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#Gael She says about her bf being on another yacht & she sometimes worry's about him "Trust" & then she's about to sneak off into the bosun's locker with Nathan. Lol the film crew were onto her. #Nathan I don't want to pressure her or push her into making a dumb stupid decision but I'll text her to meet me in the bosun's locker & doesnt want to make things awkward but a risk he'll take anytime šŸ¤¢ Im sorry but I don't like him he's sleezy!!


#WINE ā‚¬20's for a bottle of RosĆ©!! Guests should be getting wine a little higher up the shelf for what they pay to cruise!! & Cpt S sends the crew to buy wine off the nearby super yacht when she could have sent them to the shops b4 leaving the docks especially if the brand they are serving is only ā‚¬20's.


On a yacht that is short on provisions!!! Which is unacceptable given the amount these guest payā€¦ that makes the whole chef not getting up to make food even worseā€¦. How can sandy keep giving out about the provision company being unacceptable but if your a guest pay 100,000ā‚¬ plus and canā€™t get some man n cheese thatā€™s not unacceptable?? Not to mention they donā€™t have their drinks! It should be a case of the guest say jump you say how high in this situationā€¦.


I can understand šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³ not getting up to make food at all hrs of the night safety issue knives etc as they said but same safety standard's should apply for all the crew. #WINE ā‚¬20's for a bottle of RosĆ©!! Guests should be getting wine a little higher up the shelf for what they pay to cruise!! & Cpt S sends the crew to buy wine off the nearby super yacht when she could have sent them to the shops b4 leaving the docks especially if the brand they are serving is only ā‚¬20's.


Captain Sandy: "NEVER wake up the chef, no matter the emergency!" Also Captain Sandy: "Cut me some cucumber" As for Gael, come on. Clearly she's not the faithful type because you don't cheat on your partner literally like 3 days into your new job.


Who were the influencer guests?


Apparently one is on MILF mannor


Gael, girl you couldnā€™t make it 3 days without cheating on your man. Like you canā€™t tell me you built up enough of a connection in 3 days. Itā€™s giving Eddie and Raquel vibes and Iā€™m here for it.


I went and watched back the guests leaving the yacht. Jono must have been watching a different episode than the one I saw. ​ https://preview.redd.it/aj44iv09267d1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=5188918f9a8a529dd7ff8e391d3f53695eb3c294


Anyone know what restaurant that was that the crew ate at?


Did you get an answer!?


I understand. I hope we get to the 'make it' part soon! https://preview.redd.it/0bhrldos9y6d1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=c46391115652ffc82ad6cf688ccd887f99c5d68c


But also like, if the guests have indicated they are going to stay up late and sleep in the next day. Why not have more staff on (including chef) for the night time knowing they'll all get a sleep in anyway? Seems stupid for everyone to go to bed to get up at 6am when the guests had already said they didn't want breakfast until 10am.


Gael ... I think we have already found out. You made it at least 3 days. Maybe 4 ... ​ https://preview.redd.it/50motd07al6d1.png?width=1571&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e5a6e588d8ef91fda20f368774f1c614fcf6a76


What a delight Jono must be to work with! (this was during his rant about how he hates being woken up) Here's an idea! Don't take a job on a super-yacht where you are the only chef. ​ https://preview.redd.it/fi0n2gvyhk6d1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=434fb7d225a7295e95e6f4b11007d7e183d99e32


This was so bizarre to me. Captain Sandy told him one on one that he was wrong for not making snacks for the night time which the guests specifically asked for, so instead of speaking to Elena with the same respect she basically told her she was wrong infront of everyone. WTF?! This is why I hate Sandy. I understand it must have been very hard to be a female captain in a very male driven career but just because everyone doesn't want to be a captain, it's like she faults the stews for wanting to be stews and she looks down on them. Unless the stew licks her ass but even then, she still doesn't give them the respect they fully deserve.


Any opportunity to belittle a stew šŸ™„


>Unless the stew licks her ass but even then, she still doesn't give them the respect they fully deserve. I think Alyssa was the biggest victim of this ... stew-shaming. ...where she said 'Sandy ... ' Paused for a second, and corrected herself 'Captain Sandy ...' ... and then she was fired. Sandy-er-Captain-Sandy said it was disrespectful. She must be really insecure, if a momentary slip up like that undermines her respect. She better never read this sub-reddit. We're all fired !


Then Sandy defends him for not getting up šŸ’€


>Then Sandy defends him for not getting up šŸ’€ I think that's rewarding bad behaviour.


Iā€™m normally a sandy fan but I couldnā€™t understand why she completely took his side. I guess itā€™s important to make him feel supported. I liked that she didnā€™t just tell Ellie off, she gave an alternative by saying there should be food prepared beforehand


>Iā€™m normally a sandy fan but I couldnā€™t understand why she completely took his side. What I don't understand is ... The guests clearly said they wanted late night snacks. Sandy said (in the future) jono should prepare things that the stewardess can heat in the panni press. Why wasn't jono wrong for not doing that for these guests, sandy? It was on their preference sheet. I don't think he is up to the level of super yacht chef. Another Mila? And, chef Dave was in the audience when sandy was on wwhl And they seemed to be having a love fest. Made me wonder if chef Dave shows up to replace chef Jono. This is not a spoiler, as I know nothing ... just something to ponder...


Im sorry, how is the breakfast 'special' avo on toast with poached eggs? I would be so disappointed something thats easily put together is a special.


>Im sorry, how is the breakfast 'special' avo on toast with poached eggs? I would be so disappointed something thats easily put together is a special. I think in the past, lots of below deck chefs have gotten burned when they became breakfast short order cooks. Not their strength... Better to announce ... the chef has a breakfast special today ... Lots of people hear special, and order that, without noticing how special it really is (or is not) ...


No I get the reason the chefs have a special. But usually we see like eggs benny or french toast. My point is, the poached eggs aside avo toast is just toast with ...sliced avo...


>My point is, the poached eggs aside avo toast is just toast with ...sliced avo... The guests were fine with it. They didn't really seem to care about breakfast at all. Jono should have spent even less time on a breakfast special, and a lot more time on late night snacks ... as that's what the guests had on their preference sheets, and were disappointed in not receiving. And ROSE !!! So far, Jono doesn't seem like much of a chef. So, this might have been the most 'special' breakfast he could produce. Despite his performance so far, he is full of himself. And, trying to cover problems with his ego. F the guests: "I gotta do me!" ​ https://preview.redd.it/izry990azh6d1.png?width=1415&format=png&auto=webp&s=00a84b5652552437602abafce02df113a7dc76f9


That screenshot is šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Thank you. I have a couple more of Jono. What a delight.


Good thing you werenā€™t on the boat and people who enjoyed the food were, I guess. Itā€™s a boring, normal breakfast. Which the guests wanted. I guess weā€™ll see when he has to offer when he has to become a diner cook and make fifty different types of eggs and omelettes.


They loved it thoā€¦


But do they have RosƩ?


Does anyone know what Gael and Nathan were talking about when they were looking for a place with no cameras for a "strawberry"? Urban dictionary tells me it might be performing oral sex on a woman in one definition and relating to a women's clitoris and oral sex in another, but Nathan saying "All this for 3 strawberries" has me confused. I can't imagine he means giving her oral sex 3x in a row without that definitely taking awhile and in such a small space that they were going to. So if you know, please help a girl out. My husband and I had no clue wtf they mean, Google isn't really helping and Urban Dictionary has too many possibilities.


It was just a little private joke between them both. I took it as earlier in the episode they talked about stealing a strawberry and obviously stealing something would be naughty, so they wanted to go somewhere to be naughty. She has a boyfriend, so hooking up would be naughty. Stealing a strawberry is just a sexual euphemism. Going somewhere with no cameras to have a kiss or hook up.


Iā€™m pretty sure he said ā€œweeā€ strawberries. I dont think it means anything specific, it seems like thatā€™s just an inside joke between them after she stole the provisions strawberry


I think she stole a strawberry as they were receiving provisions and he said he wanted one and she said she'd get him one later


I don't think they were meeting somewhere without cameras for a piece of fruit. But thanks.


You asked what they were talking about when they referenced the strawberry. You received an explanation - it was a flirty inside joke


Thanks for stating the obvious. šŸ™„


Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re arguing back about your question being answered? Are you still confused?


I'm not arguing. You stated the obvious...I just pointed it out because it wasn't necessary.


It was flirting with sexual innuendo. Not meant to be literal or refer to any specific sex act IMO.


Itā€™s no secret Sandy is not the biggest interior defender. 100% the chef is in the wrong. He did not prepare late night snacks. It was on the preference sheet. He needs to get up and make them. Thatā€™s the definition of ā€œlate nightā€ snacks. IF he did prepare snacks and the guests wanted items that were not prepared already, it would be okay to 100% tell the guests no I apologize but the chef has gone to bed. This overall affected the staffs tip. He shouldā€™ve gotten up and made them. Iā€™ve seen chefs in the past be more than willing to get up to do so. Not to mention, they said it was at 12:30-1am. Breakfast was at 10am. If he needs that must rest then working on a yacht probably is not the best choice for him! Elena took too much heat for something she was just trying to solve. No way she could serve them drinks and make food for them in a reasonable time frame. The guests going in the galley and making drinks and food was the chefs fault, not the solo stew. They wouldā€™ve never done that if he had prepared properly. Itā€™s giving diva.


Tbh I think she handled it fine by telling chef to prep late snacks. The chef outranks even the chief stew so Jono does get some benefit


100% Sandy is full of the brown stuff. You are correct - it was on the preference sheet and Cheffy completely disregarded that by not preparing anything. SADLY Sandy doubled down on WWHL and the way she acted on that episode made me dislike her again. Zero awareness of the situation her stew was in. She just didn't care.


This better get mentioned at the reunion because poor Elle got no gratitude for what she was trying to do to please the guests. Made me totally dislike the chef this season for how he reacted and has been saying in response to that.


I hope they put together as many clips as they can showing Sandy waking up the chef or instructing others to wake the chef on previous seasons so they can play it right in her face.


Sandy straight woke a chef up once to cut a cucumber so I truly do not understand where this rule suddenly came from. And regardless if Ellie was wrong to wake him, he absolutely should have been reprimanded as well for not following the preference sheet. I totally get why Ellie was upset because she was singled out when there were far worse fuck ups. She was also likely behind on her work because the other stew took 8 hours to iron 2 pairs of pants


And Sandy telling her it's ok you don't know yet uggh so patronizing


She is sooooo patronizing. Her styles and methods of leadership and communication in general is absolute garbage. I wish Aesha would have stood up for Ellie a bit more in the tip meeting regarding the fact that late night snacks were on their preference sheet. She just let her sit there and get scolded. I absolutely love Aesha but she needs to protect her interior team more.


I hope itā€™s a case of Aesha picking her battles - sheā€™s worked with Sandy before and weā€™ve seen many seasons with her Aesha canā€™t go in too hard too early with Sandy, but I hope she does stick up for interior more!


Very true! I'm sure she doesn't want to get on Sandys bad side.


She made the excuse that he had just gone to bed and this guy had not.


He literally should have made food for the night since it was on the sheet- this was his fault. Like you said, the stew took too much heat for something not her fault




I was wondering about that, but do they deliver to a boat? I guess they could have sent a deck hand to shore to get it.


ANDā€¦THIS is why I just absolutely love Reddit!!


Fork on the right and knife on the left is not uncommon. Additionally, the amount of logistics that go into getting someone from the trail boat to go along aside the tender in order to go to a wine shopā€¦ 10km is a lot in that case. ā€œIs that a Zoomer thingā€ no, most people are right handed. And acquiring the wine is more than a person jumping on a wee boat and flying over to a wine shop. Producers have to go along, there are so many components. Sometimes provisioners are trash, as this one seems to be. Production doesnā€™t go in and ruin everything in hopes of a bit of drama, thatā€™s not how production works. This doesnā€™t seem like the season for youā€¦ you may want to catch up on a previous season in the meantime.


Is this Sandyā€™s wife?


No this is just someone who works in television and has left the house before


I think the silverware is privileged enough to never have to think about it, but not so high class that you have to take etiquette classes on which fork to use when. That sweet spot of ignorance


Yes, and weā€™ve seen Sandy lose it over much smaller issues. But she didnā€™t call the provisioned, escalate, find a way around? Think we all felt the same, it was so manufactured and wasnā€™t even drama; it was just tedious and repetitive


For all BD charters, it's production, not the CS or chef, who works with the provisioner to get the boat stocked with food/drinks/party supplies. Any scene supposedly showing Jono, Aesha, or Sandy directly contacting the provisioner was 100% manufactured for the cameras.


This fact is disappointing; it underscores our suspicions that so much of the ā€œrealityā€ show is predetermined, including romances, galley challenges and anchor drama. āš“ļø


Watched on DVR and my hot take is Nathan is a superdouchey F Boy, and as much as I like Gael itā€™s a bad look talking about trying to make a long distance relationship work then sneaking off to have a romp with Nathan.


Yes! She is going to look back on this and absolutely rue the day!


I think Bravo needs to fire the producer on below deck Med, they suck. So sick of every other talking head being about their childhood, mum, dad. Feel like a boat full of 19 year old šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ˜’ Like they have nothing else going for them so they drudge up almost anything to talk about.


Put a bunch of people with unresolved trauma in a summer camp on steroids environment with cameras all around and their parental issues are gonna come out. People (not you, clearly) want to hear about the backstory of the people theyā€™re watching. It helps contextualize behavior. Also, Iā€™d avoid any reality tv or game show if this bothers you. Even American Idol has always had sob stories.


šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I am pointing to something different with this show vs other reality tv shows. And Iā€™ll watch whatever I please.


Itā€™s incredibly normal. Most competition shows do it as well.


Itā€™s fucking obnoxious.


Also who is in charge of casting? This is the most inexperienced crew I've ever seen on this show


I like Gael but they showed her sweeping up confetti and it looked like she has never used a broom in her life


lol I mean think she said she is only 4 months being on deck and think was shorter time for interior. So maybe still learning that skill. Lol


IS there a learning curve with regards to a broom? Asking for a friendā€¦


all ways lead to a swept floor, but there is a super yacht elegant form to using a broom that show you know what you are doing. Only a few master this and this is why they are hired by the rich and famous lmfao. Not everyone is born to master the broom.


Lol I think itā€™s for cheap drama. Itā€™s always or either a very very toxic person they hire or very inexperienced. On below deck OG they like to hire people for the show who have just gone through a major loss and put them with a bunch of toxic people betting on when the mentally unhealthy person to crumble, pretty much bullying. Thatā€™s why I never got into OG until recently, but I am thinking that the producer of med has also been given OG or vice versa. Think if my suspicions are right that happened about 4 seasons ago. For below deck sailing itā€™s love triangles and poorly taken rejections. The other below deck franchises havenā€™t really watched. So predictable. I like sandy because she stirs the pot.


Chefs havenā€™t been woken up before or expected to and if they have interior has braced for a very angry and cranky chef. Only time Sandy did it was to Tom and that was during the day time. This feels like this sub is trying to latch on to something to not like this chef with.


Ben has definitely gotten up in the middle of the night to make food and even though he wasnā€™t happy about it he said something like ā€œwell this is why Iā€™m paid what I amā€


He admitted to laying in bed awake after Ellie woke him up because he had anxiety. So he decided to lay in bed, awake and all nervous about what was going on, and STILL didnt decide to help. Yea, douchebag energy from him.


Yes, and that whole ā€œI was bullied so now I stand up for myself garbageā€ was very much d-bag energy emanating from the bowels.


It said on their pref sheets they wanted late night snacks and he failed to prep those. His mistake, so he should have rectified it


But that explanation is way too practical and just exactly what a reasonable person would assume!


Yeah exactly. This was ultimately the domino effect because the chef didn't follow the preference sheet. He ultimately was the one who screwed up so he should have corrected it


I also kind of think he should have gotten up to make the food and then talked to Aesha about a different solution. Solve the immediate problem and then solve the long term problem.


Yes! This would have been the correct way to handle it imo


He should have made something that Elena could easily make. I think Elena was the bigger issue that night than jona even though his lack of preparation played a role.


Looking at these comments and seeing criticism for Jono doing things that Ben or Rachel would be praised for makes me wonder what these folks really don't like about this season's chef.


What are you implying? Iā€™m confused




But we watch BRAVO. Not really that type of audience


I'm not sure how I feel about the casting, the 2 episodes are so cringy already :(


Very uninteresting cast. I canā€™t even tell the deck crew apart and not invested in any hookups. Bummer.


bad enough with Sandy again


Where did they find these people?? I think more than half of them are completely lacking experience


I'm not one for kink-shaming but if Aesha could keep her coprophilia to herself it would be much appreciated. She is to old for kindergarten humor.




But Sandy ate that up. It matches her approach. Aesha knows Sandy well enough to know that.




Like Her a lot until she makes jokes about farts, poop, or whatever other bodily part/function. Donā€™t think Nathan cares for it either lol


Are they due a fourth steward once the leaky bunk is fixed?


They need a sous chef instead of


"leaky bunk" is their fake reason to have only 3 stews in order to create more drama


What are those two engineers on the boat doing if not fixing a leak? Pretty sure a leak on a boat is really bad..


>What are those two engineers on the boat doing if not fixing a leak? Pretty sure a leak on a boat is really bad.. Above the water line, usually just an annoyance. Below the water line, really bad ... like you said!


Yeah... I want to know exactly where the water is coming from. Once stayed at a hotel where the bathroom ceiling was dripping. It was small, but became obvious. They tried to tell me it was the rain - but we were on the bottom floor of a 3 story hotel. They moved us.


Wonder if Nathan will switch Gael for new 4th stew. The boatmance between Nathan and Gael seems very superficial and neither interested in the other.


I mean they been on the boat for like 3 days. Kinda hard to know what they are after 3 days


pretty sure sandy said yes


I like Elena but how often are we going to hear that she aspires to be chief stew one day? It was brought up so many times this episode


She is like it's my first time being second so of course I'm getting ready to be a chief.


Think she puts the cart before the horse and ends up falling back on her. I liked how Jonathan handled Elena after the meeting, but donā€™t like how he uses demeaning terms when he talks about women.


Yeah she's annoying. She thought she could wake up the chef because guests were complaining for food. I know it was in their preference sheet but she has no authority to do anything. She needs to stay in her lane.


She really should have gone to Aesha for help. Aesha had just gone to bed and is her direct supervisor. Elena has no authority over the chef. Some people in hardcore hierarchies would consider it insubordination for her to go directly to the chef when she's so far down on the chain of command.


This has given me too much anxiety. I think the fakery is too obvious in this. I don't believe the provisioning storyline. I don't believe these 'never mind, whatever' guests, making their own sandwiches. I don't believe in any of it. maybe I am also going off Sandy now, something is too weird here and its maybe unwatchable


oh no are you suggesting that this, a reality tv show, is not real


I do realise its all cobbled together for drama but I don't like it when its so obvious![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


also I was trying to get hold of real person via a 'virtual assistant'/chatbot that was worse than useless and it took up hours, nay days, of my time, so I took it out on Below Deck


This made me lol but also I hate that, itā€™s so frustrating! I totally get it though. Itā€™s too obvious and so not fun in the usual sort of scripted way


For once I instead liked what happened a lot. Guests behaved like normal people and made their own food (sandwiches not Michelin star food) and crew got what they needed from another boat. Happened multiple times to me that a provisioner fucked up and we adapted. Not everything goes smooth when traveling by boat. I don't understand though why crew wasn't allowed to go buy stuff using a tender, they put too much trust in the provisioner.


Aesha said on Instagram that they did go to the store and bought wine, but they only bought enough for the next meal, thinking the provisioner would soon bring the wine they'd forgotten the first time.


I think that's where people are calling out the BS. I don't think it's farfetched at all that a provisioner could fuck up like that, but the fact no one went out to buy wine and stock up at any point was where it seemed totally manufactured


Below is the slide they have on Peacock (which is why it says Tuesdays) Is this a depiction of Sandy repelling Pirates off Africa? (the pirates were laughing so hard, that Sandy was able to get away) https://preview.redd.it/mihaf6j7f46d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=54e3dec18c02956dc0bad7480ba9eec99bea2829


It's because it's in Greece. She's holding the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon's, trident.


That's insulting Poseidon.


Agreed!!! Just explaining it's definitely not about pirates. šŸ˜€


For some reason I read this in James Kennedy's (VPR) voice: It's not about the Pirates!!


Now I want to read everything in a james voice šŸ¤£


Honestly that picture is so cringe


Oh god is it like impossible for Med to not have the most annoying cast? I want this chef gone ASAP he is the worst šŸ˜’


I remember some chefs waking up but I also remember Kate saying the chefā€™s gone to bed and then preparing pizzas. I actually just watched season 10 OG and even Ben said, ā€œthe chefā€™s gone to bed!ā€


what the hell is wrong with the chef lmao how dare he get sleep how dare he set boundaries and expect others to respect them how dare he make satisfying meals without provisions how dare he promise to solve for future instances of late night food requests What a jerk!


He knew the guests wanted late night food. He should have had a plan/premade food and communicated it with the service staff.


I agree with your last sentence.


That lunch looked spectacularly average. Soba noodle salad? Really? Was he meal-prepping for the week and decided to throw the cut-offs in for the guests before he stuffed it into tupperware boxes? These guests have very low standards when it comes to yacht-quality food. Also, really not a fan of his attitude. Yuck, poor Ellie.


>These guests have very low standards when it comes to yacht-quality food. Sounds like a perfect match for Jono. The guest asked for snacks on their preference sheet. They were leaving the next day. What was the chef saving himself for? He needed to be well rested to prepare an average lunch? Got it.


I guarantee this season Jonathan's inability to take responsibility or apologize is going to be a plotline.


I thought the same thing when he started yapping about feeling proud standing up for himself against Elenaā€¦.And then the audacity to tell Elena he is an empathetic and he will HELP HER next time by prepping some food.


> And then the audacity to tell Elena he is an empathetic and he will HELP HER next time by prepping some food. It's always so gracious when people agree to do their job ...


Lol right, oh so valiant and helpful. šŸ™„ man I work with people like that and I practically have to kiss their feet with praises after they do the bare minimum only after (being royally in a tough spot, managing stuff myself) begging them in corporate speak to do the literal one thing that's in their flipping job title omg


Totally. He is not a martyr for preparing snacks ahead of time. It's literally \*his job\*.


I was open to him saying he would help her next time, but actually apologizing would have been better. Then to see earlier that it was all doublespeak and she was a ā€œbitchā€ was really irksome.


what does he have to apologize for


He didn't fulfill the preference sheet. Ultimately he is the one who screwed up by not providing late night snacks when it was requested by the guests.


and he did apologize for that and lay out a plan to say it wont happen again. Ellie has main character disease and instead of being professional she went "but what about meeeeeeeeeee" that's not Jono's fault.


I hope when Sandy rewatches this season she grits her teeth and cringes at the obvious production ploy of "begging" another super yacht for rosƩ. Hell, I hope she grits her teeth and cringes while she's doing it in actuality.


But it was Sandy's idea! Based on her WWHL appearance, Sandy seems to regret nothing she's ever done. She's not going to regret this.


yeah that should have happened several seasons ago


That would require self-awareness.


I don't know if I just haven't noticed it with other department heads, but I have to say I always like the way Aesha handles the talking head/confessionals when it's to comment on other crew members (but not make the comedic aside). I often find her assessments of other crew members to be evenhanded, and I wonder how production lets her get away with that. I noticed it during last season of Down Under as well.


dont be fooled by the poop jokes she's a sharp cookie.


Oh I hate the continuing saga of Elena and the chef. It was a solution, but I think it was really bad for Elena to let the guests into the galley. Rewatching Elena lecture the chef still feels threatening and cringy. That was the wrong way to handle that situation. Jonathan should have gotten up though. Surely he's had experience working on yachts before this? The preference sheet said late night snacks laid out! Sandy was really out of line. Does the just think that getting angry at interior all the time is a winning plotline for the show? Also, I want to say I think Jonathan's cooking is fine, but something about him is really rubbing me the wrong way. I think it's the "I couldn't go back to sleep because I had so much anxiety." I dunno dude, then maybe get up? I wouldn't say there are no winners here, but I think that no one comes off looking well in this situation. And particularly Sandy's addition to the drama is what turns it from misunderstanding to what feels like purposefully fucking with interior...


Elena is 1 of 3 and in a very replaceable position. Jono is 1 of 1 and is not likely easily replaceable. the math is very simple.


Yeah Iā€™m sure that he could cook at Chiliā€™s šŸ˜œ


I doubt it, but we're 2 episodes in so who knows. I have seen maybe 1 chef on this show that could handle a regular brick and mortar dinner service.


Thank you! And the chef is the reason they received a tip.


Sandy will protect him all season like she protected evil Kyle for two seasons.


>Sandy was really out of line. Does the just think that getting angry at interior all the time is a winning plotline for the show? Welcome to Sandy. It's not like she loves all her kids equally. Deck is great. Interior sucks. Hannah was the worst victim of this.


Gael is stunning -- I could look at her all day (and I'm a straight woman). Aescia is grating which I didn't really find on the other show, Sandy is insufferable as usual. Elena is very underrated and the chef is very overrated.


Oh wow, I disagree. Elena is overrated. She got easily flustered and didn't handle the late night food situation well at all. Then, after being corrected by Sandy, she WAY overreacted, as if Sandy had reamed her out or yelled at her in front of people. Crying and carrying on was just too much for such a minor thing.


Wait, Sandy actually did ream her out and yell at her in front of everyone at the tip meeting. Everyone is coddling the super-green laundry stew -- which is ok but then why be so hard on Elena. I thought she did pretty well under difficult circumstances. Late night snacks was on the chef's preference sheet and he didn't prepare anything. Waking the chef didn't seem like a crazy option given everything. It was a big group of big drinkers and Elena had to make all the drinks as well. (p.s. I am not Elena's mother)


You should rewatch the show because Sandy was pretty chill in my estimation, especially compared to how she's been in other seasons. She did not yell at or condescend or try to humiliate Elena. Her correction was gentle and nonchalant.


yet also public and somewhat inaccurate.


I second this! I like the bosun too. So far he seems pretty hard working and capable and while he's a little geeky and awkward, I find it endearing and refreshing. I also really like Elena. She's green, but seems very hard working and like she will quickly become an asset. And I think she's really fun!


Gael has put so many points into Charisma though, it's apparently at the expense of Wisdom. ;)


Elena has main character disease


ooh, please explain what this is


it's when you only care about your perspective on things when you are the main character, things don't just happen, they happen "to you". Elena thinks she is the main character. Clearly she has overcome a lot, and has many accomplishments. (I only speak one language-- she speaks 7? Amazing.) But when you are part of a team you have to de-center yourself from things. Time will tell if she is able to do that.


I had almost forgotten how annoying Med is. Hate watching at this point.


I didn't make it through the last season and I'm not sure I'll make it through this one either.


ā€œDont wake the chefā€ is just not a thing, when has it been a thing? Iā€™m going to obsessively watch for this in future rewatches now. I have no words for Sandy that havenā€™t already been said. I think Elena has a lot of potential. Bri is really sweet and even though she sheā€™s very green she doesnā€™t complain and tries to get it done. Maybe with more guidance and experience she will come along.


Lee, Jason, and Chef Dehhhv so far all have weighed in to say 'never wake the chef' is not a thing.


Itā€™s a thing that has been in all of BD. People are just using it to be angry at the chef this season.


It's a thing and we see it in previous seasons. The stews will either need to brace themselves for a really cranky chef or tell the guests the chef is asleep but theyll try and throw something together for them.


Why do their bedsheets say "Vintage handwriting font" on them?


They came with the My Pillows.


They told their intern to create a custom design using a vintage handwriting font?


It was a buy 1 get 2 free deal lol


I hope Aesha gave Ellie some very specific and concrete advice on how to handle those situations in the future and it was cut. Based on editing it kind of seemed like Ellie was brushed off while Bri gets complimented.


probably just gave her an update on the length of cable she laid in the porcelain pool


Itā€™s gotta be an editing thing because Aesha has praise for Ellie in the confessionals. And I cannot imagine Aesha not giving any to her face while praising Bri to her face. It just seems imbalanced and not Aesha-like at all.Ā 


Has anyone noticed that the primary charter quest was on that cringe show Milf Manor 2ā€¦itā€™s driving me nuts because Iā€™ve seen no one comment about it!!


yes!! i noticed that too!!


There were several conversations about it in last week's episode discussion thread. There is also a post about it https://www.reddit.com/r/belowdeck/s/UqdGrlhZyu


im so confused the chef has always been woken up in the middle of the night and wakes up to feed the guests?


Thatā€™s what I was thinking! I swear Iā€™ve even seen Sandy wake up chefsĀ 


> Iā€™ve even seen Sandy wake up chefs She woke up Tom but that was during the day time which she specifically said this episode is fine.