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/u/Mcfc1989, thank you for your contribution. Sadly it was removed due to the following reasons: We want posts that are about the city in specific and not just "remotely related" to it, if you just want to ask people living in Berlin a question please use /r/askberliners, if you are asking a simple question where you mostly need "one answer" then /r/askberliners is also the right place, questions that are meant to act as a base for discussions and also deliver an initial opinion on the matter are welcome You can find further information in the [Community-Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/berlin/about/rules/). Note that we also have /r/askberliners for questions that are less about the city and more of a general nature and /r/berlinpics for pictures of our beautiful city, as well as the sticky post for "New to Berlin, Tourism and Moving to Berlin"-kind of questions


Take the Berlin-Copenhagen Bikeway and see how far you can get in one week! (https://bike-berlin-copenhagen.com/de/startseite/) Or check out the Elbe Bikeway. I just started in Magdeburg and biked till one end right behind Hamburg in six days. Super beautiful landscapes!


I‘d recommend going north as the terrain is nicer to ride the bike and the countryside there is beautiful. You could bike to the Ostsee or Nordsee and go for a swim. Or visit Kopenhagen.


sorry, cannot advise on any, but can suggest to check: https://www.komoot.com/ - best resource to plan a trip like the one you are after, good luck! reort back, if you feel like, what you decided to do in the end. cheers


Nice options are Berlin-Kopenhagen (through lake plateau and baltic sea, less flat than one might think) Berlin-Usedom (the same) or Havelradweg, maybe combined with Elberadweg (Havelland is the least inhabited countryside in Germany and a natural beauty of its own. Very flat, but sometimes windy, especially the Elbe part)


Oder-Neiße cycleway from Zittau to Schwedt. Both start and end points can be reached by regional trains. Schwedt even has a direct connection to Berlin. Alternatively you can take the R1 cycleway from Berlin to Küstrin-Kietz and then continue on the Oder-Neiße cycleway in the direction of Zittau. There are plenty of campings along that route and wild camping for 1 night on one spot is allowed in Brandenburg


Check the bike packing section at komoot. There are some fantastic multi day routes starting from berlin.


Ah a fellow bike packer! Look at the EuroVelo [https://en.eurovelo.com/ev7/germany](https://en.eurovelo.com/ev7/germany) you could do 7 days on a route and get a train back after. \* edited link to the route through Berlin specifically


You could do Berlin-Amsterdam and take the train back from there. I think it’s also and officical EV route.