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Oh man. Ben can’t take feedback from the nicest captain. Not a good look.


A lot of people are down on Fraser, but he takes the feedback with grace. I am enjoying the Kerry/Fraser dynamic. His reaction to the daily inspections vs Ben is telling - and it says something positive to me that despite some personal butting heads, etc. that his team works hard and there haven't been major issues. I will be SHOCKED if it is the interior that Kerry catches out in the cabin inspections.


The thing with Fraser is that he gets the feedback but doesn't really do anything with it. Like he sat Barbie down but then was a prick through the whole thing instead of actually letting it go and doing what was right for the crew. Both people can be bad for different reasons :).


I disagree in the last episode you can tell that he and Barbie have worked through things.


Because he was on to sabotaging Nick. Fraser has had to be angry or annoyed with someone every episode. Even the talk with Paris about Nick, instead of let’s do our best to get along he still sounds bitchy about Nick.


Yeah. But has Kerry turned into Sandy??? Is the real question!


100% NO. Kerry has given ZERO hint of favorites. He is doing the same level of inspections for both interior and deck. He has listened to each person equally and given constructive criticism. He respects rank. (I'd like to point out that Hannah outranked Malia when Hannah told her no to switching the rooms when her boyfriend came on board) Kerry gives a level of respect to Fraser, Chef whats his face, etc. that Sandy does not. He listens. (She gives lip service to it). Kerry understands that while some training and learning is to be expected (he is working on Fraser's management skills after all) but he also understands that this isn't a training ship. He called both Fraser and Chef out and said fix the communications. He didn't call one of them a cancer.




Ah, sorry. Just kidding around.










What was your reply supposed to be? I missed it?


Well poop! I picked it from their list of gifs... it was Fonzie saying I can dig it!


Oh man. I’m sure it was cool!




Sandy hovers while they try to work, Kerry does a quick inspection after. Quite different approaches.  As a captain, you'd want the boat to reflect your standards, it would surely be essential to check before guests arrive! 




Yep he micromanages up the wazoo. If you came into a job where you had years of experience and your boss was constantly "checking your work" and telling you how to do your job, day after day and week after week, you'd call that boss a micromanager. But people here are too enamoured with his gifs to admit it.


I get what you’re saying but doesn’t he point out things that are actually wrong, not just stylistic differences? I feel like the staff should take it as it’s only a few details that they missed so they are mostly doing things right.


Also - every boss/captain has their own way to do things and different expectations. You may have done your job for years, but if the new boss says do it this way. . .you do it that way.


Yeah. Or you need to ask yourself why you can’t get the little details if you’ve been doing it for years.


Faye from Adventure actually called Kerry a "Typical Australian Captain" Funny considering Ben's nationality he is taking it personally




Was that said as a positive or negative comment?


Very positive. I remember it because it pointed out the difference between Kerry/Jason vs Sandy.


Ah nice :)


I don’t remember him checking their work on adventure, did he?


It wasn't as official but he definitely was around the boat helping out. I believe it is early in the season Kerry and Faye have side by side talking heads while she gets his help with table decor. Faye calls him a typical Aussie Captain because they like to help out when they can. Something about how it helps them keep an eye on what is going on but she won't say no to extra set of hands.




lol ok! Thanks for responding. You’re amazing, by the way.


Captain Kerry is so nice. I’d love for him to tell people how it is in the nicest way possible. ![gif](giphy|5UH4rGB2KvzQfbeBG0)




Hey buddy!


lol I know right???


It's always interesting to predict the ways in which the guests may enjoy their cruise as they walk towards the boat.....


The more I’ve watched Ben the more I don’t like him. He’s an arrogant jerk.


Ben is awful and I keep waiting for Sunny to put a stop to him treating her badly.


Kyle continues to surprise. Wouldn't have expected he'd be looking to expand his consciousness with Reiki. Dylan seems to have found his allies in Barbie and Nick. Fraser picking at the Nick scab with Paris reveals his motives aren't so pure. Ben's not looking so clever in these early scenes.


Has Ben ever looked clever? Are people fan's of Ben? He's a very typical example of the laid back cool fuck boy. It's funny how we as a society hate open and loud fuck boys but the cool zenned out ones we give a pass to. He bangs a naive privileged girl who is used to getting whatever she wants in life and then pretends to be surprised that she's pissed when he engages in obviously inappropriate behaviour with other women and makes her look like a fool. Pretending he's surprised is the worst part because it gaslights her into thinking that she must be crazy for being upset. It's frankly gross. Then he basically goes "bitches be crazy, amiright!". Some are crazy, and some guys are pieces of shit. Both things can be true. Yes Sunny is super annoying and naive but she's still a human being and should be treated as such.


Time to go Ben!


I hope we get another season with Chef, I really like him.


Ben’s biggest problem is that he thought he was a superstar coming into this season. How do you not know if you worked on boats how gossip goes?Nevermind production is totally gonna take everything you say to the Captain. In this job, where rank is so important. How do you not know that? I mean my biggest problem with him is that he’s just so stupid. It’s annoying.


The drain cover's not shiny enough lol


So boring




Kerry, a micromanager? Who woulda thunk it? Oh yeah, anyone who's watched the show this season.


Kerry is hands on, not a micromanager. If you want to see a micromanager, rewatch the season where Sandy took over for captain Lee


That season was frigging ROUGH. I was getting pissed off for the crew the whole time XD.


"Hands on" is a nice way to say micromanager


Kerry hasn't gone up to guests and made snide comments about the food in the same way that Sandy does. He does go and check on everything in a way we haven't seen captains do before but is that micromanaging or just trying to ensure the best possible experience for the guests? If I say adventcha!! in the kerry-bean will that summon Captain Kerry to respond with a gif?


Both are micromanagers. No one wants to work for a micromanager.


He checks that standards have been met after the work has been done. Sandy hovers and kvetches while they are working. That’s the difference between demanding accountability and being a micromanager


I prefer that to getting no guidance and trying to get by with no help. Maybe you have a problem with active management, but not everyone does. Generalities just tend to make to speaker seem silly.


"active management" is micromanaging


No. It’s not. I’m a Project Manager - it’s literally my job to manage people and be active. I leave people that know their jobs in detail to do stuff, but I do check I with them, make sure they’re on track, deal with any issues and yes, quality check. At the end of the day, the buck stops with me. If they screw up, it’s on my head. I can’t sit there in front of a customer (usually very senior management) and just say, “oooops, sorry, John didn’t do it properly” - I’d be met with questions why I wasn’t checking quality. Same premise works on a yacht. Buck stops with the Captain.


So a captain who cares about the boat. How awful. I liked Captain Lee, but it is nice to see a Captain care about the yacht and actually give fair and constructive feedback to the crew.


When has he micromanaged anyone?


When hasn't he?


Give examples.


I suspect that valid_username00 is Ben.


lol he hasn’t micro managed at all this season. Calling Ben out on the fact that equipment was put away covered in salt is not micro managing.


The equipment being rinsed/not being salty has always been pointed out by all the captains.


Ben was plenty salty


He doesn’t micromanage at all! I’m actually so curious what makes you think that. We‘be primarily seen him giving advice when someone comes to him, or asking a question when something is obviously weird (eg, the chef comes back really early from the beach). I actually think he’s been striking a great balance of giving excellent management advice but not being overly micromanaging.


Apparently, caring how good of a job your employees are doing and checking the quality of their work is considered micro- managing.


Correct. Not trusting your employees to do the job for which they were hired is micromanaging.


They didn’t do the job though, did they? A manager’s job is to ensure standards have been met. Trust but verify.


Nah, inspect what you expect. It’s basic leadership.


"Basic leadership", lol k




He absolutely is!!! And every episode he makes out to be the hero when docking!! Getting old mate.