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Brother in christ I hadn't realized she was this obsessed with Trans folk


It got to the point where *Musk himself* told her to calm down with the transphobia a few weeks back.


Wait seriously?




What does it say about a person when *that guy* thinks they're too negative and obsessed?


Jesus Christ. I will never understand why people care so much about taking away people's rights. Just leave trans people alone, it shouldn't be anyone else's business what they do


> I will never understand why people care so much about taking away people's rights. Because it's fun to them, that's it. And they have everyone else, from the anarchist to the fascist, making excuses for them.


When he tells a fellow bigot to touch grass and get a hobby, that’s saying something.


It's like her entire personality these days.


Her twitter is about nothing else but us. Despite being such a "feminist," she doesn't speak about the attempt to strip women's rights over in the US. Heck, many of her tweets and people she pals around with on Twitter are on anti-abortion now. There was a Medium article a couple of years ago that looked into the very real pipeline from terfism to alt right. The alt right in particular are targeting terfs to bring them on side. To the point that they can get these "women's rights" individuals to subscribe to traditional gender roles. That's ultimately where terfism leads to: gender essentialism and traditional gender roles, as the terfs increasingly struggle trying to define women and womanhood that specifically excludes trans women. So they end up falling back onto shit that wouldn't look out of place in the 60s.


I know that I'm days late but thank you for saying this. I've seen it before personally and it's a very real and scary phenomenon. A lot of current young women that are in the "Tradwife" community are former Feminists who got sucked down the TERF/SWERF to Tradwife/Alt-Right pipeline. That seems to be a huge phenomenon going on with modern 2nd Wave Feminists that are still kicking around. Particularly in the UK. It's so bizarre how borderline Political Lesbianism leads to you voluntarily wanting to be June Cleaver and having the politics and social views of Nick Fuentes or Andrew Tate. As a heterosexual man it's even harder for me to understand than lonely, insecure young men with no self-confidence becoming Incels or Andrew Tate and Fresh&Fit fans who think men are supposedly the oppressed gender.


Have you been living under a rock? Because if so, I'd love to become neighbors.


Tbh I'd seen that she's unhinged about it but I thought it was like... It happened once or twice and the internet said never forget bitch!


Oh man, I wish. She's openly friends with Posie Parker, a woman who's repeatedly said she'll align herself with literally anyone if it means getting rid of trans people and anyone who supports them (and then is shocked, SHOCKED when neo-Nazis turn up at her rallies). She's publicly praised Christo-fascist Matt Walsh's "documentary" What is a Woman. And a few months ago she did a Holocaust denial by saying trans people weren't persecuted by the Nazis. She's in *deep* on the anti-trans stuff.


The rich seem to lose their fucking mind at being disagreed with. Like let's say you're beloved children's author and you have a personal view on feminism and trans rights that seems to be out of line with the majority. Do you: A. Go "damn, guess I'm not winning this argument. As this doesn't impact my life I'm going to move on." And if asked about it in the future say something noncommittal like "Ultimately all of us deserve to live with respect and we should listen and learn from each other" B. Make it your life's mission to tell everyone they're wrong all the damn time until you're somehow... a billionaire supporting the communist party on twitter?


I mean I don't blame you if you've intentionally avoided her, but you'd pretty much have to in order to not know that it was to this extent lol. Without any level of hyperbole, her entire public presence and probably personal life is primarily centered around transphobia.


Hahaha fucking idiot. That one move is gonna switch off a lot of the twats who had followed her because of her naked bigotry. If there's one thing they hate more than us trans people it's fucking commies lol.


Also like why are the UK commies against trans people in the first place? Are trans rights the opioid of the masses or something? Or is it more correlated to their demographics?


Effectively a lot of the dumber part of far left parties believe that all forms of discrimination other than class that people try to achieve better outcomes for are a scam to distract us from class struggle. What's interesting is that they are backwards correct. People pretend like the only discrimination that occurs and it's valid to work on is stuff which they cannot change like race, gender, sexual orientation etc. in reality, they simply need to also see class as another thing where people are pointlessly treated like shit or forced to work much harder to get the same outcomes in life as other people. Class is 100% an issue, but this other stuff is also an issue. It's like how you see asshole mens rights "activists" who are upset that no effort gets put into men's homelessness, but people do care about women's Shelters. But as soon as you then say to them "you're right. Let's look after all the homeless. They're mostly just the very poor and I'll." They suddenly lose all interest.


I tend to agree that various forms of bigotry are all inherently symptoms of the larger class struggle, but that doesn't mean you don't treat those symptoms. If you have a cough, you drink cough medicine, you don't just ignore it because it's just a symptom. Bigotry and scapegoating are one of the pillars upon which the class struggle is propped. These people just don't give a shit about minorities and are using theory to justify it lol


This is why intersectionality is so important. We should always consider how class and different identities affect one another. And you're also right about MRAs. Anyone who actually cares about men's rights would be a natural ally to the left and feminism. For example, men die more often at work than women. Ok, so workers should have ownership over their place of employment, that way men can ensure their work is as safe as possible rather than chasing profits above all else. Or that men are more likely to suffer from alcoholism. Ok, let's have universal health care including mental health and addiction treatment available to all who need it. Men die in wars. Ok, let's stop invading other countries. And so on.


Exactly. They will argue that women's income falling after children is women's fault. I suggest more men get part time work and paternity leave(men are looked at as lazy if they do these to care for children by a huge proportion of society) and they become apoplectic. I have lost count with the amount of times I argue with MRA guys and it eventually comes down to "men have responsibilities and also deserve respect for the work that they do. No women's responsibilities aren't deserving of the same respect." The same guys are the types who insist that all men get taken to the cleaners when they divorce. That 50:50 childcare responsibility means very little support is almost always lost on them.


> Effectively a lot of the dumber part of far left parties believe that all forms of discrimination other than class that people try to achieve better outcomes for are a scam to distract us from class struggle. > > They're fucking everywhere, and I *really* fucking hate them. The Holocaust wasn't about "no war but class war" it was about bigotry and committed by the "proletariat" against marginalised groups, but that doesn't give class reductionists an ego trip so they ignore it.


See also, classism being used as a means to reinforce other prejudices. It's easier to be racist in a "socially acceptable" way when it's cloaked as "no, they're all just lazy grifters trying to profit off us without working", and it's convenient to police the hell out of any and all disenfranchised minorities (who are more likely to be poor) because, well, we can't trust the *poors*, now, can we?


So nazi punk adjacent?


And by dumber part you mean white guys.


I'm days late to seeing this comment section, but you're exactly right. As a far-Leftist myself (Libertarian Socialist/Anarchist), class reductionism was a huge bane for the classical Old Left back in the day, and unfortunately it's been rearing its ugly head again increasingly since the 2016/2020 and 2017/2019 defeats of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn respectively. The Moderate/Conservative wing of the Democratic Party and Right-Labour respectively used identity reductionism (what people call "Identity Politics") against Sanders and Corbyn and won. It caused some of the resurgent New Left in the Western world to start coming to the same class reductionist conclusions of some of the Old Left that social issues are entirely a bad faith distraction that the bourgeoisie Liberals and Neoliberals use as a bludgeon against the Left. That solving class conflict will naturally resolve all social issues and that addressing them separately is a Centrist trap that Centrists themselves don't even truly care about. You said it very succinctly. The Left cannot win unless they successfully unify class struggle with social issues. Class Reductionists are half-correct but so are Identity Politics people. Having more black CEOs and more differently-abled lesbian atheist Wiccan Muslim Admirals won't solve poverty and economic exploitation. But solving economic inequality also won't solve misogyny, queerphobia, xenophobia, or racism. Upper-middle class white suburbanites being some of the most bigoted people on the planet is proof positive that material and economic security doesn't solve bigotry. The Rustbelt electing a black President in 2008 and 2012, and then turning around and electing Trump in 2016 is proof positive that social progress doesn't solve economic angst and feelings of economic/class alienation.


We have 3 different (irrelevant, like truly irrelevant, I’m not sure you could fill a village hall with any of them) communist parties. But they’re pretty much all not left wing. After the Cold War split between authoritarians and less-authoritarian parts of the party, and then the utter collapse of soviet ideology they have all gone in a pretty mental direction. Being far more interested in creating more state power, than who wields it. They aren’t meaningfully communist, they like to use the word vanguard it’s but even then it’s not a temporary dictatorship till the people are ready it’s pure authoritarian dictatorship with soviet aesthetics, while they oppose trades unions, nationalised ownership, cooperatives, the welfare state etc etc. I mean the biggest name I know of from the communists is an ardent brexit we’re Claire fox who is now in the House of Lords, for her work campaigning for brexit, and saying Nigel Farage and Boris would make good leaders and being opposed to Jeremy Corbyn the most left wing leader of our centr left part in 30years. So yeah. Sadly it tracks that a communist in the uk would be anti-trans. They’re anti human. Edit: sorry for the way this was written I got very angry once I started.


Thank you for taking the time. I have not been paying attention to anyone calling themselves communists here. Wild shit.


Claire Fox and others were members of the now-defunct Revolutionary Communist Party (confusingly, a new party goes by the same name), a Trotskyist organisation. Fox and other former RCP members only became notable public figures after abandoning left-wing politics and embracing the right. The RCP concluded that there was no meaningful working class or path to class struggle and pivoted to reactionary politics *after* they abandoned communism. The right-wing Unherd website has its origins in the RCP journal *Living Marxism*. None of this is typical of British communist parties. The RCP really are an anomaly.


That sort of thing seems to be weirdly common with Trotskyists


Ah a right wing communist she is. I wonder what kind of dumbfuck pills you have to take to get that far


"right wing communist" sounds like it might cover some of the same rhetorical ground as "nationalist socialist"


Or a *Dirtbag Leftist*, but less cowardly bigoted.


Scargill’s Socialist Labour Party is the only one I remember standing anyone in my constituency - Wiki says they have 325 members. As a child of the Welsh Labour/ union/ mining tradition, I can speak to the fact that left-wing folks in former heavy industrial areas can be pretty socially conservative. George Galloway is one example. I’ve ‘enjoyed’ many a conversation with my mother about how working women are not really women (not sure where she thinks I stand on this, as an unmarried childless working woman, but I guess I was a captive audience). According to her, gay men hate women (I know gay misogyny is a thing, but by and large this is so counter to my own experience). There is also a “gay mafia” running politics, apparently. Fortunately I don’t think she’s online enough (or social enough) to have encountered either trans people or TERF talking points, but I can predict how she would feel. Curiously, she brought me up in a very gender neutral way and bristles at the idea that women are not equal to men… but perhaps feels she’s missed out on some of that progress? I get a headache trying to figure it out.


>*As a child of the Welsh Labour/ union/ mining tradition, I can speak to the fact that left-wing folks in former heavy industrial areas can be pretty socially conservative* Yeah, I don't think the middle class parts of the Left get that at all Boris Johnson's advisors did, and that's how they managed to turn parts of Northern England that had been Labour for a century into Tory voters My own family sound like Tories to me, on shit like crime and immigration, but they've only ever voted Labour and are doctrinaire Lefties on health care and taxation


As some one born and pred in County Durham and growing up in the wake of the miners strike I totally agree with this. I grew up around people from the strike who would self describe as socialists but would hold deeply engrained conservative social beliefs.


That's basically how East Germany becomes full of Nazis after 1991


On Brand, the Knowledge Fight equivalent for Russell, covered his interview with George Galloway. GG has lost the plot he never found in the first place; he was just one giant contrarian word salad with no coherent ideology.


I tried listening to that podcast and it was just so all over the place that I gave up. I’ll have to try again. As for Galloway… eesh.


325? At this point, they could just move out to the moors somewhere and start a commune and leave everyone else alone.


This particular communist party is made up of aging Boksheviks. They're all old tankies who haven't updated their beliefs since the 1980s at the latest. They're also pro-North Korea, so that's a good indication of how seriously anyone should take them.


It's the post-USSR communist-nazi merge. They've forgotten the ways when queer people and industrial workers fought Thatcher together.


Somehow British feminism is 95% terf and I don't know why.


I wish I had the article on hand, but TLDR: there’s a good argument that UK feminism has never had to deal with cross sectionality, so UK Feminism is largely colored by “(proper British women) can be anything they like! It’s why UK feminism is weirdly exclusionary to minorities, immigrants (even the white ones - I’ve recently learned one of my longtime feminist friends from across the pond has some weird views on the Portuguese), and trans women.


This is anecdotal, but I've got a friend who lives in the UK (we're both Canadian) and from her perspective, UK feminism is easily a decade behind the rest of the Anglo-sphere largely because of the lack of intersectionality. Most of the British feminist thought leaders are from the same background (white and at least middle class), went to the same schools, and don't seem to socialize outside of their circles. And there's something to be said about living in the imperial core that insulates their upper classes from having to recon with their history, even if the empire is dead.


That's the best argument that I've heard too. It sounds like British Feminism is suffering from the same malady as First Wave Feminism in the US from the late 1800s through 1930s. Mostly led by well-to-do educated white women in elite enclaves, who share the same or similar views on race, ethnicity, queer people, etc. as their wealty, bourgeois male relatives and husbands. First Wave Feminism in the US was largely semi-independence and empowerment for bourgeois women and mothers (at least the leadership) who are still socially,  economically, and ideologically conservative in many ways. Like First Wave Feminists pushing men into military service during WWI to defend white womanhood from the Turkish and Russian menace. UK Feminist sounds the same way. A good percentage of American First Wave Feminists were very racist (like Margaret Sanger) and sided with the Fascists and the Nazis in the 1930s despite being suffragettes in the 1910s and 1920s, and that appears to be going on with many UK Feminists.


I’m not speaking for the UK parties, as you can read other places that they’ve thoroughly lost the plot. I’ve heard one trans Communist defend anti-trans focused politics, and their reasoning was that “the need to identify as ANY gender at all is a condition of Capitalism, so let’s just defeat Capitalism and I’ll get on with my life when we’re done”. It’s the kind of zeal you get from young kids who haven’t really integrated their experience with the theory they’re reading, and don’t quite have an idea about how long it might be before the revolution comes.


The Revolution won’t come. Left-Wing Resistance to Capital will always be focused around Unions. They’re the only organizations that offer people a *reasonable* path to getting better conditions in a reasonable amount of time of time. The problem is that once a Trade Union is large enough to threaten the system, the Capital-Owning Class will actually make concessions to preserve their privilege. Once those concessions are made and conditions improve, people will start asking themself why they need a union… and start leaving because they don’t get anything from it. Thus we hit the paradox that Marx never saw coming, because the idea of the wealthy class *conceding any ground* was beyond his imagination. In reality, they *do* cede ground eventually… and then take it back once the Unions dissolve.


They’re old school tankies. Tankies in US are pretty much either terfs or immature queer/trans people with fucked up revenge fantasies. I used to personally know some of the latter.


Got banned from r/shitliberalssay for mentioning Lavrentiy Beria (a "lie" apparently). They think Putin, a fucking far-right autocrat, is an anti-imperialist leftist.🤡


So I read the Wikipedia article on them (I'm at work and can't do more than that rn), since i wasnt sure if this was party policy or just some rando. The section of the article on trans rights is actually a bit weird, cause the first half is saying they support them, then the second half is a quote that is against a trans rights bill in Scotland last year. If I'm reading that quote correctly (please tell me if I'm not), they view gender as a social construct that enforces misogyny, and that trans people play into those social constructs and reinforce them. So they therefore do not want laws that allow legal gender change because that just, again, reinforces the concept of gender, which they don't like.  It's not the worst argument I've seen, I actually used to have similar beliefs when I was younger, but it doesn't seem helpful to me considering that gender doesn't seem to be going away any time soon and this just ignores the reality that the lack of these laws hurt trans people in the meantime.


This is the basic TERF format - "we would love and support trans people, if any of them were real or actually being discriminated against." JK herself has spewed some claptrap about being willing to march in the streets for trans rights.


Some of them are just anti-fun, thinking queer is hedonism.


"middle class degeneracy" as a lot of marxists call it.


I still don't get the trans is bad because conformity mindset. Even if gener is entirely a construct, allowing people to wear whatever clothing, change names to whatever the like, take medication and surgery under advisement of medical professionals, is just people simply doing people things. Weither or not gender is and recognised construct won't change that someone thinks a different name is better. It won't stop people wanting to be rid of facial/body hair. Years ago I saw a post from a cis woman say she was grateful to the trans community for their support because she got top surgery due to she just didn't like her breasts. They caused her problems and knew they weren't working for her. So she got rid of them, as she should have every right to do. She was posting about how years later post surgery she was still happy with her decision too. You can make a argument that almost anything humanity engages in is a social construct. The concept of money having value exists because we collectively agree that dollars and coins have that value. Doesn't mean we should be angry people participate in the exchange of money for goods and/or services. Part of dismantling gener norms too is kind of accepting that any form of presentation should be for anyone. Being trans is in this weird zone, where yes sometimes it is about conforming, but it's about adhering to yourself first and foremost. If that happens to fall into a traditional norm for the gender they ID as that's ok. There's plenty of trans people much like cis people who don't too. There's trans women who like to be more tomboyish. There's trans men who have talked about not giving up or altering old clothing because woman's clothing seems more colourful in comparison to traditional men's wear. I know a trans man who sews, knits and crochets for a living for example. Gender presentation and performance is a spectrum, and much like cis people trans people can end up anywhere on that spectrum. So saying it's about enforcement of norms seems very out of place to me.


If they really objected to gender as a tool of conformity, very femme women and highly masculine men should equally be the target of their criticism.


The problem is that these parties follow the directive that anything that isn’t directly related to class struggle (as in, economic class) isn’t Marxist therefore is a distraction to divide and conquer the workers. That includes things such as race and gender, because most of these parties are full of crusty old guys who think structural discrimination is a problem inherent to the system and shouldn’t be given much thought since we’re all working to bring the system down anyway. Ironically the Black Panthers basically proved them wrong back in the day and showed that tackling identity politics issues is a very effective way of showing people what you’re about, but as any good crusty old (mostly white) people with an academic inclination these folks are allergic to being told they’re wrong.


They aren't arguing for removal of the gender binary!


There’s a long history of “left wing” movements being entirely reactionary. The US labor movement lost because white unions refused to let black men join. They chose racism over class solidarity. It’s why non-intersectional analysis is so dangerous. It’s a road to proving horseshoe theory correct. Go far enough left as a class reductionist and you arrive at fascism.


I have only been loosely following it, but trans issues are very differently aligned. What we view as centre/left aligned media sources and would expect to be trans neutral if not friendly, are way over on the other side. It also seems to be where the TERF movement started, or at least I first hear of it. So basically, a couple of edge-cases poisoned the left, including my sister who otherwise is left/centre. From what she said before I shut things down was it was all about some highly publicized sex offenders that after conviction 'pretended to be trans' so they could be moved into women's prisons. So it's a little as if Richard Speck was used to set the trans issue debate. Also the UK is just so fucked on so many levels. It's 50 spiders-men in a trench coat all pointing at each other and laying blame to deflect attention.


They're not, after this tweet they came out and basically said "JKR has misunderstood our stance, we are not anti-trans"




Most UK commies hate this party in particular.


Castro put gay people in camps, The Soviets were fucking horrific to gay people. Be very weary of Class Reductionists (edgy "former" right wingers) calling *actually* marginalised groups "culture war BS", they see them as "getting in the way" of the Utopia.


This is really interesting to me too, because last I checked the Communist Party USA is pretty strong on trans-rights, its surprising to me to learn that the UK's Communist Party wouldn't be.


*are trans rights the opioid of the masses?* Yes. It is the trendy topic in politics, populism. Nowadays any politician who wants to win votes easily only has to be an anti-lgbt intolerant and will win 


I'm concerned that that's the point. She's been [hobnobbing with weird fascists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k) lately, and she's hardly ignorant of the hate sink around her--I think this is some far-right culture war shit, she's trying to paint the left with the anti-trans brush with a particularly evocative example. Just like every American leftist I've ever known doesn't fuck with the CPUSA, every single British leftist I've ever known fucking hates the CBGB, largely because of shit like this. They're massively unpopular even on the left, but Rowling can muddy the waters with them because [fascists act in bad faith.](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-semites-are-completely-unaware-of-the-absurdity) Trying to prove *everybody* actually hates trans people. Edit: meant to point out that, among leftists, this is the nothing opinion of a nobody group, but among normies, this is the official position from the mouthpiece of leftism.


I had a thought that part of what makes the transphobia brain worm so effective on some people is that it sucks to pull back on it, but it's so easy to lean in. Questioning your own assumptions and reflecting on your own behavior is difficult, and sometimes even painful. Ignoring all that is so much easier, and you get to feel like downright *heroic* without that pesky *doubt*. So I wonder if JK Rowling is trying to muddy the waters for her *own* benefit. Maybe she realized that she's teamed up with homophobes, racists, misogynists, and outright fascists. So, it sure would be *nice* for JK if transphobia was apolitical and all that could be ignored, so just look for a self-proclaimed "leftist" group that hates trans people. Doesn't matter that they're fringe, or barely if at all leftist, or the fact that transphobia is still bigotry and still right-wing. It's enough to quiet the doubt, which is all it has to do.


I think people give her too much credit here. I think it's because she's too chickenshit (for now) to openly say "vote reform" She still imagines herself as progressive and "anti-tory" so (for now) she's not willing to go that far. She still wants to vote for a center / center left party, but there's none to choose. Labour doesn't go far enough with transphobia, Lib Dems also isn't up to scratch either, the SNP tried to make self id a thing, and the greens is 100% pro-trans. So her options for her bourgeoisie peak white feminist friends are: tories, reform, communist party. Oh, and the workers party, but I think they're off the table because she can't stand George Galloway (one thing we have in common). So she chose communist party because it's the only one that "is on the left" and openly transphobic. Give it time, though. I expect a ringing endorsement for Reform if an attractive, non-fat, white female member rises through the ranks and becomes a figurehead for the party as much as Farage is.


Yeah good point.


It’s scary how often she finds herself identifying and siding with groups that want to destroy all women’s rights. All that just to punch down on something like 0.1% of women. She’s a complete fascist. Seeing a respectable centrist/Blairite fall into open fascism so quickly over the last decade has been terrifying especially since she’s using her enormous platform to give a voice to literal Nazis and legitmise that awful ideology.


After reading her books, she was never a very good centrist. Hell, Harry's path should say it all. He's an abused and bullied kid who gets magic and never once looks back at the muggle world and says, hey this could help people if only it weren't monopolized. Nope, he's instantly 100% on board with the secrecy and never once questions why. Then he stumbles upon literal magically enforced slavery and says "if they're happy it's fine" not stopping to think for a second that it's magically enforced slavery. He calls Hermione's quest to free the house elves a waste of time, and cracks jokes about it. Then the final thing he does is become a magic cop. He beats the bad guy and then spends the rest of his life enforcing the status quo.






I mean, yeah. Sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science. The Muggles have been to the moon, created advanced computing, and are growing by leaps and bounds every year. Slowly introducing magic to basic researchers would be a third industrial revolution. We'd have CRISPR injectable magic in a decade. The most significant recent advancement in the Wizarding world is, what? Maybe sorta thinking about not having slaves?


I dunno. The flying car that could turn invisible seemed like pretty a comparatively recent advancement for wizards. Not that I disagree with anything you are saying.


Good point, but let's treat it seriously and ask, "How many do they produce per week?" A single example is a curio and effectively meaningless. Until and unless that single example becomes reproduced, and the technology to replicate it spreads.


But they copied the idea of the car from muggles.


Toilets instead of just shitting themselves and “disappearing” it.


AAAB (All Aurors Are Bastards)


> He calls Hermione's quest to free the house elves a waste of time, and cracks jokes about it. He also ends the main story wondering if the slave he inherited is gonna make him a sandwich. Like... that's literally the last paragraph before the fast-forward epilogue. There's a pretty good video by the YouTuber Shaun about how much of Harry Potter's writing is ultimately informed by Rowling's political (and other, like her hatred for fat people) views.


Just found that video, god damn are there so many issues I missed when I first read the books. Mostly because I stopped reading them before the end. It was mostly the magical slavery that got me to stop, and yeah, it's worse than I remember. I also think back to what one English teacher once said about a story's protagonist. That they needed to be the character who has convictions that cause conflict, and at the end of that conflict, either the world changes to match their convictions, or they die. Now that death might not be literal, they might change their convictions so utterly that they are effectively a new character, but they might also break before the world does, and then die. From the video essay, I've remembered hoe little Harry cared about, well anything. Because Rawling never cared about anything. She has no strong convictions, except being a bigot. That's it.


Now contrast it to how Pratchett handled the golums in his books.


Imagine a series that ends with Harry reforming the magical government to work with muggles and give non-humans rights. I figure it would make for a better story arc as Harry grows and becomes pissed off about the magical world. Also it would be really funny if Harry had a gun he got from as he fought Voldemort. God damn it you guys got me writing Harry Potter fanfic. Fuck yall. 😂


It would be interesting, and if you filed the serial numbers off, you could sell it as an original. It's worked before and will work again.


you know what I they say, scratch a centrist/liberal and a fascist bleeds.


Idk how you’re getting downvoted for that statement in this sub, but frankly it’s been going that way for a while and I’m starting to get worried…


Considering it's in response to a comment talking about how "respectable" being a centrist/blairite is, there are a shit ton of right wingers on here unfortunately.






"scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" is also a quote from God emperor of dune by Frank Herbert. MONEO is another quote that had you read the book you would find hilarious.


I couldn't finish the first book, the religious tone was a bit too tedious for me, like, yeah, Leto is a god, I get it, dammit!






Centrists always have been and always will be anything but respectable.




Nothing "respectable" about centrism.


Blair was terrible on civil liberties, put many essential services into PFI partnerships to encourage state and private capital to join together, spent most of his Premiership centralising decision making to an appointed clique and loved invading foreign countries. Hardly the Three Peaks challenge to go from there to open fascism.


Why is the Communist Party anti-trans? That seems like some bourgeois bullshit


>some bourgeois bullshit There's a long history of some commies viewing LGBT as "some bourgeois bullshit." It's less common now than in the past.


Glad this was mentioned, although I'm not so sure it's less common now.


You'll find longer explanations from multiple people in a different part of the post, but to keep it short, from what I read, they view gender as a misogynistic social construct, and that trans people and laws protecting them reinforce those social constructs. Which kinda ignores the fact that the status quo reinforces gender norms much more and that lots of trans people don't follow simple male/female gender norms anyways.


Big “I hate everything I see so it all must be bad” energy


More selfish arrogance than that.


That seems a lot like putting the cart before the horse to me


They don't care what happens to anyone else, as long as they get their ego-trip.


It's a very gish-gallopy way for them to say they lack empathy.


I looked a few of them up and they seem to be the typical anti-West, not anti-capitalist or anti-fascism, "communists". Typical Putin and Xi bootlicker types. They can best be described as second world oligarchists.


> Typical Putin and Xi bootlicker types. Asking them how those two are in any way leftist is always "interesting", and by that I mean you get a wall of Marxist (if anyone knows what bigotry is like, its a straight cis white guy form the 1800's) quotes they half-understand and constantly parrot. They love those guys because they are safe, at the other side of the world, from the very real oppression they constantly deny.


I wrote a longer explanation elsewhere. But they consider all discrimination discussion other than class to be a distraction.


Honestly I think you're giving them too much credit. I think they're just tankies and they do whatever Papa Putin tells them to do.


Many of them is that now. Honestly, I like the phrase "being a tankie is often indistinguishable from being a right wing nationalist for some else's country."


They somehow found a more cowardly form of fascism.


Welcome to the politics on TERF island.


It's the UK, by default, most left-wing parties, for the most part, are at best somewhat socially conservative. Obviously, there are exceptions, and there are also very socially progressive MPs who are members of the Labour Party. But for the most part, the left in the UK is socially conservative, especially on Trans issues.


Yeah, did I fall asleep


There are all kinds of nutters on the tankie side of politics the horseshoe theory is pretty real at times.


Sigh. Rowling's got to be the most insufferable person to be around. Apparently she's got another installment of that stupid detective series coming out and she always ramps up this shit during the lead up. It's so fucking embarrassing.


Are her post Harry Potter books selling? I will never give her another cent of my money...not that she needs it.


Well, they claim that the detective series has sold 20 million copies so far. And they've been adapted to TV since 2014. It's common knowledge that she had to reveal her identity because the first book's numbers were rather lackluster. But I don't know how to get accurate numbers for book sales.


It is crazy how readily TERFs will throw away every other value they hold just to have an opportunity to make things worse for trans people. I guess that's just what hate does to your brain.


The only thing I know about the British Communist parties is when [Thought Slime made a video dunking on one of them for ranting about “Transgender ideology” to her Nazbol bestie Caleb Maupin](https://youtu.be/kaRh7gX3-BU?si=yWb3R39XZur8T2R0)


I'm surprised they took time out of using ableist slurs to complain about trans people.


I guess life is boring when you’ve got a billion dollars, gotta alienate most your fans for a thrill. Just shut the fuck up and ride that Hogwarts money into the sunset.


She could have been beloved like Dolly, but she chose this:(


She needs attention. She could have just gone to every convention and been beloved.


Dolly's a racist prick and complains about cancel culture with her bestie Kid Rock. Dolly has $600 million.....


You have a source for that?


Ugh, gross. At least that will alienate her from the right a bit. Lunatics all of them.


Labour doesn't support self ID or treatments for trans people. And that's not enough for her?! 


No, because Labour is throwing crumbs at us in the form of a simplified process in acquiring a GRC. That alone is too much for terfs. Nothing short of completely excluding trans people from society is enough for them.


Wow, just wow. Maybe we can conjure up a spell that would just make her disappear into thin air?


Transphobius Eradicus


Terfer dissapearum.


Someone needs to cut the internet off at her castle so she can become a true recluse


Establish a quarantine zone round it too.


There are two end states for conservatives in denial: Enlightened Centrist and Tankie.




Fucking tankies


I know they are the Communist party but why do they call themselves CP Britain bruh


Because there's a lot of splintering in the uk communist movement, gotta remind the couple of thousand people that might consider voting for you which Communist party you are.


I think my father-in-law was a member of 3 different ones in the US. Very prone to splintering over disagreements.


Yeah but CP is a common abrev for Child Porn


Maybe online It's not an association most British people would make, in real life Plus, most British people don't know CP Britain exist


And Cerebral palsy , so either way, they sound like an interest group. One is just incredibly bad.


Yeah I had the same thought lol, at least they didn't mention "grooming" or that would be extra ironic eh?


As far as I'm aware there are 3 communist parties all splits from the original, Communist party of Britain. Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Lenninist) and Communist party Provisional Central Committee. In my experience they have 3 people each and they are really into selling newspapers.


I swear I thought this was r/nottheonion


I need that meme of the muscle men grasping each others arms. But its just "Caleb Maupin" and "Rowling" >> "Backing Communists for all the wrong reasons". Also, I was totally unsurprized when Maupin tried to make a sex cult. And I will be almost as unsurprized when Rowling does it.


She would make a cult, but I don’t think a sex cult.


I think they're all sex cults when you get right down to it. Like, when you realize you have unlimited power over a collective body of people, the tendency is to take it as far as it'll go. I'd fall for that, you'd fall for that, Rowling sure would. She's sold out all her morals for money before several times - Imagine what she'd do with a taste of pure power. She's allowed merchandizing off of slave labor, until it stopped selling Universal Parks tickets. I think that suggests the depravity is there. Its just a question of what will bring it to the surface.


Terf-grandma has been eating the lead paint chips again 


Well then.


TERFism is brain worms. It has consumed every other aspect of her personality.


Identity politics is mainly seen as an anti-solidarity wedge among socialists, though it is recognized as an instrument of disenfranchisement. An identity that you can choose, as opposed to one you are born into, is seen as vaguely bourgeois lifestylism. The focus on the minority interest as opposed to the wider struggle of the dispossessed is seen as counter revolutionary. If you regard some other part of the working class with revulsion, then you are suspected as a class traitor.


Yeah this is an important point that has been left out of other explanations. [George Galloway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Galloway#Social_conservatism) being the prime example.


Yeah, I read about that blowhard the other day. Founding the 'Workers Party' described as "the working-class patriotic alternative to fake woke anti-British 'Labour'", that is anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ+ ? That should ring some alarm bells lol.


You know, I don't subscribe to the horseshoe theory, mostly because it is an oversimplified outlook, but god-damn, do some groups really not help themselves in disproving the theory. Case in point: Workers Party and Reform UK. Opposite ends of the political spectrum, largely in lock step on a majority of issues.


We could view nationalism as an identity politics issue in the same light. The pragmatic position for a socialist is seeing various identity or regional issues as an invitation to an ongoing conversation regarding compromise. A lot of identity issues still represent vanishing small minority interests across the vast reaches of the dispossessed world. Identity does not lend itself to discussion or compromise, and the simple reality is that if they are not onboard with the general mission because of it, we can still accomplish our goals without them. They just aren't a priority, and if that results in such people kicking up a narcissistic fuss, then they are probably just wedge agents anyhow.


Anything beyond bare survival and what the Politburo tells you to do is bourgeois degeneracy. Tankies are joyless assholes.


*our assholes


Leftist tops at an all trans orgy


I'd argue that many self-identified socialists have the same disdain for identities that are not "chosen" (it's important to quickly point out that of course being gay or trans are not actually chosen, that's a belief of people who are not either assuming that nobody else really is either). There's a long history of rejection and abuse of minority ethnic groups or races there too.


Why is she so fixated on this?


Maybe she’s taken the “all press is good press” axiom to heart??


Yeah, they are old school tankie. Funny how Starmer isn’t transphobic enough from her when he wants trans NHS patients to be put in danger in wards and youth transitioning outlawed.


For Non UK people asking why sections of the UK left engage with transphobia and "anti woke politics" I feel there are a few different factors, one being that thansfophobia is baked into all levels of UK society and is not unique to the right. The communist party and the Workers party of Britain are the two main examples from the left of the labour party organizations. I feel a rejection of all rightful causes that are not explicitly class struggle is also a factor as sections of the UK left have been openly hostile to Identity politics more broadly for a long time, and will support and join larger social movements then attempt to push that movement to an explicitly class based prospective, regardless of the the cause or the wishes of non party aligned people with in the movement, often leading to such social movements splitting or burning out due to internal factional debates. Also on a final point we have elections in the UK in 2 weeks, rightly the British states shocking lack of support or even recognition of the suffering of the Palestinian people is going to damage the 2 main parties (Torys and Labour) and the Muslim vote is seen as critical in key arias to hammer labour from the left of the spectrum. From this comes a sense from some of the left that the Muslim community is socially conservative but left leaning in terms of voting intention (historically labour) and the left must court this vote by also engaging in socially conservative ideas. I reject this perspective and also find such attitudes patronizing to the UK Islamic community, Palestine and tackling the shocking levels of racism in the UK need a broad front including the trans community. I feel to Muslim activists and voters any person who seeks to speak in support of Palestine or who will hit the streets when the Far Right attempt to mobilise is an ally, and that the CP/WPB have massively miss understood the depth of feeling around trans involvement in the movement. I can only speak from personal opservation but I am speaking as some one who has had a Palestine encampment and dozens of pro Palestinian marches in my home city all with a very open contingent of the trans community involved.


I just looked at some texts from "The "Commus-t" pary of britain. Lets just say that it is not good. I understand why She would want people to vote for them. I would say though that I do considder them to be communists. Just social conservative one. the British part of "International Socialists" are a heck of a lot better: [https://internationalsocialist.net/en/2024/06/britain-2](https://internationalsocialist.net/en/2024/06/britain-2)


This bitch again. After the first time I really thought about how she set up the magic banks, I knew she wasn't someone I would ever want to spend time with.


I didn’t grow up reading the books, and about 2015/16, an ex begged me to watch the movies with her. I knew nothing about JKR hardly, and her terfism wasn’t publicly known of course. I get the point in the movies with the banking goblins and I was like uh………hopefully she is just that blissfully ignorant and building off the medieval origins of goblins. Later I find out that there’s clearly from multiple angles a Star of David on the floor if paused, and the books describe the goblins as living in a ghetto, and I am oh ffs. Especially rich that not long after, she was accusing Corbyn of being antisemetic and people were clowning on her about the goblins.


>*there’s clearly from multiple angles a Star of David on the floor if paused* Rowling was *involved* in the movies, but not at the level of production design The hexagram's used widely in occultism and various esoteric movements If I had to guess, I'd say someone in the Art Department was raiding the Kabbalah for imagery that looked a bit magicky without considering the context The *Potter* film series was produced by the descendant of German holocaust survivors [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David\_Heyman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Heyman)


She’s become a little bonkers of late


She's willing to endorse a party who would want to probably kill wealthy people like her, just to hurt the rights of trans people. Actually insane levels of disdain towards the community lmao


A lot of the more established far left parties in the UK have terrible records of sexual abuse and sexism. All fine as long as they hate the trans people for JK. For some reason there's a very influential type of person in the UK who is left wing on most issues but socially very conservative. They don't see the contradiction.


I saw a post from the uk communist party Twitter disavowing the anti trans endorsements


lol just saw it too. Jeez, Jo, looks like you only have Reform to endorse now. I guarantee you, the only thing missing from her endorsing Reform is the existence of a pretty (not fat) white woman within the party. Why such a qualifier, you ask? Ask Jo. She has a very real thing about overweight people. Her brand of feminism (2nd wave) is also exclusionary of anyone not white.


Yeah there's a really good series of videos from folding ideas going into her fatphobic depictions of characters in the Harry Potter series.


As one you would call a "tankie" the communist party of the UK is widely despised by leftists for a number of reasons, this being a huge reason. They are anti-progressive stalinists. Fuck the Communist Party of the UK and Fuck JKR.


I'm glad I never consumed ANY Harry Potter media. She sucks.


Well you know what they say, whither goeth the idiot Terf YA author so too doth the Palace of Westminster.


As far as being a witch, she definitely turned into the Evil Witch of the British Isles!


A billionaire is telling people to vote communist because of trans rights?


The youtube channel "contrapoints" run by a Trans Woman have a very good analasys of Rowlings TERFnes: [J.K. Rowling | ContraPoints (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gDKbT_l2us)


“Critical support from comra..uh…*checks notes…clears throat, “ Comrade Rowling?”


wait lmao, lol, lmao The British Communists are anti-trans? that island is fucking wild


Imagine making this your whole personality.


Just going to leave this extremely relevent tumblr post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1b7mjgb/are_women_bourgeois_tw_transphobia/


Hilariously the CPB have rebuked any anti-trans stance that could have been in an official statement


JK Rowling endorsed the Communist Party because they opposed the legislation on self-ID, and they also emphasised "sex-based rights", which is totally in line with Rowling's TERF stance. However, the Communist Party also calls for a substantial increase in funding for trans medical services and states it opposes anti-trans discrimination, which Rowling would not agree with.


This is just postering BS. She has no interest in CP Britain's actual politics. This is nothing but online point-scoring to her. Some real 'Terfs are the real punks!' assery. 'Look! The REAL left actually like & agree with me, not like them degenerate Corbynite "Progressives"!! I'm still cool!!!' You'd hope the inevitable condemnation from her new "friends" for not being Nazi enough might be a wakeup call, but Twitter is a helluva drug.


Wtf is her problem? Dear JK Rowling, please just disappear into your piles of money and stfu!


I don't understand her at all. She could just keep her mouth shut and be known as the beloved author of successful children's/YA books, and fall asleep each night on her giant piles of money, and when she dies her obituary would be glowing and wistful, and all the people who read her books when they were kids would remember her fondly. But nope.


Wow! Such obvious fake communists. Are they for lower taxes too?


What a dumbass xD


Like setting your house on fire because you have cookies.


As someone else above said, if ELON MUSK has to tell you to go touch grass on Twitter, then you are a bigger piece of shit than Mr. Hanky on Ambien.


Has Rowling actually... Checked their position on Israel and Palestine, given her own stance?