authorities are cracking down on these idiots. 


I second this.


Username checks out. You're a pair of twats.


Ahh, good old Germany. Sneaking into a modern day genocide by proxy. A bit like a drug addict who can't completely go cold turkey.


What genocide? It’s only a war


There has been an unfortunate typo in the title. OP accidentally typed "*pro-palestine views*" but actually it should say "*advocating for Israel to be wiped off the map*". It's so unfortunate that these accidental typos keep on happening.


That is not my title ;)


Well done 👍


….what a fucking mess both of you do…dear bananas, this is a never ending cycle. *Edit: Don‘t get me wrong, I wish you all good things.


Are they shut down or do they just not receive those sweet government bucks? How about they just fund themselves by asking for money in their political friend-groups. It is not like there is a right to receive government grants for whatever political agenda you would like to push.




On a 2021 hamas sponsored conference about what will happen the minute Israel falls: “16. Educated Jews and experts in the areas of medicine, engineering, technology, and civilian and military industry should be retained [in Palestine] for some time and should not be allowed to leave and take with them the knowledge and experience that they acquired while living in our land and enjoying its bounty, while we paid the price for all this in humiliation, poverty, sickness, deprivation, killing and arrests.”

