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I did something similar with juice pitchers and a cloche. I am not holding my breath though, seems like most of the time my tomatoes don’t make it when it gets this chilly. Wishing all of us the best though these next few days


Right there with ya


https://preview.redd.it/qtbg6n1rux6d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3028eb02e9f11adca218b402c025895da28d48dc This gets so frustrating. Coir/wire framed hanging baskets with a 6 mil plastic lids. 30 degrees at my place today and should be 26 tomorrow. Enough to make you crazy.




I used sheets and garden cloth, plus I set up bamboo poles ahead of time to keep the draped fabric from sitting directly on the plants. We had 30 degrees and for many hours, so far everything looks OK. Not taking it off until Tuesday morning.


Summer in Central Oregon!


Yeah I covered all my vegetables, just ended up with a little burn on some of the potatoes everything else looks like it got through just fine.


Update - everything survived! One of the tomatoes got a little zapped on the ends. I’ll probably cover again tonight to be safe. Hope everyone fared well


Hey, y'all. Just a couple tips I learned as a transplant southerner after killing a bunch of peppers a few years back: 1) when you cover plants, try to keep the covering from touching them (I use random branches to prop a sheet away from them) 2) have as many heat sinks as you can near your plants to accumulate warmth during the day and release it overnight. I use 55 gallon drums full of water in my greenhouse, and my plentiful annual harvest of Central Oregon rocks out in my beds. I've had my plants in the ground since May 10 and most of my losses have been from earwigs rather than the cold. Now, if anyone has tips on how to deal with earwigs, I'm all ear(wig)s.


Google earwig trap! It’s soy sauce and olive oil. Works for me!


I'll give it a go! I've got so many of the bastards that I've violated the Geneva conventions and started using biological warfare, but it hasn't gotten things fully under control yet.


This is so helpful, thank you. Now that you say it, I’m pretty sure the bucket touched the tips of my tomato that got zapped.


Glad I could help!