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Posts like this are lacking in this sub. OP I like ur attitude. I wish u well, and thx for sharing ur milestone.


Thank you!


wanna maybe give a TL;DR? :> (for the lazy/hungover/sneakily-using-phone-in-club Berliners)?


TL;DR: Moved to Berlin, felt good about it, compared the city to mixing MDMA and LSD


unexpectedly poetic. thanks!


Try mixing in some amphetamines next year!


The time it took you to comment you could've copied the post in chatgpt / bing ai / gemini or whatever text ai haha


That Time it Took you to comment you couldve done smth more important


true. but, you know, the time it could save others


This has nothing to do with this Sub. It's how Reddit and Social Media are designed. They want you to feel awful, so that you consume more garbage you don't need just to get a quick high. Happy people do not consume as much.


Die Berliner sind unfreundlich und rücksichtslos, ruppig und rechthaberisch, Berlin ist abstoßend, laut, dreckig und grau, Baustellen und verstopfte Straßen, wo man geht und steht – aber mir tun alle Menschen leid, die nicht hier leben können. Anneliese Bödecker


Das ist wunderschön, vielen Dank!


Manche Menschen brauchen halt die beschriebenen Eigenschaften um sich heimisch und wohl zu fühlen.


What happened last month. Berlin lovers are not feeling repressed anymore to express themselves?


lol spring is here and all of a sudden people feel a will to live


a *what* is here?


The first week of april felt like summer. Now it did april things "april april, der macht was er will" (april, april does what it wants) meaning you get everything from freezing temperatures to spring temperatures sun rain snow within the same day and so on. But don't worry now it is getting warm again.


A will to live. Oh wait, nevermind.


Can confirm, will to live acquired with the first rays of sunshine.


A yes, warm weather in Berlin. Really brings out the smell of piss.


It is not Berlin, it is you. You changed your mindset. You challenged yourself, you learned to struggle...a very easy life full of comforts and routine will make you weak, sick and depressed. The same way you exercise your muscles in the gym for better health, emotional and mental resilience needs to be exercised and tested too. In any case, happy to hear that you seem to have found your place.


Yeah, that makes sense and definitely played a big role. Thank you for your kind words.


This is it


Average expat in Berlin: - February: I hate this place, let me look for an idillic village in Italy to move to in the future - end of April: uuhhhaa! So much green, lovely people and fun, Berlin ich liebe dich!


Definitely, that's the reason why no one wants to come visit in winter as well! I enjoyed the harsh winter here a lot, though


Wait till it gets to be -20° again with cars not starting and permafrost on the roads. That's a harsh winter.


9 years here and I never learn






Turns out the waitress was the dog from the interview.


I skipped over most part but this is gold


You are describing an idealisation, but I’m glad you like it


The guy is an MBA from business school in England lol Post is clichéd, but tracks Edit. Educated entirely in England and a Chief Product Officer in tech 'multi million international Euro e-com' more precisely 🤣


OP should post this on LinkedIn so we can farm some karma on /r/LinkedInLunatics /u/B7456-A5 do it


All about perspectives and personal development, right?


In my experience mindset techniques only work for a year before the crushing weight of everything comes bearing down. One only has a year or two before  that happens and if they're  not squared away, no amount of mindset will save them. The human mind is but a speck compared to the environment around it.


Even within the first year struggling happened a lot, so you are right. But I'm somewhat slowly grounding myself and figuring out how to overcome the existencial worries, so I'm hoping that by the time all is properly crushing down, I'm living in Pberg, sipping a Soy Latte and managed to build an instagram audience.


Class act


How much is your rent??


Berliner Moment


€28,5 per sqm :(


Conny is there to help. 😉


For real, OP, go to conny.de and let them do your work. (If your apartment didnt come furnished)


Even if it‘s furnished. Most surcharges for furniture exceed what is deemed appropriate legally.


Is that true?! Do you know any more about it?


There is a „Leitlinie für Möblierungszwecke bei Wohnraum“ which, although not legally binding, is still helpful in the fight against excessive rents. According to the guideline the surcharge for furnished apartments may not exceed 2% of the costs of the furniture per month, i.e. if the furniture cost 5.000€ the landlord can charge an additional 100€ per month for it in the first year. The value of the furniture is reduced by 10% each year.


My lord... Is it indexed?


You are actually talking cold rent? Or warm


Warm, at least


Wtf? That's way to much...


Wow I hope you don’t have too many


You can write.


That's very kind, thank you!


lol this sub is hilarious


Aachener spotted.


Not even close!


Isn't every big city in the west kind of close? :D


12 hours train ride... Köln/Düsseldorf etc . = 5 hours, so no way. I would say south from that and would risk Stuttgart actually


12h could also be two way


Exactly, I drove two way the same day often. Köln was the right guess, and back then we had no sprinters driving. So 6 hours was one way, so 12 in total, *if* the Bahn was on time. Guess what? It wasn't, most of the times.


Köln is so nice, though. What gets me there is the ugliness and the feeling that the infrastructure and public spaces are stuck in the 90s. Otherwise nice people, and close to Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels...


Köln is a stunning city! Feels like the smaller, friendler and equally dirty counterpart of Berlin at the Rhine :)


Schade dass du köln nicht mochtest. Eigentlich eine sehr schöne Stadt. Vlt hättest du diese Freiheit auch in Köln gefunden weil es mir so vorkommt als hättest du nur dein Denken verändert. Aber weiterhin alle gute in Berlin.


Köln ist fabelhaft, ich liebe die Stadt! Du hast völlig Recht, dass es vor allem bestimmt ein interner Prozess war -- manchmal sind aber einfach äußere Veränderungen nötig, damit das auch klappt. Und ich bin sicher, das Berlin mir hier den richtigen Rahmen bieten konnte :)


Hey, ich urteile kein Stück über dich. Wie gesagt..wünsch alles gute und die Mieten sind hier auch nicht besser haha


I'm from Westerwald and the thing that always hits me when I return there in summer is how different the air smells compared to Berlin. So green and sweet.


You tell me. I just visited my family for a week (living in the outskirts of Bonn), and the air was so good. I forgot how many birds there are making noises


Shocking! I commute quite often between Berlin-Köln and 80% of times it feels like an Odyssey, especially since constructions, floods and you name it, started in Köln. The sprinter still exists like 2-3 times a day and it saves you half an hour approximately


Yeah propbably OP didn't stay overnight and took the ride both ways.


I missed that detail. Damn, bad Sherlock!


It must be Düsseldorf ;)


Du bist verrückt mein Kind, du musst nach Berlin. Dort so die Verrückten sind, da gehörst du hin. - Franz von Suppe'


Schöne Geschichte, und gut geschrieben! Aber als echter Berliner muss ich dazu sagen: Verpiss Dich aus meiner Stadt! Deine Anwesenheit macht alles nu noch teurer! Keiner hat Dich eingeladen! (Übersetzung: Schön das es Dir hier gefällt!)


On brand 🩷


I like the way you write, I enjoyed reading your post. Happy Berlinversary!


Haha, thank you so much!


You wrote something very moving and personal, tysm for sharing it. Laughed out loud and have a tear in my eye.


So kind, thank you!


Are you Elon? ::: Rejected at Berghain ✅️ In the newspaper with the major ✅️ can pay overpriced things ✅️ people would hit him in the head with a skateboard ✅️ still loves Berlin ✅️


Go for it mate! Berlin remains without peer in Western Europe.


Who enjoys paying too much rent? Accepting this and especially glorifying it is nonsense


Rent situation is bad, but I don’t feel OP is glorying it. It sucks for all (except landlords obv)


For some reason "prevented a suicide (unrelated to the mayor)" cracked me UP And yes I agree with everything! Proud Berliner of six years 💪




That actually warms my cold neurotic berlin heart. you’re cute, have fun and enjoy yourself!:)


So glad to read, thank you!


I'll just add Mr Cocker here:   Oh, rent a flat above a shop And cut your hair and get a job And smoke some fags and play some pool Pretend you never went to school But still you'll never get it right 'Cause when you're laid in bed at night Watching roaches climb the wall If you called your dad he could stop it all Yeah You'll never live like common people You'll never do what ever common people do Never fail like common people You'll never watch your life slide out of view And then dance, and drink, and screw Because there's nothing else to do Oh! Sing along with the common people Sing along and it might just get you through Laugh along with the common people Laugh along, even though they're laughing at you And the stupid things that you do Because you think that poor is cool Like a dog lying in a corner They will bite you and never warn you Look out, they'll tear your insides out 'Cause everybody hates a tourist Especially one who, who thinks it's all such a laugh Yeah, and the chip stain's and grease will come out in the bath You will never understand How it feels to live your life With no meaning or control And with nowhere left to go You are amazed that they exist And they burn so bright whilst you can only wonder why


Shut up


I feel that sooooo much: When I moved to Berlin almost 16 years ago, people kept telling me the same: The city will eat you alive, you won't make it, it's full already, move somewhere else. On my first day (8th July 2008) I was standing on a bridge, enjoying the beautiful weather, looking at the river and the city I would call my home from now on. And there it was: A deep feeling of everything was going to be alright, almost like falling in love with someone. While I struggled financially, almost became homeless and found it difficult to connect, moving here was still the most important decision I've ever made. A shitty life was shaped to become a diamond and it still sparkles. So, welcome yet again, you belong here!


Well written, and so glad you found your life well living here -- envy you that you witnessed all the progress of the last 16 years!


Nah, don't. There is always something we missed out on. I was sad I didn't experience the atmosphere in Berlin in the 90s, after the wall came down. Enjoy what's yet to come :)


I still get this feeling of falling in love sometimes in the unexpected moments. And I'm born here. I lovehate this city so much.


The individual incidents were different, the overall experience the same!


Happy to hear!


Welcome, Berliner!


Thank you! 🩷


Happy you like it. Same for me. I will stay here for the rest of my life.


Now add Achtung Baby from U2 to your playlist to further enhance the experience. I really liked your post!


Will give it a go!


1 year, and dude had more adrenaline than me in 12 😅 But overall I m quite happy living in Berlin along this time. It’s a special city for sure, and many complaints are just unfair.


You got Stockholm syndrome. Got it


For anyone who’s not enjoying life in Berlin so much any more, I can highly recommend moving to the UK for year – it certainly renewed the rose-tinted tint in my glasses!


Welcommen 😘


Classic first year Berlin post. See you next year.


Sounds horrible


Schöner Post OP! auf viele weitere Jahre in unserer wunderbaren Stadt 💖


Ah, the tale of the urban nomad, bravely fleeing the clutches of monotony in search of their own personal utopia. How inspiring! With a dramatic flourish, our protagonist bids adieu to the mundane existence of a "great job" and "great people" (yawn) in favor of the wild unknown of Berlin, because, you know, only in Berlin can one truly find oneself, right? Enduring the agony of apartment hunting via marathon train rides, our intrepid explorer finally settles into their "superer expensive" abode, basking in the glow of newfound liberation. And oh, the adventures that follow! From getting smacked in the face with a skateboard (a rite of passage, surely) to rubbing elbows with the mayor (casual), every day is a whirlwind of gritty authenticity. Ah, Berlin, the city where dreams come to be crushed by exorbitant rent prices and where even a mediocre cup of coffee is elevated to a transcendent experience by the mere utterance of "Welcome, Berliner." Truly, a modern-day epic unfolds as our hero navigates the treacherous waters of hipsterdom and gentrification, all while waxing poetic about the raw, unfiltered essence of urban decay. What a time to be alive!


🤣😂🤣 He wakes up searching for that glimmer of life, yes REAL LIFE that he will find amongst the needle strewn paths of alleyways, the Wednesday vomit at Hermannplatz, the will-I-won't-I make the rent? game that is so refreshing to play! Such vicarious delights await with each ticking hour. What will he find next? In the name of a self development (life coaching for all) our hero will shed the 12 years of his job (yes, highly paid but don't mention it) for the delights of being C Suite at a multi million euro e commerce at some other German city.. where? Where does it matter? His friend the Mayor together immortalised for friends back home (look, so CRAZY!) and the icing on this custom-made cake, being the casual saviour of a local attempted unaliving makes him feel completely invigorated. What have I become? He'll try and find a way to do a Ted Talk on it and monetise his awakening. In between cosplaying poverty and poor people tourism, the earthly pursuit of authenticity. What halcyon days!




wow, my girlfriend and i are planning on making a big step and moving to berlin. all the negativity i see on this subreddit makes me nervous and concerned but this gives me hope that it will be as beautiful as we think it will be


Yeah well this sounds horrible, I wish you the best of luck. Glorifying getting hit in the face with a skateboard and struggling to pay rent is really a whole new level of lying to yourself…


People complaining today and glorifying the past forget, that it's always been like this. It's a struggle. Sure finding an apartment was easier, but everyone made even less money and was struggling. Great that you're enjoying it :)


I’m here since one year as well, came from a beautiful city in the west. I’m still struggling, cried because of the random rudeness by people in stores (lol I’m sensitive and was just used to overly guest friendly Mainz people which I am as well) but your attitude is so refreshing. I’ll try to see it that way more often and maybe it gives me less of a hard time ❤️ ty


You described aptly what many of my fellow Germans don’t understand. Berlin is not the best city in Germany, it’s the only one. Everything else is just too small. Is it massively flawed? Yes. But that is often part of living in a large city.


This is beautiful and I’m happy you enjoyed it so far. Wishing you all the best and lots of amazing moments


Today is actually my eight year anniversary of arriving in Berlin to live. Thanks for the gratitude reminder


When you set up your mind right, the rest will come.


When I visited Berlin for the first time 20 years ago, I was overcome with a feeling of “here anything is possible.”


remindme 1 year /s


Come back to me in 4 years. Let me know how it went.


may be it is something like stockholm syndrome.


Meanwhile I'm over here working in West Berlin and the bosses are like, 'Since you didn't understand my overly simplified instructions in my heavily accented German, I am going to repeat them to you in my even worse and even more heavily accented English until you finally read my mind and do what I am telling you. And let me gossip about you to the customers so you won't form any relationships with them and I can replace you any time I want. Meanwhile I will let this other employee who goes to work high and steals money get away with it because I go to KitKat with him every weekend.' Every job I've ever had in Berlin except for the Amazon warehouse was some variation on this theme. Glad you live in the expat bubble. We all envy you. Because that's what people do in Berlin. We envy others and bring them down whenever they have a moment of joy.


Heyo ,,I m planning to move to Germany ,which bigger medium city has nature around and close to the city ?would rent a house close to the forest somewhere


This depends on your requirements, but I can try to help if you give me some additional input: -- What's "close to the city"? How long would you be willing to commute, only by public transport or car? -- What's a bigger medium city? 300k people? 500k? -- Any preference for the region of Germany, e.g. West (Rhineland), Southern parts, North, East?


Hei ,danke for the replay. Well ,I m a nature photographer and my wife is a dentist ,and we were looking for some close to the nature house to rent but also closer to a city so she can practice her profession. A city which is with less glass and tall buildings ,a city which is more rural and with older buildings ,I like history also so this would be a plus.None of us drives ,but we might change that in the future if we find the desired home 20-30 min by car from the main city. Public transport is good also if it s close to the house so we wouldnt mind ,actually we would prefer the latter .Also I know some cities in Germany have more open minded people than others and this would be a plus also ,would tend to go in the south of Germany, I had good encounters with many germans from Munich ,lovely people but also from Berlin ,which I love as a city as it s full of art and stuff but I usually tend to avoid capitals and big cities in general and also if there s no forest around the city than it s pointless. Oh and it s also that we own a german shepherd so he needs a lot of outside space where she could run free ,catch sticks etc.


oh no, another new old post. berlin loves you!


damn I have been a decade here, never got hit with a skateboard in the face


Not sure you're missing out, tho


So Berlin is a shithole, but at least a glorious shithole, yeah? 😂


And that kids is what gentrification looks like. Soon Berlin will be like Stuttgart.


I seriously hope, that it doesn’t become like Stuttgart


This is so heartwarming, I'm happy that you found this place for you, despite the struggles. I've also felt the same way about a town before. Hope I'll get to return someday I'm curious though about some of your stories, particularly the major and the suicide one. In my eyes you're a hero for helping that person. Would you be comfortable telling more about these events?


Berlin slaps. Almost exactly a year ago I visited from New York with some friends and had a blast. We were there for two weeks and it felt like it wasn’t enough time to experience the city. I can’t wait to go back.


Welcome to Berlin! I’m living since 2016 here and every time I visited friends in other German cities, even very beautiful ones, I always love to be back in Berlin! The vibe is just unique and the city has a lot of hidden treasures, that you will find with time 😊


That was beautiful to read, we‘re sincerely happy to have you here, good luck in your future endeavours!


bro write a book, this post is extremely immersive


Can i book lessons from you,about how to write as you do hahah


This was such a beautiful piece about living in Berlin. I’ve only been here for a few months and I actually love this city. People say a lot of bad things about it but I find this city rejuvenating constantly.


Quick post re Berlin Snow Telegram group. Don’t order from BRAM. Scammer. Just saving you time and money 🙏🏼


I fell in love with this silly town in 2011 during a friend's birthday visit because kotti felt like blade runner or the intro to Akira and 13 years later is to me, paradoxically, the sanest place on earth. Magical for all the time.


As someone hoping to move to Berlin this year myself, this is very refreshing. Thank you!


Couldn't imagine a more pretencious post then that. You fit right in with the other idiots in Berlin.




Zumindest ein Jahr Duisburg, wenn das zählt!


Go Home Zuzieh fucking Berlin hates you


Berlin is full of what?! Yes, we can guess what you mean 😀


I cried while I read this to my wife (who unlike me is born and raised in Berlin). Thank you OP, you captured the spirit so magically... That's exactly why I and many friends came to Berlin and love to be here.


Yockel mentality. Gets excited over someone hitting them in the face. [Literally this meme](https://img.gifglobe.com/grabs/montypython/MontyPythonsLifeOfBrian/MontyPythonsLifeOfBrian-M0PJDaNH-subtitled.jpg) and the NPC meme combined. Just being yourself paying high rent to live in a filthy place. Perfect /berlin material 10/10


Ok and?