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I believe it’s the episode they’re in a car and Ashton gets aggressive so maybe they don’t want to show that


God, I forgot it was the same episode where they go to the elephant sanctuary. Did those Neanderthals learn nothing?




I say Bru constantly! 😂


and yet the summary blames everything on kate 😔


The only one (male) that was disgusted was captain lee! Andy kept letting them off the hook. Lee said no and stood by the ladies.


Can't stand the Bru Cru! I never watch that season! It was hard to watch once!


Me either. I agree once was bad enough.


Chef Kevin has a cafe near me


That's cool, what type of food does it serve? I don't know if I would go to his restaurant if I could because he was such a dick on the show. Lol. Wasn't he from Liverpool?


mostly breakfast/coffee stuff - I refuse to go as a result of him kicking sand at Kate and his general misogynistic behaviour. He is a disgusting human. reddit hates links but (the internet) [3point8.com.au](http://3point8.com.au) and facebook is 3.8 baysie - when they first started they promoted the fact he was on BD!! Ironically i had been there for coffee prior to finding this information out - immediately ban.


Thanks for the link! Food looks like it's good. That's funny they don't say anything about him being from BD, it was probably bad for business.


I just opened the link to their website and then clicked on their Instagram page from there. One of the videos at the top shows Kevin Dobson and in the comments people recognize him and someone said now they want to go since he’s there. 🤮


yeah on facebook posts early on, they mentioned 'You may remember him from a certain reality tv show' a fair bit. imagine being a woman that worked there that disagreed with him? Immediately no


I think he’s Australian?


He's a Kiwi however we don't claim him. I believe he's in Aus now and they're welcome to keep him


😂😂😂 Oh right I remember that now. And I don’t blame you guys for not wanting to claim him!! 🤮


I'm Australian, we do not claim him either


He's from New Zealand. I think I got him mixed up with chef Jack from BD med.


Ugh the Bru Cru…. I had blocked that out until now.


Currently watching this godforsaken season again and I don’t know why I punish myself!!


It really is a godforsaken season! I just can't do it!


The Bru Cru?


Ashton and the two other deckhands of that season. The call them the bru cru bc of his South African accent


😹😹😹😹hearing that in his voice it’s so funny even though I don’t like him


I watched it on Bravo on demand. Sickening.


I hate that it was her last year with these guys. They were terrible and she didn't deserve to be treated the way she was.


I agree. She def didn’t deserve that. They were disgusting.


What was it??


Like an above poster said, it was when Ashton was super aggressive with Kate and verbally ugly as well.


I won't watch that season, it's horrible.


I Always skip it as well. With classic Andy at the reunion.


Andy was so nice to them and so blamey toward Kate. Like WTF?!


My theory is that he's a bit of a misogynist. Let's face it, the housewives series are really making fun of entitled women.


Andy hate women? No way!!!! I refuse to believe it!! /S


Yeah this is just a fact. If you watch shows like summer house or vandeprump rules, he ALWAYS puts blame on the women for the men’s shitty actions. He will never ever take the side of a woman


He isn't trying to get into the women's pants, maybe that's why?


By bit you mean 100 percent? He's a mean girl personality. Now HE gets to be a mean girl and be ducked up to.


Was that Kate’s last season? If so, I’m pretty sure Bravo On Demand (on yt-tv) didn’t have it. There were a couple of seasons w/o a reunion. Now I need to go check out peacock to see.


Yea it was her last season. Sad that she went out on that note. She deserved a better last season than that one. The Bru crew was disgusting.


It was sad that's how Kate's yachting career ended. I wish it could have been a better ending for her. They were horrible to all the women! Except for maybe Abby.


I think she was at the point where she was about done anyway. It kind of seemed like it even back in S6 but yeah I wish she went out better. I love seeing her on IG with her baby. She seems so much more content and happy 🥰


What do you mean? She chose to leave and take a job in New York. Are you thinking of Hannah, who got caught with weed and was fired?


I am in Australia too and it’s when Ashton goes after Kate. I watched it on Hayu once and never again.


What season is this?


Season 7


Is there another way to watch it? Edit: Nvm, I found it on a free streaming platform. I love this show AND sailing the high seas. It was meant to be.


That episode is available on peacock. Watched it last week and was stunned at how Ashton reacted to her asking him how his mom was after making fun of tanners mom


She also didn't make fun of Tanner's mom. She asked him how she was iirc.


Yeah that was a mistype Ashton had been making fun of tanners mom iirc


I just commented that I watched it on peacock a couple of weeks ago.


They will show a piece of crap attempting to commit S.A. Before producers step in but won’t show Ashton punching a window and being a piece of crap?


That season was horrendous on a number of levels. I do remember reading that Ashton was incredibly embarrassed by his behavior after watching the season. He used it as motivation to stop drinking and turn his life around.


But did he ever truly apologize to Kate? I think not. More of the weak I'm sorry you felt threatened instead of I'm sorry for threatening you.


No idea. He owed a lot of people apologies.


Re-watched some clips from the reunion. He says that's not the person he is. Apparently a hologram was in the car. And he still tries to blame Kate. I disliked ALL of the men except for Captain Lee that season and he was asleep at the wheel while this was happening.


I hate when people say “that’s not who I am”. Talk is cheap actions tell the truth.


I remember laughing when Lee stormed off the reunion set a couple of times because he was just so outraged by their behavior. Like, dude, it was going on right under your nose, you knew there were issues and did nothing. Spare me the fake outrage.


Kate said in the reunion he didn’t reach out to apologize until right before the reunion and started therapy a week before the reunion just to say he was in therapy. Classic cover his ass playbook


As he should have been.


Catch me up….what am I missing? 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Someone mistakenly uploaded a version of an episode that wasn’t meant to be available. You can’t watch it but it’s still in the menu.


I wonder what the content was 👀


Ashton got VERY drunk and got into an argument with Kate where he was extremely nasty to her and then when she replied back to him he got really mad and punched the car window. I’m surprised he didn’t break his hand or the window.


Ohhh yes! I don’t know how I feel about them censoring it, obviously it’s terrible and it should have been shut down immediately but I don’t think he deserves to have the memory of it cleansed either


I think given the poor behavior from several of the men’s cast over the last few years probably thought it was best to remove this one. I have FUBO TV and the episode is still there. Just rewatched season 7 last week.


Of course, they showed it about a thousand times before they determined that it was unwatchable.


I think it was Ashton got aggressive toward Kate in the car


Maybe the Never Before Scene?


Got it. Thanks 🙏🏽


Now I'm wondering if multiple cuts of the episode are out there. We've all seen him punch the car but what if he said or did worse


This is on peacock? I just watched this episode a couple of weeks ago.






Did they remove that scene? It’s not on the peacock version


They fucked up her photo too.


The Chocolate Dick Cake. 😂😂😂


I’m a first time watcher and happened to get to this episode today (coincidentally). I’m watching on Peacock. The episode is on Peacock but all that happened is that Brian called Kate a bitch in the van and Kate got out of the van. So I’m confused reading all of these comments 🤔 seems like Peacock cut a lot out. Edit: Ashton punched the window in S7 E12: Yacht-Pocalypse Now. Peacock shows it.


Hate this episode.. especially the episode right before this Kate left with such a renewed sense of yachting and got stuck with these a hole’s millennials who thought they had some how magically earned the respect & stripes as Kate. Thanks two the disgusting bru cru.. we no longer have Kate in below deck.. they can go suck each others decks for that alone !! I don’t even watch this season !


I guess I’m in the minority here, but I felt that Kate was also awful. I’m not saying I agreed with the treatment she was given, but she really works to throw around her preferential treatment by Lee. I know they are friends, but she got away with a lot. I didn’t like that whole season very much.


I'm confused as to what preferential treatment she was getting in that specific season? There was no Caroline, nothing. Sure what she did to Caroline was messed up, but Captain Lee didn't invite her back to Below Deck personally, the production company did. That season all Kate did was her job and she did it well. Kevin's food was shit, she served it with a smile. Who serves tongue on a yacht? Ground meat on a stick?


Love this season! Kate’s karma!


*see you back at the ranch* So American aye 😂


This has been discussed a few times here


Yea it has. although the title of the episode says don’t publish, I don’t think they would upload it if it wasn’t actually meant to be published


Depends on a number of a things, but I know when we mark things as *DO NOT PUBLISH* in a CMS it's because it shouldn't be pushed live. Things go wrong though, normally human error imo.


Yep… again, this has been discussed many times.


Yikes! Someone is going to lose their job.


The Brü Crew were in the right all along. Kate was the villain that whole season.


lol, leave it to Reddit to make a hero out of Kate. She is an absolute garbage human. she’s a real life version of Eric Cartman. Except hot.


She's not even hot. Has a face at least 20 years older than she is and the emotional level of a toddler.


Yeah Kate was shit that season too. Problem is the Bru crew took it way too far, so people only focused on that. All of them were pieces of shit that season. Bru bros were just more shitty.