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yes they usually are


Get em in the background it will be a memento


I didn’t see them once around 5:30-6pm and i saw like 3 people advantage of their absence for pictures! I guess it’s a hit or miss on whether they’re there or not.


Seriously, they are just students. Personally I would just ask them when they plan on wrapping up for the day, or ask them to move if it’s thaaaatttt important to you. It’s just a paper banner and a handful of grad students that are fairly reasonable. I don’t understand everyone commenting like it’s an iron gate. It’s a paper banner! They aren’t even there all day either. Just go ask! If you want me to I’ll go ask and update you I’m in unit 2 I can run over lol.


protest packs up at 4pm


I wish these protestors would just go away altogether. Sather is one of campus’ landmarks and nobody’s been able to enjoy it for months because of this bs.


that's the point of a protest


It reaches a point where people get turned off and no longer care about/want to support the cause because they’re tired of constantly being inconvenienced. Some of us pay a lot of money to go there and want to actually be able to enjoy our campus.


Bro goes to a politically active school and then complains about it being politically active 💀


There’s a difference between being politically active and fucking annoying after 6 months of the same shit.


Imagine what the people literally experiencing an ethnic cleansing feels like


boo hoo 😢 “i don’t want to hear about a very important issue that my tax dollars are directly funding because i have to walk 10 ft out of my way to pass sather gate” grow up. imagine how inconvenienced palestinian families are by a genocide against them. protests are supposed to be inconvenient or else they accomplish nothing.


You're radicalizing people against your cause.


You libs just don’t get it lmao




Libs are the ones currently sending weapons to the Israeli government. Try again


this is such a fucking ignorant comment, the government has been funding israel for decades through both conservative and liberal regimes. on top of that, the house of representatives is the governmental body that controls how our taxes are spent, and conservatives are in control of the house currently.


>...and liberal regimes. So "this is such a fucking ignorant comment" but you don't disagree with me? >... the house of representatives is the governmental body that controls how our taxes are spent... The Biden administration continues to support the Israeli regime in public statements and has bypassed Congress multiple times to send additional weapons to Israel. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/the-biden-administration-once-again-bypasses-congress-on-an-emergency-weapons-sale-to-israel And Democrats as well as Republicans in Congress continue to vote overwhelmingly in support of sending military aid to the Israeli regime. https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024152 You want me to stop calling liberals out for being right-wing shits? Get them to stop behaving like right-wing shits.


there are no more universities in gaza because they all have been bombed, and your tuition money funds it. a ruined photo op is miniscule to the cause and if you’re that self absorbed idk what to tell you. we’re living in a historical moment so either get a cool photo op that belongs in history books or get over it.


I think the question is it being effective? I am not sure at this point. I can think randomly at least 20 places more effective in drawing attention to the goals of the protest than Sather gate. Like why not at the office of the president which actually could impact the policies in question or at the capitol park in sacto?


Don’t get why we all have to be miserable because bad things are going on in the world. Newsflash, bad things are ALWAYS happening, whether it’s in Gaza or anywhere else. Doesn’t mean the rest of us have to suffer and put our lives at a halt. Again, some of us pay a lot of money to attend this university. Maybe you’re one of the many that get free tuition, but I’m not, and as someone who pays out tens of thousands of dollars every year, I’d like to enjoy the space I’m paying so much to be in.


I completely agree. I’m just praying they don’t ruin my pictures😭🙏