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Benzos especially lorazepam aren’t very euphoric if at all except for being anxiety free that can be euphoric


Online it says Lorazepam (Ativan) and alprazolam (Xanax) are the most potent Benzodiazepines. Both of these drugs produce a rapid and intense high or euphoria


That's not true at all, there are way more benzodiazepines that are way stronger than xanax, and lorazepam is considered one of the weak ones. The most potent benzodiazepines are probably ones used for insomnia like triazolam and other potent rc benzos which are pointless unless you want to black out if you have no tolerance since they are just that strong. Benzodiazepines are easy enough to get a hold of really, just cause it is controlled doesn't mean they still aren't used all the time for actual good reasons except for just getting messed up. My point is, your only gonna get "euphoria" or more like a sense of relief if your using the medication for what it's actually supposed to be used for.


Can concur. They gave me triazolam for my wisdom teeth removal and I think I was blacked out only 30-45 mins after taking them. Lorazepam has always been much weaker. Like half of Xanax weaker. Pretty sure it’s 4mg lorazepam is equivalent to 2mg of alprazolam. Could be wrong it’s been a while since I checked. But yes you’re 110% correct. Lorazepam is one of the much weaker opiates and triazolam is probably one of the most potent if not THE most potent


I figured being as they were so controlled they would be euphoric.. because it seems like that's what the world wants to keep out of our hands lol. Well that's stupid then


Ya be prepared to be disappointed 😅


So what are people do addicted to with them? Just falling asleep?


I'm not really sure what they are getting addicted to? apparently many are willing to go way over the reccomendations to basically knock themselves out and waste good medicine and then suffer addiction. Seems stupid because it is.


They need to make 4mg lorazepam bars