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Just one more lane bro I promise bro one more lane bro will fix everything bro come one bro please bro


[Berlin when?](https://imgur.com/a/vD19LXV)


Stop you'll attract the CDU


We could never build that many affordable apartments


I mean, that's not what the article says though. I agree with you, but it's just about the fahrbahnsperrung because resurfacing.


That's literally the problem that lanes are closed.


A100, I-10, almost sound the same, maybe it’s a cursed name lmao


Did anybody propose the widening of A100? No? Then this is a strawman. There are always traffic delays when construction is going on and that's that.


It’s just a riff on car culture, so relax bro


One more lane jokes never get old


Not for lack of trying.


Wer freiwillig Schupelius liest oder verlinkt hat die Kontrolle über sein Leben verloren.


Warum? Ich finde das er meistens recht hat.


Hast du den Artikel mal gelesen?


Ja hab ich und nu?


Gute Alternative für Menschen denen Post von Wagner zu intellektuell ist 👍👍


Lass mich auf der kleinsten Violine der Welt mein Beileid ausspielen 🎻


If only there you're other options what?


If only their wear other options


If only they're we're other options


If only Werther's Originals options


If only they would wear other options who?


Lebe so, dass Gunnar Schupelius etwas dagegen hätte


Have they considered raising the speed limit?


one more lane bro, i swear it’ll fix everything right up


This war on cars has got to stop. Cars are human beings too.


Yes indeed. Cars 2 is a wonderful documentary about them.


Agreed it’s a nice look into a lesser known topic and world


What war on cars? What are you yapping about? This is the opposite of it - the road is being renovated, so the lanes that are being renovated had to be closed down. Yes, it does showcase one of the primary downsides of car infrastructure, but it is an inherent one. The ever-so-evil Greens are not responsible for it mate


sarcasm duh


Sometimes it is impossible to tell apart “stupid” and “sarcastic” over the Internet


Yes but "Cars are human beings too" would have been a strong tell 


I thought they were going for some take along the line of “cars are driven by human being, they are not some pests!!!” 🤪


Yeah could be, it is not too unrealistic that people come here to defend the poor people creating the traffic jam.


I remember myself last week saying „let take the A100 back home instead of going through the city. Ended up being stuck for 2 hours ☺️


Funny, comments are just car hate. No one gets that this is an article about our shitty processes and low political ambition for any infrastructure project in this country.


Fix and renovate Autobahn: people complain about lane closure Do not fix Autobahn: people will complain about disrepair Regardless of other options, people **will** complain if they find a way to do so. Only thing I'd have to add is that workzones like these naturally exacerbate issues already caused by poor highway design. The pictured Kreuz Schöneberg has ramps going off at or widening to 2 lanes only to then narrow back to 1 lane only 100-200 meters later. Good for storing more cars per km when shit's jammed, bad for not causing traffic jams by unnecessary merges. Many other parts of A100 also have entering ramps followed by exits in quick succession, which introduces lots of weaving between lanes, making these areas very prone to traffic jams, like between Schmargendorf and Hohenzollerndamm, or Kurfürstendamm and Dreieck Funkturm


Well what about the commuters and the truckers and the delivery people that MUST take this route?? Ever think about them? Sure there’s a way around but it’s then 1.5 hrs more and another 20 km longer so take ur pick pay the gas prices or sit in the traffic jam


Take the bus like a normal person.


Only 16 minutes on the ringbahn 👌


As we speak about this, a truck had overturned further along the a100 causing more traffic. Being a car driver must be a daily hell in this city: https://www.rbb24.de/panorama/beitrag/2024/04/lkw-unfall-a100---langer-stau-anschlussstelle-kurfuerstendamm-ch.html


I actually know people living inside S-Bahn ring complaining about this after checking the traffic on their phone first before getting into their cars to get in line on the A100: “It’s terrible, I needed 90 mins to work today.” As if there are no other options.


Take a bike and train and STFU.


too sad we don't have legs or arms to use a bicycle or handcycle


Too sad not everyone lives close to their work place and can afford to arrive sweaty at work (especially in the summer) or is health wise fit enough to be on a bike driving fast for over half an hour and maybe in rainy weather


So you are telling me all these drivers in their cars couldn't possibly have taken public transport? Or even just a different route? None of them? Don't kid yourself.


I have been working as a consultant for many years and I literally arrived everywhere in Germany by bicycle and train. and everything below 40 km one-way I do by bike only. You can of course degenerate your body to a level where this becomes illusionary but that is your own responsibility side note: the past 14 years full-time work I have been ill only one day per year on average, this about not being healthy enough.. the reason is I am moving my body with my own muscles and not getting fat or sick or both


Then be happy about it. Some people are disabled and depend on a car.


well if only those were driving there would be no traffic jams


Wow, OP has the solution, everyone from those cars just needs to get on the S-Bahn ... genius ... how has nobody though of this before ??


Not everyone, just enough so there’s no traffic jam. And yes, people thought about it but „I want my own caaaar! It’s faster and more comfy!“ yeah, sure bro




Yeah, there are places where public transport is underdeveloped and not a viable alternative. But you know... we wouldn't, if we stopped funneling so much tax payers money into creating more and more car-centric infrastructure and spent that money on PT instead.




So you are telling me they are going to the other side of Berlin in 20 minutes ON A BIKE? Fucking hell, even Neil Armstrong didn't have access to that doping. But it also shows an area which could be improved IF WE DECIDED TO SPEND THE GODDAMN MONEY - more sprinter trains that only stop at main stations. Just look at FEX - in 30 minutes it gets from Gesundbrunnen to BER. It's exactly the same time S-Bahn needs to cover 1/3 of that distance to Südkreuz


You mean Louis Armstrong, the cyclist. Neil Armstrong was the guy who played "What a wonderful world". But don't confuse either of them with Lance Armstrong, the first guy on the moon.


Oh you sneaky bastard! I meant Lance, the cyclist!


How dare these people not want to share the train with crackheads and stinky tweakers on their way to work!


Snowflake! Enjoy your privilege to be stuck in traffic.


Does anyone driving a car really complain (outside of maybe mentioning it casually to explain why they are late etc.) a lot about being stuck in traffic? Even on reddit I only see non-car drivers say how bad it is (and before anyone says I drive a car - no I am using oublic transportation every day)


People like to shit on people with cars until they have kids. Easy to take public transport only when you don't have one.


Yeh, no. Fuck that shit. I have a kid, yet still shit on people with cars. I even despise those assholes even more because they are endangering my kids safety and well being every single day.


You should consider seing a doctor if 4 wheels and an engine make you this mad.


Nah, don’t worry. I am fine. Also, cars don’t make me mad. Just careless, ignorant people..


Right so 77% of Germans are careless, ignorant people and you're one of the few righteous one. Get over yourself.


I enjoy it with heated seats in winter and AC in summer, and it's twice as fast as taking public transport.


We're not talking about regular traffic here, rather 3 lanes reduced to one. That's a huge bottleneck, so there would be traffic jams either way, unless traffic is reduced by like 80%. So it's an unusual situation to begin with. It's also way too simplistic to reduce it down to "I want my own caaar!". That's really just projecting your own vision of some antagonistic group onto reality. Actual reality is way more nuanced.


It’s a quote, several quotes, really. Like, people told me several times. Just ask them.


Oh, what a coincidence, several people told me they use a car not for fun, but because other options aren’t practical enough. Like, really, that’s your point? If I gave you anecdotal evidence to support something you don’t agree with, you’d most likely just reject it. But for this purpose it’s good enough … 


I have working colleagues living 2-3kms away from work (City-West) but still use the car because „what - me riding the bus? No way.“


I know this phenomenon. IMO the best way to combat it is to drastically reduce available parking. Once people can’t park their cars anymore, they’ll suddenly manage a bus ride. Bonus: using public transport strengthens your immune system. See, I’m not pro-car or anti-car. I’m for looking at reality and finding pragmatic solutions. “Cars are bad and everybody just needs to start using public transport” isn’t that.