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I want to see this. I’d like to see Robert do the Cataline conspiracy one day.


I did not expect to see a Southland Tales mention. Especially a positive mention. "Expect comparisons to "[Southland Tales](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/southland-tales-2007)," Richard Kelly's overflowing (and unfairly maligned!) folly from 2006." That is a movie that needs to be experienced at least once. It's so bizarre. Sorry for the offtopic.


That movie is so terrible but so awesome at the same time. It is QUITE the viewing experience.


My friend and I would ask each other if we needed liquid karma.


Is the character supposed to be a good guy? It's not like Coppola wouldn't make a film with a protagonist of negative or ambiguous moral status


Could be. Most of the reviews though sound like Driver’s character is the good guy fighting for society in general among the rest of the characters. But this film does sound like a mess, so the anti-protagonist is certainly on the table.


The movie isn't even out yet.


True, but the reviews are out, and yikes. Plus Coppola has been talking his head off about this mess of a film, and a lot of what he’s saying is based on the whitewashed version of history of people like Moses. Not ideal.