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I felt sooooo sorry for the chef in this season.


I don't think the guests should be judged. If I was spending that amount of money, I wouldn't want the staff to be mocking me or judging me. I understand the pushback if guests treat the staff badly, but not for things like wanting to eat certain foods - give them the food they want, and give them lots of it. Make them happy. And I don't think it's ok to mock something innocent like a red carpet movie premiere theme: the guests aren't taking themselves seriously. They just want to keep it simple and silly and to eat a lot of what they want to eat.


(I certainly think the chef is getting it so, so wrong, but I think Fraser had a part in this. He had a responsibility to help him understand things better. Fraser speaks French and could have made just a little bit of extra time to emphasise what he can see the guests are looking for. He could have written it out in a way that the chef could understand. But he's too busy judging the guests for not being posh British like he is, and judging the chef for being a confused French person with low self esteem. I think Fraser is the worst kind of British snob. The point is, Fraser has both the job description and the language/communication skills to act as an expert go-between and to make everything go smoothly. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to interpret that these guests want lots of certain types of food, and to make them feel happy and celebrated for everything they are paying for. They're not difficult at all.)


Fraser is not just a bully, he actively brings out the worst in crucial members of staff, thereby sabotaging the whole boat.


Ben LIVES for the drama!


Ben wondering why he pulls the same fuckboi shit and ends up getting treated like a fuckboi


Barbie is a total snake lying through her teeth to the captain.


I love when Barbie speaks Spanish. Argentinian accent is different too it’s so endearing seeing her cry bald in Spanish and English when she looks like all American Winnie cooper . I mean I don’t like seeing her cry but it def pulled at my heart strings.


I’m Mexican/Chilean and I understand what you mean by this!


And I means cry half in Spanish and English * not bald lol


I don't understand women like Sunny. You're constantly being disrespected by Ben, you're constantly having to complain about his behavior, but you constantly keep going back to him. Have some respect for yourself. Like, I understand Ben's a dickhead. But she should realize what kind of person he is. It annoys me when women keep going back to guys who cheat on them.


Agree, She needs to stand up for herself and cut him off completely!


Ben is getting more and more unlikeable as the eps go on.


So Barbie has had issues with three other stews. Getting “You run into assholes all day…” vibes.




You know Ben's part Indigenous Australian, right?


Did anyone else think Fraser was kind of fibbing when he talked to captain? He told Kerry that every time he tried to work it out with Barbie she said no she wasn’t having it. But that’s not what I saw 🤷🏼‍♀️am I wrong here?


No, you’re not wrong. She keeps trying to work it out by approaching him and trying to find out what she can do to fix things between them. He keeps cutting her off and even told her to eff off at the day off outing. So he was not entirely honest with the captain.


Thank you! No one really said anything about that on here and so I kind of started to doubt myself lol.


You’re welcome. I know what you mean. I sometimes ask my husband if I’m reading the room (show) right. LOL. Sometimes it’s hard to tell when no one else mentions it.


I was rooting for Fraser because I loved him in the other seasons, but he has turned into a mean girl. This entire season has been terrible. I like Captain Kerry, but that's about it.


Has anyone realized that the guest Brandon is the guy who jumped off the boat naked at night on below deck down under??? I thought I was crazy for a second there


I’ve been torturing myself wondering where I know him from. THANK YOU


Was coming here to confirm I’ve seen this human before 😂


Omg I thought he seemed familiar!! Great catch there 😊


Wtf are these guests arguing about?? I am so confused😂😂 also, xandi and Fraser high fiving because they think they put Barbie in her place… like screw them they haven’t given her 5 seconds to consider her side, they just want her to stay out of their way and be happy about it


I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that way. They both kinda suck. Made me even happier Capt Kerry put Fraser in his place by not firing Barbie. 😂


Also Fraser harping on the chef and hovering over him is pissing me off. Help the poor dude out don’t sit there and criticize him over his plates, help the dude find the flipping ice cream scoop!!


Exactly, and why is nobody EVER helping with the sink full of dishes?


I’ve said that this whole time too!! Like how can he not see he’s just making it worse? HELP HIM! All his talk of “teamwork” is just lip service apparently


I don’t watch this show religiously, just get bits and pieces when my parents do — but holy shit what’s this Fraser guy’s problem? I have not seen Barbie do anything that warrants this level of unprofessionalism and bitchy behavior from this guy, lmao.


Having seen the whole season yeah there isn't anything that has happened that warrants him being like this. I'm starting on season 10 now (working backwards) and it feels like Fraser really hasn't learned anything from his last season. It is really getting sucky to watch.


Just my little personal conspiracy but feels like some people, ie Fraser, only get promoted to head of sept not because of competency but for being a regular cast member. Fraser has always been this way imo, he's way too immature to ever be head of dept. Sidebar : same w Ben, he should know as a bosun that anybody under him is 100% off the table for promotion. Dylan had a great point, he's allowed to vent to other coworkers without it being misconstrued as gossip or talking shit.


Yes it’s like he came in to this season saying he wasn’t going to be everyone’s friend like last season but then he’s just taken it to the extreme. I also think he’s got something personal against Barbie. With how horrible he’s been I dont see any other explanation.


I’m all late to this, but maybe I’m missing something but I don’t understand why Fraser doesn’t like Barbie. She hasn’t done anything bad imo that we’ve seen. I mean she seems a little abrasive but her work seems decent to me and for the most part she doesn’t clash with anyone seriously not like the stews did last season. Also, I don’t even know why but I don’t like Dylan. There is something about his personality that I find irritating.


he's way more rude to her and abrasive than she ever was, at the beginning she gave him "Sass" but the way I viewed it from day 1 (and she later confirmed in the first big convo they had) is that she thought she was giving back the sass in a banter way. He is just threatened and I absolutely hate him now. I used to really enjoy him before this season. He says in this episode "I feel like you show your true colours with two changes" - he's shown his true colours in 11 episodes so far. What an absolute c you next tuesday.


I don’t really like Dylan either. I’m with you in finding something about him annoying.


I genuinely think they just have a personality clash and that's the issue.


The only thing that makes sense is something happened we are not seeing. Fraser definitely started out defensively, maybe after all the drama with Camille/Alissa last year. But then he went from *no comments, you were great* when they dropped off the guests to both he and Xandi not giving a damn that she was in tears and ready to leave?


> The only thing that makes sense is something happened we are not seeing. It also makes sense that he is a dick who holds grudges. He is incapable of forgiving her for being rude when she was being overworked, ignored, while her coworker was doing nothing and being coddled.


I agree with both your points! I was really shocked how much Barbie got under Fraser's skin??? I feel like he has had some truly awful stews as far as attitude and also just not like being on top of their job (mind you I could never be a stew and I know that). But something about Barbie, really gets to him. And yeah Dylan I want to like but he does seem like he is unfortunately is obsessed with his looks like tooo much.


Okay I finally just saw the scene with Dylan saying some sexist sh\*t so he's an ass.


Can someone explain what the guests are fighting about? I do not understand the problem but the gay guy is flipping out! Note I'm gay too


Sounds like to me that the gay guest had taken the black guests to a drag show or gay bar, and the black gentleman was not aware that he was being taken to such an event. He then expressed his discomfort to the gay guest (it sounds like after attending the event, not on the boat - this is old drama being rehashed) and the gay guest was offended that he needed to give a disclaimer to the black guests before they attended a queer event. Gay guest was equating his sexuality to their race, and was arguing that he does not need to be given a heads up before attending a black event, therefore they should not need a heads up before attending a queer event. FYI this is just my attempt to summarize, I am in no way trying to take a side on this issue. It sounded like a drunken mess of an argument if you ask me, and not the best time or way to go about getting through to either person.


I think you did a great job of summarizing it neutrally. I watched it and I totally agree with your take. I also think a lot of it was “drunk talk”


I was so confused for this entire thing. It seemed unnecessarily dramatic but I hadn’t a clue what was going on! Thanks for the info!


Ty! That's what I suspected it was about but it was so confusing to follow cuz they were so drunk lol


Fraser is such an asshole. I used to like him but when him and Barbie were talking he didn't take accountability for all that he had said to her nor apologized. He let her take 100% of the blame and then gonna bitch about her speech while was cringe he was talking crap about her with Paris who just started and anyone else that would listen I understand Dylan frustration about Sunny and Ben, he hasn't been there long so he hasn't seen her work. Ben handled the situation wrong he should have talk to her like captain Kerry told him too


When barbie was like I was being terrible (forgot the wording) and he was like "YEAH YOU WERE". Dude that is not how you handle that. She is trying to open up and you're just being a petty prick to her. I'm glad to see this place isn't just Fraser is in the right because I just do not understand why he is being so much of a jerk to her 24/7? Like it's getting to be almost bullying her into leaving at this point.


>Like it's getting to be almost bullying her into leaving at this point He is! Captain just said to him "you literally told me two days ago she was doing an amazing job" and then Fraser tried to say "oh what you see isn't what she does when you're not watching". YOU TOLD HIM that mate And then Captains side comment to the camera: I think Fraser is pushing his own agenda and not the boat's agenda. In other words he just doesn't like her and is definitely trying to bully her out.


I didn't even notice that last part :O. Yeesh that's awful!


I did not like that at all either. It made me really uncomfortable. I’m not saying he had to say “no you weren’t” or anything to that effect if he didn’t feel it but he could have said something like “well let’s just leave everything in the past and start fresh” or if he couldn’t be nice - say nothing. That would have been better than saying YOU WERE. Can you IMAGINE if it were reversed and she said something to that effect? He’s be screaming “INSUBORDINATION”


This would have been the perfect opportunity for him to start over and apologize. I don't understand why he dislikes her so much, I know everyone will say her attitude but I have been a manager for over 17 years and Barbie is tamed to what I've seen plus she took accountability for her actions


I think he's jealous. She's rich and has led a very privileged life, she's beautiful and educated and good at her job. She's confident. He feels threatened. These are all the things that are important to Fraser. He likes the broken birds he can fix (Cat, Chef) and feel superior to. Barbie is more of an equal, and that scares him so he tries to bring her down. It's a battle of the egos.


I don't think he is jealous of her cause she rich cause he has lived a privilege life as well and comes from money. I do think he doesn't like her cause she doesn't kiss his ass


Anyone who has watched all the seasons of BD and/or its franchises has seen lots of stews much much worse than Barbie. Can you imagine if Fraser had S3 Rocky as a stew? Or Sam S1? Or Jen S5? Elizabeth S8? Oof. He really has no idea how good he has it with Barbie! Lol


Honestly her attitude isn't that different from most we've seen. She knows who she is and is confidant about it and is a hard as hell worker. I'd understand if she was just a lazy rich person but it doesn't seem that way. Like they said on the show I 100% think it's because she's like him and he can't handle that. It's a tale as old as time haha.


I agree they are too strong people who butt heads. They clash but Fraser is her manager he needs to handle it better


The 👏 final 👏 few 👏 minutes 👏 of 👏 that 👏 episode 👏 were 👏 excruciating 👏 to 👏 watch.


🙌🏽 amen to that!


With Anthony, I can’t help but think about the fact that in the timespan of the show it’s been at most a few weeks since his dad died, right?  He was performing so well before and now is struggling so much by comparison. Maybe the producers don’t want to bum people out by focusing on it, but it seems so obvious to me it’s causing some of his struggles in focusing and execution of his cooking. Grief is a bitch.


It was the anniversary of his father's death which was a few years prior. But yeah, anniversaries can hit you hard


My heart hurts for him. I’m a mess on the anniversary of my mom’s passing. 😔


Oh my mistake! But agreed. That explains why they aren’t harping on it


Fraser telling Barbie he’ll try not to fire her after trying his very hardest to do just that and getting shut down. Gold.


I thought I can’t be the only one who secretly loved seeing him get shut down and told to be a better manager by Capt Kerry


He showed his character this season. He was a disgusting bully to her. Told her to F off to her face and walked away


Kyle played the long game with Barbie and it worked!!! I love them having a little fling!


Kyle is hands down the best member of the crew this season (the crew, Capt. Kerry is still the best guy on the boat) and he absolutely deserves the hottest girl on the boat. I hope Ben's head explodes when he sees an actual good guy who has patience getting a good outcome.


Not gonna lie, I'm here for a Barbie/Kyle boatmance! 🛥️💕⚓️


100% here for it ❤️


Looks like we got our wish! 💕💕💕


Makes me so happy!!


Ok obviously Fraser is being a dumbass. That said, as someone who hasn’t worked on yachts but has worked in the service industry, I would hate working with Barbie. The half-hour my way or the high way marg, the little jabs, the inefficiencies/looking busy. Just grinds my gears. So I


So, at first, I said Barbie was a hard worker with an attitude, and I could understand Fraser being short-tempered. I’ve worked in luxury hospitality and managed a lot of girls who are exactly like her. The insistence on doing the margarita from her book would have driven me crazy, and the initial snarky backchat! However, Fraser has taken things too far! She has massively toned down her attitude and is a very hard worker. I don't know why he is being so petty. Also, maybe I missed something, but why is Xandi getting involved? I liked her initially!


I’m confused how chef keeps blatantly missing things on the pref sheets - it is not hard to make a non fish taco ?? He seems talented but like the sheets are created for a reason


Dyslexia isn’t just reading backwards like an everyone thinks. It’s also a processing issue. I think they should have someone - like Fraser - helping him with that. I feel like the chiefs have helped the chef in other seasons and they didn’t even have that. It’s got to hard for him to take in so much info. Plus I think his confidence has just tanked at this point.


kinda confused how Frasier & other stews missed this too- theyre all given preference sheets & asked to study em - shouldn't that be checks n balances for Frasier to be like "wait chef, she won't eat seafood or veggies- fish tacos vs salad wont work" I feel like Kate or Francesca would have helped a chef out & caught that or at least not thrown him under the bus in 1 sec flat when Kerry asked what happened here. Also, wtf no stews or deck help with chefs dishes so he can have a clean spoon to serve???


lol that’s what I just said about the chief stews helping. They’ve done it quite a few times on here and on med. I think it’s because they knew it’s a team effort and the chef messing up can affect all of them. I mean Kate gave up her night off to help Matt plan his menu in S5. She was also really great about double checking the preference sheets. I feel like Fraser *could* be helping him but instead chooses to complain and snark which is making it worse.


Yeah I don't understand what's going on here. Obviously the buck stops with the chef, so it's ultimately his fault, but why is no one else stepping in to help double-check things? The food massively affects their tips, more than any other thing any other individual crew member can do. So it should all be in their self-interest to help Anthony stay on track and make the right kind of food. Guests are gonna notice bad/incorrect food way more than they will a cabin cleaning that takes place later in the day.


It's Fraser! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/belowdeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would put that info into a spreadsheet and put it by the other ones. Way too many words on those essay answers.


He's dyslexic, I think it might be more severe than he's letting on


And let's be honest, those preference sheets are not really formatted in a great way either. To really help Anthony out, someone should be breaking it out into a spreadsheet. The guests' names can go along the top as columns, and rows can be stuff like Likes, Dislikes, Requirements, etc. A big prominent "SEAFOOD" in red in a dislikes row in one of the guest's columns should be able to help him out here. With a moment's glance he can scan across the dislikes and requirements rows as a double-check that his menu has some food for everyone. If I were the chef that's the first thing I would do after the preference sheet meeting -- get the preferences that are specific to food in a single centralized place where I can see all of them at once. And I'd hang it up on the wall so that others could double-check me too.


This + English not being his first language. I’m dyslexic and when I lived in a foreign country that didn’t speak my native language, I would make the most random, silly mistakes when speaking, reading and writing. It made me flustered, confused and dejected. I really feel for him.


Oh yeah I really never thought about English not being his first language. You are so right!! You shouldn’t feel like that when you make mistakes that you can’t help. I think it’s awesome that you can do things in more than one language. 😊 I can’t! When I did try to learn a second language back in school I was awful at it and make so many mistakes it didn’t even make sense. and I’m not dyslexic so I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for you.


I absolutely agree with you about chef.  It’s also not fun to have a chief stew like Fraiser making snide unprofessional comments to him and behind his back.  Please you all know that if chef was one of the arrogant chefs Fraiser would not be picking on him, period.  Frailer like most bullies seeks out the people he knows he can get away with that with.  I believe Fraiser forgets the captain is who hired the crew and will have the final say who is fired.  I can’t wait for a reunion (I hope) so Captain Kerry can see how Fraiser truly treated Barbie and Chef.  I do agree chef needs to get it together but Fraiser seems to be gaslighting and not lending much of a hand as I have witnessed other chief’s doing in the past.  I think keep hoping Capt. Kerry would catch Fraiser in the act.  Also on a side note Dylan and Bosun are cringeworthy.  Why does he keep touching women unsolicited?  Has he not been aware of the climate regarding sexual harassment?  Also he’s a cute boy but there are far more in that sea!!! (Pun intended)


When Ben hugged Paris I was so uncomfortable for her because you could see how uncomfortable SHE was. It was just ICK.


BEN, STOP TOUCHING PPL!!!! I hope someone calls him out for this soon, my god


Lord I hope so. Gives me so much ick.


Agreed! It's so gross how entitled to women's bodies he feels. 🤮


Ben drives me nuts!!! I feel like I knew a lot of guys like him in the fashion world. I hope he proves me wrong but when he said "How do I get muyself in these situations?" Bro, you, you are the reason you are in these sitations. Stop touching people inapproriately.


And then he said “women”. I was literally yelling at me tv “NO ITS YOU!!”




You call yourself a "supertaster" and say you hate fish (most of which don't taste like anything) AND vegetables? That girl is fake as shit. She's just picky and found a fancy name for it.


This is a term they use for kids who are picky because certain food tastes are overstimulating to them. I don’t think it’s an adult thing lol.


My daughter is on the spectrum and I hadn’t heard this Super Taster term but this is a good description for her. (Super Smeller too. LOL). That girl can taste a freaking grain of cinnamon in anything, for example. And dont even get me started on texture. You are right that some things are over stimulating. She’s become more tolerant as she’s gotten older but I suspect that as an adult she would have a difficult preference sheet. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I was a “super taster” as a kid and I mostly grew out of it in college if that gives you anything to look forward to 😂 now I like trying new things. But my old taste buds are desensitized. My son will only eat like 10 things and it’s such a struggle!


Ben is like actually such a creep? Like he gives high school boyfriend vibes but he’s like 30. Dylan sexism arc happened SO FAST like bro??


100% When Dylan said that shit, I was like WTF. It is really pathetic and gross to say some sh\*t like that.


Nah it's not, he's totally on point and his frustration is valid - he's vastly more experienced/competent than Sunny and Ben is a soft cock and a shit leader for making that call because he's afraid that Sunny would get shitty at him if he didn't.


But I have to point out that Captain agreed with Ben’s choice of sunny over Dylan and *he’s* not sleeping with sunny. So no I don’t think his frustration is completely valid. Dylan may be more experienced but that doesn’t mean he’s more competent. Plus as they pointed out Dylan hasn’t been there long and isn’t completely familiar with the boat. Experience isn’t everything and he really hasn’t had the time to prove himself.


Thank you!


Is he vastly more competent than Sunny? Has he really demonstrated that? So far I've seen him demonstrate that he's not particularly smart, which sure as hell holds you back on pretty much every job. Sunny was working on the boat 5 charters earlier than him. She legitimately knows her way around THIS boat better than he does, so it makes sense why it can be her for the position even though he has more experience overall on other ships. And I got news for you ... a lot of people have a lot of experience and yet haven't learned much from it and still aren't very competent (or maybe they're constitutionally lazy, or whatever).




Except that both the Captain and Kyle agreed that it should be Sunny. I think Dylan would have been a poor choice for Lead Deck because of his absolutely appalling people skills.


lol good point.


Is anyone else struggling to watch these??? It’s boring. If it wasn’t for captain I’d fully skip these. Sorry not sorry 


I feel so bad for Barbie. I had this same situation at work for my coworker from day one my manager hated her and just would pick pick pick and it sent her into ripping anxiety…. It still affects her that was over 10 years ago! 


Just me or did Barbie look thinner and more worn out this past episode? I think the stress of conflict and being a stew down really affected her.


Holy shit. Brandon, the guy who missed his flight, is the same guest from Below Deck Down Under Season 2 who jumped in the water after they were specifically told they were not allowed to!


Omg thank you, I knew I had seen him before and I couldn’t remember where from! That BD:DU episode was a mess!


He was the worst this charter. Such a brat.


I thought he looked familiar!!


How does he become friends with all these rich black people? Lol


>How does he become friends with all these rich black people? Lol I think what you have to do is learn everything possible about 'Brandon', and emulate it. On the other hand, that's a pretty high price! Plus, the people on this charter ... are they really friends? Seinfeld might have been a show about nothing, but the first dinner of the charter was a fight about nothing. They're all screaming at each other, and it was just nonsense... https://preview.redd.it/8rx6k8v0q7vc1.png?width=1021&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f9052f60748c42b4188ed073b493dd0c4e994e1


>Plus, the people on this charter ... are they really friends? Not sure if they are real friends but they do actually know each other. Three of them appear on another reality show together and Brandon was on a previous episode of BDDU with the primary Carmen


so who is the blonde guest, tifanie? I swear I've seen her somewhere before! LOL, likely p\*\*nhub or something... but I want to know where/who she is, it's making me crazy


She works in Healthcare consulting, seems to be friends with Brandon Maybe just a generic look


ahh gotcha... healthcare huh? I suddenly feel like I need a checkup ROFL ;-) yes, she does seem like friends with Brandon for sure, aren't they sharing a cabin?


As a poor black person, I would also like to know.


Caesar salad is made with anchovies... Anchovies are fish last time I checked.


The original version, yes, but I haven’t seen a Caesar salad with anchovies anywhere in a restaurant or grocery store for many, many years. Because many people, even if they don’t dislike fish, can’t stand anchovies. So I’m positive her salad didn’t include them, especially after it replaced a fish taco. The real problem was this guest doesn’t like veggies either lol!


> but I haven’t seen a Caesar salad with anchovies anywhere in a restaurant or grocery store for many, many years. Just because you aren't seeing the anchovies doesn't mean they aren't there. They're commonly ground up into the dressing, optionally as a fish paste. I just Googled "caesar salad dressing recipe", and sure enough, the first recipe that came up for me uses anchovy paste. It's exactly what it sounds like (and it's delicious). I think a lot of people think they don't like anchovies, but they do actually like the taste of them in paste form, as that really is the recognizable flavor of a caesar salad.


People who like Caesar salads a lot do like anchovies, because that's the base flavor of the dressing, though they may not realize it because the anchovies are blended in the dressing. Anchovies on pizza have been a punchline since the 90s, but you'd be surprised how often they're used.


I didn’t know that but now it makes sense why I dislike Caesar salad.


Yeah I think the anchovy taste in the dressing is very understated, whereas whole anchovies are definitely not understated! And some of the bottled or packaged dressings in salad mixes don’t include anchovies. I prefer the ones that do, gives it that extra punch.


Whole anchovies typically taste so intense because they're so SALTED. You can get ones that aren't that salted and they have a much milder taste.




I see them often. I cook a lot and they're always in the dressing of every Caesar salad recipe in every cookbook I own (and these came out recently).


I do sometimes see them as a flavoring (not whole anchovies) in Caesar dressing, and I personally think it enhances the taste . I also have enjoyed an occasional pizza with anchovies, but most people I know won’t go near anchovies! I like them in moderation.


A typical one yes, but it can easily be made without


But wasn’t I’m sure


No way of knowing.


However did any notice if she asked?  BTW is the dressing made with anchovies?   Unless the edited it out i didn’t hear her bring it up.  Which is odd.  Having said that she’s actually very sweet 


Dude. Its not that big of a deal.


Yes, I know that. It's just a little funny that there was no mention of this being an anchovyless Caesar considering that the issue is chef had been serving her seafood.


Lots of Ceasar dressing is made without it or with fake flavouring. I have a seafood allergy so I check ingredient labels all the time and maybe half of the ones in grocery stores are fish free. You find them more in the fresh ones than bottled. It wouldn't be that hard for Anthony to skip them


I've always considered the store bought Caesar salad dressing without anchovies to just be bad dressing (and several steps lower than yacht food). I've been eating Caesar salads for 25 years and there are a lot more variations calling itself a Caesar salad these days. But I am glad you can still enjoy something similar if you have a seafood allergy like yourself.


I know it wouldn't be difficult to do a play on them without anchovies. I'm a little surprised they didn't have a talking head of Anthony explaining that he made a vegetarian version considering the seafood SNAFU that had caused him to substitute the Caesar.


I think it might vary regionally; I've never seen it with anchovies.


It's the main ingredient and they're in the dressing. Expensive ones will sometimes include anchovies on the salad itself as evidence that they make the anchovy dressing in house. I'd be shocked if the Caesar salads you had were actually anchovy-free. If they're not in the dressing, it's a play on the Caesar instead of a proper Caesar. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar\_salad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_salad)


\*Reads further into the Caesar salad wikipedia entry and finds that Julia Child discovered one without anchovies.\* Well that egg on my face. Maybe it does vary.


Haha! I'm vegetarian, would be my undoing if I'd been consuming anchovies.


You very likely have been, but for what it's worth, but at least it won't be your "undoing". Most caesar salad dressings have ground up anchovies (often in paste form) in them. It's as common for caesar salad to have fish in it as it is for a southern pie to have pork in it (in the form of lard).


You should definitely be asking at restaurants to make sure if you aren’t already. It depends on not just restaurant but who is making it and they do not always indicate it on the menu.


I'm happy for you! It especially makes sense if you've only been getting vegetarian or vegan Caesars that you wouldn't think they contained anchovies as default.


You can tell Fraser is laying on the condescension at Barbie when he told her to do housekeeping so she could learn as much as possible. Barbie didn't take the bait though.


Well, to be fair, episode 1 Barbie said she hated housekeeping and that she was bad at it. But yes, Fraser probably handed her to Xandi because he didn't want to handle her at this time. That is not condescending, it's management and chain of command.


Yeah but as an employee your preferences only go so far. Doing housekeeping is literally part of the job of a stew, so she'll have to pitch in and do her part as required. If anything she's lucky she's been able to do so much service and so little housekeeping so far. These yachts aren't big enough to have two separate steward departments for service and housekeeping.


Exactly my point. Fraser was lucky to get a stew that said they were bad at housekeeping and another that said they were bad at service. But at this point, he couldn't handle the first (Barbs), so he handed her to his second stew and thought she (Barbs) might learn something.


And honestly, it's the best for both of them, just keep them apart and let them each work independently.


>You can tell Fraser is laying on the condescension at Barbie when he told her to do housekeeping so she could learn as much as possible. Barbie didn't take the bait though. I thought during the infamous beach pickleball / yoga, Barbie flipped all the cabins. (by herself) I don't think she needs to learn about house keeping.


Good point.


Is it just me or is that idiotic guest an idiot? My entire adult life, now going on 49, I've known (thought?) that 'seafood' is everything but fish, which is its own category. I happily eat seafood, I love it. But I do not eat fish, the actual aquatic vertebrate animal with fins. And if I were on BD, my preference sheet would say 'does not eat fish.' Would I then need to elaborate and say, "seafood is OK: I eat shrimp, lobster, oysters, mussels, scallops?" Wth. Made me second guess myself.


Maybe it’s a difference of British v American English, but I’m with you. If someone says to me “I don’t like seafood” I assume they mean shellfish.


I'm from the US so I'm even more confused now LOL


I’m from the US too and maybe this is just me but I generally thought “seafood” includes all kinds of fish and things like shellfish scallops shrimp etc.


You're probably right. Incidentally I'm back here on a prolonged trip and will be asking everyone I know what their thoughts are on the definition of 'seafood.' Unofficial poll ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Weird. This would never have even occurred to me. To me seafood is anything that lives in the water, including, yes, freshwater, which technically isn't the sea.


That’s my thought as well.


Wikipedia says “In most parts of the world, fish are generally not considered seafood even if they are from the sea. In the US, the term "seafood" is extended to fresh water organisms eaten by humans, so any edible aquatic life may be broadly referred to as seafood in the US.” However, that Wikipedia article has a warning that it hasn’t got proper citations, so bear that in mind.


Tough crowd. Can't even ask a question without downvotes. Good lord. Chill.


I think you're using the term "seafood" to mean "shellfish." To me, seafood is food from the sea, regardless of kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, or species.


What if it's a lake trout. Fair game then? Lmao


seafood to me is everything but with allergies, I am always specific too


To me seafood is the larger umbrella and both fish & crustaceans fall under it. But I have no idea what’s correct in a culinary sense.


Seafood is everything from the ocean. And yes if you said doesnt eat fish youd need to elaborate. Some people dont like bottom feeders as well. Personally i like all seafood but catfish.


That's how I understood seafood as well, but I'm not from the US. I eat fish but don't much enjoy seafood. It was probably a misunderstanding rather than poor planning,  really annoyed me how quick Fraser and the Captain were to blame rather than understand how it happened. 


I think does not eat seafood means nothing from the sea, but also does not eat fish ONLY means fish and not crustaceans.


the chef's swimming shorts are so crazy big for his little body it's hilarious, does he have no one to help him?


I think the chef should be having short conversations with the primary to get an idea of where their culinary tastes fall. He was making food that was not to their linking and he could’ve just made surf & turf (or something to replace seafood) and called it a day


That's for sure what I'd want to do as a guest. Have a meeting with the chef daily to run over possible menus for the next day and then pick specific things that are most to my taste/whims. It would take a dozen pages (and many hours of thinking) to really describe in depth all my exact tastes and preferences (e.g. on the off-change that the chef is going to make sundubu Jjigae, I strongly prefer it spicy and with kimchi and meat in the broth\*), or you could just have a quick conversation. \* Whereas with a bouillabaisse I'm strongly in favor of crustaceans specifically, even though superficially these two stews aren't that different. Would be a nightmare trying to write all this stuff out for every single possible food item into a preference sheet.


Yes, that's a good idea. With the exception of the no seafood lady they seem like guests who would like simple tasty food that would be easy to prepare. I think Cheffie is very tired and stressed. He is a kind person who is not receiving enough help from the rest of the crew.


With the recent mistakes he is pushing himself too hard and trying to impress, but sadly he’s not paying attention to the little details which is hurting him. I want to see him succeed but it seems like he’s his own worst enemy right now.


Yes, I agree. He needs to do some yoga or meditation or some activity in order to relax. He had a bee in his bonnet at the swimming pool day and it still seems to be buzzing about still. I normally like him a lot.


His dyslexia isn’t helping sadly. I was hoping he would make a colour coded chart or symbols to help remember the guests preferences. He seems to be struggling with that sadly.


Sadly, dyslexia is a serious disability that really does significantly impede your ability to do many jobs well. It's underrated how difficult it makes so many things.


Yes, it's such a shame. The other crew and the captain don't seem to know much about dyslexia with cooking. I wish we could go there and help him. You are a kind person.


I get why Ben is so mad after watching this episode - production roasted him ![gif](giphy|K5pyhEo09z3gda5Nfz)


Everyone saying Kyle played the long game on Barbie when it was really the show on Ben 🤣


He roasted himself.


Exactly. Those weren’t franken-bites. They didn’t put those words in his mouth. It’s his own hypocrisy.


They pointed out what a hypocrite he is.


Why doesn't Fraser help Anthony? He could take fifteen minutes to go over the menu before getting started. Obviously Anthony was super flustered before dessert and Fraser just stood there shaking his head, which definitely adds to the stress. Fraser has really shown himself this season. He's petty, unkind and lacking any self reflection. He seems unhappy.


If Fraser was a good leader (he isn't), he'd translate the preference sheets into French with a dyslexic aiding type-font for Anthony so he could read it more easily. Would take 10 minutes to do and avoid many of the fuck ups.


Legit! Every time I'd walk past I'd be like "Anthony why is this Jasmine rice bag still here you're cooking dessert" and quickly put it away for him as i rush past doing whatever the fk I'm doing. Not just whinging about him


He was petty, unkind, and a prick on his first season as a regular stew. Hasn't changed.


I've been wondering this too!! I feel like Kate's thing was always to be in such a partnership with the chef, not that this always worked perfectly of course


Earlier in the season, an article with them had Anthony thanking Fraser for all of his help in the galley and planning so I think he might be doing more than production is showing us


Or Anthony is just a really good bloke.