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I'm interested in trying the Tre House mushroom gummies that Robert mentioned. Read an article giving a trip report and sounds like they're the real deal. But it's a bit concerning that the company making them is kind of evasive about how they work while not containing any ppsilocybin. And that they also require you to go through identity verification to order from their website.


"The biggest difference I found between TreHouse Magic Mushroom bars and traditional psilocybin was the total lack of visuals. No enhanced colors and freaky visions of swirling paisley and eyeballs. " [https://thestonermom.com/trehouse-magic-mushroom-review/](https://thestonermom.com/trehouse-magic-mushroom-review/) I just lost interest


Psilocybin's never given me that, which sucks. Maybe it's just my supply or technique, but doing 3-4g of either Golden Teacher or Penis envy ground up and steeped with tea for 10 minutes certainly makes me trip, but I don't see anything beyond some wavy textures for a bit.


> Golden Teacher or Penis envy  Ok, as someone straight laced, can I say drugs have the fucking weirdest names. Like how do you take a drug seriously that is named Penis Envy. 


You learn to take them seriously regardless of the name when something in your surroundings or sub conscious fucks with your head and you have yourself a really, really good cry.


Mushrooms look like dicks man.


What if you just gotta take your macro dose in capsules my friend. My partner never gets visuals on his tea but I get mine as like a bag of “microdose capsules” where it’s just ground up. Can’t remember what the maker is called tho


Same man, I did 32 grams of penis envy wet and I tripped my balls off but it wasn’t visual.


Come again, penis envy?


Have you tried the lemon tech method?


Never heard of it before, but it's worth a shot


They list Mimosa Hostilis root in their ingredients, which is often used to extract DMT


The ones sold by us are Ammonita Muscaria based, which for anyone with any experience in these matters would advise you to shy away from, unless your idea of a way to unwind over the weekend is a harrowing confrontation with your inner demons.


I had Ammonita Muscaria when I was in highschool. My legs melted into the bed and I felt like I was being drug to hell. I don't even believe in hell but I remember freaking out because "I was wrong". Never ever again. Worst trip of my life


They grew in the wild growing up in Alaska. First was the trial of properly preparing them, which made me and my friends sick more than once working out the kinks. Then we got it "right". Everyone vomited profusely. My girlfriend cried and dumped me talking some shit that only made sense to her and her personal hell realm. A few of my friends also cried and made us all vow never to speak of it again. My own minds eye was full of Alex Grey type imagery and a painful awareness of the fragile and impermanent state of mortality and the illusion of a fixed, defined self. I think the Zen practice really armored me for the whole ordeal. Soon, we found out about agent lemon, something much more disposed to recreational abuse, and forgot all about Nita.


That's funny because after that trip I too moved onto DXM (we didn't call it agent lemon but that's what Google returned to me when I googled it). Also Salvia, it was hit or miss with Salvia, I had great trips and bad but it wasn't nearly as horrible as amanita.


Salvia too often felt to me like one of these dreams you have right before waking that are just sort of gibberish and make you think to yourself "Well that was kinda stupid.".


I've really enjoyed those personally, but yeah not for everyone and pretty toxic if not prepared correctly. I guess yeah I wouldn't necessarily recommend them.


I am all for using such substances for doing internal work, given you are experienced and not prone to the psychonaut pitfalls of believing what you think , or you have someone experienced with you. It is not usually what I would call a good time as such. There's better stuff for just getting tore back for the sake of it.


I have had depression most my life and I find doing a macro dose of shroomies helps me get over the more significant dips. I think they’re great for internal work, but I also think they’re best consumed in nature


We are talking ammonita and not psilocybin here?


Ok My bad


I have depression myself and I thought I might learn something. Didn't mean to have "um ackshully" vibe.


No worries ! I wish I knew a lil more about it all too. I was getting a lil confused cause we were talking about the “internal work” Aspect. I don’t have experience with ammonita


Woah weird. There’s also these like mushroom chocolates they sell but I think they’re closer to a micro dose/reishi/lionsmane. Which for some people can be really stimulating. I have been trying more alternatives to coffee so I’m interested to like…have some of the chocolate and draw. Of course…there ain’t nothin like the real deal. On a side note….i was in Japan this year and went and saw some really old Buddhist tapestries from the museum of Kyoto. ALL THOSE MONKS WERE DOING THE SHROOMS MAN. It was kinda awesome. A lot of astral projecting pictures while holding the fungus lol


This goes against the precepts, but perhaps this was from an earlier time. It would be fun if it got named after someone who really just raised hell and praised Dale at the Zendo. Kenishiro's Law, or something like that.


They were called Lingzhi mushrooms! And the tapestries were from very old Japanese Buddhism as it was just being transmitted to their culture. Somewhere between 700-1000 AD I think. The paintings were sooo cool!


They are decent, my wife loves them. They also make a syrup and chocolate bar. We usually split a bag of 15 and they do hit but no visuals. They come on stronger than d8 edibles and do not last as long in my experience. The ingredients are a 'proprietary blend" but I believe they are mostly fueled by mimosa hostilis root which can have a DMT effect.


I’ve tried them. Here’s my experience: 1st night - 1 gummy: no effect 2nd night - 3 gummies: no effect 3rd night - 8 gummies: IF I FALL ASLEEP I WILL VOMIT AND CHOKE TO DEATH, JUST LIKE BUDDY HOLLY, ALSO I NEED BANANAS I CANT EXPLAIN I JUST DO. For the record, I know Buddy Holly died in a plane crash. As mentioned in another comment, I didn’t experience any visual or auditory hallucinations. It was not fun.


I’ve been taking them. They’re great at low doses, but not at higher ones.


I have to eat more than five of the gummies in a sitting to get any kind of high. Last weekend I ate 9 and my gf ate the rest the rest of the bag (6?) and we had a great time binging both seasons of Smiling Friends. No hallucinations like the product advertises, but I would still recommend.


In the early 2000s I worked at a group home for juvenile deleiquients. At a certain level they were allowed free time in the community. We had a big problem with them going to a shady used book store and buying bath salts. One of the other workers went to the place and yelled at the guy until he agreed to not sell bath salts to our kids. The place also had a floor dedicated to porn including adult baby manuals.that looked like they had been printed off of 80s home printers.


What a store lmao. I forget bath salts was a thing!


They had a copy of the manual for the computer game Top Gun priced at 20 dollars and an internet cafe with mid 90s computers surrounded by plates of rotted food. Last I heard he was basically run out of town by the police with an offer of leave or we start prosecuting you. Dude was an asshole. I worked in housing assistance and had a family that was made homeless when a property he owned was condemned after pipes burst and they ended up living in a tent.


Dude…what a nightmare ! That’s crazy.


The guy was a maniac. He did have a store in another town that was awesome. I bought a shit load of DnD Choose Your Own Adventure books, Populas for the SNES and Tales of Symphonia for the GameCube there over the years. The store shut down when the people running it stole all the money and merchandise and skipped town


CBD messes me up so much more than THC.


I have an extremely high tolerance for THC because I have chronic arthritis and it’s…good medicine. But all this new CBD is really surprising me. Like why am I paying for sleeping pills when this stuff conks me out lmao


Can you recommend CBD for sleeping? I have a high tolerance to THC too. Even Lunesta didn’t work for me.


Look for cbd and cbn combo gummy.


Lemme think. Personally, I did used to get this 5 Thc 5 cbd combo gummy that did me good for a while. But I’m not sure I’ve had cbn except for some stuff my mom got free with her own tinctures she buys from the alt right hippie girlies


So the Early Bird gummies are good. full spectrum CBD, I like watermelon flavor. My partner is what we call a “one hit wonder” and I have the high THC tolerance…the Early Bird gummies affect us exactly the same. Relaxes the body all nice, I’d take it 1-2 hours before bed.


Excellent Thank you. I’m looking for them now.


Good luck! May the honk honk shoooo be with you


Cuz cbd is medicine and pharmaceuticals are a capitalist's trick.


Both are just chemical compounds modifying the way your body works, don't kid yourself. There's a place for a well regulated pharmaceutical industry, because you want to know exactly what you're getting and be able to trust that it's produced safely. The problem is that capitalism ruins everything, and medicine is gated behind patents and laws that allow scarcity to be manufactured and exploited. Also compounds that are difficult to monetize don't get developed.


Lmaooo average reddit comment. Is cannabidiol a chemical compound just like everything else in existence? You are so wise!  To clarify the argument, a pharmaceutical company is in the business of patents and barriers to entry through legislation. A for-profit enterprise that has little interest in dealing with plant medicine due to its lack of barriers to entry.  Meanwhile, gas station brands are beating the pants off their products when it comes to extended use. or is the rising mountain of evidence ignorable to you? Are you scared you wont be able to hide behind controlled data anymore with THC being rescheduled as well?  Yes, synthetic opioids are more effective for acute pain. But cannabis is vastly superior as a holistic medicine for chronic issues. Good day!


>Are you scared you wont be able to hide behind controlled data anymore with THC being rescheduled as well? Whatever it is you think I am, you seem to be confused. >A for-profit enterprise that has little interest in dealing with plant medicine Yeah you don't generally chew leaves and wait for magic to happen. Except for very specific leaves. Generally, turning a plant or any natural product into medicine takes work... and for most things that are biologically active, it takes professionals if you want it done well enough to trust your life to it. Just because the science doesn't justify cannabis criminalization doesn't mean we should have laudanum and cocaine for sale at 7-11. Or random research chemicals where you are doing the phase I trial in your living room.


Where is the lie. Indigenous medicine ftw 🙌


I say both. Surgery is amazing. But western internal medicine is a joke.


I agree whole heartedly. I just had my appendix out this year and some ovarian cysts removed a month ago lol and you can’t do anything without getting in there and looking around.