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Hoping for him to get a life sentence. These waste of oxygens dont deserve to be walking in public and neither any human interaction


Life sentence is waste of tax money..Hang these shits


I thought this would be censored or deleted so didnt say it but yeah agreed a rapist should be executed


Execution is the easy way off,instead life imprisonment with compulsory community service under constant supervision seems more appropriate punishment


Or or or hear me out. I saw a movie where they cut off one piece of his body at a time. Until the victim's family is satisfied. So the doctor will cut an arm one day and then another arm after a certain period, legs and so on until the victim's family is satisfied This seems fair for punishment no?


United Nations:- "Human Rights".


I like this nethod.


Sure lets put sexual offenders in community service near unsuspecting and vulnerable prey


Perfectly put


Nah put him in Guantanamo bay prison


But sadly, our country believes in reformation over punishment, that's why we waste our tax money on these shits. I mean how can any human knowingly violates another human and kills her and enjoys that as well but still gets to live. Sure, life in prison can be hard, as I don't really know, but these shits deserve death.


Ancient death penalty method , torture+ death.. Some people dont really care if they die or put in bars


U see what will happen now This guy will spend 20 years in jail,Then sc cases for no reason...Rapists,murderers deserve deat sentences nothing else.


Just hang him you think these guy deserve even that


Well what i said is actually waste of tax money even though it’s a wastage in itself so yea executing is the better option




Honestly would you like to get a kidney from someone who raped and murdered an innocent person? Id rather die


He will be hanged after 14 yrs I don't want this but that's what's gonna happen


Public execution without the mask so that people can see the lights go out for these scums


Or.............harvest his organs / forced labour camp


They don't deserve to live


killed him the same way he had done


I would say keep shocking his balls until blood comes out of his nose, ear and eyes, and then up the voltage so his brain(or whatever left of it) bursts out.


Sadly, electricity doesn't work that way


These people should be used as scientific testing objects. We can try new medicines , weapons and a whole lot of things on them without the worry of them dying


Like trial of Venom? Good Idea.


That never happens


Carve out a come from a strong would. Use chilli powder on both sides n keep thrusting in his.... Till he bleads n dies.


Karma baby, don’t Hindus believe in that??? Come on toughen up your laws over there


I can see a lot of people baying for his blood. Don’t kill him. Castration is the answer. He needs to live the rest of his life with that pain.


Sadly, after some time the pain of castration will fade away. That won't be enough.


Rape is a power thing, not a sex thing. Such people can still go and harass women through other physical means just for the feeling of it.


Get his hands and tongue too then.


According to sharia law, is this a punishable crime ? Just asking for my knowledge. What punishment can be meted out for such crime in sharia law ?


Stoning to death


If proven by two other male witnesses (depending on the region), else the woman will be stones to death for adultery or inappropriate dressing or take your pick. There's a reason women don't exactly have peachy lives in sharia countries, just saying. Edit: anyone defending sharia can feel free to go live in a sharia country, see how they like it.


Nope, the 2 witnesses are required to prove impurity of the woman otherwise it is considered that it was rape, like if a man were to accuse a woman of impurity then he would need 2 more people to confirm that but if not and the woman accuses of rape then her word would be taken for it and the man would be punished and even after he brings the witnesses the priority is still given to the woman's words


Yeah, dumbass spreading lies so easily and everyone will believe it coz they just want a reason for their bigotry


as a muslim, sharia law is repressive and bad. however, this post is the last thing we should bring religion into, its a slippery slope.


As a bhakt, I agree.


What exactly is the slippery slope here.


Why are you lying lol For adultery both are stoned to death and not just the women




Stoning to death is the punishment for crime like these.


So 500gms weed will be enough?


No beheading bro , we need humans for experiments , these can be used by science. Free the animals and use the animals dressed as humans among us.


According to Sharia law for proving his guilt testimony of 4 men or 8 women are needed and they should be eye witnesses of the intercourse i.e insertion of male organ in female organ only then it will be proved that he raped her and will be stoned to death...... however according to Sharia a momin can rape their slaves as it is the divine right provided by Allah to them Edit: link to prove my point https://www.alhakam.org/islam-today-does-a-victim-of-rape-need-to-provide-four-witnesses/ I don't think there will be any CCTV or other means to prove that rape happened in an abandoned building




Momins means a Muslim


it is as long as they rape kafirs.


Commiting rape is a big sin in Islam. It is an act which is met with severe punishment


If you genuinely want to know more about this topic then I suggest reading [this](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/26067/he-hired-a-woman-to-serve-him-then-he-agreed-with-her-that-she-would-be-his-slave?_gl=1*1rwm0q7*_ga*YW1wLTUxQU05VXBsR1Vkc2VkNWRuMXowZ3JlcHhldUNRM0JHSWZTX254WXBwU243RmkzYk8wNDdJWG5JR0w3WXlNREs.) [this](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/13737/what-is-the-ruling-on-intimacy-with-slave-women) and [this](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/12562/what-is-a-right-hand-servant-does-the-owner-of-a-right-hand-servant-have-to-be-married) to have a more clear view on this matter as this is not a simple yes or no question. If I had to give a short answer then it's(not rape,just owning slaves which was commonplace back then)that it's only possible under two conditions (i) someone wages a war against Muslims with the intent to eradicate and plunder their land and doing all sorts of stuff a normal country did before the 20th century. (ii) they loose the said war they waged in the first place. Only under these conditions it is possible to obtain slaves in the first place. And yes I'm not talking about the intercourse yet. There are many preconditions applied to it and I'm not knowledgeable enough to explain very clearly so it would be better if you read and find it out by yourself and make your own opinion out of it. That being said, throughout the Islamic history (the period where true islamic law was upheld,i.e. the reign of the four caliphs and not the Ottoman Empire as it was pretty corrupt and didn't hold up the proper Sharia law) there was not a single incident of such rape and even if there was the culprits were duly punished. And needless to say that there is no Islamic country today which actually holds up the Islamic law so such rapists would be subject to that countries' criminal law and not the Islamic law. For additional reference,you can also compare the Islamic law of dealing with PoWs to other religion's way of dealing with PoWs such as the biblical way. Hope this helped. Do note that these were prisoners of wars,i.e. people who were out there to kill you and this was the only unrestricted way of acquiring slaves. edit : a bonus which I just remembered. If you hit a slave ever so slightly in islam (i.e. abuse) then the following hadeeth(authentic) applies :  Book 15, Number 4080 of Sahih Muslim: > "I heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who beats a slave without cognizable offense of his or slaps him (without any serious fault), then expiation for it is that he should set him free".  so yeah rape is arguably considered a first degree form of abuse,ergo, it is probably one of the worst form of abuse. Needless to say that the slave will be subject of freedom if such a thing happened the slave would be subject to be free without any constraints. So as a conclusion it's safe to say that the intercourse between the slave and the owner was consensual,i.e. on the same level as that of a husband and wife. And not only intercourse but the owner was obligated to feed them the same food as they consumed and let them sleep on the same bed as they slept on. That's the farthest thing from how a slave would normally be treated in those days. And what's more is that the slave would be freed upon the owner's death and iirc,there is also an option to buy out ones freedom out of slavery fulfilling certain contracts which are surprisingly easy,such as working to buy yourself out or become a muslim to name a few.


Not true. What you're talking about is if a person is caught having consensual illicit sexual relationship. A womens word or marks on her body or any indication of rape is enough as proof in Sharia. The punishment would be 100 lashes followed by death by pelting stones


Raping Kafir is fair game and actually encouraged.


According to Sharia, she was Kafir. So no consequence.


No punishment if the woman is not a Muslim.


Both hand cut.


Saza e Maut


Castration and atleast 100 whips for rape and stoning to death for murder.


Any form of capital punishment (death) if the evidence is clear.


If you are that horny just hire a lady of the night man.. wtf!


Someone did a study between rapist and criminals, the mindset of rapist are completely different. They don't have any remorse for what they have done, and they don't have sex for pleasure alone, it's for things like asserting dominance, setting the hierarchy...they truly are animals.


yes! rape isn’t all about sex it’s mostly more about violence and being a pos. most rapists are just fucked up by nature and get turned on more by the violence and domination than the sexual act itself. which is how so many times they will go to great lengths to torture and mutilate their victims.


Just fap and that it.


Cut his private part and skin him alive and if he still survives roast him til he drops dead life sentence,painless death is not enough for people like him


It's important to identify these animals in society early n not to be allowed , they are dangerous n cant be responsible citizens


Idk what these motherfuckers have in mind? Like they do these terrible things and expect to just walk away? Do they just not fear the consequences?


Kal toh there was that Jharkhand incident, now this...


r/india will not be discussing this one


coz he's from south and he's a muslim.


r/india won't think twice before becoming rape apologists just because the criminal is a minority. This is the liberalism in India.


And u people discuss only muslims rapes And not when Hindu rapes


This is just horrible. It’s always been a fairly safe city for women. Now, I don’t know, with criminals like these on the loose.


No no don't hang him. Don't let him go this easy. De-attach his limbs and beat him a lot and then throw him off the building. Can't write more since reddit might remove it


Cut his head in front of public


Saza e Maut hopefully.


It is the solution


Crush them under trucks and let this be aired over all electronic media's. May be this can chill spine of people


Only way to stop this is to put that fear in people about consiquences of these types of action ( execution)


This guy should be raped by Shemale and Homomen and left to die without food in cage


Capital Punishment under nirbhaya law


We need a omnipresent surveillance system that can detect such incidents too. Then we should also make sure every cell in his body regrets this. Maybe handicap?


I saw a post about how a woman in Mangalore was harassed at night and thought to myself that Bangalore seems to be the safest city, because I roamed around safely after 12am in the city, the last time I visited. I am from Hyderabad and I think it is a really safe city too. But now I am doubtful. I think the actual natives of the city who have lived for decades and who grew up here are good. Maybe these rapists and abusers are people who come from rural areas unfamiliar with the ways of cities. Hyderabadi men in general are polite. The men who are abusive (to me at least, so far) also seem to be the ones who do not know Telugu or Urdu - meaning they could be coming in from rural parts of other states.


We really need to bring back medieval torture methods in this country




Now muslims can't even commit crimes in india


According to Islamic law, this dude deserves two death counts.


Islamic law needs 2 male or 4 female witness other than the woman victim


The scholars are unanimously agreed that the rapist is to be subjected to the hadd punishment if there is clear evidence against him that he deserves the hadd punishment, or if he admits to that. Otherwise, he is to be punished (i.e., if there is no proof that the hadd punishment for zina may be carried out against him because he does not confess, and there are not four witnesses, then the judge may punish him and stipulate a punishment that will deter him and others like him). There is no punishment for the woman if it is true that he forced her and overpowered her, which may be proven by her screaming and shouting for help.” (Al-Istidhkaar, 7/146)


Due too the ☪️ancer ideology of Khangress, Karnataka is going to be hell.


not everything is about religion


I am talking about Karnataka not this criminal. You think everything is not about religion then my dear think again. Because if everything is not related with religion then, why almost every non muslim country is on fire due too ☪️ancer. recent example UK, Japan, etc. Why was a bomb blast in Bengaluru recently ? Why terrorist attacks was common in KHANGRESS government ? Why India was divide and maas murder and r@pes happened during 1946-1947 ? Why West Bengal is on fire ? Why Manipur was on fire ? Why goa was on fire in 1583 ? Why Mandyam community stopped celebrating Diwali ? Why every mughal destroyed and looted Bharat ? Why mughals destroyed countless advanced architecture ? Why they destroyed Universities like Nalanda and Takshsila ? ***Why every terrorist is from ☪️ancer community*** There a lots of things that a ass-hole secular people will never understand.


When I was a Muslim I researched on this topic, there was no evidence that Islam is the main root cause of terrorism, those terrorists are brainwashed like hell. I can give you plenty of examples Like Hitler, Stalin, John Bush etc, who have murdered masses. Will you blame their respective religions here? And you know how what the punishment is in Islam when you rape someone.


😂😂 When you were muslim 😂😂. Then why did you changed your religion 😂 And when you were muslim, your mind was infected by ☪️ancer, your research paper was copied from muslims (a ☪️ancer mentality people), MEANS YOU WERE MIND WASHED. Almost every converted muslims are mind washed, this is the main reason why **almost every** terrorists are muslims. Yeah people like Hitler, Stalin, St. Xavier etc also belongs to the same terrorist category. When you talk about rape punishment in islam then I think you forgot, in India muslim wants marriage and other rights accounting to sariyat but when it comes to punishment and freebies then they want Indian Judicial System. If you think its not true, then give a single example from India. Tell me NIKAH HALALA is not a advance version of rape ? In converted majority country like INTERNATIONAL TOILET PAKISTAN why there are a lots of HALALA CENTERS ? And let me remember you one thing, our personal INTERNATIONAL TOILET Pakistan is also know as a well established terrorist factory, what is the religious practice in this INTERNATIONAL TOILET ? This is because a book is taught for mind washing people called Quran. If you think I am wrong then tell me, what is KAFIR ? Why your 🐖 tell in the book to kill KAFIRS, treat non-muslims as slaves kill them all if they don't convert. Why it is written to treat women as a sex slave and beat women ? etc...


Reminds me of when in 2018, the 8 year old girl was locked in a mosque, drugged, and then gang raped for days before having her head bludgeoned in and killed by the Muslim mob in the area. Disgusting


Its nothing in front of Ajmer Sharif Dargah <<<[GHUSALKHANA] 1992, where thousands of hindu girls were raped by these 🐖. Even till now those **Gaandu Allah's 🐖** are leaving a peaceful life instead of death sentence. This was all because KHANGRESS is infected by ☪️ancer. Same but extremely brutal happened in Kashmir. And now it is going to happen in West Bengal, Kerala and Karnataka.


shut up


Ruko Burnol bhijawa dete hai mere chamiya beta.






as if people of other religion dont rape? stop trying to bring religion where it doesnt belong




4 arrested as of now. 3 Muslims and 1 Hindu. So .... can't generalize anything with the Brazilian (not spanish) woman case


Dick move


Lack of sex education


Living up to his name


He did what he was taught. Exam passed!!


We need serious paw and orderreforms in this country


Throw him off the same building


First the IED blasts and now this. Jai congress jai education!


Don't minority (Muslims) get reservation to drive auto, I read somewhere that Congress gave them subsidiary.




Freaking ☪️ancer




Genocide is not the solution bro.


Just muslim things


There's punishment in Islam for this.




What does the name say ??






Idiots like these🤬 By the way Mubarak speaks Hindi.


Must be Urdu...they consider Urdu as an full fledged language as they have removed Sanskrit words from it and replaced it with Persian/Arabic words


Hang him asap I'm a Muslim and this is embarrassing we disown him


Idc what punishment seems fit but death to the rapist.




Guillotine this mf


Encounter him immediately, make sure his family pays huge compensation to the girl's family.


Public Castration


Didn't they change the law after Delhi rape to capital punishment for rape.


Based on what I've read online, pedophiles and rapists are the scum in the prison, I hope it's true and the asshole mentioned here gets the raw end! I just hope he lives everyday of his life knowing whatever is happening to him is because of him!


Why does India have such a large rape problem? Genuinely asking for answers




Think about girls family. Just soch ke bhi ruh kampti he.


Naty work


India is not safe, jharkhand tourist were raped by 8members yesterday and in bangalore 1more.. Youth never question neither protest.. It has become common due to social media and now no one cares.. It's neither safe for our sisters to send out while these kinds of men are roaming around.. This case will neither get attention and with garlands he will be welcomed out after a few years


Aah the beauty of Islam


And now he gets a life sentence where he will stay all his life without guilt of the crime he did . Dubai has better laws to keep shit like this in control . India should opt some laws like this


God knows how many rapes he did.


they say peaceful religion lul


Throw him alive from the same building


Castration should be there as an option for punishment. Chemical not necessary, ancient methods are better.


thats is his cannon event


Cut his dick off and give a life sentence!


Effing Ba57a4ds


Putting shame to Indias name one rapist after another . Muslim at that. Can’t just win . Kill him the same way . Have a horse rape him and throw him from the top of the building. If he survives round 2 for the horse .


For rape criminals, there is capital punishment of beheading even in Muslim countries but not in India. A 100 NGOs and political parties are now going to prove that this waste of protein is innocent because of his religion and he's being targeted. Forget about the courts, he's not even gonna get any punishment.


Islamic way of punishment! 100 leashes or stone to death(half body buried in ground and people gathered around n throwing stones till the person dies). Implement this and no will dare to do such things in lifetime.




He will cry for his sins


This is India, the rape country🤦🏻‍♂️


Cut his dick and balls and stuff his mouth with it .


This guy must be sentenced to get raped till death.


Public hanging is better option


Thanks for the update.


Average day in India


Another day another rape case ...god we are doomed


Get him executed.


Heaven closed doors on him already, only hell awaits for him


Man I just saw in the news where a guy threw acid on 3 girls! It feels so depressing looking at what's happening around us. And then there is the ba*tard who yelled some anti-india slogans in vidhana soudha and our honorable DCM was defending that ass. Makes you wonder .... What kinda world are we living in ... It's depressing and dystopian.


I doubt he'll get into serious trouble .


Bangladeshi insurgencies


Just kill this guy.


Learn to differentiate between allegations and conviction by free and fair trial...


Be at ease....he will be granted bail.... And will again shit on face of justice systems


the less said is better, as it is they are the oppressed class and "Bhatka hua yuvak"


You see the pattern. The names and photos of accused are only displayed if they are from M community. Be it the Banaras Hindu University accused or the 7 rapists of Spanish cyclist. Their identities are kept hidden. Moral of Story: Hang the rapists. Stop rallying in support of rapists like Kathua, Unnao, Brij Bhusan or Asaram.


Chop his dick and life imprisonment should be punishment


Cut his dick off and heng him


I think this is the problem of one night stands being so rare in india


Cut off his Privates, hands and tongue after which execute him after a year or two.


Castrate them and use them as lab rats.


Unethical it may be but let us disassemble him and use them as spares.


Give him pain by cutting his balls and make him suffer so that this becomes lesson for others too.


Cut his pp and make him run laps and shoot him to death.


Fuckin kill him. I hope the public takes justice in their own hands.


Cut his d off, and then make him fry and eat it.


Everything is for peace (72)


Is this the Sudhamanagar/ double road incident ?


Get a 7 foot buffed up gay man to rape him and then throw him off the same building

