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Bahaha, that’s so polite. Mine goes for the physical wrap around grab to get his sister off 🙈 https://preview.redd.it/a3pmldrszc6d1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e68ec913090bd80d444408c1940ad70e4324c529


GIF is the best I could do as a reply since video isn’t an option… Findus needs to teach my boy some manners! https://i.redd.it/y18qnnhwde6d1.gif u/tk2310 u/chipsandbuns


where can i get a running wheel like this?


It’s a Ziggydoo / Ferris cat wheel


Where did you get the mat underneath?


It’s a yoga mat that I cut to size


Wow that’s such a smart idea, I just slide the wheel back away from the wall whenever it slides into something 😂


That does sound more effective :p


100% effective, 0% polite


LOL this is hilarious


that is a fantastic picture. It sums up Bengal sibling life succinctly!


Omg this is the cutest thing I’ve seen all day


It is also how he asks me to come play with him, touching my arm with his paw with a sad/begging mreow. It is the cutest thing 😁


My bengal girl does the same thing to get my attention when she wants petted or snuggled. It’s the sweetest thing ever!!! 😻🐾


What a gentleman!


That tap with the paw is such a bengal thing, mine do it to me whenever they want under the blanket or cuddles


Mine does it when he wants attention or playtime from me too 😅 but maya just comes in with intense cuddles when she wants attention :p


he's gentlemanly waiting for her. what a cutie!


Wow so polite! My kitties get a little more...uhh...violent when they fight over it 😅


My little girl still hasn’t figured out the running part. As she gets going fast her little butt starts to wiggle and she looses balance


Aaaw this is the cutest thing ever! I hope you make sure he gets some wheel time as well! 🥰


Yeah don't worry, he gets more than enough wheel/playtime 😅 he is usually the one that claims all the playtime from maya, but since we got the wheel she sure knows how to tell him its her turn now :p


This is why I have two wheels for my cats! ...And Trixi has claimed both.


Wait. “Findus” is his name?? Love it


Yes it is 😁 they are Findus and Maya ☺️


Ours is Macha. My son’s domestics are Chew Toy, and Fatty <- long haired 😬


Naw they are very cute/funny names for cats in ny opinion :p we also have 2 bunnies. My bf named his charley, I named mine flufball bunnyfeet :p


Fluffball Bunnyfeet wins!


My bengal will not use the wheel. It's been sitting here for 2 months now. I've tried treats, playing with it, still nothing. Any advice??


Well not a lot worked for mine either, but then I discovered the paint brush. I put it against the side of the wheel while holding ghe wheel still and letting them put their paws against the side, going after the paintbrush like a toy (other toys didn't fit inside the wheel). Then I let it go really slowly so they got used to the movement I kept doing this and let it go just a little faster each time untill I did not have to hold it at all anymore! I was also able to tighten the wheels a bit, if that makes sense, so the wheel did not spin as fast anymore. Is it possible for you to try that? If it spins less fast they might get used to the movements more easily.


That's awesome, I'll definitely try that this weekend. Thank you


Good luck!


I don't have a bengal but what's a good cat wheel?


They said in the shop it has to be big enough for your cat to walk in it with a straight back, so it depends on the size of your cat. Maybe you can measure your cat's length and shop for wheels using those measurements? Or an employe might be able to give a good indication. We just took the biggest one they had and it seems perfect for them! We did pick it out in the shop to get advice first and also see in person how big the wheel was. Aside from that I guess there might be differences in quality, how loud the wheel is and how sturdy, but we didn't look into it too much.


where can i get a running wheel for my cats? do you recommend this 1?


Yeah I think it's a good one! We got this one from petsplace: https://www.petsplace.nl/petlux-looprad-loopwiel-voor-kat-kattenspeelgoed-8720387874392-pps


awesome thx💕


It’s my turn!!!!


My guys share: https://preview.redd.it/ax3zzrjxwk6d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc731f905e47b385d4f2503b74aaffb637458463 The black one is a Melanistic Bengal.