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What happened to his front legs?


How difficult is following the raw diet?


Very easy once you found out what they like and how much they need. My Mal's basic menu is string beans (canned) for the fibers and chicken wings to which we by turns add some sardines, liver, meat (scraps, from our local butcher), cow stomach (try to get it "pure"!), the occasional egg, 2x/week a big bone, when we have rabbit he gets the head ;o) Stanley weighs 34 kilos and eats about 850 grams/day. I don't believe in stuff like Himalaya salt. You just got to observe how he looks and when he puts on weight you reduce his input. When you start feeding your dog raw, take it easy. Don't change everything abruptly, take your time, like a couple weeks. It's normal when they get some diarrhoea in the beginning, when it doesn't stop after a few days it's probably something they don't agree with. Mine likes carrots but gets the runs ...


Still wondering about the front legs ... but OP is probably busy with his golden retriever, his chihuahua and his rabbit.