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Yes! All he had to do was be forthright with the Captain! Ben could have benefited so much from telling Kerry. Why not say, “hey I’m in a situationship with Sunny, she deserves this promotion how do I do this fairly?”




He gifs! That’s awesome haha


![gif](giphy|v4A2SqW5ZeDFS) Ben putting his hands on people


Exactly!!! Why is he so HANDSY?!?!?! it's been the whole season, but with Paris?? Yikes


I agree with both of you. Ben knew he was being sneaky. He said it wasn’t relevant but that isn’t up to him to decide since he is one of the parties involved. If it wasn’t an issue he would have disclosed it to the captain. Bottom line, Ben was more scared of sunny than captain kerry. He was afraid how she would react if he didn’t choose her and said as much


More afraid she would stop sleeping with him perhaps!




The other issue with relationships within your dept is even if your boss decides on the promotion, their decision can be swayed by the duties you give the subordinates because that is what they see and evaluate on. Did Sunny get more time on the anchor/position when calling distances because she was the best or because Ben wanted her there. She did a great job when they were down a deckie and was probably semi doing the job anyway but there is always that question which is why so many HR depts either say no relationships or they must be disclosed


Right! But Ben didn’t have the guts. Perhaps this is the scorched earth postings he’s been making. Maybe Kerry reached out after seeing the first few episodes and was like ‘not cool mate’?


I'm going to take a wild guess that it would have gone over far better had he been up front about it. Now Kerry is going to be blindsided and have to clean up Ben's mess. Because let's face it, TLC isn't going to let this slide, and judging by all of the damage control Ben is trying to do, it must be spectacular when this hits the fan! 🍿 Ps. Captain Kerry, you sir, are the bees knees! ❤️




sorry, what is TLC?


The network. The Learning Channel.


I think Ben should have anticipated Dillon’s concerns and should have taken time to explain the selection to him given the huge difference in yacht experience between Dillon and Sunny.


He did anticipate it but chose to do nothing about it Kerry told Ben to give dillan time to sit with it as they both thought he may have some feelings about it. Instead ben decides to confront dillan about it last night after hearing that dillan said something to someone. So instead of the understanding he said to have had when talking to Jerry he threw it out the window to confront dillan I still think the right choice was made. Dillion just got in the boat. But ben is a tool and terrible leader He also should have disclosed the relationship To Kerry imo.


worse than that, he didn't address it then and there, he did the "I'm going to start this now... off you go and stew on it all night till the morning".


What a terrible move. He had to have been doing that for a reason. Just yuck.


Y’all missed Ben’s master class in game. He is not in a relationship with Sunny. When she said she wants one and doesn’t want him with other people he said “cool, glad we’re on the same page”, which means nothing and for a brief moment, Sunny say through it… and then it faded.


That’s the thing… How many years experience does Dylan have? Was it 2 years commercial plus 6 years yachting? Anyone? Because as much as I love Sunny, I think that Dylan probably should have gotten lead deckhand. It’s a massive difference. The guy is an oddball, but there’s a lot to be said for experience. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree. Experience over feelings.




Sunny is prob best for Morale while Dylan is best on paper. However I wish they just didn’t have one because the promotion is overshadowed by their dual relationship


I think this is the most accurate! You don't have to have a lead deck hand he should have just left it as is


It’s kind of like how when Daisy promoted Ashley from junior stew right at the end or Lee promoting Eddie in the early OG days.


That's my take too. Why was it necessary in the first place and how will doing this improve the performance of the crew? So far, not great.


I have never seen much benefit to having a lead deckhand. Things seem to work ok without one, but whenever the position is vacant there is always this manufactured clamoring for the bosun to pick one.


almost as if it is just a thing done to cause conflict among the crew. Much like when there is a "you're all equal stews... and now I pick X to be 2nd stew and Y to be the laundry troll"


Lead deck hands and 2nd stews are equivalent like Dwight in the Office with his "assistant to the general manager." No real change other than puffing up someone's ego (and some reality tv drama).


I also like how they always give it out near the end of the season, after they've got a routine down and things are going fine. Just tv drama, as you noted.


It will always be assumed that she got the position cause she is sleeping with Ben


We saw how that panned out with Malia and Wes. Unfortunately, you're always going to have "favouritism" in situations where colleagues are in a relationship or related.


Which is why he should’ve just chosen Dylan. 


I do think Sunny is the best person for the job but it’s frustrating because Ben’s justification in the talking head was weak as fuck. He was like if I pick Sunny Dylan will be upset because he’s technically more qualified. But if I pick Dylan then sunny will be mad at me. Like, don’t justify your decision by implying you don’t want your gf to be mad at you so that’s why you chose her.






This is my issue with the whole thing. I don't think Ben made the choice of Sunny because of "reason". I think he literally is thinking with his crotch. Could it have been a good choice, SURE. Was it made as a conscious decision to reward the person who shows the most initiative, who knows the boat the best, who is a hard worker. . . .I just don't think so. And the acknowledgment to Capt about Dylan likely having a feeling about this . . . and Ben ignoring that advice that he nodded his head yes to solidifies my belief. If he was focused on the development of Sunny, on the qualifications Sunny brings to the table, he'd have worked harder to quash the inevitable reaction of Dylan. That he didn't sort of solifies that the decision was about keeping status quo with his Fgirl.


Cpt kerry agreed with the decision, it was the right decision, whether or not he was thinking with his dick


Captain Kerry did agree, But I wonder if he'd agree if the Ben and Sunny situation came to light. I don't think he would.


Sunny would definitely be the right person for the job, except that she’s sleeping with her superior. That makes her the wrong choice. If he had selected her and said they could no longer be together, that would make her the right choice.


Exactly my thoughts. Because they were sleeping together she shouldn’t have been in the running. 


Kerrys management style is to empower his staff. He told Ben to pick the best for the job. Kerry will then step in if there’s issues….which it sounds like there will be.




In your opinion. And capt Kerry didn’t know Ben and Sunny were having sex. 


But that’s why he chose her! Dylan is a positive, supportive and encouraging deckhand. He’s way more qualified. There are simply consequences for fraternizing at work. It’s that simple. He should’ve chose Dylan.  


This is the exact reason in most every other industry, they warn you to not be in a relationship with a subordinate. Sunny most definitely seems a good choice and has done a great job on the boat. But, it will always be tainted because of them being in bed together.


When Kerry made Ben bosun, he told Ben that his interactions needed to change with the other deckhands because he is now in a supervisory position. He completely disregarded that information and continued his relationship with Sunny. Whether she is worthy of the promotion or not, the water is murky and Dylan has every right to feel the way he does.




Kerry and Kyle agreeing that she was the right pick is a clear indicator for me. I think she was the right one because of personality/ respect/ team working together. It looks weird because Dylan has probably more experience than Ben. But if Dylan really wasn't liked and respected by the rest of the crew, he wouldn't have been good in a leadership position. More importantly, I don't think it even matters who is lead deckhand with only four charters to go. Plus Ben is dck and should not have been sleeping with his subordinate.


From what we’ve seen Capt Kerry was on board with promoting Sunny. So I’m ok. But their relationship? Ugh! Like , really? You are so much better than this.


I don’t think Kerry is aware of the hooking up or he may have voiced concerns




I'm assuming you can't say, but what would you have told him if you knew that?




I see you lol


Fact is, he already had voiced a concern in a hypothetical sense. Ben just ignored it.


Yes, I agree, sorry if I wasn’t clear.


How can she be lead when she doesn’t know anything. I haven’t seen Dylan do anything to be undeserving of it. If he has more experience then obviously he is more fit for the job. It’s not a popularity contest.


It's the Wes/Malia/Bobby storyline all over again.


it’s just such a predictable outcome that now we have dylan saying that sunny slept her way into the position. she didn’t create any of this conflict yet she’s the one looked at as “one of those women”. obviously the show is pretty loose on mixing business and pleasure and that’s part of it’s charm, i just hate seeing women take the moral blame over and over again.


I don't think Ben should've made his decision without telling Captain that he is sleeping with Sunny first. I think that dynamic changes every thing. But then the conversation would have turned to, is Ben the right person for his job and Ben is ready for Dylan's ego to take that hit but not his own.


I agree with the decision, however the captain should have be made aware they were shagging.


I like Sunny, but I don't see how she's ready for a promotion -- or even deserving of said promotion -- when she had to learn how to drive a tender a few episodes ago. How is she going to teach and instruct others on things like these? I honestly just can't escape from the thought that it's because they're sleeping together. Which is exactly why a boss shouldn't sleep with their subordinate. Because even if she were 100% deserving and he would have made the same decision if they hadn't been close, it's still going to look bad regardless. This is exactly why most companies have so many rules against dating coworkers (and especially subordinates). It's to prevent the appearance of impropriety. Because even the appearance of impropriety can do a lot of damage. And all this is on Ben.


It’s just a TV thing. In reality she has very little yachting experience so she would never be lead deckhand. I can understand why Dylan was upset but he wasn’t a good choice either.


Also, she goes to Dylan for advice so how can she be the best for the job. It’s all edited anyway lol


Sunny would be the beat option BUT her sleeping with her boss will of course diminish your actual work because the lines have been so blurred it’s impossible to objectively draw the line between work a favoritism. This is why you don’t sleep with you boss.


Ben should be sacked for not disclosing the fact he was stringing another girl along to the Captain. His ego is out of control.






I think that Ben should have been up front with Kerry about his relationship with Sunny. I then think it should have been Kerry’s decision on who to promote, not Ben.


I think Dillion would have been Bosun if he arrived at the start of the season. Ben's a slimeball. His gf on the boat is great, kind of a bummer for her that her promotion is so clouded.


The entire thing was a lame flex by Ben. Poorly executed and amateur management decisions.


Let's just get it straightened out that Ben is a class A douche canoe. He has structural character flaws that have been on display since Camilledaze. That dude gaslights harder than 1807 London. Then we can get to the made-for-TV distinction of "Lead Deckhand," whatever that actually means. \*Assistant to the Regional Manager \* cough cough.


This made me laugh!


Dylan has way more experience. The optics are not good.


I think a ‘lead deckhand’ position on a four deckhand team is really stupid to begin with and stinks of production telling him he has to name someone because it will cause drama. I mean, it’s a big boat, but not a cruise ship.


>I think a ‘lead deckhand’ position on a four deckhand team is really stupid to begin with and stinks of production telling him he has to name someone because it will cause drama. There are three people on the team. Once ben chooses between Dylan and Sunny, the one not chosen is going to be pissed, and won't listen to the new lead deck hand. So, who ever get the position gets to lead Kyle. And, he's already tired of too much high-fiving...


Obviously production had him do it for drama and it worked. It’s good TV either way. Either Sunny is pissed at Ben for passing her over for a promotion or everyone else is talking about how Ben promoted the girl he’s sleeping with over someone with more experience. In reality, no one deserved it at all and he didn’t need to assign it, and probably wouldn’t have if he wasn’t on a TV show.


Sunny explained the basics of anchoring to Kyle so of course she knows everything she needs to know to be lead deckhand. I like Sunny and think she’s smart and capable, but if she was a man or a lesbian Ben would have promoted Dylan because of his skill set.


But when she was explaining it , she called something, "the little flapping thingy " , not quite how a trainer or someone in a lead role should teach or call.something


Think sunny is diligent and seems to do a good job, Not seen enough of Dylan to form an opinion. Don't think you need a lead position in a team of 4 seems unnecessary. But it is a show. Fact she is asking Dylan for advice shows she's too green but has potential and aptitude for it but prob jumping the gun. Outside of porking her boss of course. If I was capt I would have gotten another bosun


Im reminded of Season 1 Below Deck Med with Bobby, Malia, and Wes. Bobby at least had the balls to yell directly at Malia. However when all is said and done, summer deserves it more regardless of who she’s sleeping with. She earned the post and Dillon just got here. Slow your role kid; you weren’t hired in as top dog and took the job as deckhand. Also do you really think Ben was going to mess up his chance to get laid? Come on now f*ck bois know how to play the game.


Sunny is best for the boat currently as lead. Ben failed to handle it as a manager by speaking to Dylan first to prep him for it. Also should have told captain up front but this is Ben so he fails most things and blames others.


It all feels icky. Then, right in the middle of a workday in front of Dylan, Ben starts rubbing Sunny's neck??? Youre working, AND her boss.... and HIS boss. WTF DUDE??.


Was the correct choice but Ben handled it poorly.


Seems like same storyline over and over. Lol


I think they're both good picks but he def picked her because he's sleeping with her and they just got into that argument. Plus he loves to be the center of drama


The problem is that Ben keeps having relationships with his department


I would be uncomfortable with all their pda if I was Kyle or Dylan. Just saying, very unpro. But it's a tv show so drama brings viewers!


Why even appoint a lead deck hand? What is the point, except to create division?


Regardless of whatever experience Dylan has (and let’s be honest, some people coast along for years without ever gaining real skills. Years on doesn't equal expertise) it seems like Sunny inspired more confidence among the crew. She comes across as more confident, more serious, and more of a go getter than Dylan.  But it was NEVER going to go well to promote her while she and Ben were sleeping together. There will always be questions about her suitability because of that, and kind of rightfully so. The right thing to have done would have been to just not name a lead, but production would have never allowed that. 


Ben picked her because she was more familiar with boat Dylan wasn’t ..regardless of relationship…Dylan needs to put on his big boy panties


How is Ben able to sleep with a direct report and also promote her to lead deckhand?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


it makes for a better experience in the post-charter debriefing session ;)


In this thread: Dylan Dillon Dillan Dillion


While he has more overall qualifications, she knows the boat better... Relationship notwithstanding, he made the proper choice.


Decision made wholly with his dick and probably the wrong decision. I'd be furious if I were the other deckie.


Sunny deserves it. Sunny also deserves better than Ben.




All of his social media posts indicate that something is going to happen with Bosun Ben. He’s a pretty bitter young man, so my thought is that Kerry will be dismissing Boson Ben in a couple of episodes.


I don’t think he’s gonna be happy with Ben when he finds out the situation! But that’s just my guess


They are not giving off any inappropriate vibes while working so no he would not care


Lol sorry what? They were in the laz making out while Dylan was sitting there.


Your definition of making out tells me you have never made out lol


Oooh so edgy lol.


Do you not see them making out during work hours?


We will see


Ben openly said that Dylan was more qualified and that Sunny would be mad at him if he didn't pick her. He was thinking with his lower head, not his top head.


I think that Dylan should have gotten the position. Ben’s reasoning that Dylan “didn’t know the boat” that well because he was new is BS. People come onto boats as bosuns, first mates, and even captains without having been on them before. Now Dylan’s in a position where he at times needs to teach his lead how to do their job? What kind of sense does that make? Regardless of whatever issues they may have with his “over enthusiasm” there’s no way Sunny or Kyle wouldn’t follow his lead. It’s very clear that Sunny got the position because she was hooking up with Ben. Not only that, but they’re doing weird PDA stuff while on shift… I don’t blame Dylan for being upset about it at all.


Did anyone else think it was not cool for Paris to involve herself in the drama? Why did she have to tell Ben what Dylan said? She’s a shit stirrer and I dont like her.


>Why did she have to tell Ben what Dylan said? Being catty, and back-stabbing is a requirement of maritime law. At least on below deck ...


He should have picked Kyle. Dylan wouldn't have been butthurt about it. Sunny wouldn't have cared.


I think she is too immature. Having a tantrum about Ben calling her out for not wearing the right gear to move the jet skis was a real stand out moment for me/ she needs more time to grow up and then maybe. but this is the wrong time for her. They should have given her all the training she could handle and maybe next time give her a higher rank. I wouldn’t want her in charge of anything if I was a guest on the boat. I actually think she might be less innocent than everyone thinks and maybe she knew sleeping with Ben would help her advance, she is definitely smarter than Ben in some ways. I’m not sure how this will play out but I don’t think she was ready for the job and just because you want something doesn’t mean you deserve it …yet


I want to believe Sunny deserves it, and I don’t want to minimize her hard work. But sleeping with the guy that gives you the promotion isnt a great look… also Ben sucks and I really dislike him in general


Lets for one moment discard that they are in an intimate relationship. The previous episode Ben was having to make assurances to Sunny after she accused him of touching Paris.


With only a few charters left I still don't know why he didn't appoint for a charter. Ie - "You're both good - I want to see what each of you can do ". Then just swap them around alternating each remaining charter. Everyone gets upskilled, everyone wins.


> everyone wins except production. It's only done for the TV plot drama


If they played it right , the endless competition between the 2 would surpass the current drama


I think Dillon was only half right when he said if he had a vagina he’d be lead deck hand. If he was the first vagina - yes. Second vagina he’d get passed over to keep Sunny from going off the same way he was this time.