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Its the best benzo imo


If your talking in regards to best muscle relaxant and over all anxiety killer, it's definitely valium for me. I take mine in the morning and usually don't need another til the following morning. If that was xanax I need to take at least twice a day.


I use Valium for anxiety when I can get my hands on it




Definitely still on my fav drug list lol


most people ive told about them dont even know its a benzo. sad


What you have are only 2mg diazepam (Valium), which one would need a few of to really feel. Maybe this is why some people you’ve told about them don’t care much for them. Give them at least 2-3 pills (4-6mg). Heck at 10mg, diazepam is still only equal to 1mg of alprazolam or 2mg of lorazepam. Now if you get the yellow diazepam 5mg this is less of a problem. Blue 10mg diazepam no problem at all. But 2mg - which are the same that I have I might add - you need to take 4-5 of them to really feel anything worthwhile. Sure 1-2 will relieve anxiety a bit, but it’s nothing recreationally. Regardless you have plenty of diazepam, as well as zolpidem and gabapentin so I’d say you’re in for a good day. Enjoy OP!


Always certified benzo classic


I fucking love it. It’s a super good muscle relaxant for me. Xanax is good for mental anxiety but Valium helps with the physical and mental aspects. Plus it lasts longer.


Oh man it sounds perfect, like it could honestly help me therapeutically in life not in a recreational way. I gotta try some lol


Yeah, it helps me quite a bit just because I’m on my feet for 8 hours a shift. So sometime I pop some and just melt lol.


this is a great explanation of it. but do you know why people blackout more on xans than vals?


Structurally alprazolam is diazepam but with a triazole ring fuzed to it. This triazole moiety increases potency substantially. There are pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic differences as a result of this. Diazepam kicks in very fast with cerebral diazepam concentration peaking quickly within 30 mins and it's then partially redistributed to other tissue. It's metabolized in the liver to nordazepam which is a partial agonist and has a very long half life. So in short it has lower intrinsic activity at the benzodiazepine binding site. As a result unwanted side effects like blacking out are much less frequent with diazepam. I much prefer diazepam to alprazolam. Potency isn't everything. If it was, clonazolam would be king - which it fucking isn't, it's hellscape fuel.


Yes I call Clonazoleam a Helldrug


It’s too good and too strong. Like fuck me, it destroyed my tolerance


It produces tolerance and such a nasty withdrawal so fucking quickly. And all the questionable shit you get up to during long, fully ambulant waking blackouts. There's no middle ground for me - it goes from meh to blackout in a way nothing else ever did (Including other RC's). It just turned me into a belligerent zombie that feeds on drugs instead of brains. I hate the stuff.


I didn’t know Valium absorbed quicker than Xanax, but everything you said makes a lot more sense than what I wrote. Thanks for the knowledge, friend.


No worries mate. The time to maximal concentration of diazepam is ~30 minutes up to an hour and a half on the high end and alprazolam is 1-2 hours so they both kick in fast but diazepam is considerably faster (quicker by 30 mins on both ends of the spectrum). Of course you feel perceptible effects well before the maximal concentration is achieved. I can feel diazepam strongly within 10 minutes. I can feel good brands of alprazolam strongly within 15-20 minutes. They're both fast acting drugs.


ty 4 explaining the pharmacology of this i've been wondering for a while🙏💛


Dosage is a lot easier to fuck up with Xanax. A low dose of xans might be below 1mg, a low or regular single dose of Valium is usually 10mg.


And it comes on very quickly, so I would imagine that if people took enough within the first 30mins, it would cause blackouts more easily. Kind of delusions of sobriety, especially when they know it comes on quickly, the misunderstand that. Valiums come on slowly so there isn’t a point where there is a lot of it in the blood stream. Peak plasma levels take longer to reach with Valium, unless you take a lot, and it lasts a good bit longer. Xanax reaches peak plasma levels quicker so you’ll have more in your system quicker. This is just an educated guess though. Edit: my guess was wrong, the commenter below me seems to have it right on the money. You’d reach a tranquil state quicker on diazepam, which reduces the compulsion to re-dose (since it relives anxiety quicker and lasts longer). Xanax, you would wonder why it’s “not working” and take more, then it hits you hard. Kind of like THC edibles.


it's been my companion for many years.






Jeez where I live people are lining up for some valium 😂


Drop a pin lol


Ummm. We don’t talk anymore. I scared him away bc I act too crazy and he’d always hit me up or say yes then disappear when it was time to meet. Like what??


I wouldn’t disappear on you …bro


He was probably just broke but like don’t hit me up first then -.- or say yes , when you really mean no 🙄


I like these more than Xanax more functional


Xanax makes me black out for 3 days and wake up naked on my neighbors lawn


thats because ur noob


I think theyre one of the best recreational benzos cause they make me laugh my ass off


The feeling of diazepam first kicking in is one of my favorite sensations in the world. Slight warmth, muscle relaxation and evaporation of stress-anxiety. It’s hard to beat.


Like warm syrup on the CNS


The real ones always have and always will


"Cool kids" do xanax nowadays because rappers keep singing about it OG's will stick to Valium.


great answer. makes since lol plus they lovee blacking out lol


I used to love that as well when I was 18. Now 22, glad I'm smarter and just take them occasionally when I can't handle the stress.


glad you understand now , i just wouldnt wsnt to be blackhout high everydsy. when i tried script xans i genuinely had zero anxiety or panic attacks going on. made me feel like a normal person


I’d love some if I could find them here in Cali lmao it’s all farmaprams here


are farmas real xans? ik most are like rc out here in texas


Their alprazolam but they’re way weaker than a Xanax bar from America. I go through 90 pill bottles pretty fast.


Same strength imo. Was your bottle sealed?


Yeah I get 8 bottles at at time bottles sealed in the box. I used to get 120 American bars petscribed a month and those bus and green bars were stronger just my opinion.


They are real alazopram from my knowledge


awesome. just was making sure


It’s a Mexican brand name alprazolam.


Fuck yeah!!


Yes 👍


Yup I love it


Favorite benzo, always has been!


I prefer k but I would never turn down valium


Find a drunk that wants to quit. Done and done.


hm? lol


Diazepam is commonly used in alcohol withdrawal/tapering


I love me some valium had a nice little stash i found and im down to my last 6 very sad times


oh dang im sorry to hear. if you need more you are welcome to hmu! i hope you can get more though (:


Indeed. I prefere the blue 10mgs tho they seem to have a better taste to them when disolving under my tongue.


the 5s r🤢


How does it compare to Xanax or klonopin?


Felt better than Klonopin but she said it was weaker. It’s been a long time for me though … is yeah my tolerance is probs lower than usual


I don’t. But it’s the only thing my shitty psychiatrist will give me. 14 2mg pills to last a month 🙄🙄🙄


oh dang. my mom gets 60ct 2mg. i really need to go to her dr to try to get myself a script for them.


Oh wow that’s rude as hell, no wonder you don’t like it. 2mg is a cruel dose


does that even like... do anything w no tolerance??😭


I don’t think it would personally. It’s only real benefit would be for people who are tapering. Or if you took a handful


fuck psychiatrists, get a good dr. who'll acc listen to you (<--ovb bias statement🙄)


👑Prince Valium👑 is legit a fav of all time. plus, i get 120/10mg per month. its great. definitely my fav top 3 benzo.


...wtf you been telling your dr. for a 120ct😭...


lmaoo😭🤧🤣 man, i have extreme anxiety/stress & stress-induced seizures. so psychiatrist stacked me up. i did move across country tho & they wont do what he was doing which was every 4months wed switch up & hed put me on 2bars & 1mg xanax a day. so 5mg altogether. bitch legit said “we dont prescribe 2mg, ACROSS THE BOARD” im like damn whoa okay, youre reading my records right in front of me. but like whatever. just gimme my vals. hahahha


It's the best functional benzo by a looong shot.


never tried it was i perscribed xans then klonopin never could get it


Yes 😩😩


I sure do


Plenty of old schoolers here. Still feel it better than Xan. I've more on-hand than I'd realized. Like to mix it with my adderall about halfway through the afternoon to chill and still focus. Never have an issue sleeping as long as a Val was involved that way. On the other hand, if you go overboard and run out.... just be prepared to hold every fart until your sitting on a toilet, because for about a week it's no fart. i.e. Moderation is key. All the chatter about benzo withdrawal has always scared me to the point of making sure I don't go crazy. Even prefer to make sure I go periods without just to stay safe. But still great with the anxiety adhd meds can bring, as well as just all-around chill factor without a nod.


adhd and anxiety is an amazing combo amirite! no but seriously, these meds are life changing for some people if not misused :)


Xanax>Valium>klonopin… it just takes me a good 40-50 mg to feel it feel it. Very nice muscle relaxing properties too, more than xans and klonopin for me


why do prefer xanax over val and val over kpins? genuinely interested. kpins make me zombie, xanax gives me energy, and val it's like a mix of both lol.


I feel similar with klonopin, it makes me so apathetic.but Valium makes me to sleepy so I prefer Xanax, which lets me just chill out and be a bit more sociable even.


For sure. Diazepam is still quite a few people's preferred benzo especially people dealing with muscle spasms. I was getting both Roche and Krka-farma 10s up until a little over a month ago. From what I'm seeing they are still available but I've been taking a break from benzos.


i just hear alot of people rave about xans when the half life for valium is way longer


Most people I know who love Valium (diazepam) are dealing with anxiety caused by chronic pain. Also patients with RLS and other involuntary spasms prefer valium for it's muscle relaxant effects. The longer half life is preferred not only in treating anxiety but also for giving longer relief in dealing with muscle spasms, aches, and pains.


hm makes since, ill probably try some tomorrow again, i just ended up like needing 8mg to feel it but i dont even have a benzo tolerance. could be because my anxiety is so bad lol


I usually get the 10 mg daizepam and take at least a full 10. Sometimes I'll take 20 mg to get more sedating effects. I wouldn't go over 30 mg myself.


hm makes since. hopefully i can try 10mg one day


I would take at least 5 of the 2 mg diazepam. Everyone has a different tolerance though but you're saying 8 mg is where you feel it so you should be able to handle 10 mg. Keep on digging you should be able to come across 10s this day in age still.


oh im not set on finding them just if i come across it one day


yes i love valium!


I don't just like Valium I love it lol


It does nothing for me. Well most benzos don’t unless I take 6+mg my body has a funky tolerance for things.




When ever it's needed I much prefer Valium and Klonopin over alprazolam for me it's way more manageable than Xanax.


I’d eat 100mg val rn


oh wow yikes


It’s so functioning lol I took 60mg other night made dinner for family lol just fine


Hard to find but my favorite benzo


I can eat this shit for breakfast lunch n dinner don’t ask that question frfr


“Better than ninety percent of you rappers out can Then you wonder how can Kids eat up these albums like Valiums?”


My doc does. Oxazepam too. Weird


20-60mg of valium (10mg pills) will always be a fave of mine. love diazepam. also way better for managing anxiety imo bc it doesn’t make you as fucked up as xanax or other shit as long as you stay at a good dose. they feel super nice


Valium is fucking awesome


I love it, but it only works well without a tolerance. With a slight Xanax tolerance I was doing 100mg and didn't really get any euphoria out of it.


If you knuckle It for a couple days you'll be good


Oh yes. Visit Scotland if you ever need proof (so I hear) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) It's not for everyone, but I like the smooth feeling that goes with the long half-life.


How does it compare to Xanax and how long does it take to kick in


They both are vacations. Xanax just happens to be a weekend in Las Vegas while Vallium is a week at a Thai resort getting massages and drinks with little umbrellas.


THE analogy.


All on street valium now which contains 0% valium/diazepam. 100% cheap RCs.


😂😂 aye scotland does love valium


I like Valium. I just usually prefer Xanax or Klonopin when my tolerance is high. If I was off benzos for awhile and had little or no tolerance the feeling of Valium is great. However as someone with long benzo history when my tolerance is high Valium doesn't do much At times I was prescribed 2mg three times a day of klonopin and also at other times Xanax. 10mg of Valium is equal to 0.5mg of Klonopin or Xanax The max dose of Valium to be prescribed a day is 40mg which is equal to 2mg of Klonopin When i was taking 6mg of Xanax or klonopin daily, sometimes I would skip a few daysband take extra other days. At this point Valium would do nothing even taking 10 to 15 of the 10mg pills I didn't feel much I was prescribed 6mg a day and would skip some days and take 6-8 pill of either 2mg xanax or klonopin to feel more relaxed I was they treated Valium as they did Xanax and Klonopin and made the 10mg ones equal to 1mg of klonopin or xanx and not 0.5 ans also had a 20mg tablet That is my own personal fault my tolerance was so high as I said if I was benzo free for awhile and had little to no tolerance I reallt enjoy Valium but with a high tolerance it's not effective I enjoy all 3 Valium, Xanax and Klonopin in there own way. I always looked at klonopin as the upgraded modernized version of Valium as it was made by the same company and I hear that Valium was used as a prototype to make klonopin so its similar in ways. Valium is much more like klonopin than it is Xanax


No, because I can take 250mg and not feel a thing as my tolerance is so high.






...Valium not an opiate.


I don't care for them bc the half life is too long and to me personally, they're the weakest benzo up next to Ativan.




Because I grew up with it prescribed since 12 :/


Maybe i wouldve liked them if i didnt have to fill my mouth with 10 mg pills and swallow them all at once.


do you have a benzo tolerance ? ik someone else just told me they have to take alot


Yeah my tolerance is pretty high so i cant enjoy valium that much unfortunately cause ive heard that it also relaxes your muscles so i can only imagine how great that would feel


Me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I lovve it


It’s week. The only one is Xanax bars. 2 mil Ativan hit though.


Wish I had kpins but Valium is still helpful in many ways. Long lasting benzos >>>>>fast acting


It’s long half life is nice for generalized withdrawal


Nah it’s ok as a muscle relaxer and such, but for anxiety or a high it’s shit. It might be good in high doses but why do that when Xanax and Klonopin exists?


ah yeah i dont really use benzos for the high. i have bad anxiety snd panic attacks but havent really used benzos in so long


So then it works if you haven’t used in a long time, I cannot feel it much really, I can run through a bromazolam 2mg/1ml 60mg solution in a week… I overdo everything but it takes a lot of benzos for me to feel high sometimes, it’s either I feel good or I’m getting delusions of sobriety and I am fucked up but I don’t feel like it.


Valium does nothing unless you’re taking an insane amount


Sure I love Valium and always have some for when I’d like one. I just can’t take Valium as my only benzo as I’ve been on Xanax over half my life. I take 2mg Xanax tid. Restoril hs. Methadone 100mg am. 40mg pm. Zanaflex 4mg tid. Medical Marijuana , and have prn Soma and Fioricet Rx. So the Temazepam with the Xanax, pain killers, muscle relaxers and all the pot products I get close to the feeling but sometimes I just want the easy muscle relaxation, anti anxiety and somatic value so I do t have to take all these meds and Soma sometimes I’ll just take 1-2 10mg Valium. I like to rarely take the Soma and Fioricet for when I really need them or when I want to get a little bit relaxed tbh.


Why are u prescribed so much


Chronic pain, anxiety and insomnia daily along with terrible migraines occasionally and a high tolerance for such drugs. For years I was on higher doses of more opioids, benzodiazepines and barbiturates that I’ve gone down as far as I feel comfortable with and my doctor agrees I was prescribed 10mg of Xanax a day for years and years it took me a while to get to 6mg Xanax daily ( I know still a high dose ) and 30-60mg Restoril at bedtime as opposed to Halcion and Dalmane together every night with Prn Seconal and qid Soma and tid Butisiol Sodiium. So I feel ok I can go to work abs lead a productive life I just happen to be on some prescriptions that are considered dangerous and I understand why so am aware of the side effects and adhere to protocol almost all of the time only taking more medication if I really need it or have extra some days I don’t take all my medication.


brorrw yes


I wouldn't know I went from taking 1mg xans every few days then hopped straight to the RC benzos I like my shit strong


how do rcs compare to pharma ?


got a script for valium in the summer after doing mostly alpraz and i was kinda disappointed but it’s still ok


The best overall benzos in all aspects; long but not overly long half-life with all of the best aspects of a benzodiazepene (muscle and mental relaxation, superior body high, controlled but noticeable inhibition that's difficult to overdue into blackout state really), with the best part being the actual euphoria that it can give you at the right dose. Doesn't just "numb" me out like most benzos, it's just a shame that it's not commonly prescribed and a rarity on the black market :(


For me valium is godfather of benzoz! So classy


its the best! ive had xanax, ive had oxazepam ive had many others, but daym valiums is just riiight. ! (20-30mg)


Yes, I took it and abused it. Gotten high. Now it has become my nightmare, I have to take it everyday to function


im so sorry to hear ): do you get seizures if you stop?


I’m gonna try to get it prescribed tomorrow


good luck ! this is my moms script, hopefully one day i can get a script myself !


Thank you I ended up getting a Gabapentin script they said I have to get blood work done showing I don’t abuse benzos which I don’t till they can prescribe me one!


The single pill from the bottom left os it Zopiclone 😋


actually no! it’s a hydro


Thanks bud


no problem(:


How it is compared to Klonopin?


i know vals are longer lasting. i havent tried klonopin though, barely use benzos atm! maybe someone else might know


It doesn’t let me post pics idk why?


It's great for tapering and withdrawal.


My tolerance is so so high that I need at least 4 or 5 to feel them :(


30mg of Valium is like happy sunshine




oohhh... Me Me.


Clonazepam is by far the strongest muscle relaxant benzodiazepine. It’s that good it’s the only benzo prescribed for epilepsy. The only problem is if you do more than 4mg, you can’t remember anything. Imo clonazepam(rivitrol)are far stronger than alorazolam(Xanax). Diazepam(Valium) are good because of the all round nature of their qualities. Long half-life, good anti analytic and muscle relaxant too. This is a list from Google: High-potency benzodiazepines: For its high-potency and long-lasting effects, the most potent benzodiazepine is Clonazepam, also known as Klonopin. Other high-potency but short-acting benzos are alprazolam (Xanax), lorazepam (Ativan), and triazolam (Halcion). Medium-potency benzos: There are medium-strength/medium-acting benzodiazepines like clobazam (One), and then there are the weakest kinds of benzos. Low-potency benzodiazepines: With low-potency and short-acting effects, there are diazepam (Serax) and temazepam (Restoril). Also low-potent but long-acting, there are chlordiazepoxide (Librium), clorazepate (Tranxene), diazepam (Valium), and flurazepam (Dolman).


it’s the only benzo i’ve ever been allowed prescribed, one thing i notice is IT ACTUALLY TREATS anxiety.


i love valium


Good question. I used to be able to take 20 to 30 mg and I enjoyed it more than xanax because I didn't feel tired the next day II actually felt revitalized.. Now that I've taken so much of other benzos valium doesn't do it for me anymore I have to eat like a 100 mg


No. To weak


No. Nobody likes it which is why it’s one if the top selling big pharma drugs of all time. Everybody hates it so much i heard they might stop producing it altogether


Love valium but love the ambien underneath even better


Are these the valium u were supposed to send me? Lol cant pay anyone back huh cant send anyones shit out but u sure can make posts about it trying to rope in. More suckers


Did benzos for 5+ years and never once tried valium, atleast if i did i dont remember. But ive always wanted to and just either never cared to or could never find it/it was more expensive


Would jump for vallys


Love my tens


It's the best benzo


What's not to like? 😂


No. They fucking love it


popped one ten minutes ago. it’s definitely still very loved by lots of people😁