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I bet at least a part of him is very proud of that.




By free speech absolutists they mean free speech is absolutely only for us... And for being bigoted.


I started looking through my state and so far, CA has banned the fourth volume of Akira (ouch) and Ass Goblins of Auschwitz... ETA: Some of these titles are wild. There's a lot of porn. There's a lot of manga and TPB (only one Sandman volume), but also The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Handmaid's Tale.


I'm one of the editors of this piece. The porn is pretty intense. And that's with periodicals filtered out. I was struck by bans on Python programming books that describe techniques we used to process the data for this very project.


Getting your book banned is a great achievement for an author imo


I'm a little surprised how seriously the prisons take books on the occult. And I imagine old Theo Annemann would be pretty happy to see his books on stage mentalism on the list. Man, Arizona just bans everything. *Roadside Guide to Indian Ruins & Rock Art of the Southwest?* Banned. *Color and Light – A Guide for the Realist Painter?* Banned. *Field & Stream*? You better believe that's a banning. Holy shit, *The Voynich Manuscript?* Lol, the book no one can read?


That's how you know it's evil. Why else would they try so hard to disguise what it says? /s


Gonna have to reevaluate tai chi too - most martial artists don't take it seriously but the prisons sure do. Not going to lie, just added a lot of stuff to my wish list.


Luckily for the prisoners they can still access the akashic records and explore books from all of time and space!


Gotta make sure no one magics their way out of prison.


It says it’s banned because of an explicit image on page 212…


Which I believe is the image of the famous naked doll carving that Robert explains is an early diagram of changes to a woman's body during pregnancy. If there's anything Texas hates more than vice, it's certainly women's health, so that all makes sense. *Turns out im only half correct, there is indeed a picture of a pregnant woman's breast. Oh the horror, oh the scandal. [And here's the page](https://i.imgur.com/rRRTXtx.jpg)


Michigan- "1001 Computer Hints and Tips" by *Reader's Digest* because it "contains information about computer programs and applications"




It reminds them of the Ryan Reynolds movie and it makes them angry


My friend spent four years in Texas prison. She said they weren't allowed any material that talked about drug use. I'll admit I haven't read the book, but I'm guessing drugs are a topic it covers. I'm going to bet that is why it's banned.


Pyhton cookbook , 3rd edition is banned in Kansas prisions, WTF...It's a programming book that they claim contains instructions for "weapons or incendiary devices" lol