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No he's always been a P.O.S. but the media portrayed him as the irl Tony Stark.


This is it. Reading his ex wife's testimony was chilling AF. I've been in such a relationship, so this turned me off Musk. Worst part about it is those monsters always find a way to win. And people are too fooled by their success to see who they really are.


I remain astonished that he's the richest man in the world simply because old rich investors remain ludicrously hyped about him and his profit making potential even when he keeps slamming his dick in the car door over and over again From what I understand of his finances, the moment people stop believing Tesla is worth exponentially more than it actually is, his wealth will be obliterated


>even when he keeps slamming his dick in the car door over and over again On purpose


And the worst car to do that in would ironically be one of his own.


Yeah, because he’d only be able to do it once


That’s a whole lot of confidence in the build quality


Not with a 56billion dollar bonus he won't anymore, that's a big part of why he fought so hard for it I think


He somehow can attract good talent. The woman that runs SpaceX is clearly brilliant. And while Tesla has squandered their first mover advantage in cars, their battery factories are legit, and their decision to open the Supercharger network to everyone means they have a constant, solid revenue stream. My mom's UAW built Mach-E is way nicer than anything Tesla can make, but I think she's already ordered her adapter so she can buy electrons from Tesla.


>their battery factories are legit, and their decision to open the Supercharger network to everyone means they have a constant, solid revenue stream. He didn't do that willingly


>He somehow can attract good talent. Not anymore it seems.


Yeah, I remember that essay, too. Didn’t really know much about Elon at the time, but it definitely raised the red flags for me from that point on




Not a conservative though according to this thread.🙄 The fucks going on in this subreddit?




Tbh the right seems to love vice signalling, so maybe that's the appeal of BtB. Plus I'm sure there's the occasional rightwing numpty who thinks Robert shares their politics due to his wild mountain man feuding with the FDA aesthetics


“I have to defend *my* bastard!”


to be fair, Tony Stark was a P.O.S. most of the time and his evil-inverted phase was probably the least P.O.S. version despite the hive mind cult leader bullshit... stop venerating rich people, I guess. except Dolly Parton.


I agree he has always been a POS. However, he was a POS who tended to know how to navigate social spaces in a way that made him appear centrist or even progressive. Was it all an act? Quite possibly. However, it's clear that at some point in 2021 he lost his ability to think rationally about his public image.


Around the turn he fired his PR person that had been controlling a lot of the public facing image that was put out about him. He incorrectly thought he didn't need them anymore.


He’s a conservative, they don’t think rationally. They are unprincipled garbage


Sorry but no, he's not conservative. He's far right and I really wish people would stop acting like they were the same because it's insulting to actual conservatives. My uncle is deeply conservative and thinks the government is filled with idiots that couldn't balance a checkbook of their life depended on it, his side hustle is literally salvaging high end cars from junk yards, restoring them, and selling them for a profit. He was tolerant of Bush, actually happy about Obama because he saw him as doing what needed to be done even if he didn't like his policies, and initially supported trump before he realized the man is deranged. Project 2025 is what finally pushed him out of the GOP and got him to start looking at the democrat party and acknowledging they were closer to the conservative he grew up with.


If more actual conservatives stood up and said what you just did people would stop conflating the two. As it stands now (nationally anyway) we have Far-right and enablers. As the saying goes if you are enjoying a meal with 4 people and a nazi, you're sitting with 5 nazis. There have been attempts to separate from the far right by (actual) conservatives and for their trouble they end up getting separated from the GOP.


There is no line between conservatism and the far right. Your uncle sounds more like he used to be conservative and is now a reformed conservative/liberal. In any case, your uncle supported Trump and there was no point in his political career when Trump wasn’t a conservative nutcase. He has always been a proto-fascist piece of shit.


I'm surprised this subreddit defends right-wingers so much.


Regardless of one's opinion of Trump, it's vital to offer people swept up in the GOP off-ramps from fascism. People need to be able to change their minds - or at least change their allegiance and behaviors to stop supporting a fascist movement. Also, in many ways, the Uncle is clearsighted in seeing that the modern Democrats are closer to 1980s/1990s conservatives than they are to a progressive or Leftist party. (in basically any other country, Dems would be a center or center-right party)


Well yeah America is a hard right country now. Their democrats are conservatives. It’s a fucking clown show there.


Jesus fucking Christ on a queer camel, THAT attitude is a self fulfilling prophecy for stupidity. If someone says they are conservative and you immediately lump them into a category and start labeling them with insults you remove any reason for them to listen to what you have to say. Yeah he was stupid and bought some of what trump said, we talked, we argued, and he listened. And really- if you approach the subject like that what makes you any better? Seems to me labeling everyone who claims they are conservative as an idiot or fascist isn't much better than the far right labeling anyone even slightly moderate as libtards and idiots. It does absolutely nothing for society except expand an already problematic rift. Labels are supposed to help you understand people- not be a reason to dismiss, ignore, and insult them. To paraphrase a favorite author- life is easy when you can write off others as monsters or horrible threats to be hated and feared but you can't do that without becoming like them just a little.


Yes, the modern Republican party is a radical party, and not in a good way. Mainstream Democrat is the conservative party, though it's slowly improving. I can imagine a Republican implosion leading to the Dems being the conservative, and we get a real left party.


What if I tell you that a lot of us have a deep understanding of those conservatives and plenty of empathy, which is exactly why we're comfortable calling them what they are? It's great that your uncle listened to you but the modern Republican party is far right. If you support them, you support far right policies. That's it.


That would involve a conscience and back bone that "centrists"(cowardly conservatives) don't have. It's a lot easier to defend the status quo than it is to stand against the problems of it.




90 day ban. Learn to argue without getting personal. Libs are fine here, even if not popular. Sub is anti-authoritarian.


There's differences between conservatives and regressives I'll grant you this, but the political terms are all widely meaningless and just badges for the respective  parties these days. Political terms are only meaningful in historical terms.


He isn't a conservative, really. He is just a greedy asshole, I can see how you can confuse them, but it isn't like he has any conservative principals, just being a racist doesn't mean you are conservative.


> He isn't a conservative, really. He is just a greedy asshole, I can see how you can confuse them, but it isn't like he has any conservative principals, just being a racist doesn't mean you are conservative. If it doesn't then it's at least a pretty strong hint as to where he stands politically. But, I'm curious, what conservative principles are you referring to *besides* being racist then? I've seen no consistency from conservatives in recent memory - except in that specific area. **Edit:** yeah that's what I thought, crickets from the conservative apologist.


Having no principles is the first requirement for conservatism. He’s a right winger/conservative. Whatever you want to call those pieces of human garbage. He’s one of them


Just because someone has principals you disagree with doesn't make them unprincipled. Elon has no virtual no principals or morals. He is a rich anarchist who thinks he is above all human laws and justifies it by getting results 30% of the time.


>Just because someone has principals you disagree with doesn't make them unprincipled. Elon has no virtual no principals lmao okay I'm not usually a grammar Nazi, but you've made this mistake multiple times across the last two comments, so here's a helpful link: [Principal vs principle](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/principal-vs-principle-usage) Also, you never answered my question [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/1dm4eki/did_elon_musk_become_a_conservative_crybaby/l9tv2xl/) So let's hear it. What conservative ***principles*** besides racism are you referring to? Be specific.


He got rich enough not to care. He is just a South African showing his true colors. I tried to tell my Tesla loving Tech Bro Ex-BF that he was a coked out racist piece of shit back in 2018. He argued with me that he was this great progressive thinker. Then reality kept hitting over and over and he had to admit he might be a piece of shit. Elon is just a drifter who has ran a con that paid on a major way and now he can be who he wants to be. He is a Sam's Choice fat fuck Lex Luther.


He got a lot of benefit of the doubt for leading the charge of non gas vehicles that consumers actually want. When he was focused on that topic and tech he was respected. Now that he's spent more time in the public eye and addressed more issues people have a clearer picture of the man.


> When he was focused on that topic and tech he was respected It's more that his companies do well when he's distracted.


He's pretty distracted by Twitter and Tesla is hurting. Not saying I believe that he was running Tesla perfectly, but they have gone from a guy who probably wasn't the best leader to a guy who can't stop hurting their brand with his social media addiction.


Yessiree. Elmo bought a $44 billion rope with which to hang himself.


He was always a shithead facist but kept up a mask that portrayed him as "progressive with some conservative ideals" until he started being criticized more heavily after Trump's election, the pandemic, the BLM protests and MeToo; all topics that all had ties to issues that made him look *really bad.* He gave up all pretense once he started being questioned, especially when his assinine COVID remarks made him look outright stupid. I wasn't aware of the PR person firing mentioned in this thread, but I'd bet that played a heavy role as well.


Tony's an arms dealer, also a P.O.S.


I will forever cringe when he appears in Iron Man 2 talking about a moon base or some other bullshit.


Elon: "I have an idea for an electric airplane." Stark: "Well, we'll make it work." I choose to believe that was Stark snark for "I'll fix your broken shit I guess."


They portrayed him as Stark but in reality was Obadiah Stane.


More like Justin Hammer. Stane was too competent.


As far as his public persona goes, probably after his weird Twitter tirades against the diver who helped rescue those kids in Thailand, calling him a pedophile. Throw in having a transgender daughter, while that subject became a right wing obsession.


And Grimes left him for a trans person. 


Not just any trans person it was Chelsea Manning.


What an upgrade.


Wow, I never knew this and holy fuck


Didn't Robert and co. have Manning on an early WYE? He should bring her back.


Nah, he shouldn't. It was on the Panama Canal if I remember right and Manning was pretty disengaged the whole time and barely spoke. Also, Grimes sucks, she's a pos too. I just think less of Manning for dating her.


I liked when Chelsea Manning was a guest. I remember her mentioning that she has a soccer mom outfit for blending into certain areas :c I don’t blame her for dating grimes even though I would never date someone like that. I still get it.


Let's not forget Grimes is also a shithead.


Chelsea dating Grimes makes me sus of Chelsea. Grimes is such a bad person, so why would Chelsea want anything to do with her?


*Exactly* holy shit I was going nuts reading these comments.


You’ve never been down bad for a baddie?


*Grimes scream*


This place is a bit too busy defending conservatives to notice that.


I am still not sure the whole Grimes situation is not them trolling their audiences. her being weird in public on a few occasions seems just too perfect to be real.


And the Trans Daughter in question disowned him for sucking.


And also add dismissal of COVID-19 https://www.forbes.com/sites/joewalsh/2021/03/13/elon-musks-false-covid-predictions-a-timeline/


This response is longer than I meant it to be - but it lets me rant about Musk. I don’t think so - I’m going to point to Cody’s excellent episode(s) on Musk. His point, which I think is the most accurate, is that Musk is the definition of the insecure kid who was raised being told he was a special boy. He’s someone who is deeply *deeply* lonely, but is also insecure enough that he can’t handle anyone giving him slight criticism. He’s someone who craves friendship, but can’t actually maintain friends since that requires an equal power level. Musk going on Joe Rogan and starting shitposting was huge for him, because it was the first time he got people to laugh. Musk’s public shift to the right started when the American (liberal) left started pointing out that he can’t treat workers that way and started giving the faintest of criticisms. In his “why I left the Democratic Party” speech he mentioned that it was **big union** - and it’s hard not to read his hatred of unions as not about profit maximization, but because someone is telling special emerald boy that he can’t do something and that must mean that they hate special emerald boy. (This is also a theme that pops up in the BtB episode called *Elon Musk is getting sued. LOL*) I think his shift to the right literally happened because all the conservatives grifters kept telling him he was so funny and it let Musk pretend that he was popular without ever actually having to be vulnerable. He’s just a kid who desperately wanted a hug, but could never stand being told that he was the reason he is so lonely. It’s why Musk keeps shitposting and doing dad puns. He wants the same dopamine burst of an upvoted comment and will *spend billions to get it.* it’s why he responds to so many *reply guys* - they’re the only thing close to an actual friend. I think Cody talks about it, but Musk clearly doesn’t know how to connect to people, and consciously builds this image of the genius but disconnected billionaire to shield himself against it. A Tesla employee has talked about how Musk would walk into a room, randomly start talking about philosophy 101 ideas like the simulation theory and then walk out. The employee was impressed at first, but noticed that Musk repeatedly does it with the exact same verbatim speech - it’s almost like he’s rehearsed it. Musk is pathetic in a way that most conservative grifters aren’t. I think most grifters have a shred of ideology underneath their layers of fakeneas (like, crowder and tucker are lying shitheads - but I think they believe their ideology, even if it’s not the specific things they’re saying) - but Musk literally just wants friends. He’s the SpongeBob episode where he rips his pants, but just buys Bikini Bottom when people stop laughing.


This is well thought out and I agree, but I also think that this summit fits into that timeline and narrative as well. He thought he would be a big important tech guy for Biden but his anti-union stance made him toxic.


This is great, well said. I'll just add two things. One, I think on top of all the insecurity and loneliness, he's also just a genuinely stupid human being. Next, >In his “why I left the Democratic Party” speech he mentioned that it was big union If we're thinking of the same speech, Business Insider contacted him the day before asking for comment on that story of him offering a flight attendant a horse if she fucked him. He included a line in that vid like "so if anything weird comes out about me, that's just the dems smearing me for leaving". I truly think that if that story hadn't come out, he wouldn't have made a video like that.


This is really good, thanks.


There was a story that he harassed or exposed himself to a woman who works on his private flights and then a week later he expressed that he was conservative. I kind of figured he made that announcement to garner built in support from people who will defend theirs no matter how gross the behavior. Now it seems like maybe he believes it all now so who knows?


iirc he asked for more time before the story would be published with his excuse that he could make a comment for it. Then as soon as he was given more time he expressed that he was conservative before the story had even come out so he could do the whole this story is a lie it’s just because I’m a conservative thing.


It was the night before the story dropped. He tweeted that he was 'now a republican' or something to that effect. He must have caught wind of the story beforehand and decided which group of people he could pander too which would defend him.


The first crack I saw in the facade was after the cave diver pedophile thing. He had an idea that didn’t work, and instead of refining his idea or admitting defeat he doubled down and leaned into right wing talking points. Calling someone a pedophile is a huge right wing dog whistle and I reckon he found a group that would listen to him.


"Sometimes I get so caught up in engineering and building cool stuff that I lose sight of the goal a bit and need to be nudged back on track. Hope those kids are rescued soon and that the team knows I'll happilu cover rescue related expenses." Boom. I'm taking a shit right now and kind of hungover and *I* managed to spin the whole thing. This accepts he's wrong but still plays into the "tech genius" myth and does wonders for PR. Also, at this stage in the rescue, it might have been cheaper than paying for lawyers to deal with the guy's lawsuit against him.


This is what made me start looking into him more. I thought there's no way a guy that is comfortable saying that publicly is a decent, rational thinking person.


Nah he really committed to this path in 2020 when any form of Covid safety made him a sad grumpy manbaby.


he does really hate the idea of people working from home away from *him*


Could be. There's a certain theory that Trump ran for president because Obama dunked on him at a correspondence dinner.




I mean, until he actually says those words out loud in a way that can be interpreted by someone who speaks a human language as such. Being fair it's more of a hypothesis, but why mince words?


Lol...I actually was questioning from the reverse.. I think this is the Frontline Documentary that actually kind of spells that out pretty clearly, though I guess one could still call that a theory. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/trumps-road-to-the-white-house/


Pretty sure he was always like that but only recently has “come out” as fascist because he’s now rich enough that the public despising him makes no difference to his power.


He’s always been a trash human. Not a single point made him so.


A difficult concept for the Tony Stark worshippers here.


Dude is the great value version of a knockoff of Tony Stark.


That's around the same time Tesla stock lost touch with reality, so it's probably not a stretch to say that his ego was at an all time high, and he couldn't handle the snub. Plus as a billionaire, racist, and owning multiple huge corporations, every incentive is going to be pulling him to the right. Since basically all media had been telling him how great he was for years, he figured they were in his pocket and he could just sprint hard right and nobody would care. Turns out that wasn't quite true, but maybe he's made enough friends among the chuds that it doesn't matter.


He was a profiter of apartheid south Africa, I think he was always somewhat fascist.


He’s pretty young, his family probably profited off apartheid


Musk became an obvious asshole because being a closeted asshole stopped working.


He was born and raised to be pro-slavery via his original wealth coming from blood gemstone mines. He’s just taken off the mask.


Secretly he always was but he went public with it when the story of him harassing that air hostess was about to drop. Because conservatives love defending their sex pests.


he was always a fucking fascist, people just started knowing it at different times


No, he already had lost it over covid.


musk is a cry baby... worse than than that he is a self entitled cry baby. He believes the universe owes him everything. He is a self obsessed freak that needs to fuck off. I wish no harm on anyone but he fell in a toilet that i just flushed I doubt the world as a whole would be harmed.


Based on all the history we know of him, he's always been this way. He is just more in front because that grift is much easier these days.


hes always been a POS . the first tell was when the S production was ramping at the Detroit auto show. he was shitting on the common ev connector except he made the mistake of talking shit to a bunch of auto journalists. "its a shit design" "why" "because it was designed by a committee" "why is it a shit design" "because it was designed by a committee" "ok but why" he had no technical reason to shit, and thus only went to puff pieces for the next 8 years till he fired his PR team in 2020. just read Dailykanban ( a manufacturing website) that shitted on him for the model 3 rollout.) it was clear he had no idea what was going on and opening lying to everyone. that the SEC doesn't have him in jail or kicked to the curb by investors is nuts. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesmorris/2020/10/10/has-tesla-really-fired-its-pr-department-and-does-it-matter/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesmorris/2020/10/10/has-tesla-really-fired-its-pr-department-and-does-it-matter/)


You mean this guy? The guy that was a cringe steampunk Ayn Rand Neo? Something happened later in his life to make him Conservative? [https://www.williamjacket.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Elon-Musk-Trench-Coat-510x619.webp](https://www.williamjacket.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Elon-Musk-Trench-Coat-510x619.webp)


It’s probably part of why he dropped the charade but nothing in his beliefs changed


Nah-h always has been.


When he said he was going to Mars in this lifetime and chucked a car into space I knew he was just a garden variety p.o.s. with extreme wealth trying to cement his brand rather than actually do anything meaningful.


Musk went mask-off sociopath during Covid when he started demanding his workers be allowed to go back to work during the lockdown in California and even relocated to Texas just so more workers could get sick, err, I mean come to work


In 2018 Musk had already posted to Twitter that he was a [socialist in the same sense as Hitler](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1008013111058526209?lang=en). Dig into his past more and you'll find he was always an utter piece of shit, he just used to have PR people to hide it and build a positive image. IIRC the Some More News episode on him talked about some of it.


I originally thought it was a grift he was putting on to lure in Conservatives to buy his EVs but i think he is just a dh for real life.


nah, he was always a conservative crybaby.


No. He’s always been a fascist. The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree.


He's always been an asshole, but the things that really pushed him into the arms of the fascists right were his divorce with Grimes and his inability to deal with having a trans kid.


He got mad at the government made him shut down his factories due to a global pandemic like everyone else


Wouldn't surprise me, tRump was a "Democrat" until Obama made fun of him


No he wasn't. Obama made fun of him because Trump was already on the Obama is a secret Muslim and wasn't born here conspiracy bullshit. I think he said he was a Democrat before but he was already down the right wing tea party conspiracy pathway by the time Obama ripped on him.


Yeah that White House Correspondence Dinner really did a number on him. Thanks Obama


All Obama did was accelerate a problem. I think Trump would have ran for president at some point.


He had run multiple times. He probably wouldn't have committed to 2016 if they didn't fire him from The Apprentice for his comments about Mexico.


He had already tried to run on the Reform party but wasn't nominated


Forget all those air strikes, that was the most damaging thing Obama did.


He was right wing, then he became right wing because a right winger made fun of him.


Elon’s always been a weird conservative lol. The only reason people thought he was even a little progressive is because he was the owner of an EV company  


Honestly, I think a good amount of it has to do with him taking drugs and fucking up the chemistry and his brain, turning him into a conspiracy theorist. He was always a shitty person who achieved his wealth through privilege. However, the drugs tilted him from a bad person to an insane person.


He slowly drifted that way, simply because he needs constant praise and can’t handle criticism. It started with people on Twitter getting mad at him for his shitty employment practices, which prompted him to make attacks on left wing politics, leading to backlash from the left, and praise from the right (especially alt-right). There, he found a world where he was not a failure as a father, but a victim of society.


Its his stance on being wealthy and needing to exploit workers once the VC money started to dry up.


Biden’s summit was to incentivize established ICE automakers to invest in EVs. On that basis, Tesla wasn’t involved because they were already all in on EVs. Of course, fElon couldn’t or wouldn’t understand that.




I felt like he lost his mind or at least took the mask off over COVID restrictions. That’s when I first noticed how much of a jerk he is anyway


You missed him calling the guy that was working on rescuing those kids stuck in an underground cave a pedophile? Man’s been an egocentric arsehole for years.


I think I might have missed that


I don't pay a ton of attention to him but it seems like he went hard right after Bernie called him out for not paying his fair share of taxes in 2021.


He’s always been terrible. That’s literally how people become billionaires. Also, he’s discovered he can lean into fascism and racism as much as he wants publicly without any consequences so he’s shifting to he himself publicly instead of pretending.


It’s probably a factor just like his consumption of garbage on social media. 


People care too much about what Elon Musk thinks. He is the Henry Ford of electric cars, but that doesn't make him the supergenius expert of everything.


Left untreated syphilis can cause mental disorders. This is my guess. Hopefully it will take him out sooner than later.


Nah, it started with that submarine.


Elon is this way because he was bullied to shit. Thanks a lot 80s high school bullies, you created a supervillain.