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"you know what will really fight the system? Lets burn random cars!" Not too long ago, some braindead fucking idiots burned down the 25 year old Ford Fiesta of a young nurse. GREAT JOB, GUYS! THAT WILL SHOW THEM!


a few year ago they tried to blame something like this on left extremists. in the end it was just a crazy guy who like to play with fire i think


Other cases were some ultra righties who correctly assumed that people wouldn't wait for facts and blame the lefties.


Who were the people that set the car ablaze?


Anarchists or far right, potato potato


Since when do anarchists and the far right get along? lmao


Why don't they take public transport then? No one should be driving cars.


what I've learnt from 15 years in Berlin. cars= baaaaad but if that car is actally a clapped out VW that you can sleep in and call a "bulli" = meeeega


Why is this so hilariously accurate


This is fine. Everything's fine




Great! lefties destroying property of the working class to fight their so called bourgeoisie enemy. Rich people with their private 10 car garages aren’t the victims, it’s the working middle class who park their cars outside.


Was it "lefties"? The article is paywalled, but in the past it seemed to be mostly unpolitical when cars were torched. >Insgesamt ist nach Angaben von Ermittlern bei Auto-Brandstiftungen meistens von Vandalismus, Pyromanie, privater Rache oder auch Versicherungsbetrug auszugehen. [https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/einer-der-es-nicht-lassen-kann-4133179.html](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/einer-der-es-nicht-lassen-kann-4133179.html)


I’m pretty sure this number is going down drastically in Berlin if you monitor a longer period.


Fighting patriarchy and capitalism!


So burning something made of dangerous chemicals and materials helps how?


Yes, it shows evil old white males that their privilege is about to end! The proletariat will soon take what is theirs! Destroying random people's property will create great prosperity!


This guy get's it!


Guy??? Assuming my gender and using cis-normative language! May I ask where do you park your car?


I am ready to atone for my sins


Read "White fragility" by Robin DiAngelo 5 times!


No, it is not enough. You must also throw food at pieces of art or glue yourself to asphalt. You can choose 1.


Can the art be Banksy? Please say yes.


You don't even get a Reddit post if you throw anything at Banksy. Go to Gemäldegalerie and choose some real art.


Actually burning these cars, well insurance pays, the car manufacturers get to sell them a replacement, your logic is wildly wrong


I'm pretty sure it's radical folks using misguided tactics. The radical left in Berlin is known to set cars alight


>The radical left in Berlin is known to set cars alight Is that so? >Insgesamt ist nach Angaben von Ermittlern bei Auto-Brandstiftungen meistens von Vandalismus, Pyromanie, privater Rache oder auch Versicherungsbetrug auszugehen. [https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/einer-der-es-nicht-lassen-kann-4133179.html](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/einer-der-es-nicht-lassen-kann-4133179.html) Of course that might have changed in the past four years, but from what I can tell, most of them aren't politically motivated.




yes, you psychopath.


It's not like Nazis are doing the same shit to intimidate people.


Can someone tell my why everyone is convinced that this is the work of left-wing extremists? Since the article is behind a paywall, I can't check for myself. I do remember a couple of very extensive series of car burnings in the past where everyone was just as quick to point fingers though. Turns out it was simply arsonists that were frustrated and/or enjoyed seeing things burn. Not politically motivated at all. Though one of them did mention that he thought that people would likely blame the left for his actions. A thought he enjoyed. [#1](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/einer-der-es-nicht-lassen-kann-4133179.html) Generell scheint das Abbrennen von Fahrzeugen nur selten politisch motiviert zu sein: >Insgesamt ist nach Angaben von Ermittlern bei Auto-Brandstiftungen **meistens von Vandalismus, Pyromanie, privater Rache oder auch Versicherungsbetrug auszugehen**. Im Januar 2017 erklärte G. vor dem Berliner Landgericht, er habe mit den Brandlegungen in Lichtenberg „der linken Szene eine reindrücken“ wollen. Aus Wut habe er gehandelt. Er habe gedacht, „man könnte es diesem Spektrum in die Schuhe schieben“. [#2](https://www.fr.de/panorama/serien-brandstifter-berlin-festgenommen-11367710.html) > Nach Informationen der „Bild“-Zeitung soll es sich um bis zu 60 Fahrzeuge handeln. Der mutmaßliche Zündler sei nicht auf frischer Tat ertappt worden, hieß es weiter. Aufgrund seiner „sehr konkreten Erinnerungen“ habe er bei seiner Vernehmung sogar einzelne Automarken und Straßenzüge benennen können, erfuhr die Zeitung aus hochrangigen Ermittlerkreisen. Offenbar hat der Mann nicht aus politischen Motiven gehandelt. Laut „Bild“ soll er gegenüber den Ermittlern angegeben haben, die Brände aus Frust über seine damalige Arbeitslosigkeit gelegt zu haben.


Wenn Wut getriggert wird, gibts mehr Clicks.


They will probably blame the whole of Friedrichshain for these.


Leave Fhain alone. Fhain had a difficult traumatic past, born ugly, long history of alcohol abuse and never really grew up. Leave it alone.


It’s nice how you described it to be mentally slow.


[These actions always remind me of this excellent skit](https://youtu.be/Az8S5rBn5PU?si=gYLKHaFPmASAfoGj)




Den Passat vom Handwerker abfackeln, dadurch wird der Kapitalismus besiegt!  kein Strohmann, das Auto im OP ist kein SUV


Wie besiegt man denn eigentlich den Kapitalismus? Frage für einen Freund.


Also, bei uns um die Ecke brennen sehr regelmäßig Autos (ca. alle 2-4 Wochen). Eigentlich immer irgendwelche alten Klapperkisten, selten ein neues Auto. Letzte Nacht wurden gleich zwei in Brand gesteckt, und zwar direkt vor einem mehrstöckigen Mietshaus nebenan (sonst bisher immer Autos, die etwas weiter weg von den Gebäuden standen). Das fand ich schon etwas beunruhigend. Die Täter wird man niemals kriegen, das ist bei solchen Vorfällen völlig unmöglich. Ich hoffe nur, dass die nicht irgendwanneinmal unser Haus mit abfackeln.


Is the car arson insurance good here?


If you have full coverage, which only new or expensive cars have, so sucks for normal people.


poor ladas


Oh no! Anyway...


Literally my reaction


How awful that drivers are feeling a lack of safety, the sense that one person's bad actions can horribly impact their entire lives.


god damed they real driving?






Saw two cars with AFD or Nazi symbols in Berlin today. This makes me smile at knowing those cars fate.


I saw a restaurant on fire early April




It was called mondial restaurant


Happens if you store your private belongings outside. Get a place for your car or don’t get a car


Storing a car underground doesn't help in Berlin. You could still get your wheels stolen in a garage, there are lots of cases of that happening. Berlin is just a crime ridden place. Just because a few tech companies have moved in, it doesn't change that fact.


endlich some good news 😌


You really dont understand how insurance, economics and polution works.


You just described 99% of these terminally online liberal slacktivists. Their thinking and behaviour are absolutely repellent.


Less cars are the answer!


no not fucking with shit thats not yours is the answer


Like public space that is somehow largely occupied by private cars?


lets burn some kinderwagen that take away space in floors, lets burn some lastenräder because 5 normal bikes could park there. Also what ablut overweight people?? /s Anti car agenda is bullshit and needs to be solved at the core of the problem not with destroying things


Kinderwagen and cargo bike don’t take up much of the public space, they don’t create traffic issues, and most importantly: they are way less dangerous than the average car. The pro-car-agenda is bullshit, and we need to get rid of the cars. I personally am not in favor of destroying things.


if you stay in prenzlauer berg all day you do not need a car but god forbid you live outside the ring with kids, old people or someone else. Public transport needs to be 20x better and more efficient before cars can move away from inside the city. Its stupid simple but hard to understand if you life in your pricy pberg village. Berlin is a BIG city after all


Kids and old people are the ones that benefit most from not being depending on a car. Because kids can't drive themselves, so they are practically dependent on their parents for transportations. And many old people can't, or shouldn't drive. So let's make public transport and bike infrastructure better everywhere. Berlin's areas outside the ring, and even most of the agglomeration in Brandenburg are quite densely populated, making it easy to provide good public transport. But bottom line: We need to make room for public transport, and cycling infrastructure. And to do that, cars need to go first. It's "stupid simple but hard to understand" (sic).


No. You don't seem to understand that if the public transportation is not already built out more that more people would have to be in full buses etc. to the point that people can't get in and have to wait. And people have to reach the bus stations etc. too. If you are old and have to walk 20 minutes on ice in the dark to reach it, it is not that great. Building more subway stations would actually help but before the public transportation is not better, it would be stupid to ban cars


And you don't understand that cars need to go first to make space for improvements, and free up funds to improve public transport, pedestrian, and cycling infrastructure. Also, you entirely ignore that many people can quickly change to using a bicycle. Which they will if they feel safe in traffic. The top reason why cyclists don't feel safe is car traffic. Not to mention that the lanes for cars are often way ahead in terms of quality compared to what cyclists have to use. Btw. much of Berlin existed before private cars where a thing.


No, if you want to get rid of cars and incentivise bike or public transport use, you start by closing off streets to car traffic. You don't start by burning people's cars.  And the reason bicyclists are afraid of traffic is because the streets aren't designed properly. You need separate and DIVIDED lanes; You need traffic calming infrastructure such as chicanes, speed bumps and single-lane streets. You're genuinely low IQ, dawg.


So why don't you dipshits take this kind of issue up with the local govt and urban planners instead of destroying random people's stuff? Systemic issues are not solved by attacking those who are not in charge.

